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Normal Tier 14 Warlock Style

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In this thread, much like I did with Dragon Soul, I'll be posting my findings in how us Warlocks can help our team down bosses faster and in style. Other tips, recommendations, and strategies are always welcome as no two teams do things exactly the same way.

Stone Guard

Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Dark Regeneration, Mortal Coil, Soul Link, Unbound Will, Grim of Sac, Kil'jaeden's Cunning

Preferred Glyphs: Soul Shards, Siphon Life

Your strategy here will depend on which 3 dogs are up (10 man) or will be unchanged each week (25 man). Affliction is king here because of its superior two target DPS capabilities. At all times, two dogs will be active. Maintain DoTs on both and perform your single target DPS rotation on one of them. Start the fight by applying Curse of Elements to each one so you don't waste time later.

The talent selection I picked out is to assist your healers when things get rough. Dark Regeneration will allow a healer to top you off super easy, you can heal 15% of your max HP at any time with Mortal Coil (45 sec CD!), and Soul Link provides you an additional 20% HP which increases the healing you receive from Mortal Coil, Dark Regeneration, and your Healthstone. There is constant damage happening in this fight and anything you can do to keep yourself topped off and directing heals to your commrades will be a thankless job, but you'll be driving the success of your raid group. Unbound Will provides no benefit here, but neither does any of your other tier 4 talents. Grim of Sacrifice is obvious, and Kil'jaeden's Cunning will provide you the ability to apply Unstable Affliction or channel Malefic Grasp while moving. I prefer NOT to use the actual ability while moving and applying Unstable Affliction as it only increases the cast time by a second which is worth the convenience of moving and casting. Try not to channel MG while moving unless you use the ability. Remember, it only lasts 6 seconds, and you will be unable to move and cast while the ability is on cooldown. When you're applying a DoT or channeling MG and an Amaethyst Pool or Cobalt Mine spawns on you, you won't break your DPS by moving out of the dangerous stuff.

Feng the Accursed

Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Mortal Coil, Dark Bargain, Unbound Will, Grim of Sac, Archimode's Vengeance

Preferred Glyphs: Soul Shards

Feng is pretty basic. No adds, no target switching...just you, your DoTs, and Feng.

During Phase 1, don't get hit by the lightning ground effect and stack neatly for Epicenter depending on where your raid leader wants you. If you are running DBM timers, make sure that you reapply all of your DoTs prior to Epicenter because he will hit you with a debuff reducing your chance to hit by 75% during the channeled attack. However, if you are under the effect of the Nullification Barrier, you will NOT suffer this debuff and can attack freely. During Nullficiation Barrier Epicenters, you should continue to DPS as normal. During non-Nullification Barrier Epicenters, you should use various defensive cooldowns to alleviate healing needed to yourself. Soul Leech provides consistent incoming heals while Mortal Coil can be used for every single non-Nullification Barrier Epicenter due to its 45 second CD. I've not seen whether or not the heal happens even if it misses, so confirmation on that would be awesome. Unending Resolve is very beneficial, as is Dark Bargain. Dark Bargain works out really well here as you'll be completely invulnerable to the entire Epicenter but will take 50% of the damage you would have taken during that time over 8 seconds upon DB's effect ending. Make sure you whisper a healer pre-fight and let him know you'll require light touching up when no other damage is going out.

During Phase 2, stack with your raid and run out if you get the fire debuff. Nothing special to do here...just DPS, use defensive CDs as needed, and don't stand in fire.

During Phase 3, you'll need to find a place close to the boss but not within 6-8 yards of anyone around you. If you get Arcane Resonance, you NEED to make sure you are not hitting anyone else. When Arcane Velocity happens and your group stacks, you need to NOT go in with the debuff. As a ranged DPS, be prepared to get this debuff every time. Depending on your raid's strategy, you will either remain a short distance from the boss or stack during Velocity. If you stack, do not use any CDs...the healers should have you with relative ease. If the group stacks and you have Arcane Resonance, you will need to use a CD to survive the increased damage due to being away from the boss and having the debuff. Unending Resolve, a Healthstone, and Mortal Coil take care of you pretty darn well. Soul Leech will provide massive healing during execute phase with 20% of the damage from Haunt and Drain Soul healing you (I peaked to about 15k HPS during execute).


Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Mortal Coil, Dark Bargain, Unbound Will, Grim of Sac, Archimode's Vengeance

Preferred Glyphs: Soul Shards, Siphon Life, Drain Soul

Depending on your raid leader's strategy, you'll have one of two jobs. You'll either stay out and DPS Gara'jal like a boss pretending he's a training dummy, or your raid leader will be smart and assign you to the Shadow Realm. If your raid leader is clueless as to who to send into the Shadow Realm, volunteer.

If you are NOT assigned to go to the Shadow Realm, consider recommending the strategy listed below. Otherwise, simply perform your single target rotation on the boss and be prepared to be the backup to go into the Shadow Realm as called upon.

If you ARE assigned to go to the Shadow Realm, get ready for one of the most fun, active, Warlock-designed fights you've ever seen in WoW. First thing to note: if you are assigned to go to the Shadow Realm and you get the Voodoo Doll debuff, you'll need to alert your raid that someone will need to fill in for you. As long as you do not have Voodoo Doll, you should be going in to each Shadow Realm phase.

About 30 seconds into the fight, Gara'jal will summon a Totem that pulses with purple effects around it. Run to it with your assigned healer and DPS friend and DPS down the totem. Make sure you save your Soul Shards. My teammate last night was an alternating Frost Mage and Shadow Priest. When the totem dies, you'll be reduces to 30% of your HP...don't worry about that. Start using your Soulburn: Soul Swap macro to DoT up as many of the adds as you can see. When you've used your last Soul Shard, channel Malefic Grasp once and then Drain Soul. When the add you are killing dies, you'll be healed for a lot (Glyph of Drain Soul), and you'll get your 4 shards back. Use 3 of these to DoT up 3 more targets and use your Extra Action Button (activated when your healer heals you to 100%) to return to the normal phase. By the time you get out to the normal phase, Gara'jal will have summoned another totem. Your job when you pop out is to reapply DoTs to Gara'jal by casting each one twice in succession and get back on the totem and DPS it down. What I mean here is do the following: Unstable Affliction, Unstable Affliction, Corruption, Corruption, Agony, Agony. Due to Pandemic, this will vastly increase the duration of each DoT on Gara'jal while you are down in the Shadow Realm doing the dirty work. Repeat this process over and over until the boss hits 25%. At around 30%, you need to do everything you can to get as many of the adds down as you can because post 25%, you won't be able to return to the Shadow Realm. This constitutes the soft enrage. When you come out, you'll be getting Bloodlust, so do what you need to do to do maximum execute DPS.

