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An Overview of All Class Changes in War Within Beta Build 55087

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We've compiled a list of all class changes that went live in today's War Within Beta build.

Death Knight

  • Frostscythe - A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for [ 23.26% of Attack Power ] Frost damage. This attack benefits from Killing Machine. Critical strikes with Frostscythe deal 4 times normal damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for [ 81.4% of Attack Power ] Frost damage. This attack always critically strikes and critical strikes with Frostscythe deal 4 times normal damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Consuming Killing Machine reduces the cooldown of Frostscythe by 1.0 sec.
  • Heartbreaker - Heart Strike generates 1 2 additional Runic Power per target hit.
  • Empower Rune Weapon - Empower your rune weapon, gaining 15% Haste and generating 1 Rune and 5 Runic Power instantly and every 5 sec for 20 sec. If you already know Empower Rune Weapon , instead gain 1 additional charges of Empower Rune Weapon . Empower your rune weapon, gaining 15% Haste and generating 1 Rune and 5 Runic Power instantly and every 5 sec for 20 sec.
  • Infliction of Sorrow - When Vampiric Strike damages an enemy affected by Virulent Plague or Blood Plague it consumes the disease to deal 200% of their remaining damage to the target. While Gift of the San'layn is active, Vampiric Strike no longer consumes your disease and instead extends the duration of your disease by 3 sec and deals 20% of the remaining damage to the enemy. When Vampiric Strike damages an enemy affected by your Blood Plague, it extends the duration of the disease by 3 sec, and deals 20% of the remaining damage to the enemy. After Gift of the San'layn ends, your next Heart Strike consumes the disease to deal 200% of their remaining damage to the target.
  • Blood Death Knight - Blood DeathKnight core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cold Heart, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Death's Caress, Defile, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heart Strike, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sacrificial Pact, Soul Reaper, Unholy Assault, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cold Heart, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Death's Caress, Defile, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heart Strike, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sacrificial Pact, Soul Reaper, Unholy Assault, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact Increases damage/healing by 139%: Death Strike Increases damage/healing by 48%: Defile Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Death's Caress Blood DeathKnight core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cold Heart, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Death's Caress, Defile, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heart Strike, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Rune of Razorice, Sacrificial Pact, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cold Heart, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Death's Caress, Defile, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heart Strike, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Rune of Razorice, Sacrificial Pact, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact Increases damage/healing by 139%: Death Strike Increases damage/healing by 48%: Defile Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Death's Caress
  • Ebon Fever - Virulent Plague deals 15% more damage over time in half the duration. Diseases deal 15% more damage over time in half the duration.
  • Perseverance of the Ebon Blade - When Crimson Scourge is consumed, you gain 4% 6% Versatility for 6 sec.
  • Frostwhelp's Aid - Pillar of Frost summons a Frostwhelp who breathes on all enemies within 40 yards in front of you for [ 42% of Attack Power ] Frost damage Each unique enemy hit by Frostwhelp's Aid grants you 2% 8% Mastery for 15 sec, up to 10%. - 0%.
  • Blooddrinker - You can move, parry, dodge, and use defensive abilities while channeling this ability. The damage they deal to you is reduced by 20% for the duration and 5 sec after channeling it fully. You can move, parry, dodge, and use defensive abilities while channeling this ability. Generates 20 additional Runic Power over the duration.
  • Suppression - Damage taken from area of effect attacks reduced by 3%. Damage taken from area of effect attacks reduced by 3%. When suffering a loss of control effect, this bonus is increased by an additional 6% for 6 sec.
  • Reinforced Bones - Increases Armor gained from Bone Shield by 10%. Increases Armor gained from Bone Shield by 10% and it can stack 2 additional times.
  • Defile - Normal: Defile the targeted ground, dealing [ 55% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies over 10 sec. Every sec, if any enemies are standing in the Defile, it grows in size, dealing increased damage, and increasing your Mastery by 1%, up to 8%. Clawing Shadows : Defile the targeted ground, dealing [ 55% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies over 10 sec. Every sec, if any enemies are standing in the Defile, it grows in size, dealing increased damage, and increasing your Mastery by 1%, up to 8%. Normal: Defile the targeted ground, dealing [ 165% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies over 10 sec. Every sec, if any enemies are standing in the Defile, it grows in size and deals increased damage. Clawing Shadows : Defile the targeted ground, dealing [ 165% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies over 10 sec. Every sec, if any enemies are standing in the Defile, it grows in size and deals increased damage.
  • Visceral Regeneration - Your Heart Strike and Scourge Strike have 3% chance per stack of Essence of the Blood Queen to refund a Rune Your Heart Strike has a 3% chance per stack of Essence of the Blood Queen to refund a Rune
  • Abomination Limb - Blood: Sprout an additional limb, dealing [ 369.2% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. Frost: Sprout an additional limb, dealing [ 369.2% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. Unholy: Sprout an additional limb, dealing [ 369.2% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. Initial: Sprout an additional limb, dealing [ 369.2% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination's Frenzy : Sprout an additional limb, dealing [ 369.2% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Gain instantly, and again every 4 sec. Sprout an additional limb, dealing [ 369.2% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.
  • Enduring Strength - This effect lasts 2 sec longer for each Obliterate and Frostscythe critical strike during Pillar of Frost. When Pillar of Frost expires, your Strength is increased by 10% 20% for 6 sec
  • Blood Draw - When you fall below 30% health you drain 0 health from nearby enemies. Can only occur every 3 min. When you fall below 30% health you drain 0 health from nearby enemies, the damage you take is reduced by 10% and your Death Strike cost is reduced by 10 for 8 sec. Can only occur every 2 min.
  • Cleaving Strikes - Clawing Shadows : Clawing Shadows additional enemies while you remain in Death and Decay. When leaving your Death and Decay you retain its bonus effects for 4 sec. Clawing Shadows : Clawing Shadows additional enemies while you remain in Death and Decay. When leaving your Death and Decay you retain its bonus effects for 4 sec.
  • Tightening Grasp - Enemies hit by Gorefiend's Grasp take 5% increased damage from you for 15 sec. Additionally, reduces the cooldown on Gorefiend's Grasp by 30 sec. Gorefiend's Grasp cooldown is reduced by 30 sec and it now also Silences enemies for 3 sec.
  • Consumption - Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Causes your Blood Plague damage to occur 50% more quickly for 8 sec. Generates 2 Runes.
  • Vampiric Strike - Vampiric Strike heals you for 5% of your maximum health and grants you Essence of the Blood Queen, increasing your Haste by 1.5%, up to 7.5% for 20 sec. Your Death Coil and Death Strike have a 10% chance to make your next Heart Strike or Scourge Strike become Vampiric Strike
  • Assimilation - The amount absorbed by Anti-Magic Zone is increased by 10% and grants up to 100 Runic Power based on the amount absorbed. The amount absorbed by Anti-Magic Zone is increased by 10% and its cooldown is reduced by 30 sec.
  • Veteran of the Third War - Damage taken reduced by 10% Blood: Stamina increased by 40%. 50%. Frost, Unholy: Stamina increased by 10%. 20%.
  • Unholy Bond - Increases the effectiveness of your Runeforge effects by 10%. 20%.
  • Bonestorm - A whirl of bone and gore batters all nearby enemies, dealing [ 22.6% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec, and healing you for 3% of your maximum health every time it deals damage (up to 15%). Lasts 1 sec per 10 Runic Power spent. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Consume your Bone Shield charges to create a whirl of bone and gore that batters all nearby enemies, dealing [ 22.6% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec, and healing you for 3% of your maximum health every time it deals damage (up to 15%). Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Lasts 1 sec per Bone Shield charge spent and rapidly regenerates a Bone Shield every 1 sec.
  • Festering Strike - Festering Wound A pustulent lesion that will burst on death or when damaged by Scourge Strike, dealing [ 28.05% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and generating 3 Runic Power. Strikes for [ 167.04% 139.2% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and infects the target with 2-2 Festering Wounds
  • Blood Scent - Increases Leech by 3%. 5%.
  • Incite Terror - Vampiric Strike, Heart Strike and Scourge Strike cause your targets to take 1% increased Shadow damage, up to 5% for 15 sec. Vampiric Strike benefits 300% more from this effect. Vampiric Strike and Heart Strike cause your targets to take 1% increased Shadow damage, up to 5% for 15 sec. Vampiric Strike benefits from Incite Terror at 400% effectiveness.
  • Icy Talons - Your Runic Power spending abilities increase your melee attack speed by 3% 6% for 10 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Frost Death Knight - Frost DeathKnight core passive Increases periodic damage/healing by 28%: Frost Fever and Howling Blast Increases damage/healing by 4%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cold Heart, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Defile, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostwyrm's Fury, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Howling Blast, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sacrificial Pact, Soul Reaper, Unholy Assault, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact Increases periodic damage/healing by 4%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cold Heart, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Defile, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostwyrm's Fury, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Howling Blast, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sacrificial Pact, Soul Reaper, Unholy Assault, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact Frost DeathKnight core passive Increases periodic damage/healing by 28%: Frost Fever and Howling Blast Increases damage/healing by 4%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cold Heart, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostwyrm's Fury, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Howling Blast, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Sacrificial Pact, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact Increases periodic damage/healing by 4%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cold Heart, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostwyrm's Fury, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Howling Blast, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Sacrificial Pact, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact
  • Heart Strike - Normal: Instantly strike the target and 1 other nearby enemy, causing [ 47.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, and reducing enemies' movement speed by 20% for 8 sec Generates 5 bonus Runic Power Heartbreaker : Instantly strike the target and 1 other nearby enemy, causing [ 47.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, and reducing enemies' movement speed by 20% for 8 sec, plus 0 2 Runic Power per additional enemy struck.
  • Festermight - Does not refresh duration. Multiple instances may overlap.
  • Apocalypse - Summons an Army of the Dead ghoul for 20 sec for each Festering Wound you burst Summons 4 Army of the Dead ghouls for 20 sec
  • Red Thirst - Reduces the cooldown on Vampiric Blood by 1.0 2.0 sec per 10 Runic Power spent.
  • Unholy Death Knight - Unholy DeathKnight core passive Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Apocalypse, Avalanche, Blood Plague, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cleaving Strikes, Cold Heart, Dark Transformation, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Festering Strike, Festering Wound, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Inexorable Assault, Outbreak, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sacrificial Pact, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper, Unholy Assault, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact, Virulent Plague Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Apocalypse, Avalanche, Blood Plague, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cleaving Strikes, Cold Heart, Dark Transformation, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Festering Strike, Festering Wound, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Inexorable Assault, Outbreak, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sacrificial Pact, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper, Unholy Assault, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact, Virulent Plague Increases damage/healing by 15%: Soul Reaper Increases damage/healing by 4%: Apocalypse, Avalanche, Blood Plague, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cleaving Strikes, Cold Heart, Dark Transformation, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Festering Strike, Festering Wound, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Inexorable Assault, Outbreak, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sacrificial Pact, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper, Unholy Assault, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact, Virulent Plague Increases periodic damage/healing by 4%: Apocalypse, Avalanche, Blood Plague, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cleaving Strikes, Cold Heart, Dark Transformation, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Festering Strike, Festering Wound, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Inexorable Assault, Outbreak, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sacrificial Pact, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper, Unholy Assault, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact, Virulent Plague Unholy DeathKnight core passive Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Apocalypse, Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cleaving Strikes, Cold Heart, Dark Transformation, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Festering Strike, Festering Wound, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Inexorable Assault, Outbreak, Rune of Razorice, Sacrificial Pact, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact, Virulent Plague Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Apocalypse, Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cleaving Strikes, Cold Heart, Dark Transformation, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Festering Strike, Festering Wound, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Inexorable Assault, Outbreak, Rune of Razorice, Sacrificial Pact, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact, Virulent Plague Increases damage/healing by 15%: Soul Reaper Increases damage/healing by 4%: Apocalypse, Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cleaving Strikes, Cold Heart, Dark Transformation, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Festering Strike, Festering Wound, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Inexorable Assault, Outbreak, Rune of Razorice, Sacrificial Pact, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact, Virulent Plague Increases periodic damage/healing by 4%: Apocalypse, Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cleaving Strikes, Cold Heart, Dark Transformation, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Festering Strike, Festering Wound, Frost Fever, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Inexorable Assault, Outbreak, Rune of Razorice, Sacrificial Pact, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact, Virulent Plague
  • Breath of Sindragosa - Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Generates 2 Runes at the start and end. Continuously deal [ 50.6% 63.3% of Attack Power 50.6% 63.3% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you, until your Runic Power is exhausted
  • Sudden Doom - Your auto attacks have a chance to make your next Death Coil or Epidemic cost no Runic Power. Your auto attacks have a 25% chance to make your next Death Coil or Epidemic cost 10 less Runic Power and critically strike. Additionally, your next Death Coil and Epidemic will burst 1 Festering Wound.
  • Gift of the San'layn - While Vampiric Blood or Dark Transformation is active you gain Gift of the San'layn Gift of the San'layn increases the effectiveness of your Essence of the Blood Queen by 150%, and Vampiric Strike replaces your Heart Strike and Scourge Strike for the duration.

Demon Hunter

  • Thrill of the Fight - After consuming both enhancements, gain Thrill of the Fight, increasing your attack speed by 15% for 20 sec and causing your next ability to deal 30% increased damage and healing. After consuming both enhancements, gain Thrill of the Fight, increasing your attack speed by 15% for 20 sec and your damage and healing by 30% for 10 sec.
  • Intent Pursuit - Casting an enhanced ability reduces the remaining cooldown of The Hunt by 4 sec. Casting The Hunt allows you to cast Reaver's Glaive.
  • Vengeance Demon Hunter - Vengeance DemonHunter core passive Increases damage/healing by 4%: Burning Hatred, Chaos Nova, Demonic Trample, Eye of Leotheras, Fel Devastation, Fel Eruption, Felblade, Fiery Brand, Fracture, Illidan's Grasp, Immolation Aura, Infernal Armor, Infernal Strike, Sigil of Flame, Soul Carver, Soul Cleave, Spirit Bomb, Throw Glaive Increases periodic damage/healing by 4%: Burning Hatred, Chaos Nova, Demonic Trample, Eye of Leotheras, Fel Devastation, Fel Eruption, Felblade, Fiery Brand, Fracture, Illidan's Grasp, Immolation Aura, Infernal Armor, Infernal Strike, Sigil of Flame, Soul Carver, Soul Cleave, Spirit Bomb, Throw Glaive Decreases damage/healing by 35%: Felblade Decreases damage/healing by 60%: Fel Eruption Increases damage/healing by 20%: Fracture
  • Army Unto Oneself - Felblade surrounds you with a Blade Ward, reducing physical damage taken by 10% for 5 sec.
  • Warblade's Hunger - Consuming a Soul Fragment causes your next Shear to deal [ 100% of Attack Power ] bonus additional damage.
  • Wounded Quarry - While Reaver's Mark is on your target, melee attacks strike with an additional glaive slash for 0 damage and have a chance to shatter a soul. While Reaver's Mark is on your target, melee attacks strike with an additional glaive slash for [ 10% of Attack Power ] damage and have a chance to shatter a soul.
  • Sigil of Misery - Place a Sigil of Misery at the target location that activates after 2 sec Causes all enemies affected by the sigil to cower in fear, disorienting them for 20 15 sec.


