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So here's my Problem. In the New dungeons i Cant seem to heal thru bosses I run out of mana so quick im killing people.  I use Prayer Of Mending alot I use Heal but half the time it seems tanks are squishing and i cant throw a Heal. im having to use flash heal.  So Normal on the very last boss of Ubrs I cant heal thru it at all. i Cant heal thru heroics that well either. Im 618 Item lvl

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/gnomeregan/Angelichealz/simpleI guess Add my battle and talk to me. Angel89#1665 thanks

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You have enough gear that with a group that uses stuns/interrupts/personal cooldowns you should be ok.


If you have a group of MoP dungeon heroes that expect to brute force and be healed through everything then you will have a bad time.


I rarely use heal or PoM.


Stack Clarity Of Will on the tank and have PW:s up as much as possible. Some pulls the hp of the group wont even drop.


If a dps takes damage or gets a DoT on them just throw a PW:s on them then go back to the tank. Then use penance to top them up. Make them heal themselves!


If its a big group aoe then use AA at 1 stack for the IF buff to PoH. Then you can follow with your lvl 90 talent then back on the tank.


If you arent tracking CoW then use a weak aura to track it. Make sure you track Weakened soul so that PW;s can be refreshed asap.


Dont be afraid to use pain suppression and barrier as tank cooldowns.


I use mindbender as it gives dps and returns mana on a 1m CD. The solace gcd sometimes for me isnt worth it so i prefer mindbender.


Try some of that and see how you go.

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A fellow Gnomeregan Priest!  Hello!


Brew hit the right steps you should be taking.


Things you should not be doing is Atonement all the time like we did in MoP.  The last boss of UBRS has a lot of avoidable dmg... mainly the dragon breath.  Baddies in fire does not reflect your quality of play and will kill your mana.


2 things I want to reiterate from Brew are: 


1) Use AA as an IF cooldown at any stack, do not hold it for 5.  The time and mana you lose trying to stack it to 5 quickly does not make up for the additional healing you will have to do if you just would have hit AA for IF when you initially needed it


2) PWS: DoTs on DPS = PWS until you even out or catch up on tank make them use a CD.  PWS on Tank regularly, track it within your UI and glyph Weakened Soul


GL! and I'll see you around on the server!

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For me as disc, I always keep Penance, PWS, and PoM on cooldown on the tank and fill with heal/PoH. FH when someone gets low or to burst the tank up if he gets low.


If you find yourself getting a bit behind on the heals, try bursting the tank up to full and then shielding him and casting pain suppression on him to keep him there. From there you can get everyone else topped off.

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Angel, I feel your pain.  Part of the issue is that Blizzard increased the difficulty of healing and made ignoring mechanics much harsher for DPS, which can make you feel inadequate.  


First, sounds like your tanks aren't using their active mitigation and self heals correctly - tell them to use cooldowns all the time.


If you use PW:Solace (as I do) make sure you hit it every CD.  While it does take up a GCD, the damage, mana gain and immediate atonement healing it does isn't made up for by mindbender (imho).  


Further, disc is a very proactive rather than reactive healing spec - if you know that a large damage spike is incoming (like right before the dragons drop and breathe fire on all your DPS that's too dumb to move out of the way) you can run that fight with Spirit Shell and spam PoH to get everyone fully shielded before the damage hits, making it much easier to top them off after.


The last thing I'd say is that you're doing great for the gear level you have - as you increase your ilvl, you'll worry less about running out of mana and have more time to stack evanglism/aa, since your shields and heals will hit exponentially harder as you get closer to heroics.  At ilvl 601, it felt like it was all i could do to keep people alive.  At ilvl 632 now, I fall asleep through heroics.

Edited by fatwhacker
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Your gear doesn't matter.


I can heal easily UBRS with "brained" group with my priest:



You need to know when your grp members will be get damage for PW:S, Clarity, etc.


Divine Star, Mindbender (for mana) or Surge of Light (for quick and free heals - i pref Mindbender for dps, good mana regen). Power Infusion isn't the best choice for disc: Spirit Shell or Twist is mutch better.


One trick: use PoH after use Archangel - must use Arch on cd (Holy Fire on one target, then Archangel, then crit PoH).


Ask grp for more cc, strun and interrupt - need to know tacs everyone in the grp.

Cannot avoide fails with gear yet!


Best regards!

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Sadly its all too easy to say "omg where are the heals" - when the person complaining has been stood in the fire for the entire boss fight - doesnt have their interrupt on their action bars and fail to CC.


Beginning of expacs are always tough as mana management is compounded by the fact tanks / dps have poor gear as well so they kill things slower (more damage) and the tank gets hit harder (more damage).


Players still think they are running around in purples one shotting mobs.


Be patient - ask them to play their classes / cc / interrupts.  If they refuse then say "fine but dont complain when I go oom"


Best time to learn is now while the going is tough!


Stick at it and good luck!!

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lol, yar.  My mana, like my love, is too precious to spend on someone who will waste it!


LOL.  My wife approves of this message...  she is not a fire stander.

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Sadly its all too easy to say "omg where are the heals" - when the person complaining has been stood in the fire for the entire boss fight - doesnt have their interrupt on their action bars and fail to CC.



I did a couple normal runs, and heck even UBERS before the xpac came out and dear lord do I dislike dumb people.  I did feel ineffective until one day a tank told the dps to either move out of the bad or we will replace you.

After soo many horrid groups I started playing my druid and kinda was going to main him. Today however I did a Heroic UBERS today (first heroic), with a good group and omg, even though it was a little rough Ilvl 610.  But at the end of the day the we won, and I got my first WoD heroic drop.   Funny enough a couple hours later I did a LFR MC raid, and ended up replacing said heroic drop.

So I think I am going to stick it out, and just hope people become start learning how to deal with the mechanics.


I'd say stick around, every single gear increase (mostly) helps more and more.

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A fellow Gnomeregan Priest!  Hello!


Brew hit the right steps you should be taking.


Things you should not be doing is Atonement all the time like we did in MoP.  The last boss of UBRS has a lot of avoidable dmg... mainly the dragon breath.  Baddies in fire does not reflect your quality of play and will kill your mana.


2 things I want to reiterate from Brew are: 


1) Use AA as an IF cooldown at any stack, do not hold it for 5.  The time and mana you lose trying to stack it to 5 quickly does not make up for the additional healing you will have to do if you just would have hit AA for IF when you initially needed it


2) PWS: DoTs on DPS = PWS until you even out or catch up on tank make them use a CD.  PWS on Tank regularly, track it within your UI and glyph Weakened Soul


GL! and I'll see you around on the server!

As Gwenymph mentioned above, make sure you use AA as if it was a healing CD. Make sure to have PW: Shield up on your party members, and i recommend using PoH+Holy nova during AA, to help with mana consumption. You will also have to have a feeling for when large damage spikes may occur, so you can time AA more effectively, since the increased healing will make it so you shouldnt have to spam PoH as much.

http://www.wow-heroes.com/character/us/Ysera/Glorynymph/Switch to disclipine spec to view my healing gear, if it'll help you get a feel for how the stats should be as a disc priest.

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