The reason you need to be going into the Shadow Phase is due to the Spiritual buff you get when you are healed to 100%. You'll receive a buff that will increase your Crit, Haste, Mastery, and damage by a certain percentage (I remember seeing 13% last night). This means when you DoT up your adds, they'll be dying quickly. At least two DPS need to be going down into the Shadow Realm, and with you being one of them, you get to show why Warlocks were designed for this fight. When you pop out of the Shadow Realm and double dip your DoTs on Gara'jal before heading back down, you're applying the BUFFED DoTs to him essentially getting free DPS on the boss while you handle the add phase to perfection. On our first kill, I was at 60k DPS and I know I can improve it with more knowledge of how the fight works.

Other tips: Use Archimode's Vengeance and leave it passive. Not sure on effects of fight, but I wouldn't want to increase the damage taken by friends if the mechanic works that way. Don't use any healing capabilities in Shadow Realm...your healer has the tools and resources to top you off with amazing efficiency due to buffs down there. Use your defensive CDs when linked with Voodoo Doll. This fight IS a DPS race (6 minute enrage) so you should be utilized to your full potential. Have fun and enjoy being the raid's wrecking ball!

Spirit Kings

Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Mortal Coil, Soul Link, Unbound Will, Grim of Sac, Kil'jaeden's Cunning

Preferred Glyphs: Soul Shards, Drain Soul, Siphon Life

No real tricks on this fight. Just avoid the damage as necessary and do your single target rotation. In all honesty, this should have been the first fight...this fight is really really simple. The only Warlock specific trick I have is during Meng's Maddening Shout, have the raid stack up and you use Rain of Fire on everyone. As long as someone else is helping you AoE (Mage Blizzard, Shadow Priest Mind Sear) you should have the group broken out in no time. Channeling Drain Soul as each boss dies replenishes your Soul Shards so don't miss out on that opportunity.


Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Shadowfury, Soul Link, Unbound Will, Grim of Sac, Mannoroth's Fury

Preferred Glyphs: Soul Shards, Siphon Life

This fight is the first that will test your capability to do monster DPS. Affliction is set up nicely on this fight as there are many targets that you can use to do massive DPS.

Phase 1 - Your home for Phase 1 should be right on the outside of the 'bubble' that you stand in for a 50% damage/50% healing buff. If you stand in just the right spot, you can jump to reset your stacks of the stacking debuff. This is critical to maintaining your HP integrity. Find your home and make it your home. Begin the fight by applying Curse of Elements, Dark Soul, 3 DoTs, Haunt, and Malefic Grasp. Burst up to as high as you can and when the add spawns, ignore it for a short period of time. Right before Dark Soul wears off, reapply your 3 DoTs and then switch to the Celestial Defender. Apply DoTs and upon application of Agony, jump and cast Felfire. This serves two purposes; 1) it extends your UA and Corruption 6 seconds, more than enough to not have them wear off as you are Drain Souling to kill it and 2) resets your stacking debuff. Again, your process here should be: reapply DoTs to Elegon before Dark Soul wears off, cast UA, Corruption, and Agony on Celestial Defender then jump and cast Felfire on Celestial Defender. Switch back to Elegon and continue your assault on him. DPS is imperative at this phase and your goal is to assist your raid in getting Elegon to force Phase 2 before he summons his 3rd Celestial Defender. Your goal as Affliction by the time the 2nd add dies should be about 140-150k DPS. You should always have a full set of DoTs ticking on the Celestial Defender while you're DPSing Elegon. Do this and do it well. Use Unending Resolve to lessen the damage you take on one of the Total Annihilation casts. It hurts. Using Soul Link will give you an asinine amount of HP (I was at 530k last night) so alert your healers that you'll take a lesser priority on heals. Siphon Life, Healthstones, and the passive Soul Leech will almost top you off before the next Total Annihilation cast. Yes, we are that OP. Enjoy it.

Phase 2 - Take out your assigned orb, keep DoTs on Elegon. As Affliction, you should not be assigned to an orb alone...instead, you should be a 'floater' allowed to DoT up the 3 on whatever side you're assigned to. Don't forget to reset stacks when able to. Lots of movement, so just keep those DoTs flowing. Your raid should be pushing at LEAST 4 of these orb phases, preferably 5 (you need at least 50% more damage on Elegon here, preferably 60%). The reason we take Mannoroth's Fury here is because of Seed of Corruption. If you Soulburn:Seed of Corruption Elegon right as the orbs are summoned, the seed will explode putting Corruption on all 6 of the orbs. This generates DPS, gives your raid the edge on killing the 4th wave, and gives you an insane amount of additional healing on top of the 6x increased change of generating a Soul Shard. Make sure your SB:SoC is on the boss 1 second before he spawns his orbs.

Phase 3 - Multi-dot the three pylons on your side WHILE YOU ARE STANDING IN THE CENTER. This empowers your DoTs 50% and can obliterate the pylons on the side you're assigne to. And as always, stay out of bad stuff (lightning AoE on ground). When this phase ends and there are adds everywhere, cast 1 Soulburn:Seed of Corruption on one of them, pop it, then Shadowfury the stacked adds. Once you've used Shadowfury, ignore the adds and begin DPSing Elegon again. Other classes have more capability to handle these adds and channeling Rain of Fire is a waste of time, mana, and effort. The SB:SoC should provide many Corruption ticks to proc Nightfall replenishing your Soul Shards...use these to reapply DoTs quickly.

