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Unraveling the War Within Story Through Datamining

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We've uncovered portions of the War Within story through datamining! The post obviously contains spoilers so proceed at your own risk!

The cutscene and cinematic text is in no particular order here.

In-Game Cinematic Movie (IGC):

  • Title: 11.0 [MAG] - Magni's Sacrifice

Scene Description:

  1. Magni sacrifices his infused crystalline energies to cleanse the void corruption of the earthen within the awakening chamber.
  2. In the aftermath, he appears as a lifeless statue.
  3. Moments later, the shell breaks.
  4. We see he is restored to being flesh and bone again.
  5. Reunited with his daughter and grandson, he greets the first earthen to awaken from the machine.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 Z5 - Level Up - Chapter One RTC

Scene Description:

  1. The player witnesses the City of Threads for the first time.
  2. Orweyna warns the player off, telling them that they have no hope of infiltrating the city.
  3. "If Alleria and Anduin are there, then they are lost."
  4. Orweyna departs, leaving the player alone.
  5. Behind them, a small spider-creature rings a bell, attracting their attention.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [SRA] The Stormriders Arrive

Scene Description:

  1. Queensguard Zirix begins to call another swarm to the beach.
  2. Magni and his allies brace themselves for one final stand.
  3. Suddenly, Baelgrim and the stormriders appear and attack Zirix. Zirix and the nerubians burrow away, retreating.
  4. Baelgrim is astonished to see Magni and begins to interrogate him about his presence here.
  5. There is a massive explosion in the distance towards Dornogal, their city.

Timeline Scene (TLS):

  • Title: 11.0 [TMP] Brinthe confronts Speaker

Scene Description:

  1. High Speaker Activates Boss.

In-Game Cinematic (IGC):

  • Title: 11.0 [AXW] Alleria and Xal at the Waterfall

Scene Description:

  1. With an army of nerubian soldiers closing in on them, our heroes' only hope for escape is to jump from the city's edge into the waters deep below.
  2. Anduin and the player jump first, but Alleria hesitates when Xal'atath shows herself.
  3. Xal'atath attempts to convince Alleria to embrace the dark path.
  4. Alleria hesitates for a moment but quickly rejects her, escaping off the cliffside into the waters with the others.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 RTC ASC: Airship Tangled Up

Scene Description:

  1. The airship descends into Azj-kahet.
  2. The airship gets caught in the nerubian webs, coming to an abrupt halt and immediately beset by nerubian forces.
  3. Alleria and Faerin fight off the nerubians, but the lead nerubian boards the deck, readying an attack on Alleria.
  4. Suddenly, a vine/root/etc whips out, sending the nerubian flying.
  5. Alleria whips her head around to see Orwena off to the side, helping defend the ship.

Advanced Real-Time Cutscene (ARTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [AIL] Anduin is Lost

Scene Description:

  1. Faerin, Alleria, and the player climb the ladder to the ship, only to see that Anduin has been left behind.
  2. Anduin sees the nerubians preparing a ballista that would take out the airship.
  3. He finds his resolve and jumps into the fray to stop them.
  4. Faerin, Alleria, and the player watch in horror as Anduin is enveloped by the horde of nerubians.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [SCA] Baelgrim's Sacrifice

Scene Description:

  1. The fuses have been sabotaged. The kegs cannot be lit.
  2. Baelgrim knows he must do this himself.
  3. ADelgonn attempts to stop him, but he does not listen.
  4. Baelgrim rushes in on his stormrook and smashes the barrels.
  5. The cinderbrew ignites from the massive blast of lightning.
  6. The entire meadyard explodes, killing both Zirix and Baelgrim.

Advanced Real-Time Cutscene (ARTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [TCC] - The Crystal Changes

Scene Description:

  1. Just after Faerin and Great Kyron light the dawntower, Beledar shifts from light to void, and Hallowfall darkens.
  2. Faerin explains to Anduin that this is normal. The Arathi know what to do until it changes back.
  3. Alleria hears whispers from Xala'tath, telling her to look for Xala'tath deeper in the darkness.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [TFH] Tour of Foundation Hall

Scene Description:

  1. Merrix and Baelgrim discuss the dire situation.
  2. The camera shows off the glory of the Foundation Hall, ending on four council seats, one of which is empty.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [BAA] Baelgrim and Adelgonn

Scene Description:

  1. Baelgrim leads Moira to Freywold.
  2. They are introduced to Adelgonn, the former Stoneward, whom Baelgrim hasn't seen in thousands of years.
  3. It is a tense meeting that Moira must defuse.