  • Incarnation: Chosen of Elune - You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Moonkin Form for its duration.. An improved Moonkin Form that grants both Eclipses, any learned Celestial Alignment bonuses, and 10% critical strike chance Lasts 30 20 sec
  • Lycara's Teachings - You gain 2% 3% of a stat while in each form: No Form: Haste Cat Form: Critical Strike Bear Form: Versatility Moonkin Form: Mastery
  • Maim - Damage and duration increased per combo point: 1 point : [ 12.1% of Attack Power ] damage, 1 sec 2 points: [ 24.3% of Attack Power ] damage, 2 sec 3 points: [ 36.4% of Attack Power ] damage, 3 sec 4 points: [ 48.6% of Attack Power ] damage, 4 sec 5 points: [ 60.7% of Attack Power ] damage, 5 sec Damage and duration increased per combo point: 1 point : [ 16% of Attack Power ] damage, 1 sec 2 points: [ 32% of Attack Power ] damage, 2 sec 3 points: [ 48% of Attack Power ] damage, 3 sec 4 points: [ 64% of Attack Power ] damage, 4 sec 5 points: [ 80% of Attack Power ] damage, 5 sec
  • Lunar Beam - Summons a beam of lunar light at your location, increasing your mastery by [ 2,100% of mas ]%, dealing [ 85.2% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and healing you for [ 800% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec. Summons a beam of darkness at your location, increasing your mastery by [ 2,100% of mas ]%, dealing [ 85.2% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage, and healing you for [ 800% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec.
  • Berserk: Heart of the Lion - Each combo point spent reduces the cooldown of Berserk by 0.5 sec. Reduces the cooldown of Berserk by 60 sec.
  • Sunfire - Balance: A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for [ 20% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 156.6% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 18 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 8 yards. Restoration: A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for [ 20% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 156.6% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 18 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 8 yards. Balance: A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for [ 21.2% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 165.6% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 18 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 8 yards. Restoration: A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for [ 21.2% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 165.6% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 18 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 8 yards.
  • Mass Entanglement - Usable in all shapeshift forms.. Damage may interrupt the effect Roots the target and all enemies within 15 12 yards in place for 30 10 sec
  • Adaptive Swarm - Upon expiration, finds a new target, preferring to alternate between friend and foe up to 3 times. Command a swarm that heals [ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals [ 150% 180% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by 25%
  • Tiger's Tenacity - Tiger's Fury causes your next 3 finishing moves to restore 1 combo points. Tiger's Fury causes your next 3 finishing moves to restore 1 combo points. Tiger's Fury's also increases the periodic damage of your bleeds by an additional 10% for their full duration.
  • Tranquility - Heals all allies within 40 yards for [ 295% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid. Heals all allies within 40 yards for [ 1,180% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. Healing decreased beyond 5 targets.
  • Hunt Beneath the Open Skies - Moonfire and Sunfire damage increased by 10%. Damage and healing while in Cat Form increased by 5% 3%
  • Starfire - Call down a burst of energy, causing [ 65.03% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target, and [ 21.5% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all other enemies within 10 yards. Generates 10 Astral Power. Call down a burst of energy, causing [ 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target, and [ 26.4% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all other enemies within 10 yards. Generates 8 Astral Power.
  • Grove Guardians - Lasts 15 sec. Summons a Treant which will immediately cast Swiftmend on your current target, healing for [ 160% - 136% + of Spell Power ]. The Treant will cast Nourish on that target or a nearby ally periodically, healing for [ 50% 42.5% of Spell Power ]
  • Bursting Growth - Damage reduced above 5 targets. When Symbiotic Blooms expire or you cast Rejuvenation on their target flowers grow around their target, healing them and up to 3 nearby allies for [ 10% of Spell Power ]. When Bloodseeker Thorns expire or you use Ferocious Bite on their target they explode in thorns, dealing [ 90% 81% of Attack Power ] physical damage to nearby enemies
  • Starsurge - Launch a surge of stellar energies at the target, dealing [ 145.5% 154.2% of Spell Power ] Astral damage.
  • Berserk: Frenzy - During Berserk your combo point-generating abilities bleed the target for an additional 100% 135% of their direct damage over 8 sec.
  • Thrashing Claws - Normal: Shred deals 5% increased damage against bleeding targets and Shred and Swipe apply the Bleed damage over time from Thrash. Brutal Slash : Shred deals 5% increased damage against bleeding targets and Shred and Brutal Slash apply the Bleed damage over time from Thrash. Normal: Shred deals 5% increased damage against bleeding targets and Shred and Swipe apply the Bleed damage over time from Thrash, if known. Brutal Slash : Shred deals 5% increased damage against bleeding targets and Shred and Brutal Slash apply the Bleed damage over time from Thrash, if known.
  • Dream of Cenarius - Increases Wrath damage by [ 20 25% of Spell Power ]% and your Wrath spell causes a nearby ally to be healed for 100% of the damage done. While Heart of the Wild is active, Wrath and Shred transfer 150% of their damage and Starfire and Swipe transfer 100% of their damage into healing onto a nearby ally.
  • Aetherial Kindling - Casting Starfall extends the duration of active Moonfires and Sunfires by 4 3 sec, up to 28 sec.
  • Berserk - Go Berserk for 20 sec. Shred and Rake damage increased by 10%. Go Berserk for 15 sec. All attack and ability damage is increased by 10%.
  • Moment of Clarity - Normal: Omen of Clarity now triggers 50% more often, can accumulate up to [ 1u 1 ] charges, and increases the damage of your next Shred, Thrash, or Swipe by 15%. Brutal Slash : Omen of Clarity now triggers 50% more often, can accumulate up to [ 1u 1 ] charges, and increases the damage of your next Shred, Thrash, or Brutal Slash by 15%. Normal: Omen of Clarity now triggers 30% more often, can accumulate up to [ 1u 1 ] charges, and increases the damage of your next Shred, Thrash, or Swipe by an additional 15%. Brutal Slash : Omen of Clarity now triggers 30% more often, can accumulate up to [ 1u 1 ] charges, and increases the damage of your next Shred, Thrash, or Brutal Slash by an additional 15%.
  • Mastery: Razor Claws - Increases the damage done by your Cat Form bleed and other periodic abilities and finishing moves by 16.0%.
  • Fury of Elune - Damage reduced on secondary targets Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy that follows the enemy, dealing up to [ 238.4% 252.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec within its area. Generates 48 40 Astral Power over its duration.
  • Tear Open Wounds - Primal Wrath consumes up to 4 sec of Rip damage on targets it hits and deals 50% of it instantly. Primal Wrath consumes up to 4 sec of Rip damage on targets it hits and deals 50% of it instantly. During Berserk, Rip duration consumed is increased to 6 sec.
  • Guardian Druid - Guardian Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 58%: Brambles, Mangle, Pulverize, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 58%: Brambles, Mangle, Pulverize, Thrash Increases damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases damage/healing by 268%: Thrash Decreases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Thrash Increases damage/healing by 10%: Mangle Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life Increases damage/healing by 6%: Moonfire, Scintillating Moonlight, Twin Moons Increases periodic damage/healing by 6%: Moonfire, Scintillating Moonlight, Twin Moons Guardian Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 58%: Brambles, Mangle, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 58%: Brambles, Mangle, Thrash Increases damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases damage/healing by 268%: Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 300%: Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 300%: Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life
  • Power of Goldrinn - Starsurge has a chance to summon the Spirit of Goldrinn, which immediately deals [ 85.2% 92.2% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to the target.
  • Stellar Flare - Burns the target for [ 14% of Spell Power ] Astral damage, and then an additional [ 117.6% of Spell Power ] damage over 24 sec. If dispelled, causes [ 210% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and blasts them upwards Burns the target for [ 14.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage, and then an additional [ 124.8% of Spell Power ] damage over 24 sec. If dispelled, causes [ 222.6% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and blasts them upwards
  • Taste for Blood - Ferocious Bite deals 5% increased damage for each of your Bleeds on the target. Ferocious Bite deals 15% increased damage and an additional 15% during Tiger's Fury.
  • Nurturing Dormancy - When your Rejuvenation heals a full health target, its duration is increased by 2 sec, up to a maximum total increase of 6 4 sec per cast.
  • Bear Form - Bear Form gives an additional 20% 10% Stamina.
  • Orbital Strike - Reduces the cooldown of Celestial Alignment by 60 sec. Celestial Alignment blasts all enemies in a targeted area for [ 200% 173.1% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and applies Stellar Flare to them
  • Umbral Embrace - Dealing Astral damage has a chance to cause your next Wrath or Starfire cast during an Eclipse to become Astral and deal 25% additional damage. Wrath and Starfire have a 20% chance to cause your next Wrath or Starfire cast during an Eclipse to become Astral and deal 100% additional damage.
  • Grove's Inspiration - Regrowth, Wild Growth, and Swiftmend healing increased by 6%. Wrath and Starfire damage increased by 10% 15%
  • Starfall - Multiple uses of this ability may overlap Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing [ 102.6% 108.9% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec. Extends the duration of active Moonfires and Sunfires by 4 3 sec.
  • Wrath - Hurl a ball of energy at the target, dealing [ 57% 70% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Generates 8 6 Astral Power.
  • The Light of Elune - Moonfire damage has a chance to call down a Fury of Elune to follow your target for 3 sec Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy, dealing [ 89.4% 94.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 3 sec within its area. Generates 18 15 Astral Power over its duration.
  • Dream Surge - Grove Guardians causes your next targeted heal to create 2 Dream Petals near the target, healing up to 3 nearby allies for [ 100% of Spell Power ]. Stacks up to 3 charges. Force of Nature grants 3 charges of Dream Burst, causing your next Wrath or Starfire to explode on the target, dealing [ 249.6% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to nearby enemies. Damage reduced above 5 targets.
  • Aggravate Wounds - Every you cast extends the duration of your Dreadful Wounds by 0.4 0.6 sec, up to 6 8 additional sec.
  • Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane - An improved Cat Form that grants all of your known Berserk effects and lasts 30 sec. Shred and Rake damage increased by 10%. An improved Cat Form that grants all of your known Berserk effects and lasts 20 sec. All attack and ability damage is increased by 10%.
  • Balance Druid - Balance Druid core passive Decreases damage/healing by 1%: Celestial Alignment, Fury of Elune, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Moonfire, Shooting Stars, Star Burst, Starfall, Starsurge, Stellar Flare, Sunfire, Thorns, Wrath Decreases periodic damage/healing by 1%: Celestial Alignment, Fury of Elune, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Moonfire, Shooting Stars, Star Burst, Starfall, Starsurge, Stellar Flare, Sunfire, Thorns, Wrath Increases damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life Balance Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Moonfire Decreases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Moonfire Decreases damage/healing by 25%: Moonfire and Starfire Decreases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Moonfire Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life
  • Wild Mushroom - After 1 sec, the mushroom detonates, dealing [ 124% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 74.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 10 sec. Generates up to 20 Astral Power based on targets hit. After 1 sec, the mushroom detonates, dealing [ 200% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 113% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 10 sec. Generates up to 16 Astral Power based on targets hit.
  • Killing Strikes - Your first Mangle after entering combat makes your next Maul become Ravage. Ravage increases your Agility by 5% and the armor granted by Ironfur by 20% for 6 8 sec
  • Vigorous Creepers - Bloodseeker Vines increase the damage your abilities deal to affected enemies by 10%. 6%. Symbiotic Blooms increase the healing your spells do to affected targets by 8%. 6%.
  • Tireless Energy - Maximum Energy increased by 30 20 and Energy regeneration increased by 10%. 5%.
  • Forestwalk - Casting Regrowth increases your movement speed and healing received by 5% 8% for 3 6 sec.
  • Restoration Druid - Restoration Druid core passive Decreases damage/healing by 7%: Cultivation, Efflorescence, Improved Regrowth, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Reactive Resin, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Tranquility, Wild Growth Decreases periodic damage/healing by 7%: Cultivation, Efflorescence, Improved Regrowth, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Reactive Resin, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 71%: Improved Prowl, Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Moonfire, Thrash, Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 71%: Improved Prowl, Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Moonfire, Thrash, Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 31%: Improved Prowl, Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Moonfire, Sunfire, Thrash, Wrath Decreases damage/healing by 11%: Improved Regrowth and Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 29%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Rejuvenation Increases damage/healing by 90%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 92%: Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane Increases damage/healing by 116%: Improved Prowl Increases damage/healing by 44%: Improved Prowl Increases periodic damage/healing by 44%: Improved Prowl Increases damage/healing by 3%: Cultivation, Efflorescence, Improved Regrowth, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Reactive Resin, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Cultivation, Efflorescence, Improved Regrowth, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Reactive Resin, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Tranquility, Wild Growth Restoration Druid core passive Decreases damage/healing by 7%: Cultivation, Efflorescence, Improved Regrowth, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Reactive Resin, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Tranquility, Wild Growth Decreases periodic damage/healing by 7%: Cultivation, Efflorescence, Improved Regrowth, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Reactive Resin, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 71%: Ferocious Bite, Improved Prowl, Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Mangle, Moonfire, Shred, Thrash, Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 71%: Ferocious Bite, Improved Prowl, Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Mangle, Moonfire, Shred, Thrash, Wrath Decreases damage/healing by 11%: Improved Regrowth and Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 68%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Rejuvenation Increases damage/healing by 90%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 73%: Ferocious Bite and Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane Increases damage/healing by 96%: Improved Prowl and Shred Increases damage/healing by 31%: Improved Prowl Increases periodic damage/healing by 44%: Improved Prowl Increases damage/healing by 8%: Cultivation, Efflorescence, Improved Regrowth, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Reactive Resin, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Cultivation, Efflorescence, Improved Regrowth, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Reactive Resin, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Tranquility, Wild Growth
  • Ursine Vigor - For 4 sec after shifting into Bear Form, your health and armor are increased by 10%. 15%.
  • Wild Synthesis - Stacks up to 3 times. Nourish Regrowth decreases the cast time of your next Nourish by 33% and causes it to receive an additional 33% bonus from Mastery: Harmony Grove Guardians Treants from Grove Guardians also cast Wild Growth immediately when summoned, healing 5 allies within 40 yds for [ 56% 47.6% of Spell Power ] over 7 sec.
  • Raging Fury - Finishing moves extend the duration of Tiger's Fury by 0.4 sec per combo point spent. Tiger's Fury lasts 5 additional seconds.
  • Mastery: Astral Invocation - Your Nature spells deal 4.8% increased damage and an additional 2.3% to targets affected by Sunfire. Your Arcane spells deal 4.8% increased damage and an additional 2.3% to targets affected by Moonfire. Your Nature spells deal 4.0% increased damage and an additional 2.0% to targets affected by Sunfire. Your Arcane spells deal 4.0% increased damage and an additional 2.0% to targets affected by Moonfire.
  • Soul of the Forest - Solar Eclipse increases Wrath's Astral power Power generation by 60% and Lunar Eclipse increases Starfire's damage and Astral Power generation by 20% for each target hit beyond the first, up to 60%.
  • Astral Influence - Increases the range of all of your abilities spells by 3 5 yards.
  • Primal Fury - When you critically strike with an attack that generates a combo point, you gain an additional combo point. Damage over time cannot trigger this effect. While in Cat Form, when you critically strike with an attack that generates a combo point, you gain an additional combo point. Damage over time cannot trigger this effect. Mangle critical strike damage increased by 20%.
  • Rampant Ferocity - Ferocious Bite also deals [ 23.13% of Attack Power ] damage per combo point spent to all nearby enemies affect by your Rip Ferocious Bite also deals [ 33.3% of Attack Power ] damage per combo point spent to all nearby enemies affect by your Rip. Spending extra Energy on Ferocious Bite increases damage dealt by up to 50%
  • Celestial Alignment - Celestial bodies align, maintaining both Eclipses and granting 10% haste for 20 15 sec.
  • Abundance - For each Rejuvenation you have active, Regrowth's cost is reduced by 5% and critical effect chance is increased by 5%, up to a maximum of 60%. For each Rejuvenation you have active, Regrowth's cost is reduced by 8% and critical effect chance is increased by 8%, up to a maximum of 96%.
  • New Moon - Deals [ 200% 212% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to the target and empowers New Moon to become Half Moon. Generates 12 10 Astral Power.
  • Primal Wrath - Finishing move that deals instant damage and applies Rip to all enemies within 8 yards. 1 point : [ 14.4% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 4 sec 2 points: [ 21.6% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 6 sec 3 points: [ 28.8% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 8 sec 4 points: [ 36% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 10 sec 5 points: [ 43.2% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 12 sec Finishing move that deals instant damage and applies Rip to all enemies within 10 yards. 1 point : [ 28.6% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 4 sec 2 points: [ 42.9% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 6 sec 3 points: [ 57.2% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 8 sec 4 points: [ 71.5% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 10 sec 5 points: [ 85.8% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 12 sec
  • Incarnation: Chosen of Elune - You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Moonkin Form for its duration.. An improved Moonkin Form that grants both Eclipses, any learned Celestial Alignment bonuses, and 10% critical strike chance Lasts 30 20 sec
  • Feral Druid - Feral Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 11%: Brutal Slash, Feral Frenzy, Ferocious Bite, Improved Prowl, Improved Shred, Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane, Lunar Inspiration, Merciless Claws, Rake, Shred, Swipe, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 11%: Brutal Slash, Feral Frenzy, Ferocious Bite, Improved Prowl, Improved Shred, Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane, Lunar Inspiration, Merciless Claws, Rake, Shred, Swipe, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life Increases damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Improved Prowl and Rake Feral Druid core passive Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life Increases damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Improved Prowl and Rake
  • Rake - While stealthed, Rake will also stun the target for 4 sec and deal 60% increased damage. Reduces the target's movement speed by 20% for 12 sec. Awards 1 combo points. Rake the target for [ 16.32% 21.54% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage and an additional [ 117.85% 141.4% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 15 sec
  • Celestial Alignment - Celestial bodies align, maintaining both Eclipses and granting 10% haste for 20 15 sec.
  • Waning Twilight - When you have 3 periodic effects from your spells on a target, your damage and healing on them are increased by 5%. 6%.
  • Rip - 1 point : [ 76.1% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec 2 points: [ 114.2% of Attack Power ] over 12 sec 3 points: [ 152.2% of Attack Power ] over 16 sec 4 points: [ 190.3% of Attack Power ] over 20 sec 5 points: [ 228.4% of Attack Power ] over 24 sec 1 point : [ 100.5% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec 2 points: [ 150.7% of Attack Power ] over 12 sec 3 points: [ 201% of Attack Power ] over 16 sec 4 points: [ 251.2% of Attack Power ] over 20 sec 5 points: [ 301.4% of Attack Power ] over 24 sec
  • Feral Frenzy - Awards 5 combo points. Unleash a furious frenzy, clawing your target 5 times for [ 52% 62.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and an additional [ 312% 375% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 6 sec
  • Nurturing Instinct - Magical damage and healing increased by 2%. 6%.
  • Dreadful Wound - Dreadful Wound is not affected by Circle of Life and Death. Ravage also inflicts a Bleed that causes [ 27.5% 30.3% of Attack Power ] damage over 6 sec and saps its victims' strength, reducing damage they deal to you by 4%
  • Sabertooth - Ferocious Bite deals 15% increased damage and increases all damage dealt by Rip by 5% per Combo Point spent for 4 sec. Ferocious Bite deals 15% increased damage. For each Combo Point spent, Ferocious Bite's primary target takes 3% increased damage from your Cat Form bleed and other periodic abilities for 4 sec.
  • Natural Recovery - Healing done and healing taken increased by 3%. Healing you receive is increased by 4%.
  • Soul of the Forest - Your finishing moves grant 3 2 Energy per combo point spent and deal 5% increased damage.
  • Master Shapeshifter - Cat Form Rip, Ferocious Bite, and Maim deal 60% additional damage and generate 0 Mana when cast with 5 combo points.. Your abilities are amplified based on your current shapeshift form, granting an additional effect. Bear Form Ironfur grants 30% additional armor and generates 0 Mana Moonkin Form Wrath, Starfire, and Starsurge deal 30% additional damage and generate 0 Mana
  • Thick Hide - Reduces all damage taken by 6%. 4%.
  • Killer Instinct - Physical damage and Armor increased by 2%. 6%.
  • Brutal Slash - Awards 1 combo points.. Deals 15% increased damage against bleeding targets. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets Strikes all nearby enemies with a massive slash, inflicting [ 62.1% 147.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage
  • Call of the Elder Druid - When you shift into a combat shapeshift form, you gain Heart of the Wild for 15 sec, once every 60 sec. When you shift into a combat shapeshift form or cast Starsurge, you gain Heart of the Wild for 10 sec, once every 60 sec. Heart of the Wild Balance: Abilities not associated with your specialization are substantially empowered for 45 sec. Feral: Gain 1 Combo Point every 2 sec while in Cat Form and Physical damage increased by 20%. Guardian: Bear Form gives an additional 20% Stamina, multiple uses of Ironfur may overlap, and Frenzied Regeneration has 2 charges. Restoration: Healing increased by 30%, and mana costs reduced by 50%. Feral: Abilities not associated with your specialization are substantially empowered for 45 sec. Balance: Cast time of Balance spells reduced by 30% and damage increased by 20%. Guardian: Bear Form gives an additional 20% Stamina, multiple uses of Ironfur may overlap, and Frenzied Regeneration has 2 charges. Restoration: Healing increased by 30%, and mana costs reduced by 50%. Guardian: Abilities not associated with your specialization are substantially empowered for 45 sec. Balance: Cast time of Balance spells reduced by 30% and damage increased by 20%. Feral: Gain 1 Combo Point every 2 sec while in Cat Form and Physical damage increased by 20%. Restoration: Healing increased by 30%, and mana costs reduced by 50%. Restoration: Abilities not associated with your specialization are substantially empowered for 45 sec. Balance: Cast time of Balance spells reduced by 30% and damage increased by 20%. Feral: Gain 1 Combo Point every 2 sec while in Cat Form and Physical damage increased by 20%. Guardian: Bear Form gives an additional 20% Stamina, multiple uses of Ironfur may overlap, and Frenzied Regeneration has 2 charges. Initial: Abilities not associated with your specialization are substantially empowered for 45 sec. Balance: Cast time of Balance spells reduced by 30% and damage increased by 20%. Feral: Gain 1 Combo Point every 2 sec while in Cat Form and Physical damage increased by 20%. Guardian: Bear Form gives an additional 20% Stamina, multiple uses of Ironfur may overlap, and Frenzied Regeneration has 2 charges. Restoration: Healing increased by 30%, and mana costs reduced by 50%.
  • Umbral Intensity - Lunar Eclipse increases the damage Starfire deals to nearby enemies by an additional 15%. Lunar Eclipse increases Starfire's damage by 20% and the damage it deals to nearby enemies by an additional 15%.
  • Shooting Stars - Moonfire and Sunfire damage over time has a chance to call down a falling star, dealing [ 20.5% -- 25% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and generating 2 Astral Power.
  • Dreadful Bleeding - Rip damage increased by 18%. 20%.
  • Astral Smolder - Your critical strikes from Starfire and Wrath cause the target to languish for an additional 40% of your spell's damage over 6 sec. Your Starfire and Wrath damage has a 45% chance to cause the target to languish for an additional 40% of your spell's damage over 6 sec.
  • Predator - The cooldown on Tiger's Fury resets when a target dies with one of your Bleed effects active, and Tiger's Fury lasts 5 additional seconds. Tiger's Fury lasts 5 additional seconds. Your combo point-generating abilities' direct damage is increased by 40% of your Haste.
  • Verdant Infusion - Swiftmend no longer consumes a heal over time effect, and extends the duration of your heal over time effects on the target by 12 8 sec.
  • Apex Predator's Craving - Rip damage has a 7.2% 6.0% chance to make your next Ferocious Bite free and deal the maximum damage.
  • Prosperity - Swiftmend now has 2 charges, and its cooldown is reduced by 3 sec. Swiftmend now has 2 charges.
  • Thriving Growth - Wild Growth, Regrowth, and Efflorescence healing has a chance to cause Symbiotic Blooms to grow on the target, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] over 6 sec. Multiple instances of these can overlap. Rip and Rake damage has a chance to cause Bloodseeker Vines to grow on the victim, dealing [ 180% 135% of Attack Power ] bleed damage over 6 sec