The 2nd "Cycle" of these 3 phases should be performed exactly the same way. When you complete the 2nd cycle, you get to stand in one place, next to the boss, and DPS the crap out of him. Enjoy the 80-100% extra damage taken on top of your 50% damage buff. When you collapse on the boss at the beginning, you should be using Bloodlust...do NOT use Dark Soul here. If the boss isn't dead when Bloodlust wears off, use Dark Soul immediately following Bloodlust. This will essentially give you 30% spell haste for a minute which is more than enough time to finish this dragon. When executing, perform this rotation:

Boss hits 20% & you have 2 Soul Shards: reapply DoTs with Soulburn, cast Haunt, channel Drain Soul. Watch your Soul Shards...when you acquire 2, reapply DoTs, cast Haunt, and Drain Soul. This time when you acquire 2 Soul Shards, use Haunt and go back to Drain Soul. You'll only reapply DoTs every other Haunt now because reapplying them is a waste of a global. The reason you wait for the 2nd Soul Shard to appear is because that indicates your most recent Drain Soul tick...this ensures you're not wasting any channeled time. My Drain Soul was hitting for 800k each tick. Affliction Warlocks have THE best execute in the game. Use it, abuse it, love it, and kill it. Oh, and tell your healers to leave you alone...you'll be doing 45k+ HPS meaning you'll be healing for more than you're taking damage. Seriously. Tell your healers to leave you alone.

Will of the Emperor

Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Shadowfury, Soul Link, Burning Rush, Grim of Sacrifice, Kil'jaeden's Cunning

Preferred Glyphs: Soul Shards, Siphon Life

This is a very simple encounter. As a Warlock, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Once your tanks and melee learn how to dance, then you'll be collecting your coveted helm piece from this loot table. This is how the adds will come out:

Ragex2 = DoT both, focus on one, make sure to use Drain Soul to kill one to replenish shards. Applying DoTs via Soulburn here is a HUGE boost in DPS and is why Affliction Warlocks are the top performing spec on this fight.

Strength = kill

Ragex2 = DoT both, focus on one

Courage = kill (note I suggest Burning Rush. You can bypass using Burning Rush if your portal is set up in the right spot. What I did was set up the Demonic Gate in the middle of the room to one of the locations where the Courage could spawn. If it spawned on the right, then my whole team could use it to get behind the Courage right away. Otherwise, you had to run. Burning Rush uses a trivial amount of health to speed your approach to get behind the Courage add.

Ragex2 + Strength = let your designated melee tank the Strength while you DoT him up. Then DoT up both Rages, focus one, then the other. Rages have a higher priority than Strength for you, so roll those DoTs. Once these 3 adds are down, Titan Gas will fill the room. Find your stack point, pop Dark Soul, trinkets, etc. and DoT both bosses up while focusing one. Maintain empowered DoTs on both being sure to recast before Dark Soul wears off. When Titan Gas dissipates, be prepared to get right back onto the Rages that spawn. Repeat this 4 times and the bosses should be dead (tell your raid leader to use two healers. It shortens the fight dramatically and you can actually bypass the enrage mechanic on the 4th Titan Gas).

Again, here is the pattern of adds and what you should do:

1) 2 Rages - DoT both, kill both (remember to get shards back)

2) 1 Strength - DoT, kill

3) 2 Rages - DoT both, kill both, prepare for Courage spawn

4) Courage - DoT, kill

5) 2 Rages + Strength - DoT Strength then DoT Rages, focus Rages, finish Strength, pop CDs, burn bosses through Titan Gas.

Do this and your raid spot will be secure. Remember to never stand near the Strengths so you don't break your casting by having to move out of the shockwave type slam. Use Shadowfury if a Rage is focusing you. Once an add is stunned, it will switch targets. Use Shadowfury if a Rage is chasing one of your healers. They will notice, and if they don't....remind them who saved their skin =) Good luck!

Imperial Vizier Zor'lok

Preferred Spec: Affliction or Destruction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Shadowfury, Soul Link, Unbound Will, Grim of Sacrifice, Kil'jaeden's Cunning

Preferred Glyphs: Soul Shards (Affliction)

Before the fight begins, to facilitate movement between platforms, you can use your Demonic Gateway to allow super fast traveling of your tanks and other slow raid members. Set it at the base of one set of stairs and it will reach the other set of stairs. Not required, but it does slightly lessen the negligible raid damage.

This fight is pretty straight-forward for us. On the "Discs" platform, don't focus on DPS as much as you focus on dodging the discs. Keep DoTs up full time and use Kil'jaeden's Cunning to channel MG while dodging discs. If KJ isn't up, alternate Life Tap with Fel Flame to come out of a dancing phase with >90% mana. Continue doing this until the boss is at 80% if he picked this platform first or 60% if he picked it 2nd.

For Force and Verve platform, designate or volunteer yourself for the furthest "bubble" that Zor'lok spawns. As a Warlock, you're best suited to move and get into position as you have a plethora of tools at your disposal. When you get to this platform, go to the right of Zor'lok and put your portal down then DPS him from the left. When the third "bubble" spawns, you'll either be close to it or it'll be close to your portal. Commence teleportation if the situation is the latter. To survive the first Force and Verve, use Unending Resolve and rely on Soul Leech to facilitate the healing you receive. If your raid is swimming with Paladins, recommend a Hand of Protection rotation as this damage is purely physical. To survive the second Force and Verve, use your Shadow Bulwark (sacrifice your Voidwalker) ability that increases your HP by 30% for 20 seconds as well as a Healthstone. The Healthstone has synergy with Shadow Bulwark thus increasing the healing it does. This platform should not last more than 2 Force and Verves. Use Dark Soul here to accelerate your damage and the phase all together.

The 3rd platform is the mind control platform. It is very important that you do not take the Shadowfury, Mortal Coil, Blood Fear, or Dark Bargain talents in this fight. If and when your character is mind controlled, he will use all of these abilities at will with extreme prejudice to wipe your raid members. I was flabbergasted to see the effort Blizzard put into the AI during this mind control. On a few attempts, my Warlock popped Dark Bargain preventing any damage, stuns, or interrupts, Shadowfury'd the entire raid, including the tank, and began putting Unstable Affliction on the healers. Make sure you do not use any of these talents. If you're absolutely in love with Dark Bargain or Shadowfury, just make sure when you get to the third platform that you use all of those abilities so that you don't use them on your raid members. Unbound Will is AMAZING here as it will let you use it during mind control. It will not break the mind control, but it WILL decrease your HP by 20% shortening the amount of time your raid has to break you out. Use without hesitation. If you are not mind controlled, you're going to want to Fear a DPS that gets MC'd to interrupt whatever they were about to do. Ele/Resto Shamans tend to push a Hex while MC'd Druids LOVE to Cyclone the tank (yay!). Once you squeeze out a fear, STAY ON THE BOSS. DO NOT DOT UP YOUR MC'D FRIENDS. Unstable Affliction is not something you want your healers dispelling and you can't really do good DPS as Affliction to your MC'd friends without DoTs. Stay on the boss.