Animated Real-Time Cutscene (ARTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [ALR] - Anduin's Light Reluctance

Scene Description:

  1. The Summoning ritual still succeeds, and a massive monster spawns, then attacks the player and Faerin.
  2. Anduin looks at his hand; he wants to call on the Light, he wants to help... but he just can't.
  3. Anduin roars in frustration and attacks the monster with his blade.
  4. The player and Faerin recover, and the battle begins...

Animated Real-Time Cutscene (ARTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [HFR] - Holy Flame Renewed

Scene Description:

  1. Faerin begins the ritual to restore the Light, but looks back at Anduin. She's seen him struggle.
  2. She extends a hand. He refuses, but she insists.
  3. Finally, he accepts and joins in the ritual.
  4. Faerin tells Anduin to relax, breathe, let it all go. Be here in the Light.
  5. The Light begins to trickle and the ritual completes.

Advanced Real-Time Cutscene (ARTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [FRS] Faerin's Rallying Speech

Scene Description:

  1. Beledar remains in Shadow.
  2. Steelstrike tells the Arathi to fall back.
  3. Faerin says no. She insists the Arathi should bring their light into the darkness.
  4. She leads Steelstrike and the Arathi in the Lamplighter ritual.
  5. They turn the Eternal Flame back to the light, and Beledar shifts back to the Light.
  6. The Arathi are safe.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 Prologue Summary

Scene Description:

  1. Beckoned by the World Soul, our heroes have traveled to Khaz Algar by way of Dalaran.
  2. To their horror, it is revealed Xalatath snuck aboard and launches an all-out assault on Dalaran as soon as they arrive.
  3. Dalaran is torn to shreds, crashing into the beach of Khaz Algar.
  4. Many are dead or wounded, and Khadgar is nowhere to be found.

Timeline Scene:

  • Title: 11.0 Z2 - Meeting The High Speaker

Scene Description:

  1. The High Speaker arrives just as Magni, Moira, and Dagran exit the Coreway.
  2. A tense introduction is made between the two parties by Speaker Brinthe.
  3. The High Speaker is pompous and self-serving.
  4. The party exits Ironhaul Station and moves towards Gundargaz.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [MDD] Magni Defends Dagran

Scene Description:

  1. Magni and Dagran enter an earthen's home in Tealloch and find an abomination!
  2. We witness the final stage of a corrupted earthen transforming into a monstrous skardyn.
  3. The commotion triggers an outbreak of skardyn in Taelloch.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [TMP] - Candle King Ambush at Dungeon Entrance

Scene Description:

  1. As the player opens the gate barring access to the dungeon, the Candle King bursts out, slamming the player back and stunning them.
  2. He monologues and pelts the player with a kobold minion to establish evil cred and threat.
  3. Candle King dismissively orders Sootsnout to deal with the player as he returns to the dungeon.
  4. Sootsnout summons a fire elemental quest boss, cackles, retreats into the dungeon, and seals it afterward with a flame wall.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [TTS] Thrall and the Stormrooks

Scene Description:

  1. Thrall and Olbarig encourage Lufsela to give it all she's got.
  2. Lufsela struggles and then has her epiphany moment.
  3. A great crash of lightning blows out the screen.
  4. When the light fades, the hostile elementals are gone, replaced by a new generation of stormrooks.
  5. Earthen pilgrims emerge from the nearby cave in awe.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [EUF] Earthen Unification Finale

Scene Description:

  1. Merrix and Adelgonn agree to commit the earthen to the war.
  2. Adelgonn smashes the titan console to officially break the edicts.
  3. Celebration cuts short as klaxons ring out across the isle.
  4. A huge titan construct rises from the sea and heads toward shore.
  5. The titans don't take kindly to disobedience...