  • Motes of Possibility - Essence abilities have a chance to form a mote of diverted time near you. Anyone who comes in contact with the mote gains 10 seconds of reduced cooldown to their major ability. Eruption has a 15% chance to form a mote of diverted essence near you. Allies who comes in contact with the mote gain a random buff from your arsenal.
  • Panacea - Emerald Blossom instantly heals you for [ 250% of Spell Power ] when cast. Emerald Blossom and Verdant Embrace instantly heal you for [ 125% of Spell Power ] when cast.
  • Firestorm - An explosion bombards the target area with white-hot embers, dealing [ 231.8% 198.72% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to enemies over 12 sec.
  • Warp - Hover now warps you through time and space and its cooldown is reduced by 5 sec Hover now causes you to briefly warp out of existence and appear at your destination. Hover's cooldown is also reduced by 5 sec
  • Imminent Destruction - Deep Breath reduces the Essence costs of Disintegrate and Pyre by 1 for 10 sec after you land. Deep Breath reduces the Essence costs of Disintegrate and Pyre by 1 and increases their damage by 10% for 12 sec after you land.
  • Time of Need - May only occur once every 60 sec.. Your alternate self continues healing for 8 sec before returning to their timeline When you or an ally fall below 20% 30% health, a version of yourself enters your timeline and heals them for [ 418% of Spell Power ]
  • Timeless Magic - Reversion, Time Dilation, Echo, and Temporal Anomaly last 10% 15% longer and cost 10% 15% less mana.
  • Landslide - Damage may cancel the effect. Conjure a path of shifting stone towards the target location, rooting enemies for 30 15 sec
  • Dream Flight - Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid
  • Golden Opportunity - Prescience has a 25% chance to not incur a cooldown. Prescience has a 20% chance to cause your next Prescience to last 100% longer.
  • Recall - You may reactivate Deep Breath within 3 sec after landing to travel back in time to your takeoff location. Normal: You may reactivate Deep Breath within 3 sec after landing to travel back in time to your takeoff location. Dream Flight : You may reactivate Dream Flight and Deep Breath within 3 sec after landing to travel back in time to your takeoff location.
  • Snapfire - Living Flame has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Firestorm, and make your next one instant cast and deal 100% increased damage. Pyre and Living Flame have a 15% chance to cause your next Firestorm to be instantly cast without triggering its cooldown, and deal 100% increased damage.
  • Master of Destiny - Casting Essence spells extend extends + all your active Threads of Fate by 1 sec.
  • Everburning Flame - Red spells extend the duration of your Fire Breath's damage over time by 1 sec. Fire Breath causes enemies to take 20% increased damage from your Red spells.
  • Reversion - When Reversion critically heals, its duration is extended by 2 sec, up to a maximum of 12 sec. Repair Reverse an ally's injuries, healing them for [ 205.2% of Spell Power ] over 12 sec
  • Overlord - Deep Breath casts an Eruption at the first 3 enemies struck. Deep Breath casts an Eruption at the first 3 enemies struck. These Eruptions have a 100% chance to create a Mote of Possibility.
  • Feed the Flames - After casting 9 Pyres, your next Pyre will explode into a Firestorm. After casting 9 Pyres, your next Pyre will explode into a Firestorm. In addition, Pyre and Disintegrate deal 20% increased damage to enemies within your Firestorm.
  • Reactive Hide - Each time Blistering Scales explodes it deals 10% 15% more damage for 12 sec, stacking 10 times.
  • Animosity - Casting an empower spell extends the duration of Dragonrage by 4 sec. Casting an empower spell extends the duration of Dragonrage by 4 sec, up to a maximum of 16 sec.
  • Lifeforce Mender - Living Flame and Fire Breath deal additional damage and healing equal to 0% 1% of your maximum health.
  • Echoing Strike - Azure Strike has a 10% chance per target hit to echo, casting again. Azure Strike deals 15% increased damage and has a 10% chance per target hit to echo, casting again.
  • Bombardments - You and your allies have a chance to trigger a Bombardment when attacking marked targets, dealing [ 100% of Spell Power ] Volcanic damage split amongst all nearby enemies. You and your allies have a chance to trigger a Bombardment when attacking marked targets, dealing [ 110% of pctD ] Volcanic damage split amongst all nearby enemies.
  • Overawe - Oppressing Roar removes 1 Enrage effect from each enemy, and its cooldown is reduced by 20 sec for each Enrage dispelled. Oppressing Roar removes 1 Enrage effect from each enemy, and its cooldown is reduced by 30 sec.
  • Energy Loop - Disintegrate deals 20% 35% more damage and generates 0 mana over its duration.
  • Temporal Compression - Each cast of a Bronze spell causes your next empower spell to reach maximum level in 5% 10% less time, stacking up to 4 times.
  • Seismic Slam - Landslide causes enemies who are mid-air to be slammed to the ground, stunning them for 2 4 sec.
  • Molten Embers (New) - Fire Breath causes enemies to take 20% increased damage from your Black spells.
  • Imminent Destruction (New) - Deep Breath reduces the Essence cost of Eruption by 1 and increases its damage by 10% for 12 sec after you land.


  • Bloodshed - Command your pet to tear into your target, causing your target to bleed for [ 184.9% of Attack Power ] over 18 sec and increase all damage taken from your pet by 15% for 18 sec. Command your pet to tear into your target, causing your target to bleed for [ 172.8% of Attack Power ] over 18 sec and take 15% increased damage from your pet by for 18 sec.
  • Serpentstalker's Trickery - Aimed Shot also fires a Serpent Sting at the primary target. Aimed Shot also fires a Serpent Sting at the primary target. Serpent Sting Fire a shot that poisons your target, causing them to take [ 20.6% of Attack Power ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 123.6% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 18 sec.
  • Tranquilizing Shot - Improved Tranquilizing Shot : Removes [ 25% of Spell Power ] Enrage and 1 Magic effect from an enemy target Disruptive Rounds : Removes [ 25% of Spell Power ] Enrage and 1 Magic effect from an enemy target
  • Natural Mending - Every 30 10 Focus you spend reduces the remaining cooldown on Exhilaration by 1.0 sec.
  • Bombardier - Wildfire Bomb's cooldown is reset at the start and end of Coordinated Assault. When you cast Coordinated Assault, you gain 2 charges of Wildfire Bomb. When Coordinated Assault ends, Explosive Shot has its cooldown reduced by 100% and its Focus cost reduced by 100% for 4 sec.
  • Beast Mastery Hunter - Beast Mastery Hunter core passive Increases damage/healing by 7%: A Murder of Crows, Barbed Shot, Barrage, Bloodshed, Careful Aim, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, Death Chakram, Dire Beast: Hawk, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike, Fury of the Eagle, Hydra's Bite, Improved Kill Shot, Kill Command, Kill Shot, Mongoose Bite, Multi-Shot, Serpent Sting, Stampede, Steel Trap, Stomp, Terms of Engagement, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Infusion, Wind Arrow Increases periodic damage/healing by 7%: A Murder of Crows, Barbed Shot, Barrage, Bloodshed, Careful Aim, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, Death Chakram, Dire Beast: Hawk, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike, Fury of the Eagle, Hydra's Bite, Improved Kill Shot, Kill Command, Kill Shot, Mongoose Bite, Multi-Shot, Serpent Sting, Stampede, Steel Trap, Stomp, Terms of Engagement, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Infusion, Wind Arrow Increases damage/healing by 50%: Volley Increases damage/healing by 15%: Improved Kill Shot and Kill Shot Beast Mastery Hunter core passive Increases damage/healing by 50%: Volley
  • Lone Wolf - Increases your damage by 10% 5% when you do not have an active pet.
  • A Murder of Crows - Summons a flock of crows to attack your target, dealing [ 576% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 15 sec. If the target dies while under attack, A Murder of Crows' cooldown is reset. Summons a flock of crows to attack your target, dealing [ 345.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 15 sec.
  • Rejuvenating Wind - Maximum health increased by 4%, 8%, and Exhilaration now also heals you for an additional 10.0% 20.0% of your maximum health over 8 sec.
  • Coordinated Assault - You and your pet's bond is then strengthened for 20 sec, causing your pet's Basic Attack to empower your next spell cast: Wildfire Bomb : Increase the initial damage by 20% Kill Shot : Bleed the target for 50% of Kill Shot's damage over 6 sec. You and your pet's bond is then strengthened for 20 sec, causing your pet's Basic Attack to empower your next spell cast: Wildfire Bomb : Increase the initial damage by 20% Kill Shot : Bleed the target for 50% of Kill Shot's damage over 6 sec You and your pet's bond is then strengthened for 20 sec, causing your pet's Basic Attacks to empower your next spell cast: Wildfire Bomb : Increase the initial damage by 20% Kill Shot : Bleed the target for 50% of Kill Shot's damage over 6 sec. While Coordinated Assault is active, Kill Shot to be usable on targets regardless of Health. You and your pet's bond is then strengthened for 20 sec, causing your pet's Basic Attacks to empower your next spell cast: Wildfire Bomb : Increase the initial damage by 20% Kill Shot : Bleed the target for 50% of Kill Shot's damage over 6 sec. While Coordinated Assault is active, Kill Shot to be usable on targets regardless of Health
  • Wailing Arrow - Non-Player targets struck by a Wailing Arrow have their spellcasting interrupted and are silenced for 3 sec. Windrunner's Barrage : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Wailing Arrow resets the cooldown of Rapid Fire and generates 2 charges of Aimed Shot. Normal: Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Readiness : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target Wailing Arrow fires off 5 Wind Arrows at your primary target, and 10 Wind Arrows split among any secondary targets hit, each dealing [ 5% 20% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Beast Cleave - Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. After you Multi-Shot, your pet's melee attacks also strike all nearby enemies for 35% 80% of the damage for the next 3.0 6.0 sec
  • Stomp - When you cast Barbed Shot, your pet stomps the ground, dealing [ 37.5% 80.3% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Legacy of the Windrunners - Aimed Shot coalesces 2 extra Wind Arrows that also shoot your target for [ 5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Every 24 Wind Arrows fired generates 30 Focus and grants 1 charge of Aimed Shot. Modifiers to Aimed Shot damage also increase the damage of Wind Arrows. Aimed Shot coalesces 1 Wind Arrows that shoot your target for [ 20% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Each time Rapid Fire deals damage, there is a 5% chance to coalesce a Wind Arrow at your target.
  • Readiness - Trueshot grants Wailing Arrow and you generate 2 additional Wind Arrows while in Trueshot
  • Careful Aim - Aimed Shot deals 25% 50% bonus damage to targets who are above 70% health.
  • Kill Shot - Only usable on enemies with less than 20% health. You attempt to finish off a wounded target, dealing [ 297% 400% of Attack Power ] Physical damage
  • Wildfire Bomb - Deals 40% increased damage to your primary target.. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 57% 78% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for [ 114% 156% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec
  • Aimed Shot - Normal: A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 280.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and causes your next 1-2 Arcane Shots or Multi-Shots to deal 35% more damage. Chimaera Shot : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 280.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Careful Aim : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 280.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Aimed Shot deals 0% bonus damage to targets who are above 70% health. Normal: A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and causes your next 1-2 Arcane Shots or Multi-Shots to deal 70% more damage. Chimaera Shot : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Careful Aim : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Aimed Shot deals 0% bonus damage to targets who are above 70% health. Serpent Sting : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Aimed Shot also fires a Serpent Sting at the primary target.
  • Eagletalon's True Focus - Trueshot lasts an additional 1.5 sec, reduces the Focus cost of Arcane Shot, Chimaera Shot, and Multi-Shot by 12%, and reduces the Focus Cost of Aimed Shot by 12%. Trueshot lasts an additional 3.0 sec, reduces the Focus Cost of Aimed Shot by 50%, and causes your Arcane Shot, Chimaera Shot, and Multi-Shot to be cast again at 30% effectiveness.
  • Steel Trap - Damage other than Steel Trap may break the immobilization effect. Limit 1.. Trap will exist for 60 sec Hurls a Steel Trap to the target location that snaps shut on the first enemy that approaches, immobilizing them for 20 sec and causing them to bleed for [ 160% 32% of Attack Power ] damage over 20 sec
  • Improved Traps - The cooldown of Tar Trap, Steel Trap, High Explosive Trap, and Freezing Trap is reduced by 2.5 5.0 sec.
  • In the Rhythm - When Rapid Fire fully finishes channeling, gain 12% 8% haste for 6 sec.
  • Razor Fragments - When the Trick Shots effect fades or is consumed, or after gaining Deathblow, your next Kill Shot will deal 50% 75% increased damage, and shred up to 5 targets near your Kill Shot target for 25% of the damage dealt by Kill Shot over 6 sec.
  • Lunge - Increases the range of your melee attacks and abilities by 3 yds
  • Wildfire Infusion - Volatile Bomb: Reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 24.57% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets. Volatile Bomb: Reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 24.57% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets. Volatile Bomb: Reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 24.57% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets. Volatile Bomb: Reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 33.4% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets. Volatile Bomb: Reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 33.4% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets. Volatile Bomb: Reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 33.4% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets.
  • Bestial Wrath - Removes all crowd control effects from your pet. and activating Bestial Wrath grants 0 charges of Barbed Shot.. Bestial Wrath's remaining cooldown is reduced by 12 sec each time you use Barbed Shot Normal: Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 80.1% 207.4% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 25% for 15 sec. Scent of Blood : Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 69.6% 180% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 25% for 15 sec
  • Barbed Shot - Generates 20 Focus over 8 sec.. Sends your pet into a frenzy, increasing attack speed by 30% for 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Generates 20 Focus over 8 sec Normal: Fire a shot that tears through your enemy, causing them to bleed for [ 222% 237.5% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec. Thrill of the Hunt : Fire a shot that tears through your enemy, causing them to bleed for [ 222% 237.5% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and increases your critical strike chance by 2% for 8 sec, stacking up to 1 time
  • Lone Survivor - Reduce the cooldown of Survival of the Fittest by 30 sec, and increase its duration by 2.0 sec. Reduce the cooldown of Survival of the Fittest by 30 sec, and increase its duration by 2.0 sec. Reduce the cooldown of Counter Shot and Muzzle by 2 sec.
  • Master Marksman - Your melee and ranged special attack critical strikes cause the target to bleed for an additional 7% 15% of the damage dealt over 6 sec.
  • Flanking Strike - Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike
  • Viper's Venom - Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite have a 15% chance to apply Serpent Sting to your target. Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite apply Serpent Sting to your target. Serpent Sting Fire a shot that poisons your target, causing them to take [ 20.6% of Attack Power ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 123.6% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 18 sec.
  • Flanker's Advantage - Kill Command has an additional 15% chance to immediately reset its cooldown. Kill Command has an additional 10% chance to immediately reset its cooldown, increased by 100% when Kill Command critically strikes a target. Tip of the Spear's damage bonus is increased up to 100%, based on your critical strike chance.
  • Frenzy Strikes - Butchery and Carve reduce reduces + the remaining cooldown on Wildfire Bomb by 1 sec and the remaining cooldown of Flanking Strike by 1 sec for each target hit, up to 5.
  • Raptor Strike - A vicious slash dealing [ 182.7% 248% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Ruthless Marauder - Fury of the Eagle now gains bonus critical strike chance against targets below 35% health, and Fury of the Eagle critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb and Flanking Strike by 0.5 1.0 sec.
  • Quick Load - When you fall below 40% heath, Bursting Shot's cooldown is immediately reset When you fall below 40% heath, Bursting Shot and Scatter Shot have their cooldown immediately reset
  • Deadly Duo - While Spearhead is active, Raptor Strike increases the damage of your next Kill Command by 40% and the reset chance of your next Kill Command by 20%, stacking up to 3 times. Kill Command cooldown resets extend the duration of Spearhead by 1.0 sec. The cooldown of Spearhead is reduced by 30 sec and Spearhead's bleed now increases your critical strike damage against the target by 30%.
  • Born To Be Wild - Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial: Reduces the cooldowns of Aspect of the Cheetah, Survival of the Fittest, and Aspect of the Turtle by 7%. Survival: Reduces the cooldowns of Aspect of the Eagle, Aspect of the Cheetah, Survival of the Fittest, and Aspect of the Turtle by 7%. Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial: Reduces the cooldowns of Aspect of the Cheetah, Survival of the Fittest, and Aspect of the Turtle by 30 sec. Survival: Reduces the cooldowns of Aspect of the Eagle, Aspect of the Cheetah, Survival of the Fittest, and Aspect of the Turtle by 30 sec.
  • Volley - Rain a volley of arrows down over 6 sec, dealing up to [ 294% 352.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to any enemy in the area, and gain the effects of Trick Shots for as long as Volley is active.
  • Kill Shot - Only usable on enemies with less than 20% health. You attempt to finish off a wounded target, dealing [ 278.3% 320% of Attack Power ] Physical damage
  • Spearhead - You and your pet charge your enemy, striking them for [ 35% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. You then become one with your pet for 12 sec. While active, your pet damage is increased by 25%, Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite deal an additional 35% damage over 4 sec, and Kill Command has a 20% increased chance to reset. You and your pet charge your enemy, applying a heavy bleed that increases your chance to critically strike your target by 30% for 10 sec.
  • Thrill of the Hunt - Barbed Shot increases your critical strike chance by 2% for 8 sec, stacking up to 1 2 time. times. +
  • Explosives Expert - Wildfire Bomb cooldown reduced by 1.0 4.0 sec.
  • Killer Accuracy - Kill Shot critical strike chance increased by 10%. Kill Shot critical strike chance and critical strike damage increased by 20%.
  • Barrage - Rapidly fires a spray of shots for 3 sec, dealing an average of [ 180.4% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all nearby enemies in front of you Beast Mastery: Rapidly fires a spray of shots for 3 sec, dealing an average of [ 154% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all nearby enemies in front of you. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Grants Beast Cleave. Marksmanship: Rapidly fires a spray of shots for 3 sec, dealing an average of [ 154% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all nearby enemies in front of you
  • Improved Tranquilizing Shot - When Tranquilizing Shot successfully dispels an effect, gain 10 Focus. Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial: When Tranquilizing Shot successfully dispels an effect or Counter Shot interrupts a cast, gain 10 Focus. Survival: When Tranquilizing Shot successfully dispels an effect or Muzzle interrupts a cast, gain 10 Focus.
  • Hydra's Bite - Serpent Sting fires arrows at 2 additional enemies near your target, and its damage over time is increased by 20%. When Aimed Shot strikes an enemy affected with your Serpent Sting, it spreads Serpent Sting to 2 enemies nearby. Serpent Sting's damage over time is increased by 20%.
  • Marksmanship Hunter - Marksmanship Hunter core passive Increases damage/healing by 22%: A Murder of Crows, Aimed Shot, Barrage, Bloodshed, Bursting Shot, Careful Aim, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Death Chakram, Dire Beast: Hawk, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike, Fury of the Eagle, Hydra's Bite, Improved Kill Shot, Improved Rapid Fire, Kill Shot, Legacy of the Windrunners, Mongoose Bite, Multi-Shot, Rapid Fire, Serpent Sting, Stampede, Steel Trap, Stomp, Terms of Engagement, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Infusion, Wind Arrow Increases periodic damage/healing by 22%: A Murder of Crows, Aimed Shot, Barrage, Bloodshed, Bursting Shot, Careful Aim, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Death Chakram, Dire Beast: Hawk, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike, Fury of the Eagle, Hydra's Bite, Improved Kill Shot, Improved Rapid Fire, Kill Shot, Legacy of the Windrunners, Mongoose Bite, Multi-Shot, Rapid Fire, Serpent Sting, Stampede, Steel Trap, Stomp, Terms of Engagement, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Infusion, Wind Arrow Decreases damage/healing by 40%: A Murder of Crows Decreases damage/healing by 15%: Barrage Decreases damage/healing by 40%: A Murder of Crows Decreases damage/healing by 15%: Barrage Marksmanship Hunter core passive Increases damage/healing by 7%: Improved Kill Shot and Kill Shot Increases damage/healing by 22%: Chimaera Shot and Multi-Shot
  • Precise Shots - Normal: Aimed Shot causes your next 1-2 Arcane Shots or Multi-Shots to deal 35% more damage. Chimaera Shot : Aimed Shot causes your next 1-2 Chimaera Shots or Multi-Shots to deal 35% more damage. Normal: Aimed Shot causes your next 2 Arcane Shots or Multi-Shots to deal 70% more damage and cost 50% less Focus. Chimaera Shot : Aimed Shot causes your next 2 Chimaera Shots or Multi-Shots to deal 70% more damage and cost 50% less Focus.
  • Rapid Fire - Each shot generates 1 Focus. Each shot generates 1 Focus.. Rapid Fire causes your next Aimed Shot to cast 0% faster. Usable while moving Normal: Shoot a stream of 7 shots at your target over 2 sec, dealing a total of [ 357% - 385% + of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Streamline : Shoot a stream of 7 shots at your target over 2 sec, dealing a total of [ 357% - 385% + of Attack Power ] Physical damage
  • Streamline - Rapid Fire's damage is increased by 7%, 15%, and Rapid Fire also causes your next Aimed Shot to cast 15% 30% faster.
  • Mastery: Spirit Bond - You and your pet's Focus spending abilities deal 13.2% increased damage. While your pet is active, you both regenerate 0.8% of maximum health every 5 sec. You and your pet deal 6.8% increased damage and take 3% reduced damage. This bonus is increased by 100% when you're within 25 yds of each other.
  • Steady Focus - Using Steady Shot twice in a row increases your haste by 7% 8% for 15 sec.
  • Trailblazer - Your movement speed is increased by 15% 30% anytime you have not attacked for 3 sec.
  • Pathfinding - Movement speed increased by 2%. 4%.
  • Survival Hunter - Survival Hunter core passive Increases damage/healing by 36%: A Murder of Crows, Barrage, Bloodshed, Careful Aim, Carve, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Death Chakram, Dire Beast: Hawk, Explosive Shot, Explosive Trap, Flanking Strike, Frenzy Strikes, Fury of the Eagle, Harpoon, Hydra's Bite, Improved Kill Shot, Kill Command, Mongoose Bite, Serpent Sting, Stampede, Steel Trap, Stomp, Terms of Engagement, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Bomb, Wildfire Infusion, Wind Arrow Increases periodic damage/healing by 36%: A Murder of Crows, Barrage, Bloodshed, Careful Aim, Carve, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Death Chakram, Dire Beast: Hawk, Explosive Shot, Explosive Trap, Flanking Strike, Frenzy Strikes, Fury of the Eagle, Harpoon, Hydra's Bite, Improved Kill Shot, Kill Command, Mongoose Bite, Serpent Sting, Stampede, Steel Trap, Stomp, Terms of Engagement, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Bomb, Wildfire Infusion, Wind Arrow Survival Hunter core passive Increases damage/healing by 10%: Explosive Shot Increases periodic damage/healing by 36%: Serpent Sting and Viper's Venom
  • Fury of the Eagle - Kill Command cooldown resets reduce the cooldown of Fury of the Eagle by 3.0 sec.. Critical strike chance increased by 50% against any target below 20% health. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets Furiously strikes all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 838.8% 1,140.3% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 4 sec
  • Cobra Shot - Reduces the cooldown of Kill Command by 1 sec. A quick shot causing [ 146.3% 156.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage
  • Dire Frenzy - Dire Beast lasts an additional 1 2 sec and deals 20% 60% increased damage.
  • Mongoose Bite - Successive attacks do not increase duration.. Mongoose Fury Increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by 15% for 14 sec, stacking up to 5 times A brutal attack that deals [ 148.6% 202% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury
  • Explosive Shot - Fires an explosive shot at your target. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. After 3 sec, the shot will explode, dealing [ 238.7% 291% of Attack Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yds
  • Kill Command - Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 159% 148.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy.
  • Killer Companion - Kill Command damage increased by 5%. 10%.
  • Kill Command - Normal: Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 214.9% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy. Kill Command has a 25% chance to immediately reset its cooldown. . Tip of the Spear : Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 214.9% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy Normal: Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 158% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy. Kill Command has a 20% chance to immediately reset its cooldown. Tip of the Spear : Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 158% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy
  • Survival of the Fittest - Reduces all damage you and your pet take by 20% 30% for 6 sec.
  • Sweeping Spear - Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Butchery, and Carve damage increased by 5%. Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, and Butchery damage increased by 10%.
  • Aspect of the Eagle - Normal: Increases the range of your Raptor Strike to 0 to 40 yds for 15 sec. Mongoose Bite : Increases the range of your Mongoose Bite to 0 to 40 yds for 15 sec. Normal: Increases the range of your Raptor Strike and Mastery: Spirit Bond to 0 to 40 yds for 15 sec. Mongoose Bite : Increases the range of your Mongoose Bite and Mastery: Spirit Bond to 0 to 40 yds for 15 sec.
  • Tip of the Spear - Normal: Kill Command increases the damage of your next Raptor Strike by 8%, stacking up to 3 times. Mongoose Bite : Kill Command increases the damage of your next Mongoose Bite by 8%, stacking up to 3 times. Kill Command increases the direct damage of your other spells by 15%, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Venomous Bite (New) - Bloodshed increases all damage taken from your pet by an additional 15%, and Kill Command deals 20% increased damage to the target.
  • Laceration (New) - When your pets critically strike, they cause their target to bleed for 15% of the damage dealt over 6 sec.
  • Ghillie Suit (New) - You take 20% reduced damage while Camouflage is active. This effect persists for 3 sec after you leave Camouflage.
  • Unnatural Causes (New) - Your damage over time effects deal 10% increased damage. This effect is increased by 50% on targets below 20% health.
  • No Hard Feelings (New) - When Misdirection targets your pet, it reduces the damage they take by 50% for 5 sec.
  • Penetrating Shots (New) - Gain critical strike damage equal to 20% of your critical strike chance.
  • Explosive Venom (New) - Every 5 cast of Cobra Shot or Multi-Shot will apply Serpent Sting to targets hit.
  • Rapid Fire Barrage (New) - Barrage now instead shoots Rapid Fires at your target and up to 4 nearby enemies at 30% effectiveness, but its cooldown is increased by 40 sec.
  • Contagious Reagents (New) - Reapplying Serpent Sting to a target also spreads it to up to 2 nearby enemies.
  • Fan the Hammer (New) - Rapid Fire shoots 3 additional shots.
  • Territorial Instincts (New) - Intimidation can now be cast without a pet and stuns 2 additional nearby enemies for 50% effectiveness.
  • Outland Venom (New) - Each damage over time effect on a target increases the critical strike damage they receive from you by 2%.
  • Relentless Primal Ferocity (New) - Coordinated Assault sends you and your pet into a state of primal power. For the duration of Coordinated assault, Kill Command generates 1 additional stack of Tip of the Spear, you gain 10% Haste, and Tip of the Spear's damage bonus is increased by 50%.
  • Symbiotic Adrenaline (New) - The cooldown of Coordinated Assault is reduced by 60.
  • A Murder of Crows (New) - Every 5 cast of Kill Command summons a Murder of Crows. A Murder of Crows Summons a flock of crows to attack your target, dealing [ 345.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 15 sec.
  • Scrappy (New) - Casting Kill Command reduces the cooldown of Intimidation and Binding Shot by 0.5 sec.
  • Sic 'Em (New) - Kill Shot critical strikes reset the cooldown of Kill Command.
  • Padded Armor (New) - Survival of the Fittest gains an additional charge.
  • Specialized Arsenal (New) - Kill Command deals 10% increased damage.
  • Shower of Blood (New) - Bloodshed now hits 2 additional nearby targets.
  • Flanker's Advantage (New) - Kill Command has an additional 10% chance to immediately reset its cooldown, increased by 100% when Kill Command critically strikes a target. Tip of the Spear's damage bonus is increased up to 100%, based on your critical strike chance.
  • Kindling Flare (New) - Stealthed enemies revealed by Flare remain revealed for 3 sec after exiting the flare.
  • Merciless Blows (New) - Casting Butchery makes your next Raptor Strike or Mongoose Bite hit 3 targets.
  • Kodo Tranquilizer (New) - Tanquilizing Shot removes up to 1 additional Magic effects from its target.
  • Moment of Opportunity (New) - When a trap triggers, you gain Aspect of the Cheetah for 3 sec. Can only occur every 1 min.
  • Small Game Hunter (New) - Multi-Shot deals 100% increased damage and Explosive Shot deals 25% increased damage.
  • Scout's Instincts (New) - You cannot be slowed below 80% of your normal movement speed while Aspect of the Cheetah is active.
  • Go for the Throat (New) - Kill Command deals increased critical strike damage equal to 100% of your critical strike chance.
  • Wildfire Infusion (New) - Mongoose Bite and Raptor Strike have a 15% chance to reset Kill Command's cooldown. Kill Command reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 2 sec.
  • Exposed Flank (New) - Your Flanking Strike exposes a weakness in your enemy's defenses, increasing the damage of Kill Command by 10% and causes your Kill Command to hit 2 additional nearby enemies for 10 sec.
  • Serrated Tips (New) - You gain 5% more critical strike from critical strike sources.
  • Devilsaur Tranquilizer (New) - If Tranquilizing Shot removes only an Enrage effect, its cooldown is reduced by 5 sec.
  • Basilisk Collar (New) - Each damage over time effect on a target increases the damage they receive from your pet's attacks by 5%.
  • Killer Cobra (New) - Kill Shot applies Serpent Sting for 18 sec. Serpent Sting Fire a shot that poisons your target, causing them to take [ 20.6% of Attack Power ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 123.6% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 18 sec.
  • Huntmaster's Call (New) - Every 3 casts of Dire Beast sounds the Horn of Valor, summoning either Hati or Fenryr to battle. Hati Increases the damage of all your pets by 15%. Fenryr Pounces your primary target, inflicting a heavy bleed that deals [ 480% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and grants you 10% Haste.
  • Emergency Salve (New) - Feign Death and Aspect of the Turtle removes poison and disease effects from you.
  • Tar-Coated Bindings (New) - Binding Shot's stun duration is increased by 1 sec.
  • Trigger Finger (New) - You and your pet have 5.0% increased attack speed. This effect is increased by 100% if you do not have an active pet.
  • Wailing Arrow (New) - After summoning 20 Wind Arrows, your next Aimed Shot becomes a Wailing Arrow. Wailing Arrow Normal: Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Non-Player targets struck by a Wailing Arrow have their spellcasting interrupted and are silenced for 3 sec. Readiness : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Non-Player targets struck by a Wailing Arrow have their spellcasting interrupted and are silenced for 3 sec. Wailing Arrow resets the cooldown of Rapid Fire and generates 2 charges of Aimed Shot. Windrunner's Barrage : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Non-Player targets struck by a Wailing Arrow have their spellcasting interrupted and are silenced for 3 sec. Wailing Arrow fires off 5 Wind Arrows at your primary target, and 10 Wind Arrows split among any secondary targets hit, each dealing [ 20% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Kill Zone (New) - Your spells and attacks deal 8% increased damage and ignore line of sight against any target in your Volley.
  • Grenade Juggler (New) - Wildfire Bomb deals 5% increased damage and has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of Explosive Shot. Explosive Shot reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 4 sec.
  • Sulfur-Lined Pockets (New) - Every 3 Quick Shots is replaced with an Explosive Shot at 100% effectiveness.