Note: If you are Destruction, you have a delightfully quick and easy way to break people out of MC. What you will do is put your Havoc on one person and Chaos Bolt the other. Make sure to let your raid know this so they don't all start hammering away on the MC'd people. A Havoc'd Chaos Bolt will hit both people for about 300k bringing them both down to about 55%. Conflagrate one, then Conflagrate the other (without the glyph, of course) and bam, they're broken out all while the other DPS got to focus the boss. If you are tasked with this or decide to do it, make sure you spend tme on that platform pooling only ONE ember. Note that if you do this method and you are MC'd, you must call out that you need to be focused down. On one attempt, I did hit my Druid healer with a 545k Chaos Bolt. Oops.

During the 2nd phase, everything is the same. This is just a pick it up and burn him phase. Dodging the discs is of utmost importance as well as getting to your bubble during Force and Verve quickly. Use the breaking out of MC tricks. We use Bloodlust on the first Force and Verve, so if your raid group plans that strategy out, pop your Doomguard just prior to that as well as your potion. Drain Soul when you can. Being such a high movement phase, Destruction might when the execute phase as Shadowfury is instant cast and delivers a hard hit.

Log of my first kill: http://www.worldoflo...0/?s=828&e=1385

Note that my silly Warrior melee'd the boss at the beginning of Phase 2 and spent the entire phase dead. We likely would have pushed him over way sooner without his bad play coming out. DoT uptime is important and you can see my numbers slipped up on UA a bit. My guess is during the transition from platforms as well as my extended mind control situation in Phase 2 (no one hit me for 15 seconds = mad raid leader!) kept UA off the boss for a bit.

Blade Lord Ta'yak

Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preffered Talents: Dark Regeneration, Mortal Coil, Soul Link, Burning Rush, Grim of Sacrifice, Archimode's Vengenace

Preffered Glyphs: Healthstone, Soul Shards

This is one of the easiest fights in Mists of Pandaria so far in terms of complexity. To sum it up, it's spread out, stack up, spread out, stack up, dodge tornadoes, run a tornado gauntlet, then run another tornado gauntlet. Get loot. We spent only 8 attempts on this boss getting him on our 9th attempt. There is some bugginess to this fight in the last phase that caused us an unnecessary wipe on our 3rd attempt, so this fight shouldn't require a lot of progression as there is no RNG. Just do the mechanics and you win.

First phase is all about dodging tornadoes and doing the most amount of damage possible. There's really no trick to this. Do your rotation and make sure you have /range 8 up and running so that you don't pick up the nasty DoT from a friend or worse...spread it to someone else if Ta'yak picks you. Stay spread out until about 4 seconds before Unseen Strike happens. At that point, you or your raid leader should call out 'stack on the tanks' and everyone collapses super tight on the tank. The boss will turn invisible then later hit the raid for 3,000,000 split among all targets. When all 10 people are hit, everyone is brought down to about 40% and suffers a mild 10 yard knockback. If anyone is missing from the hit, everyone will get hit much harder (another 35k or so) so make sure you're not the one missing. You can set your teleport somewhere close to where you originally were before the stacking so that you can port out and begin DPS'ing right away again. All of the damage incoming is very consistent and easy to prepare for. When stacking for an Unseen Strike, feel free to use Unending Resolve or Shadow Bulwark, but honestly...give your bored healers something to do. Soul Leech, Siphon Life, and Grim of Sac should give you enough passive healing that you'll be your own top healer.

When the boss hits 20%, he engulfs your raid in tornadoes and sends you down the hallway. You'll lose all control of your character, but you'll soon see why I told you to pack the talents I listed above. As soon as you land, you're going to pop Unending Resolve as you'll be at around 60% life. Activate Burning Rush and haul ass down the hallway carefully dodging tornadoes. As soon as you activate Burning Rush, use Shadow Bulwark, Dark Regeneration as well as a Healthstone. This will heal you an asinine amount and give you ample healing to outrange your healers you left behind. As soon as you reach the boss, deactivate Burning Rush and begin executing Ta'yak. Pop Dark Soul, DoTs, and Drain Soul. By the time your raid catches up to you, you should have him down to about 18%. When your raid gets there, his HP will drop SUPER fast. As soon as the boss hits 12%, tell your raid to start running down the hallway to the other side except for 1 healer, preferably a Priest or Druid. With their DoTs and your Drain Soul, you should take him from 11% to 10% by yourself giving your entire raid time to set up on the opposite end. On your way back over, your healer you held back should focus on keeping you alive over himself or herself. Your raid should already be wailing on the boss and if all goes well, he dies just as you arrive or shortly thereafter. Your healer you held back loses importance as the other two healers in your team have already set up camp at the end and are easily topping people off and the third healer isn't necessary to heal through the damage. Your DPS is more important, so make sure you tell him to prioritize you (this feels dirty, but it's for the best). When you get to the end, as long as the Berserk timer isn't close, you should pick up an easy win.

Log for my first kill: http://www.worldoflo.../?s=8176&e=8664

Our DPS was a little low in P2. We had some people derping on the tornadoes on the way back, and we had some weird things happen such as three tornadoes in a line preventing anyone from getting through. We lost a few people to what I perceive to be a bug but managed to have enough people alive at the end to bring him down. We did utilize a Paladin Divine Shield letting DoTs kill him post enrage. I'm sure that our kill this week will be much better with no enrage mechanics needed to survive.


Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Mortal Coil, Soul Link, Unending Resolve, Grim of Sacrifice, Kil'Jaeden's Cunning

Preferred Glyphs: Siphon Life, Soul Shards, Healthstone

Depending on your raid team's strategy, you'll either be kiting the Pheramones or not kiting the Pheramones. As a multi-dotter, you'll also want to find a home underneath of one of Garalon's legs. I'll go over each strategy in minor detail.