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 Raid [TSD] The Spider Drop

Scene Description:

  1. The players defeat the first raid boss.
  2. From a platform above, the Queen orders her troops to cut the web, dropping the platform the players are on.
  3. The webs snap and everyone falls.
  4. The players land in the slime pit below.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 Z2 - Brinthe Becomes High Speaker

Scene Description:

  1. Moira, Magni, and Dagran suggest Brinthe should become the new High Speaker now that Eirich has been deposed.
  2. Brinthe initially is doubtful, but Moira convinces her that she has earned the right to lead her people.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [CRW] Coreway Restored

Scene Description:

  1. Slow circling view of the Coreway being restored.
  2. There is a burst of light and triumphant music.
  3. When the light fades, the Coreway has been fixed.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [TFA] The Fleets Arrive

Scene Description:

  1. From over the horizon, ships approach.
  2. The combined might of the Alliance and Horde navies sail into the bay and come to a stop.
  3. Leading the armada, Jaina and Thrall stand confidently on deck.

Animated 2.5D Cinematic:

  • Title: 11.0 Z5 - Max Level - Chapter 2

Scene Description:

  1. The player sees Queen Ansurek betraying her mother Neferess.

In-Game Cinematic:

  • Title: Xal'atath Assumes Control

Scene Description:

  1. The player is stopped before they can destroy the final shackle.
  2. Xal'atath assumes control of Y'tekhi, enraging them through the black blood in their system.
  3. Lilian grabs the player and the two try to escape on her bat.
  4. Just as they think they're safe, Y'tekhi tears them out of the sky, into the city below.

Gameplay Event:

  • Title: Blow Up The Convoy
  • Chapter: 11.0 Z5 - Max Level - Chapter 2

Scene Description:

  1. The player watches as the bombs they've placed go off one by one.
  2. The siege convoy is destroyed, buying everyone more time.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [ADF] - Arathi Tower turns to dark Fire

Scene Description:

  1. We zoom into the tower. Its light has been replaced with a shadowy flame.
  2. Around it are Order of Night cultists, channeling the shadows.
  3. Suddenly, an arrow strikes. Alleria appears.
  4. The cultists scatter, but the leader, Aelric, locks eyes with Alleria.
  5. The shadows have spoken of her.
  6. Alleria threatens him, but he flees.
  7. She turns her bow to the remaining cultists...

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 Z5 - Level Up - Chapter 2 [ZKR]

Scene Description:

  1. Zev'kall, the Ascended general of the nerubian military, berates underlings for failing to keep the prisoners who escaped.
  2. To avoid word of this failure spreading, he executes the underlings.
  3. Then Zev'kall leaves for Siegehold.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [EPE] - Earthen Player Exposition

Scene Description:

  1. THE PLAYER disk gets selected from the many disks.
  2. The awakening process fully begins.
  3. AURORA and FOREMAN UZJAX begin to walk to where the player awaken stage.
  4. The Player character stands before Aurora and Foreman Uzjax and opens their eyes.

Animated Real-Time Cutscene (ARTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [WTW] - Whisper on the Wall

Scene Description:

  • Cutscene plays.

In-game Cinematic Movie:

  • Title: 11.0 [XEF] - Xal'atath Endgame Finale

Scene Description:

  • Cutscene plays.

Advanced Real-Time Cutscene (ARTC):

  • Title: 11.0 [QAD] Queen Ansurek's Demise

Scene Description:

  1. Queen Ansurek experiences a vision from Xal'atath in her dying moments at the end of the raid.

Real-Time Cutscene (RTC):

  • Title: 11.0 RTC [TSD] The Spider Drop

Scene Description:

  1. The players defeat the first raid boss.
  2. From a platform above, the queen orders her troops to cut the web.
  3. The platform the players are on is targeted.
  4. The webs snap and the players fall.

I've tried to rerarrange the scenes to provide a coherent and progressive storytelling experience, but the order may not be correct as we're missing a lot of context, and there are some generic cutscenes like the earthen allied race one, and so forth.

11.0 Prologue Summary

  • Our heroes travel to Khaz Algar by way of Dalaran.
  • To their horror, it is revealed Xalatath snuck aboard and launches an all-out assault on Dalaran as soon as they arrive.
  • Dalaran is torn to shreds, crashing into the beach of Khaz Algar.
  • Many are dead or wounded, and Khadgar is nowhere to be found.