  • Arcane Missiles - Only castable when you have Clearcasting
  • Siphon Storm - Evocation grants 1 Arcane Charge, channels 50% faster and while channeling Evocation, your Intellect is increased by 2% every 0.5 sec Lasts 30 20 sec.
  • Arcane Surge - For the next 15 sec, your Mana regeneration is increased by 425% and spell damage is increased by 35%.. Expend all of your current mana to annihilate your enemy target and nearby enemies for up to [ 431.5% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage based on Mana spent. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets Generates Clearcasting
  • Deep Impact - Meteor's damage is increased by 20% but is now split evenly between all enemies hit Meteor now turns one target hit into a Living Bomb
  • Critical Mass - You gain 20% more of the Critical Strike stat from all sources. Your spells have a 15% - 5% increased chance to deal a critical strike
  • Controlled Destruction - Pyroblast's damage is increased by 5% when the target is above 70% health or below 50% health. Damaging a target with Pyroblast increases the damage it receives from Ignite by 0.5%. Stacks up to 50 times.
  • Ice Barrier - Melee attacks against you reduce the attacker's movement speed by 50%.. Melee attacks against you reduce the attacker's movement speed by 50% Normal: Shields you with ice, absorbing [ 22% 24% of Total Health ] damage for 60 sec. Glacial Insulation : Shields you with ice, absorbing [ 22% 24% of Total Health ] damage and increasing your armor by 0% for 60 sec
  • Mana Adept - Arcane Barrage grants you 2% 1.5% of your maximum mana per Arcane Charge spent.
  • Splintering Sorcery - This effect stacks.. When you consume Nether Precision, conjure 2 Arcane Splinters that fire at your target Arcane Splinter : Conjure raw Arcane magic into a sharp projectile that deals [ 35% 30% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Arcane Splinter s embed themselves into their target, dealing [ 23.4% 20.7% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 18 sec
  • Sunfury Execution - Arcane Bombardment damage bonus increased to 130%. Arcane Bombardment Arcane Barrage deals an additional 100% damage against targets below 35% health. Scorch's critical strike threshold is increased to 35%. Scorch Scorches an enemy for [ 24.4% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Scorch is a guaranteed critical strike and increases your movement speed by 30% for 3 sec when cast on a target below 30% health. Castable while moving.
  • Evocation - Increases your mana regeneration by 750% for 6 sec. Increases your mana regeneration by 750% for 6 sec and grants Clearcasting.
  • Mana Addiction - Multiple instances may overlap.. Stacks up to 10 times Consuming Clearcasting grants you 3% 3.0% Haste for 10 sec
  • Slipstream - Clearcasting allows Arcane Missiles to be channeled while moving Arcane Missiles can now be channeled while moving
  • Kindling - Your Fireball, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Scorch and Phoenix Flames critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown on Combustion by [ 1,000 / 1,000.1 ] sec. Your Fireball, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Scorch and Phoenix Flames critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown on Combustion by [ 1,000 / 1,000.1 ] sec. Flamestrike critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Combustion by 0.2 sec for each critical strike, up to 1 sec.
  • Nether Precision - Consuming Clearcasting increases the damage of your next 2 Arcane Blasts or Arcane Barrages by 20%.
  • Surging Blaze - Flamestrike and Pyroblast cast times are reduced by 0.5 sec and damage dealt increased by 10%. Pyroblast and Flamestrike's cast time is reduced by 0.5 sec and their damage dealt is increased by 5%.
  • Frozen Orb - Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Grants 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first damages an enemy. Enemies damaged by the Frozen Orb are slowed by 30% for 3 sec. Launches an orb of swirling ice up to 40 yds forward which deals up to [ 222.6% 240% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all enemies it passes through over 15 sec
  • Mass Polymorph - While affected, the victims cannot take actions but will regenerate health very quickly. Only works on Beasts, Humanoids and Critters.. Damage will cancel the effect Transforms all enemies within 10 yards into sheep, wandering around incapacitated for 1 min 15 sec
  • Concentrated Power - Clearcasting makes your next Arcane Missiles channel 20% faster or Arcane Explosion echo for 40% damage. Arcane Missiles channels 20% faster. Clearcasting makes Arcane Explosion echo for 40% damage.
  • Volatile Detonation - Greatly increases the effect of Blast Wave's knockback Blast Wave's cooldown is reduced by 5 sec. - sec
  • Spellfrost Teachings - Direct damage from Arcane Splinters has a 3% 2% chance to reset the cooldown of Arcane Orb and increase all damage dealt by Arcane Orb by 50% 20% for 10 sec.
  • Improved Scorch - Casting Scorch on targets below 30% health increase the target's damage taken from you by 4% for 12 sec, stacking up to 2 times. Additionally, Scorch critical strikes increase your movement speed by 30% for 3 sec. Casting Scorch on targets below 30% health increase the target's damage taken from you by 5% for 12 sec. This effect stacks up to 2 times.
  • Fevered Incantation - Each consecutive critical strike you deal increases critical strike damage you deal by 2%, 1%, up to 8% 4% for 6 sec.
  • Alexstrasza's Fury - Phoenix Flames and Dragon's Breath always critically strikes and Dragon's Breath deals 50% increased critical strike damage contributes to Hot Streak. Dragon's Breath always critically strikes, deals 50% increased critical strike damage, and contributes to Hot Streak.
  • Sun King's Blessing - After consuming 8 10 Hot Streaks, your next non-instant Pyroblast or Flamestrike cast within 30 sec grants you Combustion for 6 sec and deals 260% additional damage.
  • Arcane Familiar - Summon a Familiar that attacks your enemies and increases your maximum mana by 10% for 60 min. Casting Arcane Intellect summons a Familiar that attacks your enemies and increases your maximum mana by 10% for 60 min.
  • Splinterstorm - Splinterstorm : Shatter all Embedded Arcane Splinters, dealing their remaining periodic damage instantly. Splinterstorm has a 20% chance to grant you Clearcasting.. Whenever you have 8 or more active Embedded Arcane Splinters, you automatically cast a Splinterstorm at your target Conjure an Arcane Splinter for each Splinter shattered, then unleash them all in a devastating barrage, dealing [ 35% 30% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to your target for each Splinter in the Splinterstorm
  • Unleashed Inferno - While Combustion is active your Fireball, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Scorch, and Phoenix Flames deal 50% increased damage and reduce the cooldown of Combustion by 1.25 sec. While Combustion is active your Fireball, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Scorch, and Phoenix Flames deal 60% increased damage and reduce the cooldown of Combustion by 1.25 sec. While Combustion is active, Flamestrike deals 35% increased damage and reduces the cooldown of Combustion by 0.25 sec for each critical strike, up to 1.25 sec.
  • Fractured Frost - Your Frostbolt has a 20% chance to hit up to 2 additional targets. While Icy Veins is active, your Frostbolts hit up to 2 additional targets.
  • Flame On - Reduces the cooldown of Fire Blast by 2 sec and increases the maximum number of charges by 1. Increases the maximum number of Fire Blast charges by 2.
  • Concentration - Arcane Blast has a chance to grant Concentration, which causes your next Clearcasting to not be consumed. Arcane Blast has a small chance to make your next cast of Arcane Blast free.
  • Illuminated Thoughts - Clearcasting has a 5% increased chance to proc. Clearcasting has a 5% increased chance to proc and increases the damage of spells that consume it by 5%.
  • Frost Mage - Frost Mage core passive Increases damage/healing by 9%: Arcane Echo, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Arcanosphere, Blast Wave, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Flame Patch, Flurry, Frost Bomb, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Lance, Living Bomb, Mastery: Icicles, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Ray of Frost, Snowdrift, Supernova Increases periodic damage/healing by 9%: Arcane Echo, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Arcanosphere, Blast Wave, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Flame Patch, Flurry, Frost Bomb, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Lance, Living Bomb, Mastery: Icicles, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Ray of Frost, Snowdrift, Supernova Frost Mage core passive
  • Clearcasting - For each 0 mana you spend, you have a 1% chance to gain Clearcasting, making your next Arcane Missiles or Arcane Explosion free Casting Arcane spells has a 10% chance of making your next Arcane Missiles or Arcane Explosion free
  • Phoenix Flames - Normal: Hurls a Phoenix that deals [ 77.05% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to other nearby enemies. Alexstrasza's Fury : Hurls a Phoenix that deals [ 77.05% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to other nearby enemies Hurls a Phoenix that deals [ 77.05% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to other nearby enemies
  • Amplification - When Clearcast, Arcane Missiles fires 3 additional missiles.
  • Scorch - Scorch is a guaranteed critical strike and increases your movement speed by 30% for 3 sec when cast on a target below 30% health
  • Call of the Sun King - Phoenix Flames deals 100,000% increased damage and gains 1 additional charge. Phoenix Flames gains 1 additional charge and always critically strikes.
  • Living Bomb - The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking [ 58.79% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 4 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 32.34% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 60% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds
  • Comet Storm - Calls down a series of 7 icy comets on and around the target, that deals up to [ 321.5% 350% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all enemies within 6 yds of its impacts.
  • Convection - Each time Living Bomb explodes it has a 30% chance to reduce its cooldown by 2.0 sec. When a Living Bomb expires, if it did not spread to another target, it reapplies itself at 100% effectiveness. A Living Bomb can only benefit from this effect once.
  • From the Ashes - Increases Mastery by 2% for each charge of Phoenix Flames on cooldown and your direct-damage critical strikes reduce its cooldown by 0 sec. Phoenix Flames damage increased by 15% and your direct-damage spells reduce the cooldown of Phoenix Flames by 1 sec.
  • Fervent Flickering - Ignite's damage has a 5% chance to reduce the cooldown of Fire Blast by 1 sec. Fire Blast's cooldown is reduced by 2 sec.
  • Lit Fuse - Consuming Hot Streak has a 10% chance to grant you Lit Fuse. Up to five enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. Lit Fuse : Your next Fire Blast turns up to three nearby targets into a Living Bomb that explodes after 4 2 sec, dealing [ 32.34% 60% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds


  • Improved Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox - Purifying Stagger damage while Niuzao is active increases the damage of Niuzao's next Stomp by 25% of damage purified, split between all enemies. While Niuzao is active, Purifying Brew increases the damage of Niuzao's next Stomp, based on Stagger level.
  • Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox - While active, 25% of damage delayed by Stagger is instead Staggered by Niuzao.. Summons an effigy of Niuzao, the Black Ox for 25 sec Niuzao attacks your primary target, and frequently Stomps, damaging all nearby enemies for [ 16.38% of Attack Power ] plus 25% 0% of Stagger damage you have recently purified
  • Summon White Tiger Statue - Invoking Xuen, the White Tiger also spawns a White Tiger Statue at your location that pulses [ 25% 50% of Attack Power ] damage to all enemies every 2 sec for 30 10 sec.
  • Refreshing Jade Wind - Thunder Focus Tea summons a whirling tornado around you, causing [ 13.22% of Spell Power ] healing every 0.75 sec for 15 sec on to up to 6 allies within 10 yards. Thunder Focus Tea summons a whirling tornado around you, causing [ 14.5% of Spell Power ] healing every 0.75 sec for 6 sec on to up to 5 allies within 10 yards.
  • Zen Pulse - Renewing Mist's heal over time has a chance to cause your next Vivify to also trigger a Zen Pulse on its target and all allies with Renewing Mist, healing them for [ 166.32% 160% of Spell Power ] increased by 6% per Renewing Mist active, up to 30%.
  • Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger - Summons an effigy of Xuen, the White Tiger for 20 sec. Xuen attacks your primary target, and strikes 3 enemies within 10 yards every 1 sec with Tiger Lightning for [ 25.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage Every 4 sec, Xuen strikes your enemies with Empowered Tiger Lightning dealing 10% 8% of the damage you have dealt to those targets in the last 4 sec.
  • Elusive Mists - Reduces all damage taken while channelling Soothing Mists by 0%. Reduces all damage taken by you and your target while channeling Soothing Mists by 6%.
  • Last Emperor's Capacitor - Chi spenders increase the damage of your next Crackling Jade Lightning by 100% 200% and reduce its cost by 5%, stacking up to 20 times.
  • Dance of Chi-Ji - Spending Chi has a chance to make your next Spinning Crane Kick free and deal an additional 300% 200% damage.
  • Crane Vortex - Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by 10%. Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by 20% and its radius is increased by 15%.
  • Skytouch - Tiger Palm now has a 10 yard range. Tiger Palm also applies an effect which increases your critical strike chance by 50% for 6 sec on the target. This effect cannot be applied more than once every 60 sec per target. Tiger Palm also applies an effect which increases your critical strike chance by 15% for 6 sec on the target. This effect cannot be applied more than once every 30 sec per target.
  • Mastery: Combo Strikes - Your abilities deal 10.0% 12.0% more damage when they are not a repeat of the previous ability.
  • Glory of the Dawn - Rising Sun Kick has a 25% chance to trigger a second time, dealing [ 50% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and restoring 1 Chi. Rising Sun Kick has a chance equal to 100% of your haste to trigger a second time, dealing [ 100% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and restoring 1 Chi.
  • Dual Threat - Your auto attacks have a 20% chance to instead kick your target dealing [ 175% 135% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and increasing your damage dealt by 5% for 5 sec.
  • Invigorating Mists - Vivify heals all allies with your Renewing Mist active for [ 91.52% 124.29% of Spell Power ], reduced beyond 5 allies.
  • Pool of Mists - Your Renewing Mist spell now has 3 charges and its healing is increased by 15%. Your Rising Sun Kick spell now has 3 charges and its damage is increased by 50%. Renewing Mist now has 3 charges and reduces the remaining cooldown of Rising Sun Kick by 1.0 sec. Rising Sun Kick now reduces the remaining cooldown of Renewing Mist by 1.0 sec.
  • Revival - Heals all party and raid members within 40 yds for [ 325.45% of Spell Power ] and clears them of all harmful Magical, Poison, and Disease effects. Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid. Heals all party and raid members within 40 yds for [ 1,301.8% of Spell Power ] and clears them of 3 harmful Magic, all Poison, and all Disease effects. Healing reduced beyond 5 targets.
  • Chi Burst - Brewmaster: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 46% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 94.5% of Attack Power ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Windwalker: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 46% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 94.5% of Attack Power ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Chi Burst generates 1 Chi per enemy target damaged, up to a maximum of 2. Mistweaver, Initial: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 46% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 94.5% of Attack Power ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path Brewmaster: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 120% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 145% of Attack Power ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Windwalker, Mistweaver, Initial: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 120% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 145% of Attack Power ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path
  • Refreshing Jade Wind - Summon a whirling tornado around you, causing [ 277.7% of Spell Power ] healing over 15 sec to up to 6 allies within 10 yards. Summon a whirling tornado around you, causing [ 304.5% of Spell Power ] healing over 6 sec to up to 5 allies within 10 yards.
  • Ironshell Brew - Increases Armor while Fortifying Brew is active by 25%. Increases Dodge while Fortifying Brew is active by 25%. Increases your maximum health by an additional 10% and your damage taken is reduced by an additional 10% while Fortifying Brew is active.
  • Bounce Back - This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds. When a hit deals more than 20% 12% of your maximum health, reduce all damage you take by 10% 20% for 4 sec
  • Windwalker Monk - Windwalker Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 3%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Press the Advantage, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Thunderfist, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Press the Advantage, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Thunderfist, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Increases damage/healing by 26%: Blackout Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 22%: Chi Wave and Rushing Jade Wind Increases periodic damage/healing by 22%: Eye of the Tiger Increases damage/healing by 140%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 26%: Fist of the White Tiger and Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 36%: Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 20%: Blackout Kick, Fist of the White Tiger, Tiger Palm Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 20%: Fists of Fury Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Spinning Crane Kick Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Refreshing Jade Wind and Rushing Jade Wind Increases damage/healing by 92%: Vivify Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases damage/healing by 8%: Blackout Kick Increases damage/healing by 10%: Blackout Kick, Fists of Fury, Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 15%: Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 20%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 10%: Blackout Kick Increases damage/healing by 8%: Rising Sun Kick Windwalker Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 26%: Blackout Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 22%: Chi Wave and Rushing Jade Wind Increases damage/healing by 150%: Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 188%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 26%: Fist of the White Tiger and Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 40%: Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 20%: Fists of Fury Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 150%: Vivify Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases damage/healing by 10%: Blackout Kick Increases damage/healing by 100%: Expel Harm and Reverse Harm
  • Windwalking - You and your allies within 10 yards have 10% increased movement speed. You and your allies within 10 yards have 10% increased movement speed. Stacks with other similar effects.
  • Resonant Fists - Your attacks have a chance to resonate, dealing [ $@traitentryrank101,520 * (15% of Attack Power) ] Nature damage to enemies within 8 yds. Your attacks have a chance to resonate, dealing [ 15% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to enemies within 8 yds.
  • Transfer the Power - Normal: Blackout Kick and Rising Sun Kick increase damage dealt by your next Fists of Fury by 3%, stacking up to 10 times. Rushing Jade Wind : Rushing Jade Wind, Blackout Kick and Rising Sun Kick increase damage dealt by your next Fists of Fury by 3%, stacking up to 10 times. Blackout Kick, Rising Sun Kick, and Spinning Crane Kick increase damage dealt by your next Fists of Fury by 3%, stacking up to 10 times.
  • Power Strikes - Every 15 sec, your next Tiger Palm will generate 1 additional Chi and deal 100% additional damage. While out of combat, your Chi balances to 2 instead of depleting to empty. Every 15 sec, your next Tiger Palm also casts Expel Harm and deals 30% additional damage. Expel Harm Brewmaster: Expel negative chi from your body, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] and dealing 10% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 20 yards. Draws in the positive chi of all your Healing Spheres to increase the healing of Expel Harm. Windwalker, Mistweaver, Initial: Expel negative chi from your body, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] and dealing 10% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 20 yards. Reverse Harm : Expel negative chi from your body, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] and dealing 10% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 20 yards. Generates [ 120% of Spell Power 1 ] Chi.
  • Jadefire Fists - Jadefire Stomp Strike the ground fiercely to expose a path of jade for 30 sec, dealing [ 40% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies, and restores [ 91% of Spell Power ] health to up to 5 allies within 30 yds caught in the path. Stagger is 5% more effective for 8 sec against enemies caught in the path suffer an additional [ 65% of Attack Power ] damage. Your abilities have a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Jadefire Stomp while fighting within the path. Jadefire Stomp Strike the ground fiercely to expose a path of jade for 30 sec, dealing [ 40% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies, and restoring [ 91% of Spell Power ] health to up to 5 allies within 30 yds caught in the path.Stagger is 5% more effective for 8 sec against enemies caught in the path. suffer an additional [ 65% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Brewmaster Monk - Brewmaster Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 11%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Keg Smash, Press the Advantage, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Increases periodic damage/healing by 11%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Keg Smash, Press the Advantage, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Decreases damage/healing by 44%: Rushing Jade Wind Increases damage/healing by 115%: Tiger Palm Decreases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Eye of the Tiger Decreases damage/healing by 15%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 92%: Vivify Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases damage/healing by 10%: Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Song of Chi-Ji Increases damage/healing by 20%: Blackout Kick Brewmaster Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 11%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Keg Smash, Press the Advantage, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Increases periodic damage/healing by 11%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Keg Smash, Press the Advantage, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Decreases damage/healing by 44%: Rushing Jade Wind Increases damage/healing by 115%: Tiger Palm Decreases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Eye of the Tiger Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 92%: Vivify Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases damage/healing by 10%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases damage/healing by 20%: Blackout Kick
  • Tiger Tail Sweep - Increases the range of Leg Sweep by 2 yds and reduces its cooldown by 10 sec. Increases the range of Leg Sweep by 4 yds.
  • Rising Mist - Rising Sun Kick heals all allies with your Renewing Mist, Enveloping Mist, or Essence Font for [ 23.94% of Spell Power ], and extends those effects by 4 sec, up to 100% of their original duration. Rising Sun Kick heals all allies with your Renewing Mist and Enveloping Mist for [ 23.94% of Spell Power ], and extends those effects by 4 sec, up to 100% of their original duration.
  • Combat Conditioning - Additionally, your Rising Sun Kick now also causes Mortal Wounds to the primary target. Mortal Wounds Grievously wounds the target, reducing the effectiveness of any healing received for 10 sec. Your Blackout Kick now also deals an additional 20% damage over 0 until cancelled if behind the target or heals you for 20% of the damage done if in front of the target
  • Fury of Xuen - Your Combo Strikes grant a stacking 1% chance for your next Fists of Fury to grant 5% haste and invoke Xuen, The White Tiger for 8 sec. Your Combo Strikes grant a stacking 1% chance for your next Fists of Fury to grant 3% critical strike, haste, and mastery and invoke Xuen, The White Tiger for 10 sec.
  • Jadefire Harmony - Your abilities reset Jadefire Stomp 100% more often. Enemies and allies hit by Jadefire Stomp are affected by Jadefire Brand, increasing your damage and healing against them by 12% for 10 sec. Enemies and allies hit by Jadefire Stomp are affected by Jadefire Brand, increasing your damage and healing against them by 6% for 10 sec.
  • Vivacious Vivification - Every 10 sec, your next Vivify becomes instant. Every 10 sec, your next Vivify becomes instant and its healing is increased by 20%. This effect also reduces the energy cost of Vivify by 75%.
  • Fists of Fury - Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Can be channeled while moving. Pummels all targets in front of you, dealing [ 750% 625% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to your primary target and [ 405% 337.5% of Attack Power ] damage to all other enemies over 4 sec
  • Shadowboxing Treads - Blackout Kick damage increased by 10% and strikes an additional 2 ltarget;targets. Blackout Kick damage increased by 10% and strikes an additional 2 ltarget;targets at 80% effectiveness.
  • Mark of the Crane - Stacks up to 5 times. Stacks up to 5 times and only applies to the primary target of each effect.
  • Flying Serpent Kick - If used again while active, you will land, dealing [ 8.79% of Attack Power ] damage to all enemies within 8 yards and reducing movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. If used again while active, you will land, reducing the movement speed of enemies within 8 yds by 70% for 4 sec.
  • Whirling Dragon Punch - Performs a devastating whirling upward strike, dealing [ 246.3% of Attack Power ] damage to all nearby enemies Performs a devastating whirling upward strike, dealing [ 525% of Attack Power ] damage to all nearby enemies and an additional [ 300% of Attack Power ] damage to the first target struck. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets
  • Jade Ignition - Using Spinning Crane Kick will cause the energy to detonate in a Chi Explosion, dealing [ 65% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yards Using Spinning Crane Kick will cause the energy to detonate in a Chi Explosion, dealing [ 127.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yards, reduced beyond 5 targets
  • Flurry Strikes - Dealing damage equal to 100% of your maximum health generates a Flurry Charge Dealing damage equal to 350% of your Attack Power generates a Flurry Charge
  • Courage of the White Tiger - Chance is increased while a celestial is active. Invoking a celestial guarantees your next cast activates this effect.
  • Fatal Touch - Touch of Death cooldown reduced by 120 sec. Touch of Death increases your damage by 5% for 30 sec after being cast and its cooldown is reduced by 90 sec.
  • Strike of the Windlord - Strike with both fists at all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 532.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.
  • Xuen's Bond - Abilities that activate Combo Strikes reduce the cooldown of Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger by 0.1 sec, and Xuen's damage is increased by 10%. Abilities cast by you or your Storm, Earth, and Fire clones that activate Combo Strikes reduce the cooldown of Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger by 0.25 sec, and Xuen's damage is increased by 15%.
  • Drinking Horn Cover - The duration of Storm, Earth, and Fire is extended by 0.4 0.25 sec for every Chi you spend.
  • Yu'lon's Whisper - Activating Thunder Focus Tea causes you to exhale the breath of Yu'lon, healing up to 5 allies within 15 yards for [ 147.5% of Spell Power ] over 2 sec. While channeling Mana Tea you exhale the breath of Yu'lon, healing up to 5 allies within 15 yards for [ 3.5% of Spell Power ] every 0.5 sec.
  • Expeditious Fortification - Fortifying Brew cooldown reduced by 2 min. 30 sec.
  • Mistweaver Monk - Mistweaver Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 4%: Celestial Breath, Celestial Harmony, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, Expel Harm, Healing Sphere, Invigorating Mists, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent, Mastery: Gust of Mists, Refreshing Jade Wind, Renewing Mist, Reverse Harm, Revival, Rising Mist, Soothing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, Thunderous Focus Tea, Vivify Increases periodic damage/healing by 4%: Celestial Breath, Celestial Harmony, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, Expel Harm, Healing Sphere, Invigorating Mists, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent, Mastery: Gust of Mists, Refreshing Jade Wind, Renewing Mist, Reverse Harm, Revival, Rising Mist, Soothing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, Thunderous Focus Tea, Vivify Increases damage/healing by 79%: Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 4%: Blackout Kick and Teachings of the Monastery Increases damage/healing by 245%: Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 184%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases periodic damage/healing by 400%: Crackling Jade Lightning Increases periodic damage/healing by 400%: Crackling Jade Lightning Decreases damage/healing by 8%: Invigorating Mists and Vivify Mistweaver Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 79%: Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 4%: Blackout Kick and Teachings of the Monastery Increases damage/healing by 245%: Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 184%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases periodic damage/healing by 400%: Crackling Jade Lightning
  • Anvil & Stave - This effect can only occur once every ?? sec. Effect reduced for each recent melee attacker.
  • Escape from Reality - After you use Transcendence: Transfer, you can use Transcendence: Transfer again within 10 sec, ignoring its cooldown. During this time, if you cast Vivify on yourself, its healing is increased by 25% and 50% of its cost is refunded. After you use Transcendence: Transfer, you can use Transcendence: Transfer again within 10 sec, ignoring its cooldown.
  • Thunder Focus Tea - Essence Font : Channels 100% faster. Essence Font : Channels 100% faster
  • Grace of the Crane - Increases all healing taken by 2%. 6%.
  • Ancient Teachings - Lasts 15 sec. While Ancient Teachings is active, your Stamina is increased by 5%. After casting Essence Font or Faeline Stomp, your Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, and Rising Sun Kick heal up to 5 injured allies within 40 yds for 150])}% of the damage done, split evenly among them
  • Inner Peace - Tiger Palm damage increased by 10%. Tiger Palm's Energy cost reduced by 5.
  • Lighter Than Air - Roll causes you to become lighter than air, allowing you to double jump to dash forward a short distance once within 5 sec. Roll causes you to become lighter than air, allowing you to double jump to dash forward a short distance once within 5 sec, but the cooldown of Roll is increased by 2 sec.
  • Improved Paralysis - Reduces the cooldown of Paralysis by 15 sec. Reduces the cooldown of Paralysis by 15 sec and the cooldown of Leg Sweep by 10 sec.
  • Spiritual Focus - Normal: Every 2 Chi you spend reduces the cooldown of Storm, Earth, and Fire by 1 0.5 sec. Serenity : Every 2 Chi you spend reduces the cooldown of Serenity by 0.3 0.2 sec.
  • Thunderfist - Strike of the Windlord grants you a stack of Thunderfist for each enemy struck Strike of the Windlord grants you 4 stacks of Thunderfist and an additional stack for each additional enemy struck
  • Storm, Earth, and Fire - You directly control the Storm spirit, while Earth and Fire spirits mimic your attacks on nearby enemies. While active, casting Storm, Earth, and Fire again will cause the spirits to fixate on your target. Split into 3 elemental spirits for 15 sec, each spirit dealing 42% 40% of normal damage and healing
  • Keg Smash - Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Grants Shuffle for 5 sec and reduces the remaining cooldown on your Brews by 3 sec. Smash a keg of brew on the target, dealing [ 81% 90% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yds and reducing their movement speed by 20% for 15 sec
  • Empowered Tiger Lightning - Xuen strikes your enemies with Empowered Tiger Lightning every 4 sec, dealing 10% 8% of the damage you and your summons have dealt to those targets in the last 4 sec.
  • Hit Combo - Each successive attack that triggers Combo Strikes in a row grants 1% increased damage, stacking up to 6 5 times.
  • Secret Infusion - After using Thunder Focus Tea, your next spell gives 5% of a stat for 10 sec: Enveloping Mist : Critical strike Renewing Mist : Haste Vivify : Mastery Rising Sun Kick : Versatility Essence Font : Haste Expel Harm : Versatility
  • Jade Bond - Abilities that activate Gust of Mist reduce the cooldown on Invoke Yul'on, the Jade Serpent by 0.3 sec, and Yu'lon's Soothing Breath healing is increased by 40%. Abilities that activate Gust of Mist reduce the cooldown on Invoke Yul'on, the Jade Serpent by 0.3 sec, and Chi-Ji's Gusts of Mists healing is increased by 40% and Yu'lon's Soothing Breath healing is increased by 300%.
  • Mastery: Gust of Mists - Renewing Mist, Enveloping Mist, Rising Sun Kick, Expel Harm, Revival, and Vivify cause a gust of healing mists, instantly healing the primary target for [ 0.1% of Spell Power ].
  • Jadefire Stomp - Strike the ground fiercely to expose a path of jade for 30 sec, dealing [ 40% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies, and restores [ 91% of Spell Power ] health to up to 5 allies within 30 yds caught in the path. Stagger is 5% more effective for 8 sec against enemies caught in the path suffer an additional [ 65% of Attack Power ] damage. Your abilities have a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Jadefire Stomp while fighting within the path. Strike the ground fiercely to expose a path of jade for 30 sec, dealing [ 40% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies, and restoring [ 91% of Spell Power ] health to up to 5 allies within 30 yds caught in the path.Stagger is 5% more effective for 8 sec against enemies caught in the path. suffer an additional [ 65% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Power of the Thunder King (New) - Crackling Jade Lightning now chains to 4 additional targets and its channel time is reduced by 50%.
  • Darting Hurricane (New) - After you cast Strike of the Windlord, the global cooldown of your next 2 Tiger Palms is reduced by 50%. Your damaging spells and abilities have a chance to grant 1 stack of Darting Hurricane.