This is the method you want to be using if you don't have high DPS cleavers in your team (Combat Rogue, Arms Warrior). Since you're not kiting, you're going to find one of Garalon's legs and DPS it down making sure you're always inside of the little bluish circle to receive the 100% damage bonus to the leg. While you're doing this, keep a full arsenal of DoTs rolling on Garalon. When one leg is down, move onto the next one. Your main focus here is killing legs as fast as possible and keeping DoTs on Garalon while not wiping your group by hitting the purple circle.


Do exactly what I've detailed above while you are NOT kiting the Pheramones. When it is your turn to kite the Pheramones, simply execute this mechanic while maintaining fully DPS on Garalon. Don't worry about a leg at this point unless one of the front legs are up. Just avoid getting hit by his cleave and fall in love with the 5.1 Kil'Jaeden's change where you can maintain full DPS with a minor movement debuff. When you are done kiting Pheramones, reassert yourself under one of his legs and begin your full-on assault again.


If you have a good Combat Rogue and Arms Warrior, you want them to have as much time on the legs as possible as they will be doing asinine amounts of damage with their cleave. While multi-dotting may seem really good in this case, they're doing nearly 100% additional damage with an extra target. Your job here is to stand relatively in the middle of the room and focus Garalon full time. You never switch targets, you never move unless the purple circle comes close, and you never do anything other than DPS Garalon. This is a pretty sweet job, albeit a bit boring.


This is my role that I perform in the fight with my raid composition. All I have to do is what I detail above where I focus Garalon full time. When I have to kite the Pheramones, nothing changes. Keep doing your single target rotation.

While kiting, don't forget his cleave has a pretty wide span and about a 25 yard range. Make sure you're in the 30-40 yard range while kiting and DPSing so you don't eat a cleave and the Pheramones damage. Sacrifice your Voidwalker to give you a last stand. Doing this will give you Shadow Bulwark EVERY TIME you have to kite. Pop it when you get to 10 stacks of Pheramones if you're doing the 5 person - 15 stacks strategy or 13 stacsk if you're doing the 4 person - 20 stack strategy. Use Unending Resolve as an additional defensive cooldown and use Mortal Coil after Crushes where you have some HP missing. Overall, not a complex fight at all. Just need some raid coordination practice.

Here is my log of our first kill with me kiting Pheramones: http://www.worldoflo.../?s=3853&e=4235

Wind Lord Mel'jarak

Preferred Spec: Affliction or Demonology

Preferred Talents: (Affliction) Soul Leech, Mortal Coil, Soul Link, Unending Resolve, Grim of Sac, KJC

Preferred Talents: (Demo) Soul Harvest, Mortal Coil, Dark Bargain, Unending Resolve, Grim of Supremacy, KJC

Preferred Glyphs: (Affliction) Soul Shards, Siphon Life, Healthstone

Preferred Glyphs: (Demo) Wild Imps, Healthstone, Siphon Life

I'm going to detail this fight from my personal role where I maintain CC on an add until the end of Phase 1. Before going into any detail, volunteer to be someone responsible for CC'ing one of the two adds needing to be CC'd until the end of Phase 1. Create the following macro:

/target Focus

/click ExtraActionButton1


Target your assigned mob to be CC'd, and type /focus. Drag your macro onto your bar somewhere or bind it to your spacebar. Activating this macro will automatically target your assigned mob and re-CC him. With that out of the way, I will focus on the fight mechanics from our perspective.

Affliction - your job during Phase 1 is to keep DoTs rolling on EVERYTHING. You'll have 6 targets to maintain DoTs on which means you'll primarily be reapplying DoTs. Make sure Pandemic is being fully utilized here. We CC'd 1 Amber Shaper, 1 Blademaster, and 2 Menders. We assigned a primary kill target to the un-CC'd Mender. I kept my Rogue, Frost DK, and Warrior on the Mender while I focused on keeping full DoTs up on Wind Lord while using Soulburn:Seed of Corruption to put Corruption on all targets. Use Soulburn: Curse of Elements to put CoE up on every target when they get into position. When I got my full array of DoTs up on Wind Lord, I rotated through all of them applying Seed of Corruption, refreshing all DoTs on Wind Lord, using a Soulburn:Seed of Corruption on Wind Lord, then reapplying Agony to each mob. This will extend the duration via Pandemic to 38ish seconds. Maintain the following priority during Phase 1:

1) Full DoTs on Wind Lord by casting DoTs on him

2) Soulburn:Seed of Corruption on Wind Lord to put Corruption on all targets (Lots of Nightfall procs this way)

3) Spam Seed of Corruption

Don't bother with Unstable Affliction. It's duration is too short to maintain on anything except your primary target. Agony, again, would cost too many global cooldowns to refresh on all targets. Spam Seed. You might be asking about the Glyph of Everlasting Affliction. It's not worth it. You'll need the DPS in Phase 2 too much. Always make sure that your assigned add is controlled. If he breaks loose, someone will probably die. If you are picked with the Corrupted Resin, do like you did on Garalon and stack them tightly. Just keep moving and execute the mechanic. If you get picked by the Amber Prison, use Unbinding Will as a free get-out-of-jail card. If UW is down, call out for someone to break you out. You'll be tempted to use your Infernal here...don't. Your Doomguard will service you to a much higher level at the end of the fight. In Phase 2, the boss takes 100% more damage and under 20%, the Doomguard does 20% more damage. Just hold onto the big guy until the end for a mega execute.

When the adds are all dead, you have only three things to worry about in Phase 2:

1) Spread out. If he picks you with his spear toss thing, just move out of the way. Don't stand near a friend so that only one of you has to move each time

2) Wind Bomb. Move from it. Don't run into one. Failing to avoid a Wind Bomb will cause a wipe. Don't disappoint your raid.

3) Rain of Blades - stack up with your raid on the tanks to allow healers to AoE heal. Use your Unending Resolve, Shadow Bulwark, and Healthstones to help your healers. Also, use Mortal Coil EVERY TIME for a free 15% heal.

Demonology - Apply Curse of Elements to all of the mobs and put Corruption on each of them. When they are all gathered, use Hand of Gul'dan to keep Shadowflame ticking on them. Don't use both together, but make sure you never have two charges. Time spent out of Metamorphosis should be time spent building Demonic Fury and maintaining Corruption on all targets. When you have sufficient DF, pop into Meta and apply Doom to everything. With all DoTs running, run Immolation Aura Void Ray to reapply Corruption. Remember to use Wrathstorm on CD. Demonology should be able to beat Affliction in Phase 1 DPS, but I haven't found it necessary to use due to Affliction's superior execute with this fight's tightly tuned Enrage timer.