11.0 [BAA] Baelgrim and Adelgonn

  • Baelgrim leads Moira to Freywold.
  • They are introduced to Adelgonn, the former Stoneward, whom Baelgrim hasn't seen in thousands of years.
  • It is a tense meeting that Moira must defuse.

11.0 [SCA] Baelgrim's Sacrifice (this happens in the first zone, based on alpha testing)

  • The fuses have been sabotaged. The kegs cannot be lit.
  • Baelgrim knows he must do this himself.
  • ADelgonn attempts to stop him, but he does not listen.
  • Baelgrim rushes in on his stormrook and smashes the barrels.
  • The cinderbrew ignites from the massive blast of lightning.
  • The entire meadyard explodes, killing both Zirix and Baelgrim.

11.0 [MAG] - Magni's Sacrifice

  • Magni sacrifices his infused crystalline energies to cleanse the void corruption of the earthen within the awakening chamber.
  • In the aftermath, he appears as a lifeless statue.
  • Moments later, the shell breaks.
  • We see he is restored to being flesh and bone again.
  • Reunited with his daughter and grandson, he greets the first earthen to awaken from the machine.

11.0 Z5 - Level Up - Chapter One RTC

  • The player witnesses the City of Threads for the first time.
  • Orweyna warns the player off, telling them that they have no hope of infiltrating the city.
  • "If Alleria and Anduin are there, then they are lost."
  • Orweyna departs, leaving the player alone.
  • Behind them, a small spider-creature rings a bell, attracting their attention.

11.0 [TFH] Tour of Foundation Hall

  • Merrix and Baelgrim discuss the dire situation.
  • The camera shows off the glory of the Foundation Hall, ending on four council seats, one of which is empty.

11.0 Z2 - Meeting The High Speaker

  • The High Speaker arrives just as Magni, Moira, and Dagran exit the Coreway.
  • A tense introduction is made between the two parties by Speaker Brinthe.
  • The High Speaker is pompous and self-serving.
  • The party exits Ironhaul Station and moves towards Gundargaz.

11.0 Z5 - Max Level - Chapter 2

  • The player sees Queen Ansurek betraying her mother Neferess.

11.0 [EPE] - Earthen Player Exposition

  • THE PLAYER disk gets selected from the many disks.
  • The awakening process fully begins.
  • AURORA and FOREMAN UZJAX begin to walk to where the player awaken stage.
  • The Player character stands before Aurora and Foreman Uzjax and opens their eyes.

11.0 [AXW] Alleria and Xal at the Waterfall

  • With an army of nerubian soldiers closing in on them, our heroes' only hope for escape is to jump from the city's edge into the waters deep below.
  • Anduin and the player jump first, but Alleria hesitates when Xal'atath shows herself.
  • Xal'atath attempts to convince Alleria to embrace the dark path.
  • Alleria hesitates for a moment but quickly rejects her, escaping off the cliffside into the waters with the others.

11.0 RTC ASC: Airship Tangled Up

  • The airship descends into Azj-kahet.
  • The airship gets caught in the nerubian webs, coming to an abrupt halt and immediately beset by nerubian forces.
  • Alleria and Faerin fight off the nerubians, but the lead nerubian boards the deck, readying an attack on Alleria.
  • Suddenly, a vine/root/etc whips out, sending the nerubian flying.
  • Alleria whips her head around to see Orwena off to the side, helping defend the ship.

11.0 [AIL] - Anduin is Lost

  • Faerin, Alleria, and the player climb the ladder to the ship, only to see that Anduin has been left behind.
  • Anduin sees the nerubians preparing a ballista that would take out the airship.
  • He finds his resolve and jumps into the fray to stop them.
  • Faerin, Alleria, and the player watch in horror as Anduin is enveloped by the horde of nerubians.

11.0 [TCC] - The Crystal Changes

  • Just after Faerin and Great Kyron light the dawntower, Beledar shifts from light to void, and Hallowfall darkens.
  • Faerin explains to Anduin that this is normal. The Arathi know what to do until it changes back.
  • Alleria hears whispers from Xala'tath, telling her to look for Xala'tath deeper in the darkness.