  • Tyr's Deliverance - Releases the Light within yourself, healing 5 injured allies instantly and an injured ally every 1 sec for 20 sec within 40 yds for [ 62.69% 35% of Spell Power ]. Allies healed also receive 15% 10% increased healing from your Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Holy Shock spells for 12 sec.
  • Divine Arbiter - Abilities that deal Holystrike damage deal 5% increased damage and casting abilities that deal Holystrike damage grants you a stack of Divine Arbiter Highlord's Judgment and Holystrike damage abilities grant you a stack of Divine Arbiter
  • Tyr's Enforcer - Your Avenger's Shield is imbued with holy fire, causing it to deal [ 7.1% 8% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to all enemies within 5 yards of each target hit.
  • Sanctuary - While in your Consecration, your damage taken is reduced by an additional 5%. Consecration's benefits persist for 4 seconds after you leave it.
  • Merciful Auras - While Aura Mastery is active, heals all allies within 40 yds and healing is increased by 20%. Your auras restore [ 20.7% 17.24% of Spell Power ] health to 3 injured allies within 20 yds every 2 sec
  • Divine Guidance - For each Holy Power ability cast, your next Consecration does Attack Power damage or healing split across all enemies and allies, up to [ 500% of Attack Power ] total. For each Holy Power ability cast, your next Consecration deals Attack Power damage or healing immediately, split across all enemies and allies.
  • Blessed Hammer - Generates 1 Holy Power. Throws a Blessed Hammer that spirals outward, dealing [ 14.3% 16.25% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to enemies and reducing the next damage they deal to you by [ 30% of Attack Power ]
  • Boundless Judgment - Judgment generates 1 additional Holy Power. Judgment generates 1 additional Holy Power and has a 50% increased chance to trigger Mastery: Highlord's Judgment.
  • Solar Grace - Multiple stacks may overlap. Your Haste is increased by 4% 3% for 12 sec each time you apply Dawnlight
  • Wake of Ashes - Lash out at your enemies, dealing [ 351.12% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage to all enemies within 14 yds in front of you and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 9 sec Lash out at your enemies, dealing [ 292.6% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage to all enemies within 14 yds in front of you, and applying Truth's Wake , burning the targets for an additional [ 152.3% of Attack Power ] damage over 9 sec
  • Mastery: Hand of Light - Increases Holy damage done by 8.0%. Increases Holy damage done by 12.0%. Judgment has a 6.0% chance to blast the target with the Light, dealing [ 120% of Attack Power ] Holy damage.
  • Divine Hammer - Divine Hammers spin around you, damaging enemies within 8 yds for [ 71.4% of Attack Power ] Holy damage over 12 sec Divine Hammers spin around you, consuming a Holy Power to strike enemies within 8 yds for [ 35.7% of Attack Power ] Holy damage every 2.2 sec. While active your Judgment, Blade of Justice and Crusader Strike recharge 75% faster, and increase the rate at which Divine Hammer strikes by 15% when they are cast
  • Blessing of Summer - Bless an ally for 30 sec, causing their attacks to have a 100% chance to deal 20% additional damage as Holy Bless an ally for 30 sec, causing 20% of all healing to be converted into damage onto a nearby enemy and 10% of all damage to be converted into healing onto an injured ally within 40 yds
  • Eye of Tyr - Releases a blinding flash from your shield, causing [ 56.7% 64.43% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to all nearby enemies within 8 yds and reducing all damage they deal to you by 25% for 9 sec.
  • Hammer of the Righteous - Generates 1 Holy Power. Hammers the current target for [ 85.8% 97.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage
  • Righteous Cause - Templar's Verdict, Final Verdict and Justicar's Vengeance have a 100% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade of Justice. Each Holy Power spent has a 6% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade of Justice.
  • Retribution Paladin - Retribution Paladin core passive Increases damage/healing by 5%: Blade of Justice, Blessed Hammer, Consecration, Crusade, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, Final Reckoning, Glimmer of Light, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Judgment, Justicar's Vengeance, Light's Hammer, Redoubt, Sanctified Wrath, Templar's Verdict, Truth's Wake, Wake of Ashes, Zeal Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Blade of Justice, Blessed Hammer, Consecration, Crusade, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, Final Reckoning, Glimmer of Light, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Judgment, Justicar's Vengeance, Light's Hammer, Redoubt, Sanctified Wrath, Templar's Verdict, Truth's Wake, Wake of Ashes, Zeal Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Crusader Strike Decreases damage/healing by 6%: Consecration Increases damage/healing by 80%: Hand of the Protector and Word of Glory Retribution Paladin core passive Increases damage/healing by 12%: Flash of Light Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Crusader Strike Decreases damage/healing by 6%: Consecration Increases damage/healing by 80%: Hand of the Protector and Word of Glory
  • Judge, Jury and Executioner - Increases the critical strike chance of Judgment 10%. Divine Storm has a 40% chance to cause your next Templar's Verdict to hit an additional 3 targets.
  • Light of the Titans - Word of Glory heals for an additional [ 131.2% of Attack Power ] over 15 sec. Increased by 50% if cast on yourself while you are afflicted by a harmful damage over time effect. Word of Glory heals for an additional 20% over 15 sec. Increased by 100% if cast on yourself while you are afflicted by a harmful damage over time effect.
  • Holy Bulwark - Will the Light to coalesce and become manifest as a Holy Armament, wielded by your target Will the Light to coalesce and become manifest as a Holy Armament, wielded by your friendly target. Lasts 20 sec
  • Greater Judgment - Judgment causes the target to take 20% increased damage from your next Holy Power ability. Multiple applications may overlap.
  • Protection Paladin - Protection Paladin core passive Increases damage/healing by 12%: Avenger's Shield, Blessed Hammer, Bulwark of Order, Consecration, Crusade, Crusader Strike, Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, Final Reckoning, Glimmer of Light, Hammer of the Righteous, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Judgment, Justicar's Vengeance, Light's Hammer, Redoubt, Sanctified Wrath, Shield of the Righteous, Zeal Increases periodic damage/healing by 12%: Avenger's Shield, Blessed Hammer, Bulwark of Order, Consecration, Crusade, Crusader Strike, Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, Final Reckoning, Glimmer of Light, Hammer of the Righteous, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Judgment, Justicar's Vengeance, Light's Hammer, Redoubt, Sanctified Wrath, Shield of the Righteous, Zeal Increases damage/healing by 12%: Avenger's Shield, Blessed Hammer, Bulwark of Order, Consecration, Hammer of the Righteous, Judgment, Redoubt, Shield of the Righteous Decreases damage/healing by 23%: Judgment Increases damage/healing by 75%: Hand of the Protector and Word of Glory Increases damage/healing by 50%: Hammer of Wrath Protection Paladin core passive Increases damage/healing by 60%: Flash of Light Decreases damage/healing by 14%: Judgment Increases damage/healing by 75%: Hand of the Protector and Word of Glory
  • Execution Sentence - A hammer slowly falls from the sky upon the target, after 8 sec, they suffer 30% 20% of the damage taken from your abilities as Holy damage during that time.
  • Avenger's Shield - Normal: Hurls your shield at an enemy target, dealing [ 66.31% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, interrupting and silencing the non-Player target for 3 sec, and then jumping to 2 additional nearby enemies. Bulwark of Order : Hurls your shield at an enemy target, dealing [ 66.31% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, interrupting and silencing the non-Player target for 3 sec, and then jumping to 2 additional nearby enemies. Shields you for 8 sec, absorbing 30% as much damage as it dealt. Normal: Hurls your shield at an enemy target, dealing [ 75.35% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, interrupting and silencing the non-Player target for 3 sec, and then jumping to 2 additional nearby enemies. Bulwark of Order : Hurls your shield at an enemy target, dealing [ 75.35% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, interrupting and silencing the non-Player target for 3 sec, and then jumping to 2 additional nearby enemies. Shields you for 8 sec, absorbing 50% as much damage as it dealt.
  • Bastion of Light - Your next 3 casts of Shield of the Righteous or Word of Glory cost no Holy Power. Your next 5 casts of Judgment generate 2 additional Holy Power.
  • Barrier of Faith - Imbue a friendly target with a Barrier of Faith, absorbing [ 500% of Spell Power ] damage for 12 sec. Every 6 sec, the accumulated healing becomes an absorb shield. For the next 24 sec, Barrier of Faith accumulates 25% 20% of effective healing from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock spells
  • Highlord's Judgment - Judgment's duration is increased by 3 sec. If you have Greater Judgment, targets take 20% increased damage from your next 2 Holy Power abilities. Mastery: Highlord's Judgment is 50% more effective on Judgment and Hammer of Wrath. Judgment applies an additional stack of Greater Judgment if it is known.
  • Strength in Adversity - For each target hit by Avenger's Shield, gain 2% 5% parry for 15 sec.
  • Final Reckoning - Call down a blast of heavenly energy, dealing [ 288.75% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to all targets in the target area and causing them to take 30% increased damage from your Holy Power abilities for 12 sec. Call down a blast of heavenly energy, dealing [ 288.75% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to all targets in the area and causing them to take 30% increased damage from your single target Holy Power abilities, and 15% increased damage from other Holy Power abilities for 12 sec.
  • Light's Beacon - Healing this ally directly with Flash of Light or Holy Light grants 1 Holy Power. Wrap a single ally in holy energy, causing your heals on other party or raid members to also heal that ally for 25% 15% of the amount healed
  • Aegis of Protection - Divine Protection reduces damage you take by an additional 10% and Shield of Vengeance absorbs 10% more damage. Divine Protection reduces damage you take by an additional 20%.
  • Divine Wrath - Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath or Crusade by 3 sec. Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath or Crusade by 3 sec, and Radiant Glory by 1.5 sec.
  • Crusader's Might - Crusader Strike reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock and Judgment by 1.5 sec.
  • Blades of Light - Crusader Strike, Judgment, Hammer of Wrath and your damaging single target Holy Power abilities deal Holystrike damage. Crusader Strike, Judgment, Hammer of Wrath and your damaging single target Holy Power abilities now deal Holystrike damage and your abilities that deal Holystrike damage deal 5% increased damage.
  • Inner Light - When Shield of the Righteous expires, gain 10% block chance and deal [ 20% 22.73% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to all attackers for 4 sec.
  • Sun's Avatar - Activating Avenging Wrath applies 4 Dawnlights onto nearby allies or enemies and increases Dawnlight's duration by 25%. During Avenging Wrath, you become linked to your Dawnlights, causing [ 30% 18% of Spell Power ] Radiant damage to enemies or [ 30% 18% of Spell Power ] healing to allies that pass through the beams, reduced beyond 5 targets
  • Adjudication - Critical Strike damage of your abilities increased by 5% and Hammer of Wrath critical strikes cause a Blessed Hammer to spiral outward dealing [ 19.5% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage to enemies. Critical Strike damage of your abilities increased by 5% and Hammer of Wrath also has a chance to cast Highlord's Judgment.
  • Inflorescence of the Sunwell - Infusion of Light has 1 additional charge, increases Greater Judgment's effect by an additional 50%, reduces the cost of Flash of Light by an additional 30%, and causes every 3 casts of Holy Light to generate an additional Holy Power. Infusion of Light has 1 additional charge, increases Greater Judgment's effect by an additional 50%, reduces the cost of Flash of Light by an additional 30%, and Holy Light's healing is increased by an additional 50%.
  • Vengeful Wrath - Hammer of Wrath always critically strikes. Hammer of Wrath deals 50% increased damage to enemies below 35% health.
  • Strength of Conviction - While in your Consecration, your Shield of the Righteous and Word of Glory have 10% increased initial damage and healing.
  • Beacon of Virtue - All affected allies will be healed for 25% of the amount of your other healing done. Your Flash of Light and Holy Light on these targets will also grant 1 Holy Power. All affected allies will be healed for 15% of the amount of your other healing done.
  • Art of War - Your auto attacks have a 101% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade of Justice. Your auto attacks have a 20% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade of Justice. Critical strikes increase the chance by an additional 10%.
  • Eternal Flame - Heals an ally for [ 330% of Spell Power ] and an additional [ 2.5% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec for up to 30 sec. Healing over time increased by 50% when cast on self. Replaces Word of Glory. Heals an ally for [ 315% of Spell Power ] and an additional [ 100% of Spell Power ] over 20 sec. Healing increased by 25% when cast on self.
  • Crusader's Resolve - Enemies hit by Avenger's Shield deal 2% reduced damage to you for 10 sec. Multiple applications may overlap, up to a maximum of 3. Enemies hit by Avenger's Shield deal 10% reduced melee damage to you for 10 sec.
  • Infusion of Light - Judgment : Greater Judgment prevents an additional 100% damage dealt by the target. Your critical Holy Shocks empower your next spell cast: Flash of Light : Mana cost reduced by 70% 30% Holy Light : Generates 2 100 Holy Power
  • Bulwark of Order - Avenger's Shield also shields you for 8 sec, absorbing 30% 50% as much damage as it dealt, up to 30% 50% of your maximum health.
  • Beacon of Light - Healing this ally directly with Flash of Light or Holy Light grants 1 Holy Power. Wrap a single ally in holy energy, causing your heals on other party or raid members to also heal that ally for 25% 15% of the amount healed
  • Templar Strikes - Templar Strike slashes an enemy for [ 72.29% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage. You have 4 sec to continue the combo. Templar Slash strikes an enemy for [ 88.89% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage and is always a critical strike. Inherits Crusader Strike benefits. Templar Strike slashes an enemy for [ 90.37% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage and gets replaced by Templar Slash for 5 sec. Templar Slash strikes an enemy for [ 111.12% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage, and burns the enemy for 50% of the damage dealt over 4 sec.
  • Light of Dawn - Unleashes a wave of Holy energy, healing up to 5 injured allies within a 15 yd frontal cone for [ 83.34% 98% of Spell Power ].
  • Searing Light - Your abilities that deal Radiant damage have a chance to call down an explosion of Holy Fire dealing [ 180% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage to all nearby enemies and leaving a Consecration in its wake Highlord's Judgment and Radiant damage abilities have a chance to call down an explosion of Holy Fire dealing [ 180% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage to all nearby enemies and leaving a Consecration in its wake
  • Holy Shield - Your block chance is increased by 20%, you are able to block spells, and your successful blocks deal [ 9.83% 11.17% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to your attacker.
  • Holy Paladin - Holy Paladin core passive Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Aura Mastery, Bestow Faith, Glimmer of Light, Hand of the Protector, Holy Prism, Holy Shock, Judgment of Light, Light of Dawn, Light of the Martyr, Light's Hammer, Word of Glory Decreases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Aura Mastery, Bestow Faith, Glimmer of Light, Hand of the Protector, Holy Shock, Judgment of Light, Light of Dawn, Light of the Martyr, Light's Hammer, Word of Glory Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Blessed Hammer, Consecration, Crusade, Crusader Strike, Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, Final Reckoning, Glimmer of Light, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Judgment, Justicar's Vengeance, Light's Hammer, Redoubt, Sanctified Wrath, Shield of the Righteous, Zeal Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Hammer of Wrath and Judgment Increases damage/healing by 105%: Consecration Increases damage/healing by 10%: Hand of the Protector and Word of Glory Increases damage/healing by 116%: Hammer of Wrath Decreases periodic damage/healing by 21%: Blessed Hammer, Consecration, Crusade, Crusader Strike, Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, Final Reckoning, Glimmer of Light, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Judgment, Justicar's Vengeance, Light's Hammer, Redoubt, Sanctified Wrath, Shield of the Righteous, Zeal Increases damage/healing by 25%: Crusader Strike Holy Paladin core passive Decreases damage/healing by 36%: Judgment Increases damage/healing by 64%: Consecration Increases damage/healing by 45%: Hand of the Protector and Word of Glory Decreases damage/healing by 4%: Flash of Light
  • Glimmer of Light - When you Holy Shock, targets with Glimmer of Light are damaged for [ 147.84% of Spell Power ] or healed for [ 164.16% of Spell Power ], split evenly among them. When you Holy Shock, targets with Glimmer of Light are damaged for [ 147.84% of Spell Power ] or healed for [ 164.16% of Spell Power ], split evenly among them When you Holy Shock, targets with Glimmer of Light are damaged for [ 118.27% of Spell Power ] or healed for [ 110% of Spell Power ], split evenly among them. When you Holy Shock, targets with Glimmer of Light are damaged for [ 118.27% of Spell Power ] or healed for [ 110% of Spell Power ], split evenly among them
  • Holy Prism - If the beam is aimed at an enemy target, it deals [ 150% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 245% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 allies within 30 yds. If the beam is aimed at a friendly target, it heals for [ 490% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 90% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 enemies within 30 yds. If the beam is aimed at an enemy target, it deals [ 124.8% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 240% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 allies within 30 yds. If the beam is aimed at a friendly target, it heals for [ 450% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 74.88% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 enemies within 30 yds.
  • Shield of the Righteous - Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 71.82% 57.46% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and reducing the cooldown of Crusader Strike by 1.5 sec.
  • Shining Righteousness - Every 5 Shields of the Righteous make your next Word of Glory or Light of Dawn cost no Holy Power. Shield of the Righteous deals [ 160% 128% of Spell Power ] damage to its first target struck
  • Vanguard of Justice - Your damaging Holy Power abilities cost 1 additional Holy Power and deal 20% increased damage. Enemies hit by Templar's Verdict take 30% increased damage from your next Divine Storm.
  • Avenging Crusader - If Avenging Wrath is known, also increases Judgment, Crusader Strike, and auto-attack damage by 30%. You become the ultimate crusader of light for 12 15 sec. Crusader Strike and Judgment cool down 30% faster and heal up to 5 injured allies for 360% 420% of the damage they deal
  • Holy Shock - Has an additional 10% critical strike chance. Generates 1 Holy Power. Triggers a burst of Light on the target, dealing [ 61.2% 48.96% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy, or [ 153.5% 147.36% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally


  • Surge of Insanity - Every 2 casts of Devouring Plague transforms your next Mind Flay or Mind Spike into a more powerful spell. Generates 8 Insanity.. Mind Spike: Insanity Blasts the target for [ 276.56% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage. Can accumulate up to 2 charges Mind Flay: Insanity Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 457.85% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 3 2 sec and slowing their movement speed by 70%. Generates 16 12 Insanity over the duration
  • Power Word: Life - Only usable if the target is below 35% health. A word of holy power that heals the target for [ 750% 862.5% of Spell Power ]
  • Void Tendrils - Summons shadowy tendrils, rooting all enemies within 8 yards for 20 15 sec or until the tendril is killed.
  • Shadow Crash - Generates 6 Insanity. Hurl Aim a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 63.11% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage
  • Luminous Barrier - Create a shield on all allies within 40 yards, absorbing [ 239.59% of Spell Power ] damage on each of them for 10 sec. Absorption increased by 100% when not in a raid. Create a shield on all allies within 40 yards, absorbing [ 958.36% of Spell Power ] damage on each of them for 10 sec. Absorption decreased beyond 5 targets.
  • Fatebender - Increases the effects of Premonition by 30%. 40%.
  • Discipline Priest - Discipline Priest core passive Decreases damage/healing by 3%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Shadow Mend Decreases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Shadow Mend Decreases damage/healing by 25%: Smite Decreases damage/healing by 6%: Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Discipline Priest core passive Decreases damage/healing by 3%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Shadow Mend Decreases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Shadow Mend Decreases damage/healing by 25%: Smite Increases periodic damage/healing by 18%: Shadow Word: Pain Increases damage/healing by 18%: Shadow Word: Pain Increases damage/healing by 80%: Mind Blast Decreases damage/healing by 6%: Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Decreases damage/healing by 39%: Mindgames
  • Holy Priest - Holy Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 20%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew Increases damage/healing by 43%: Divine Star, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 43%: Divine Star, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Renew Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Prayer of Mending Increases damage/healing by 86%: Holy Fire and Smite Decreases periodic damage/healing by 9%: Renew Increases damage/healing by 6%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew Decreases damage/healing by 3%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew Increases periodic damage/healing by 6%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew Decreases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew Increases damage/healing by 15%: Prayer of Mending Holy Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 20%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity Increases damage/healing by 43%: Divine Star, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Mind Blast, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Serendipity, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 43%: Divine Star, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Mind Blast, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Serendipity, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases damage/healing by 1%: Shadow Word: Death Increases damage/healing by 69%: Shadow Word: Pain Increases periodic damage/healing by 69%: Shadow Word: Pain Decreases damage/healing by 15%: Mindgames Increases damage/healing by 15%: Mindgames Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Renew Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Prayer of Mending Increases damage/healing by 86%: Smite Decreases periodic damage/healing by 9%: Renew Increases damage/healing by 6%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity Decreases damage/healing by 3%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity Increases periodic damage/healing by 6%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity Decreases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity Increases damage/healing by 15%: Prayer of Mending
  • Clairvoyance - After casting Premonition of Solace, your next Premonition grants all of your Premonition effects at 100% effectiveness. Casting Premonition of Solace invokes Clairvoyance, expanding your mind and opening up all possibilities of the future. Premonition of Clairvoyance Grants Premonition of Insight, Piety, and Solace at 100% effectiveness.
  • Shadow Priest - Shadow Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 8%: Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Halo, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Halo, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 50%: Shadow Priest, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch Increases damage/healing by 50%: Shadow Priest, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch Increases damage/healing by 49%: Mind Blast Increases damage/healing by 60%: Shadow Word: Death Decreases damage/healing by 42%: Shadow Word: Death Increases damage/healing by 37%: Mind Blast Increases damage/healing by 25%: Prayer of Mending Decreases damage/healing by 2%: Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Halo, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Decreases periodic damage/healing by 2%: Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Halo, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Shadow Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 8%: Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Halo, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Halo, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 50%: Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Pain, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch Increases damage/healing by 50%: Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Pain, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch Increases periodic damage/healing by 21%: Shadow Word: Pain Increases damage/healing by 21%: Shadow Word: Pain Increases damage/healing by 49%: Mind Blast Increases damage/healing by 60%: Shadow Word: Death Decreases damage/healing by 42%: Shadow Word: Death Increases damage/healing by 37%: Mind Blast Increases damage/healing by 25%: Prayer of Mending Decreases damage/healing by 2%: Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Halo, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Decreases periodic damage/healing by 2%: Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Halo, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surrender to Madness, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley
  • Dispersion - Normal: Disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 75% for 6 sec and healing you for 25% of your maximum health over its duration, but you are unable to attack or cast spells. Castable while stunned, feared, or silenced. Intangibility : Disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 75% for 6 sec and healing you for 50% of your maximum health over its duration, but you are unable to attack or cast spells Disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 75% for 6 sec and healing you for 25% of your maximum health over its duration, but you are unable to attack or cast spells
  • Premonition - Premonition of Piety Increases your healing done by 5% and causes 50% of overhealing on players to be redistributed to up to 3 nearby allies for 10 sec. Premonition of Insight Reduces the cooldown of your next 3 spell casts by 5 sec. Premonition of Solace Your next single target healing spell increases your target's healing received by 25% for 10 sec. Premonition of Insight Reduces the cooldown of your next 3 spell casts by 7 sec. Premonition of Piety Increases your healing done by 10% and causes 50% of overhealing on players to be redistributed to up to 3 nearby allies for 15 sec. Premonition of Solace Your next single target healing spell grants your target a shield that absorbs [ 2,000% of Spell Power ] damage and reduces their damage taken by 15% for 15 sec.
  • Shadow Covenant - Normal: Casting Shadowfiend enters you into a shadowy pact, transforming Halo, Divine Star, and Penance into Shadow spells and increasing the damage and healing of your Shadow spells by 25% while active. Mindbender : Casting Mindbender enters you into a shadowy pact, transforming Halo, Divine Star, and Penance into Shadow spells and increasing the damage and healing of your Shadow spells by 10% while active.
  • Exaltation - Increases the duration of Rapture by 5 sec. Rapture enhances 2 additional shields.
  • Rapture - Immediately Power Word: Shield your target, and for the next 8 sec, Power Word: Shield has no cooldown and absorbs an additional 40%. Immediately Power Word: Shield your target, and your next 3 Power Word: Shields have no cooldown and absorb 80% additional damage.
  • Divine Hymn - Heals all party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 285% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid. Heals all party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 1,140% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. Healing reduced beyond 5 targets.
  • Void Torrent - Generates 24 Insanity over the duration. Channel a torrent of void energy into the target, dealing [ 483.86% 629.02% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 3 sec
  • Indemnity - Atonements granted by Power Word: Shield last an additional 2 3 sec.
  • Phantom Reach (New) - Increases the range of most spells by 15%.
  • Manipulation (New) - You take 1% less damage from enemies affected by your Shadow Word: Pain.
  • Cauterizing Shadows (New) - When your Shadow Word: Pain expires or is refreshed with less than 5 sec remaining, a nearby ally within 40 yards is healed for [ 150% of Spell Power ].


  • Airborne Irritant - Blind has 50% reduced cooldown, 40% 70% reduced duration, and applies to all nearby enemies.
  • Shadow Focus - Abilities cost 10% 5% less Energy while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active.
  • Shadow Dance - N/A Shadow Dance has 1 additional charge.
  • No Scruples - Finishing moves have 10% increased chance to critically strike Distracted Fazed targets.
  • Thief's Versatility - Versatility increased by 4%. 3%.
  • Disorienting Strikes - Secret Technique deals 10% has 2% reduced cooldown and allows your next 2 strikes of Unseen Blade to ignore its normal cooldown. Secret Technique has 10% reduced cooldown and allows your next 2 strikes of Unseen Blade to ignore its cooldown.
  • Premeditation - After entering Stealth, your next Shadowstrike grants up to 10 sec of Slice and Dice, and generates 2 additional combo points if Slice and Dice is active. After entering Stealth, your next combo point generating ability generates full combo points.
  • Subterfuge - Your abilities requiring Stealth can still be used for 3 sec after Stealth breaks. Abilities and combat benefits requiring Stealth remain active for 3 sec after Stealth breaks.
  • Count the Odds - Ambush, Sinister Strike, and Dispatch have a 8% chance to grant you a Roll the Bones combat enhancement buff you do not already have for 5 sec. Duration and chance doubled while Stealthed. Ambush, Sinister Strike, and Dispatch have a 10% chance to grant you a Roll the Bones combat enhancement buff you do not already have for 8 sec.
  • Improved Garrote - Garrote deals 50% increased damage and has no cooldown when used from Stealth and for 3 6 sec after breaking Stealth.
  • Cut to the Chase - Envenom extends the duration of Slice and Dice by up to 3 sec per combo point spent. Assassination: Envenom extends the duration of Slice and Dice by up to 3 sec per combo point spent. Outlaw: Dispatch extends the duration of Slice and Dice by up to 3 sec per combo point spent. Subtlety: Eviscerate extends the duration of Slice and Dice by up to 3 sec per combo point spent.
  • Kingsbane - Release a lethal poison from your weapons and inject it into your target, dealing [ 119% of Attack Power ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 131.62% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 14 sec. Each time you apply a Lethal Poison to a target affected by Kingsbane, Kingsbane damage increases by 20% Release a lethal poison from your weapons and inject it into your target, dealing [ 119% of Attack Power ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 140% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 14 sec. Each time you apply a Lethal Poison to a target affected by Kingsbane, Kingsbane damage increases by 20%, up to 1,000%
  • Coup de Grace - After 4 strikes with Unseen Blade, your next Eviscerate will be performed as a Coup de Grace, functioning as if it had consumed 4 additional combo points If the primary target is Distracted, Fazed, gain 5 stacks of Flawless Form.
  • Adrenaline Rush - Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 60%, 50%, your maximum Energy by 50, and your attack speed by 20% for 20 sec.
  • Crackshot - Between the Eyes has no cooldown and also Dispatches the target for 75% 50% of normal damage when used from Stealth.
  • Subtlety Rogue - Subtlety Rogue core passive Increases damage/healing by 4%: Backstab, Black Powder, Blade Rush, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Gloomblade, Improved Backstab, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Rupture, Second Shuriken, Secret Technique, Shadow Blades, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 4%: Backstab, Black Powder, Blade Rush, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Gloomblade, Improved Backstab, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Rupture, Second Shuriken, Secret Technique, Shadow Blades, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, System Shock, Wound Poison Subtlety Rogue core passive Increases damage/healing by 4%: Backstab, Black Powder, Blade Rush, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Eviscerate, Feint, Gloomblade, Improved Backstab, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Second Shuriken, Secret Technique, Shadow Blades, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Shuriken Storm, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 4%: Backstab, Black Powder, Blade Rush, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Eviscerate, Feint, Gloomblade, Improved Backstab, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Second Shuriken, Secret Technique, Shadow Blades, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Shuriken Storm, System Shock, Wound Poison
  • Indiscriminate Carnage - Garrote and Rupture apply to 2 additional nearby enemies when used from Stealth and for 10 6 sec after breaking Stealth.
  • Assassination Rogue - Assassination Rogue core passive Increases damage/healing by 7%: Ambush, Blade Rush, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Garrote, Gloomblade, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Rupture, Secret Technique, Shiv, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 7%: Ambush, Blade Rush, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Garrote, Gloomblade, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Rupture, Secret Technique, Shiv, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases damage/healing by 3%: Ambush, Blade Rush, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Garrote, Gloomblade, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Rupture, Secret Technique, Shiv, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Ambush, Blade Rush, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Garrote, Gloomblade, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Rupture, Secret Technique, Shiv, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Rupture Assassination Rogue core passive Increases damage/healing by 7%: Ambush, Blade Rush, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Eviscerate, Feint, Gloomblade, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Secret Technique, Shiv, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 7%: Ambush, Blade Rush, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Eviscerate, Feint, Gloomblade, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Secret Technique, Shiv, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases damage/healing by 3%: Ambush, Blade Rush, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Eviscerate, Feint, Gloomblade, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Secret Technique, Shiv, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Ambush, Blade Rush, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Eviscerate, Feint, Gloomblade, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Secret Technique, Shiv, System Shock, Wound Poison
  • Outlaw Rogue - Outlaw Rogue core passive Increases damage/healing by 5%: Ambush, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Gloomblade, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Secret Technique, Shiv, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Ambush, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Gloomblade, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Secret Technique, Shiv, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases damage/healing by 5%: Ambush and Sinister Strike Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Ambush and Sinister Strike Outlaw Rogue core passive Increases damage/healing by 5%: Ambush, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Eviscerate, Feint, Gloomblade, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Secret Technique, Shiv, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Ambush, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Eviscerate, Feint, Gloomblade, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Secret Technique, Shiv, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Wound Poison Increases damage/healing by 5%: Ambush and Sinister Strike Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Ambush and Sinister Strike
  • Serrated Bone Spikes - Serrated Bone Spike : Deals [ 158.4% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and [ 13.2% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage every 3 sec until the target dies or leaves combat wSerrated Bone Spike : Deals [ 120% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and [ 12% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage every 3 sec until the target dies or leaves combat
  • Tight Spender - Energy cost of finishing moves reduced by 10%. 6%.
  • Ace Up Your Sleeve - Between the Eyes has a 5% chance per combo point spent to grant 5 4 combo points.
  • Serrated Bone Spike - Refunds a charge when target dies. Awards 1 combo point plus 1 additional per active bone spike. Embed a bone spike in the target, dealing [ 158.4% 120% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and [ 13.2% -- 12% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage every 3 sec until they die or leave combat
  • Invigorating Shadowdust - Vanish reduces the remaining cooldown of your other Rogue abilities by 15.0 10.0 sec.
  • Underhanded Upper Hand - Slice and Dice does not lose duration during Blade Flurry. Adrenaline Rush does not lose duration while Stealthed. Stealth abilities can be used for an additional 3 sec after Stealth breaks. Adrenaline Rush does not lose duration while Stealthed.


  • Icefury - Generates 25 Maelstrom. Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing [ 163.35% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and causing your next 4 Frost Shocks to deal 250% - 225% + increased damage and generate 14 Maelstrom
  • Conductive Energy (NYI) - Gain the effects of the Lightning Rod talent: Lightning Rod Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, and Earthquake make your target a Lightning Rod for 8 sec Gain the effects of the Lightning Rod talent: Lightning Rod Lightning Bolt, Elemental Blast, and Chain Lightning make your target a Lightning Rod for 8 sec
  • Elemental Shaman - Elemental Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 7%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 7%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 19%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 47%: Earth Shield Increases damage/healing by 43%: Earth Shield Increases damage/healing by 12%: Elemental Blast Increases damage/healing by 67%: Chain Lightning, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning Decreases damage/healing by 40%: Lightning Bolt and Maelstrom Increases damage/healing by 5%: Lava Burst and Maelstrom Increases damage/healing by 51%: Flame Shock Increases periodic damage/healing by 51%: Flame Shock Increases damage/healing by 164%: Elemental Blast Increases damage/healing by 29%: Lava Burst and Maelstrom Increases damage/healing by 57%: Lightning Bolt and Maelstrom Decreases damage/healing by 19%: Lightning Bolt and Maelstrom Decreases damage/healing by 13%: Chain Lightning, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 3%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Elemental Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 7%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 7%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 19%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 47%: Earth Shield Increases damage/healing by 43%: Earth Shield Increases damage/healing by 12%: Elemental Blast Increases damage/healing by 67%: Chain Lightning, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning Decreases damage/healing by 40%: Lightning Bolt and Maelstrom Increases damage/healing by 5%: Lava Burst and Maelstrom Increases damage/healing by 51%: Flame Shock Increases periodic damage/healing by 51%: Flame Shock Increases damage/healing by 164%: Elemental Blast Increases damage/healing by 29%: Lava Burst and Maelstrom Increases damage/healing by 57%: Lightning Bolt and Maelstrom Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chain Heal Decreases damage/healing by 13%: Chain Lightning, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 3%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand
  • Healing Tide Totem - Summons a totem at your feet for 10 sec, which pulses every 2 sec, healing all party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 43.75% of Spell Power ]. Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid. Summons a totem at your feet for 10 sec, which pulses every 2 sec, healing all party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 175% of Spell Power ]. Healing reduced beyond 5 targets.
  • Fire Nova - Erupt a burst of fiery damage from all targets affected by your Flame Shock, dealing [ 39.4% 43.34% of Attack Power ] Flamestrike damage to up to 6 targets within 8 yds of your Flame Shock targets.
  • Enhancement Shaman - Enhancement Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 16%: Ascendance, Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frostbrand, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Lash, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Ride the Lightning, Static Discharge, Stormlash, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 16%: Ascendance, Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frostbrand, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Lash, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Ride the Lightning, Static Discharge, Stormlash, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Decreases damage/healing by 21%: Elemental Blast and Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 47%: Earth Shield Decreases damage/healing by 4%: Healing Surge and Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 40%: Healing Surge and Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 43%: Earth Shield Decreases damage/healing by 9%: Elemental Blast Increases damage/healing by 10%: Elemental Blast Enhancement Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 16%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 16%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Decreases damage/healing by 21%: Chain Lightning, Elemental Blast, Lightning Bolt, Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 47%: Earth Shield Decreases damage/healing by 4%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 40%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chain Heal Increases damage/healing by 43%: Earth Shield Decreases damage/healing by 9%: Elemental Blast Increases damage/healing by 10%: Elemental Blast Increases damage/healing by 10%: Chain Lightning and Ride the Lightning
  • Crash Lightning - Damage reduced beyond 6 targets.. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 12 sec, causing Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash to also deal [ 16% of Attack Power 16% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage to all targets in front of you Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 16% 17.6% of Attack Power 16% 17.6% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage
  • Healing Stream Totem - If you already know Cloudburst Totem , instead gain 1 additional charges of Cloudburst Totem .. Rushing Streams : Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals two injured party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 56.4% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec. If you already know Healing Stream Totem , instead gain 1 additional charges of Healing Stream Totem . Cloudburst Totem : Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals an injured party or raid member within 40 yards for [ 56.4% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec Healing Stream Totem Shaman - Spec 1.79999995231628% of Base Mana / 5% of Base Mana Instant Requires Shaman Normal: Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals an injured party or raid member within 40 yards for [ 56.4% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec
  • Restoration Shaman - Restoration Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 8%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Restorative Mists, Riptide, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Restorative Mists, Riptide, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases damage/healing by 54%: Ascendance, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Ride the Lightning, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 54%: Ascendance, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Ride the Lightning, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 172%: Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 128%: Lava Burst Increases damage/healing by 25%: Lava Burst and Ride the Lightning Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Lava Burst and Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 6%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 5%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 20%: Chain Heal Increases damage/healing by 12%: Healing Stream Totem Increases damage/healing by 25%: Swelling Waves Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 5%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Restorative Mists, Riptide, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Restorative Mists, Riptide, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Unleash Life, Wellspring Restoration Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 8%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Restorative Mists, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Restorative Mists, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases damage/healing by 54%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 54%: Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 172%: Chain Lightning and Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 128%: Lava Burst Increases damage/healing by 94%: Lightning Bolt Increases damage/healing by 108%: Flame Shock Increases periodic damage/healing by 108%: Flame Shock Increases damage/healing by 6%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 5%: Swelling Waves Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Flame Shock Increases damage/healing by 20%: Chain Heal Increases damage/healing by 12%: Healing Stream Totem Increases damage/healing by 25%: Swelling Waves Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 5%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Restorative Mists, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Restorative Mists, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Unleash Life, Wellspring
  • Healing Stream Totem - If you already know Cloudburst Totem , instead gain 1 additional charges of Cloudburst Totem .. Rushing Streams : Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals two injured party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 56.4% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec. If you already know Healing Stream Totem , instead gain 1 additional charges of Healing Stream Totem . Cloudburst Totem : Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals an injured party or raid member within 40 yards for [ 56.4% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec Healing Stream Totem Shaman - Spec 1.79999995231628% of Base Mana / 5% of Base Mana Instant Requires Shaman Normal: Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals an injured party or raid member within 40 yards for [ 56.4% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec
  • Primordial Wave - Blast your target with a Primordial Wave, dealing [ 65% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and applying Flame Shock to them Your next Healing Wave will also hit all targets affected by your Riptide for 150% - 175% + of normal damage.
  • Earth Shield - Earth Shield can only be placed on one target at a time. This heal can only occur once every few seconds. Only one Elemental Shield can be active on the Shaman.. Protects the target with an earthen shield, increasing your healing on them by 20% and healing them for [ 70.1% of Spell Power ] when they take damage Maximum 0 9 charges
  • Brimming with Life - Maximum health increased by 8%, 10%, and while you are at full health, Reincarnation cools down 75% faster.
  • Lightning Rod - Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, and Earthquake make your target a Lightning Rod for 8 sec Lightning Bolt, Elemental Blast, and Chain Lightning make your target a Lightning Rod for 8 sec