Log of my first kill: http://www.worldoflo.../?s=1054&e=1525

Amber Shaper Un'sok

Preferred Spec: Any

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Shadowfury, Soul Link, Unbound Will, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Kil'jaeden's Cunning

Preffered Glyphs: Soul Shards, Healthstone

This fight is completely contained in your ability to control your construct. As a DPS, you just need to know your DPS priority. With Kil'jaeden's Cunning, you can continue your normal DPS rotation while kiting the Amber Scalpel. Use Unending Resolve when you get the Parasitic Growth debuff. Phase by phase explanation:

Phase 1: Follow this DPS priority:

1) Constructs (full DoTs, full rotation)

2) Ambers (multi-DoT all adds)

3) Amber Shaper Un'sok

If you are being focused by an Amber, use Shadowfury to gain some distance. Remember to not kill any Ambers next to others to prevent the healing. Unfortunately, these adds do NOT recharge Soul Shards, nor heal you via Glyph of Soul Consumption. When the construct you are DPSing down hits 20%, use Soul Swap to pull DoTs off. Use Exhale to apply DoTs to either Un'sok or some newly spawned Ambers. Very trivial phase.

Phase 2: This is where the fun begins. You have a new priority:

1) Constructs

2) Ambers

3) Monstrosity

You'll continue this rotation until you get turned into a Construct. Refer to the Icy-Veins raid strategy on a better explanation of your construct abilities. Use Shadowfury to stun adds on healers or yourself.

Phase 3: Spam the crap out of Amber Strike, remember to right click Un'sok so your construct auto-attacks (denoted as Smash in combat logs). After you spam Amber Strike enough, the boss falls over and you die. No joke. Very, very easy phase.

Grand Empress Shek'zeer

Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Shadowfury, Soul Link, Unbound Will, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Kil'jaeden's Cunning

Preferred Glyphs: Soul Shards, Healthstone, Soul Consumption

Simple 2 phase fight from a DPS perspective. Victory in this fight will come from your healers.

Phase 1: Find a place 5 yards away from anyone else and fire off your normal rotation on the boss. There is only one thing you need to worry about in this phase and that is getting the raid-wide shadow damage debuff. The second you get that, you should find your way into your raid leader's designated field. Continue your rotation but remember to bounce out to get topped off, then get back in. Use Unending Resolve and Shadow Bulwark to assist healers keeping you topped off. Do your best to help your raid push Shek'zeer to 60% before she runs away and leads into Phase 2.

Phase 2: Depending on raid strat, your ranged and heals should be stacked in the middle to facilitate the creation of an Amber Trap. While the trap is being formed, all DPS should be focusing down one of the Reavers. Assist your tank's survival by using Shadowfury on the smaller adds. Set your portal about 20 yards from the stacking point so that if you get focused, you have an easy way out. Sprinkle in some Soulburn:Seed of Corruption on your focused Reaver to get extra DPS on the adds as well as extra Nightfall procs. The Amber Trap and focused Reaver should form/die at the same time. At this point, the unfocused Reaver should be brought into the Amber Trap. This will stop all of the smaller adds from attacking the raid as they'll focus on breaking the Reaver out of the Amber Trap. AoE the crap out of them as well as using Shadowfury to stun them to prolong the trap. When the last smaller add dies, Shek'zeer pops her ugly head back out.

Phase 1: same thing as before. Goal is to push her to 30% before a 2nd add phase.

Phase 3: Execute phase time. Nothing for you to worry about except killing her before your healers have a stroke from smashing their heals so much. Remember your Healthstone during this phase. Just DPS away and don't ever be standing within 5 yards of anyone or in her giant purple aura of fear. If you DO get feared, cleanse it with Unbound Will. She'll fall over soon enough.

Protectors of the Endless

Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Mortal Coil, Soul Link, Unbound Will, Grim of Sacrifice, Kil'jaeden's Cunning

Preferred Glyphs: Soul Shards, Soul Consumption, Healthstone

This fight will depend heavily on what order you go in. Personally, I've found the "normal" way and the Elite path equal in difficulties so long as your group has the DPS requirement to beat the enrage on the Elite path. Regardless, this fight is dull from a DPS perspective. Here are the things to note:

1) Use Unbound Will to remove Lightning Prison. Alert your healers that you will NOT need dispelled unless you say so (when Unbound Will is on CD)

2) If you are not using Grimoire of Sacrifice (for whatever reason), you can use your Felhunter to dispel the healing buff given out by Asani. This MUST be done as soon as it appears. If you are using Grim of Sacrifice, make sure your Mage/Shaman/Hunter/Priest is dispelling this effect ASAP.

3) If killing the Protector first, make sure you are always in the middle circle when the Corrupted Waters dies. You'll get a 25% haste buff (woo) for a period of time.

4) Corrupted Waters restores 4 Soul Shards and heals you for 20% of your HP if you use Drain Soul as it dies. This is VERY useful as it means you can spend all of your Soul Shards keeping Haunt up at 100% after the first Protector dies.

There really isn't anything else to think about or worry about. Even when doing Elite mode, at the end of the fight, you should be standing in the middle of the room DPSing the boss without moving while your tank kites him out of stuff. Your job here couldn't be simpler...kill it before it enrages and kills you. Enjoy this rather dull fight.


Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preffered Talents: Soul Leech, Mortal Coil, Soul Link, Unbound Will, Grim of Sacrifice, Kil'Jaeden's Cunning

Preffered Glyphs: Healthstone, Soul Shards, Soul Shards

Let's start off by mentioning a thing called Symbiosis. If you have a Druid, tell him to give it to you. The reason will be explained later.

Phase 1/Night Phase

Pretty much all you need to do here is do as much damage as possible while keeping your stacking debuff low and not standing in circles of fear. If you do get caught in a circle of fear, use Unbound Will to instantly break it. The idea here is to have the raid DPS bring Tsulong down to 60% by the time he goes into Day Phase. No need for portals or any other tricks...just balls to the wall DPS.