11.0 [HFR] - Holy Flame Renewed

  • Faerin begins the ritual to restore the Light, but looks back at Anduin. She's seen him struggle.
  • She extends a hand. He refuses, but she insists.
  • Finally, he accepts and joins in the ritual.
  • Faerin tells Anduin to relax, breathe, let it all go. Be here in the Light.
  • The Light begins to trickle and the ritual completes.

11.0 [FRS] Faerin's Rallying Speech

  • Beledar remains in Shadow.
  • Steelstrike tells the Arathi to fall back.
  • Faerin says no. She insists the Arathi should bring their light into the darkness.
  • She leads Steelstrike and the Arathi in the Lamplighter ritual.
  • They turn the Eternal Flame back to the light, and Beledar shifts back to the Light.
  • The Arathi are safe.

11.0 [TFA] The Fleets Arrive

  • From over the horizon, ships approach.
  • The combined might of the Alliance and Horde navies sail into the bay and come to a stop.
  • Leading the armada, Jaina and Thrall stand confidently on deck.

11.0 [ADF] - Arathi Tower turns to dark Fire

  • We zoom into the tower. Its light has been replaced with a shadowy flame.
  • Around it are Order of Night cultists, channeling the shadows.
  • Suddenly, an arrow strikes. Alleria appears.
  • The cultists scatter, but the leader, Aelric, locks eyes with Alleria.
  • The shadows have spoken of her.
  • Alleria threatens him, but he flees.
  • She turns her bow to the remaining cultists...

11.0 Z5 - Level Up - Chapter 2 [ZKR]

  • Zev'kall, the Ascended general of the nerubian military, berates underlings for failing to keep the prisoners who escaped.
  • To avoid word of this failure spreading, he executes the underlings.
  • Then Zev'kall leaves for Siegehold.

11.0 [EUF] Earthen Unification Finale

  • Merrix and Adelgonn agree to commit the earthen to the war.
  • Adelgonn smashes the titan console to officially break the edicts.
  • Celebration cuts short as klaxons ring out across the isle.
  • A huge titan construct rises from the sea and heads toward shore.
  • The titans don't take kindly to disobedience...

11.0 Raid [TSD] The Spider Drop

  • The players defeat the first raid boss.
  • From a platform above, the Queen orders her troops to cut the web, dropping the platform the players are on.
  • The webs snap and everyone falls.
  • The players land in the slime pit below.

Xal'atath Assumes Control

  • The player is stopped before they can destroy the final shackle.
  • Xal'atath assumes control of Y'tekhi, enraging them through the black blood in their system.
  • Lilian grabs the player and the two try to escape on her bat.
  • Just as they think they're safe, Y'tekhi tears them out of the sky, into the city below.

11.0 [XEF] - Xal'atath Endgame Finale

  • Cutscene plays.

11.0 [QAD] Queen Ansurek's Demise

  • Queen Ansurek experiences a vision from Xal'atath in her dying moments at the end of the raid.
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4 hours ago, Melcahia said:

stop doing this, spoiling the surprise

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your thoughts. We understand the importance of keeping the surprise intact for fans and always aim to respect that. We include spoiler warnings to give our readers a heads-up so they can choose to continue reading or not. We appreciate your feedback and will keep it in mind as we continue to improve how we share content. Thanks again for your input!

  • Thanks 1

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I appreciate this post and please continue. I’m especially concerned about Khadgar. Thank you for the updates!

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      MoP Remix characters that will transfer over to retail will receive a gear boost!
      With Patch 11.0.2 now live on Public Test Realms, you can copy over MoP Remix characters from retail! It appears all MoP Remix characters will receive a character boost so you can dive straight into action when the War Within expansion launches.

      We can't unfortunately log in to the game with the MoP Remix char on the PTR so we can't confirm the Item Level of gear for max level characters. However, keep in mind that the gear boost will scale with your level, so if you're below max cap, you will receive gear appropriate to your current level.
      When Can We Expect MoP Remix Characters to Transfer to Retail?
      MoP Remix ends on August 19, so we assume the characters will need to be transferred to retail by August 22 when Early Access begins.
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