Phase 2/Day Phase

Assign yourself or volunteer to be assigned to a side to handle adds. As a ranged multi-DoT class, you're designed well for this task. When the big add appears, DoT him up and DPS him down, but your priority should be the smaller add that spawns. He is susceptible to stuns, but cannot be feared. Shadowfury is helpful if you don't have the DPS to down him, but I found Mortal Coil to be much more useful for the 15% heal from their Unstable Bolt. Here is where Symbiosis comes into play.

While you are DPSing adds, always try to be in front of Tsulong. When he breathes, he will kill all adds in his path and buff everyone who got hit by 500% in terms of their healing done. Make sure Symbiosis is on your bar (it will become Rejuvenation) and then slap a Rejuv on Tsulong. It should tick for about 120-150k. If you want to think about it in terms of damage, imagine one DoT on the boss ticking for 120k-150k when you normally can't hurt him. It's wicked awesome. I came out as the top DPS on Tsulong as well as contributing 3.8M healing during Day Phase. This will lessen the strain on your healers in a good way. Unstable Sha adds can be used to regain Soul Shards and as a means to heal 20% of your HP. Abuse this to keep Soul Shards at all times.

The fight will consist of 2 Day Phases and 2 Night Phases. Rather boring until Day Phase, but even then it's just kill adds, Rejuv dragon in the middle. Terrace isn't anything to write home to mom about compared to what you dealt with in MSV and HoF. Sadly, the dullness continues.

Lei Shi

Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Shadowfury, Soul Link, Unbound Will, Grim of Sacrifice, Kil'Jaeden's Cunning

Preferred Glyphs: Siphon Life, Soul Shards, Healthstone

Super boring fight for Warlocks. Here are some highlights:

1) When Lei Shi summons adds, use Banish on one of them to greatly reduce tank damage. When the other adds are stacked, Shadowfury stuns for 3 seconds alleviating tank damage and saving healer mana.

2) During Get Away, Kil'Jaeden's Cunning will allow you to continue your entire DPS arsenal while other classes will be limited. Use Haunt without prejudice to bring Lei Shi down the 4% needed to stop his Get Away cast.

3) During Hide, refrain from doing anything. Rain of Fire costs entirely way too much mana to spam looking for her/it. Take over as the eyes in the sky and look for where there is a visual cue that she is hiding (black cloud of water).

That's it. Honestly. I did this fight as a Saturday mid-day pug the very first time and we 2 shot it. This might be the easiest fight in T14.

Sha of Fear

Preferred Spec: Affliction

Preferred Talents: Soul Leech, Mortal Coil, Soul Link, Unbound Will, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Kil'Jaeden's Cunning

Preferred Glyphs: Soul Shards, Healthstone, Siphon Life

From a DPS perspective, I found this fight incredibly fun. There are two places you'll be, and I'll detail each.

Sha of Fear Platform - your job here is to do DPS to Sha if you do NOT have the empowered buff. Use Kil'Jaeden's Cunning to maneuver out of the projectile splash pools (blue circles) and maintain your full rotation on the boss. DO NOT USE DARK SOUL: MISERY. You want to save your cooldowns for the other platform. If your raid leader tells you, work on killing an add outside of the safe zone. You should be able to get it to 50% before his breath attack comes...go back to safe zone via portal teleport then kill the add. A trick I used was to get the add to 20%, refresh DoTs, start a Drain Soul channel, and walk back to the safe zone. Drain Soul will continue to do damage, even if you're in front of the mob. This makes getting back to the safe zone before the next breath a walk in the park. When the Sha hits 20% and you're on this platform, ignore adds and start your execute rotation on the boss.

Add Platform - your job here is to kill the guy in the middle. As a Warlock, you shouldn't be collecting orbs, but you can if you want/need to. Kil'Jaeden's Cunning makes this easy work, but you don't really gain anything from the extra mana compared to the other players running around with you. Just empty your Soul Shards on this guy via Haunt to DPS him down fast. When he hits 20%, he will start a Death Blossom channel. Start your Drain Soul channel and line of sight him...Drain Soul continues to do damage even after you break line of sight. Nifty. Make sure to kill him with Drain Soul to recover your 4 Soul Shards.

Transition from Add Platform to Sha Platform - as soon as you teleport back to the Sha Platform, you will be immune to fear effects, do 60% more healing, and do 60% more damage for about 30 seconds. See all of those adds that spawned while you were away? Soulburn: Soul Swap your little heart out and get empowered DoTs on all of them. Use your single target rotation to kill them. When your buff wears off, get back in the safe zone. Rinse and repeat. The fight never gets more difficult than that. It's a pure balance of killing the Add Platform fast and keeping the number of Sha of Fear Platform adds to a minimum.

Log of first kill: http://www.worldoflo...one/?s=44&e=762

Notice that everyone else looks crappy...that's because of the Cackle/platform difference where we are essentially in different phases. This will give you a pure look at an Affliction standpoint, however.

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Correcting the o to an a as we speak. Damn Blizzard and their use of trolls.

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For Sprit King soul drain doesnt replenish your shards when the boss die Posted Image

It was working for me last night. On each transition, when the boss died, I received my 4 Soul Shards back.

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I'll double check tonight...I don't THINK I got a ton of Nightfall procs there, but again, with such a long time to use Drain Soul, it's possible that I had acquired my 4 Soul Shards through the use of Drain Soul by DPSing in execute phase.

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Everlasting Affliction would only be good if you wanted to run DoTs on more than 2. You'd be doing your single target rotation on one while keeping DoTs up on the other so the one you're doing your single target rotation on would suffer.

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Thank you so much for this wonderful guide! Tonight is our first night of raiding and as this is my first real raid on my warlock, I am extremely nervous. Your guide will help me feel a bit more confident in that I know the best class specific strategy, talents and glyphs.

Thanks again!


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I was wondering if it would be possible if I could get some average DPS numbers (with spec) for these fights that people are seeing so I can reference against them. Just to see if I'm in the ballpark. I understand many factors go into this like gear, play style, raid comp,etc. But I just want to be able to identify that I may have a problem even after following many of the tips stated here.

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Would like to add a few things about the Elegon fight.

When the orbs spawn, I cast seed of corruption twice on elegon followed immediately by MG. This caused the first seed to explode before the second one landed. The second exploded immediately afterwards, thus hitting ALL the orbs with 2 SoC explosions. I had talented for Mannoroths Fury to extend the range of my AoE, so all the adds got hit by the explosions (approx 5 million damage from seed during our kill - including the adds on the last phase).

Going to try harvest life talent next week so that I can get THAT dps on the adds too. (use harvest life instead of MG to explode the seeds)

Also, we had our 2 melee, the tank and one ranged dps focus the Defenders. The defenders died quickly enough and let the rest of us focus the boss. I applied only Agony and corruption to the defenders.

The only downside to harvest life talent is that it actually makes our healers job a little more difficult as I dont have soul leech. On our kill, 65% of the healing I received was self-heals. The biggest healing I received apart from self-heals was 3 rejuvenations which healed me for 293k TOTAL.

My self-heals totalled 5.7 MILLION.......

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Would like to add a few things about the Elegon fight.

When the orbs spawn, I cast seed of corruption twice on elegon followed immediately by MG. This caused the first seed to explode before the second one landed. The second exploded immediately afterwards, thus hitting ALL the orbs with 2 SoC explosions. I had talented for Mannoroths Fury to extend the range of my AoE, so all the adds got hit by the explosions (approx 5 million damage from seed during our kill - including the adds on the last phase).

Going to try harvest life talent next week so that I can get THAT dps on the adds too. (use harvest life instead of MG to explode the seeds)

Also, we had our 2 melee, the tank and one ranged dps focus the Defenders. The defenders died quickly enough and let the rest of us focus the boss. I applied only Agony and corruption to the defenders.

The only downside to harvest life talent is that it actually makes our healers job a little more difficult as I dont have soul leech. On our kill, 65% of the healing I received was self-heals. The biggest healing I received apart from self-heals was 3 rejuvenations which healed me for 293k TOTAL.

My self-heals totalled 5.7 MILLION.......

How much of that 5.7M was overheals? Mannoroth's Fury won't provide the DPS in that fight that Archimode's Vengeance will do, and you shouldn't need that extra damage on each of the orbs unless you're carrying some under-performing DPS in your raid group. Are the Rejuv's you posted about from Symbiosis? If so, it looks like your Druid could look up a better placement for Symbiosis application that a Warlock.

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at the first boss shall i apply dots by using SB or shall i do it manualy?

Thx for an awesome guide btw :)

Edited by Jacar

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No, its not from Symbiosis, Its from the druid healer in our group. I didnt have symbiosis in this raid.

Granted, a lot of the self-heals were probably overheals, but as my dps was just over 128k dps and Agony/Unstable affliction accounted for 31% of that damage, then I was self-healing for about 17.5k HPS (average). Thats a non-inconsiderable amount. Just checked on world of logs and if you remove the overheals, its 3million effective healing over the duration of the fight from my self-heals. I received 5 million effective healing from the healers meaning 37.5% of the effective healing I received was self heals. Nice for the healers to have that in the raid. They basically needed to heal me for only 2/3 of the damage taken.

Considering it was our first guild kill of elegon (had 3 pugs last week when we killed him) any assistance was welcome on the orbs. The orbs are the most important part of that fight tbh, not the boss. If you slack and only kill 3 waves then your chances of getting a kill are slim. I figured it was more of a raid assist doing extra damage to the orbs to ensure they were killed than by boosting my damage to the boss. Its not ALL about personal DPS ;)

wow.... it felt REALLY bad saying that last bit.....

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No, its not from Symbiosis, Its from the druid healer in our group. I didnt have symbiosis in this raid.

Granted, a lot of the self-heals were probably overheals, but as my dps was just over 128k dps and Agony/Unstable affliction accounted for 31% of that damage, then I was self-healing for about 17.5k HPS (average). Thats a non-inconsiderable amount. Just checked on world of logs and if you remove the overheals, its 3million effective healing over the duration of the fight from my self-heals. I received 5 million effective healing from the healers meaning 37.5% of the effective healing I received was self heals. Nice for the healers to have that in the raid. They basically needed to heal me for only 2/3 of the damage taken.

Considering it was our first guild kill of elegon (had 3 pugs last week when we killed him) any assistance was welcome on the orbs. The orbs are the most important part of that fight tbh, not the boss. If you slack and only kill 3 waves then your chances of getting a kill are slim. I figured it was more of a raid assist doing extra damage to the orbs to ensure they were killed than by boosting my damage to the boss. Its not ALL about personal DPS Posted Image

wow.... it felt REALLY bad saying that last bit.....

You don't generate healing from Agony and Unstable Affliction. If you take Soul Leech, the only healing you do is through Malefic Grasp, Haunt, and Drain Soul. Warlocks don't do 17.5k HPS ever. Even if you did 3.5M healing, assuming you killed the boss at or close to the 9:30 enrage mark, your HPS would be 6481. Do you have some sort of log that shows you at any point of the fight doing 17k HPS?

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You don't generate healing from Agony and Unstable Affliction. If you take Soul Leech, the only healing you do is through Malefic Grasp, Haunt, and Drain Soul. Warlocks don't do 17.5k HPS ever.

You also get healing from corruption with the glyph. And I removed Agony adnd UA from the equation... hence the 31% I took off.

My bad though. Did the maths wrong. Only healed for 10.5k HPS average


If you look at the graph, I was self-healing for 37.5k HPS in the execute phase

Edited by Boradan

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Just a question real quick, are you saying that on Stone Guard you are just worried about maintaining your dots on 2 of the guards and not all of them?

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Just a question real quick, are you saying that on Stone Guard you are just worried about maintaining your dots on 2 of the guards and not all of them?

Yes. the other one takes 90% less damage, so pointless wasting the time to cast your dots

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I've not yet done Will on normal due to some adult scheduling conflicts in my guild (stupid teachers having Parent Teacher conferences and my National Guard Hunter having to go out on call!)

On a serious note, I'll be having attempts on him tonight and will update guide accordingly.

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How many warlocks do you raid with?

A very skilled lock I look up to is in an upper echelon guild and their locks all spam SB: SoC while having Manneroth's Fury talented for the draw power orb phase. They only throw single target dots on the 4th wave but still continue to Seed after doing so; the 5th wave they single target their orb down.

My guild has 4 locks and this seems very viable, we are going to try it this way tonight. We've downed it the standard way too, but we wish to push more than 4 waves this time w/ this method.

For Will of the Emperor's: tab dot, tab dot, tab dot. ;)

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