  • Soul Strike - Generates 1 Soul Shard. Command your Felguard to strike into the soul of its enemy, dealing [ 75.7% 64.2% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage
  • Xalan's Cruelty - Fire critical strike chance increased 10%. Shadow critical strike chance increased 10%. Your Fire spells gain 10% more critical strike chance from all sources. Your Shadow spells gain 10% more critical strike chance from all sources.
  • Grim Feast - Drain Life now channels 30% faster and restores health 30% faster. Healthstones you conjure for yourself are now Demonic Healthstones and can be used multiple times in combat. Demonic Healthstones cannot be traded. Demonic Healthstone Instantly restores 25% health. 60 sec cooldown.
  • Master Ritualist - Ritual of Ruin requires 2 5 less Soul Shards spent.
  • Volatile Agony - Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Refreshing Agony with 10 or less seconds remaining deals [ 131.54% 159.16% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to its target and enemies within 10 yards
  • Rain of Fire - Normal: Calls down a rain of hellfire, dealing [ 164.9% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 8 sec to enemies in the area. Inferno : Calls down a rain of hellfire, dealing [ 164.9% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 8 sec to enemies in the area. Rain of Fire has a 20% chance to generate a Soul Shard Fragment. Calls down a rain of hellfire, dealing [ 164.9% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 8 sec to enemies in the area.
  • Mark of Shatug - Your Summon Vilefiend becomes Summon Gloomhound and learns the following ability: Gloom Slash Tooth and claw are drenched in malignant shadow magic, causing the Gloomhound's melee attacks to deal an additional [ 40.74% 20.37% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Agony - Damage starts low and increases over the duration. Refreshing Agony maintains its current damage level. Agony damage sometimes generates 1 Soul Shard. Inflicts increasing agony on the target, causing up to [ 76% 91.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec
  • Drain Soul - Normal: Replaces Shadow Bolt. Generates 1 Soul Shard if the target dies during this effect. Drain Soul : Drains the target's soul, causing [ 232.03% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 5 sec
  • Touch of Rancora - Demonic Art increases the damage of your next Soul Shard spending ability by 100% and reduces its cast time by 50%. Demonic Art increases the damage of your next Chaos Bolt, Rain of Fire, or Shadowburn by 100% and reduces its cast time by 50%.
  • Demoniac - Demonic Core When your Wild Imps expend all of their energy or are imploded, you have a 10% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. Maximum 4 stacks.. Grants access to the following abilities: Demonbolt Send the fiery soul of a fallen demon at the enemy, causing [ 131.68% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage. Generates 2 Soul Shards. Demonic Core reduces the cast time of Demonbolt by 100% When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 100% 35% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core
  • Imp Gang Boss - An Imp Gang Boss deals 50% additional damage. Implosions from Imp Gang Boss deal 50% increased damage. Summoning a Wild Imp has a 5% 15% + chance to summon a Imp Gang Boss instead
  • Soul Rot - For the next 8 sec, casting Drain Life will cause you to also Drain Life from any enemy affected by your Soul Rot, and Drain Life will not consume any mana. Wither away all life force of your current target and up to 4 additional targets nearby, causing your primary target to suffer [ 210% 242% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and secondary targets to suffer [ 105% 121% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 8 sec
  • Fire and Brimstone - Incinerate now also hits all enemies near your target for 13% 25% damage.
  • Demonology Warlock - Demonology Warlock core passive Increases damage/healing by 3%: Bilescourge Bombers, Bonds of Fel, Channel Demonfire, Corruption, Demonbolt, Demonwrath, Doom, Drain Soul, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Hand of Gul'dan, Implosion, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Rampant Afflictions, Roaring Blaze, Seed of Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Shadowburn, Soul Fire, Vile Taint Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Bilescourge Bombers, Bonds of Fel, Channel Demonfire, Corruption, Demonbolt, Demonwrath, Doom, Drain Soul, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Hand of Gul'dan, Implosion, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Rampant Afflictions, Roaring Blaze, Seed of Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Shadowburn, Soul Fire, Vile Taint Increases damage/healing by 60%: Shadow Bolt Demonology Warlock core passive Increases damage/healing by 60%: Shadow Bolt
  • Perpetual Unstability - The cast time of Unstable Affliction is reduced by 20% Refreshing Unstable Affliction with 8 or less seconds remaining deals [ 19.25% 23.29% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to its target.
  • Decimation - Your Incinerate and Conflagrate casts on targets that have 50% or less health reduce the cooldown of Soulfire by 5 sec. Your Incinerate and Conflagrate casts on targets that have 35% or less health reduce the cooldown of Soulfire by 5 sec and reduce its cast time by 40% for 10 sec.
  • Malefic Rapture - Your damaging periodic effects from your spells erupt on all targets, causing [ 31.62% 38.27% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage per effect.
  • Malediction - Increases the critical strike chance of Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction by 5%. Your Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction gain 5% more critical strike chance from all sources.
  • Implosion - Demonic forces suck all of your Wild Imps toward the target, and then cause them to violently explode, dealing [ 230% 47.44% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
  • Cunning Cruelty - Shadow Bolt and Drain Soul have a chance to trigger a Shadow Bolt Volley, dealing [ 103.09% 124.74% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to 5 enemies within 10 yards of your current target.
  • Fel Pact - Reduces the cooldown of Fel Domination by 30 60 sec.
  • Malefic Touch - Malefic Rapture deals an additional [ 46.23% 55.94% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to each target it affects.
  • Vile Taint - Unleashes a vile explosion at the target location, dealing [ 117.19% 141.8% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 10 sec to 30 enemies within 10 yds and applies Agony and Curse of Exhaustion to them.
  • Pact of the Imp Mother - Hand of Gul'dan has a 8% 15% chance to cast a second time on your target for free.
  • Fiendish Stride - Reduces the damage dealt by Burning Rush by 25%. 10%. Burning Rush increases your movement speed by an additional 5%. 20%.
  • Withering Bolt - Shadow Bolt and Drain Soul deal 7% 8% increased damage, up to 21%, 24%, per damage over time effect you have active on the target.
  • Umbral Blaze - Hand of Gul'dan has a 8% chance to burn its target for [ 48% of Spell Power ] additional Shadowflame damage every 2 sec for 6 sec. Hand of Gul'dan has a 15% chance to burn its target for [ 96% of Spell Power ] additional Shadowflame damage every 2 sec for 6 sec. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Umbral Blaze.
  • Mark of F'harg - Your Summon Vilefiend becomes Summon Charhound and learns the following ability: Caustic Presence Soul Strike deals 20% increased damage and generates a Soul Shard. Reduces the cast time of Summon Vilefiend by 0.5 sec and your Vilefiend now deals [ 9.06% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to nearby enemies every 1 sec while active. Your Summon Vilefiend becomes Summon Charhound and learns the following ability: Infernal Presence Cloaked in the ever-burning flames of the abyss, dealing [ 23.98% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to enemies within 10 yards every 1 sec.
  • Fel Invocation - Soul Strike deals 20% increased damage and generates a Soul Shard. Reduces the cast time of Summon Vilefiend by 0.5 sec and your Vilefiend now deals [ 9.06% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to nearby enemies every 1 sec while active. Soul Strike deals 20% increased damage and generates a Soul Shard.
  • Malevolent Visionary - Darkglare increases its damage by an additional 3% for each damage over time effect active. Darkglare lasts an additional 5 sec. Increases the damage of your Darkglare by 70%. When Darkglare extends damage over time effects it also sears affected targets for [ 790.37% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Summon Infernal - Summons an Infernal from the Twisting Nether, impacting for [ 60% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and stunning all enemies in the area for 2 sec The Infernal will serve you for 30 sec, dealing [ 65.5% - - 55% of Spell Power ] damage to all nearby enemies every 2 sec and generating 1 Soul Shard Fragment every 0.5 sec.
  • Mark of Peroth'arn - Wither deals damage 40% faster Wither damage increased by 25%
  • Avatar of Destruction - Blasphemy Summons a Blasphemy from the Twisting Nether, impacting for [ 60% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and stunning all enemies in the area for 2 sec. When Chaos Bolt or Rain of Fire consumes a charge of Ritual of Ruin, you summon a Blasphemy for 8 sec The Blasphemy will serve you for 8 sec, dealing [ 65.5% - - 55% of Spell Power ] damage to all nearby enemies every 2 sec and generating 1 Soul Shard Fragment every 0.5 sec.
  • Demonic Soul - A demonic entity now inhabits your soul, allowing you to detect if a Soul Shard has a Succulent Soul when it's generated A Succulent Soul empowers your next Hand of Gul'dan, reducing its Soul Shard cost by 1, summoning 1 additional Wild Imp, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 261.66% 130.83% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Destruction Warlock - Destruction Warlock core passive Increases damage/healing by 19%: Bilescourge Bombers, Bonds of Fel, Channel Demonfire, Conflagrate, Corruption, Doom, Drain Soul, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Immolate, Incinerate, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Rampant Afflictions, Roaring Blaze, Seed of Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Shadowburn, Soul Fire, Vile Taint Increases periodic damage/healing by 19%: Bilescourge Bombers, Bonds of Fel, Channel Demonfire, Conflagrate, Corruption, Doom, Drain Soul, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Immolate, Incinerate, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Rampant Afflictions, Roaring Blaze, Seed of Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Shadowburn, Soul Fire, Vile Taint Destruction Warlock core passive
  • Kindled Malice - Malefic Rapture and Seed of Corruption deal an additional 4% damage. Malefic Rapture damage increased by 4%. Corruption damage increased by 10%.
  • Chaos Incarnate - Chaos Bolt, Rain of Fire, and Shadowburn always gains maximum benefit from your Mastery: Chaotic Energies. Chaos Bolt, Rain of Fire, and Shadowburn always gain 70% of the maximum benefit from your Mastery: Chaotic Energies.
  • Haunt - If the target dies, Haunt's cooldown is reset. A ghostly soul haunts the target, dealing [ 68.75% 274.52% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing your damage dealt to the target by 10% for 18 sec
  • Scalding Flames - Increases the damage of Immolate by 13%. Increases the damage of Immolate by 25% and its duration by 3 sec.
  • Diabolic Ritual - Spending a Soul Shard grants Diabolic Ritual for 20 sec. While Diabolic Ritual is active, each Soul Shard spent reduces its duration by 1 sec. When Diabolic Ritual expires you gain Demonic Art, causing your next Soul Shard spending ability to summon an Overlord, Mother of Chaos, or Pit Lord that unleashes a devastating attack against your enemies. Spending a Soul Shard on a damaging spell grants Diabolic Ritual for 20 sec. While Diabolic Ritual is active, each Soul Shard spent on a damaging spell reduces its duration by 1 sec. When Diabolic Ritual expires you gain Demonic Art, causing your next Chaos Bolt, Rain of Fire, or Shadowburn to summon an Overlord, Mother of Chaos, or Pit Lord that unleashes a devastating attack against your enemies.
  • Mark of Xavius - Wither damage increased by 25% and the cooldown of Cataclysm is reduced by 5 sec. Critical strike damage dealt by Wither is increased by 10%. Wither has a chance to gain a stack when it critically strikes. Stacks gained this way do not activate Blackened Soul.
  • Phantom Singularity - Places a phantom singularity above the target, which consumes the life of all enemies within 15 yards, dealing [ 180% 217.8% of Spell Power ] damage over 16 sec, healing you for 25% of the damage done.
  • Heavy Handed - Increases your primary Felguard's critical strike chance by 10%. Increases the attack speed of your primary demon by 25%.
  • Summon Darkglare - Summons a Darkglare from the Twisting Nether that extends the duration of your damage over time effects on all enemies by 8 sec The Darkglare will serve you for 20 sec, blasting its target for [ 43.82% 53.02% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, increased by 25% for every damage over time effect you have active on their current target.
  • Shared Fate - Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.. When you kill a target, its tortured soul is flung into a nearby enemy for 3 sec This effect inflicts [ 72.36% 50.65% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to enemies within 10 yds every 1 sec
  • Shadow Embrace - Shadow Bolt and Drain Soul apply Shadow Embrace, increasing your damage dealt to the target by 1.5% for 16 sec Normal: Shadow Bolt applies Shadow Embrace, increasing your damage dealt to the target by 4% for 16 sec. Stacks up to 2 times. Drain Soul : Drain Soul applies Shadow Embrace, increasing your damage dealt to the target by 2% for 16 sec
  • Inferno - Rain of Fire damage is increased by 20% and has a 20% chance to generate a Soul Shard Fragment. Rain of Fire damage is increased by 20% and its Soul Shard cost is reduced by 1.
  • Ruin - Increases the damage of Conflagrate, Shadowburn, and Soulfire by 10%. Increases the critical strike damage of your Destruction spells by 5%.
  • Soul Anathema - Unleashing your demonic soul bestows a fiendish entity unto the soul of its targets, dealing [ 188.82% 94.41% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 10 sec. if If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Soul Anathema.
  • Oblivion - Deals 10% increased damage, up to 30%, per damage over time effect you have active on the target. Unleash wicked magic upon your target's soul, dealing [ 997.5% 1,206.98% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 3 sec
  • Decimating Bolt - Affliction, Initial: Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts or Drain Souls by 40%. Demonology: Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 40%. Destruction: Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 40%. Drain Soul : Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Shadow Bolts or Drain Souls by 40%. Fire and Brimstone : Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts or Drain Souls by 40% Affliction, Initial: Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 1,469.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts or Drain Souls by 40%. Demonology: Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 1,469.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 40%. Destruction: Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 1,469.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 40%. Drain Soul : Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 1,469.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Shadow Bolts or Drain Souls by 40%. Fire and Brimstone : Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 1,469.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts or Drain Souls by 40%
  • Conflagration of Chaos - Conflagrate and Shadowburn have a 25% 50% chance to guarantee your next cast of the ability to critically strike, and increase its damage by your critical strike chance.
  • Unstable Affliction - Generates 1 Soul Shards if the target dies while afflicted. Afflicts one target with [ 202.4% 244.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 16 sec. If dispelled, deals [ 587.7% 711.1% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec
  • Pact of the Ered'ruin - Each Doom Bolt deals [ 149.09% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. When Doom expires, you have a chance to summon a Doomguard that casts 5 Doom Bolts before departing
  • Malevolence - Dark magic erupts from you and corrupts your soul for 20 sec, causing enemies suffering from your Wither to take [ 333.03% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage and increase its stack count by 3 While corrupted, - corrupted your active Withers are acute, your haste is increased by 15% and Malefic Rapture grants 1 additional stack of Wither to targets affected by your Unstable Affliction.
  • Sacrolash's Dark Strike - Corruption damage is increased by 7%, 15%, and each time it deals damage any of your Curses active on the target are extended by 0.5 sec.
  • Doom - Inflicts impending doom upon the target, causing [ 175% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage after 20 sec. Doom damage generates 1 Soul Shard. Inflicts impending doom upon the target, dealing [ 104.41% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage immediately and [ 290.93% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to enemies within 10 yards after 20 sec. Damage is reduced beyond 8 targets. Consuming a Demonic Core reduces the duration of Doom by 3 sec.
  • Affliction Warlock - Affliction Warlock core passive Increases damage/healing by 21%: Agony, Bilescourge Bombers, Bonds of Fel, Channel Demonfire, Corruption, Doom, Drain Soul, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Malefic Rapture, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Rampant Afflictions, Roaring Blaze, Seed of Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Shadowburn, Soul Fire, Soul Flame, Unstable Affliction, Vile Taint Increases periodic damage/healing by 21%: Agony, Bilescourge Bombers, Bonds of Fel, Channel Demonfire, Corruption, Doom, Drain Soul, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Malefic Rapture, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Rampant Afflictions, Roaring Blaze, Seed of Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Shadowburn, Soul Fire, Soul Flame, Unstable Affliction, Vile Taint Increases periodic damage/healing by 30%: Corruption and Xavian Teachings Decreases periodic damage/healing by 30%: Corruption and Xavian Teachings Increases damage/healing by 30%: Shadow Bolt Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Corruption and Xavian Teachings Affliction Warlock core passive Increases periodic damage/healing by 30%: Corruption and Xavian Teachings Decreases periodic damage/healing by 30%: Corruption and Xavian Teachings Increases damage/healing by 51%: Shadow Bolt Increases periodic damage/healing by 26%: Corruption and Xavian Teachings


  • Battle-Scarred Veteran - When your health is brought below 30%, you take 80% less damage for 8 sec and healing you receive is increased by 100% Cannot occur more than once every 3 min min. + sec.
  • Warlord's Torment - Activating Avatar or Colossus Smash casts Recklessness at reduced effectiveness.
  • Enrage - Becoming Enraged increases your damage done by 11.2%, Haste by 15%, and movement speed by 10% for 4 sec Becoming Enraged increases your damage done by 11.2% for 4 sec
  • Impale - The damaging critical strikes of your abilities deal an additional 10.00% damage. Critical strike damage of your abilities is increased by 10%.
  • Arms Warrior - Arms Warrior core passive Increases damage/healing by 18%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Heroic Leap, Impending Victory, Martial Prowess, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Mortal Strike, Onslaught, Opportunity Strikes, Overpower, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 18%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Heroic Leap, Impending Victory, Martial Prowess, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Mortal Strike, Onslaught, Opportunity Strikes, Overpower, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 75%: Slam Arms Warrior core passive Increases damage/healing by 50%: Slam
  • Revenge - Your successful dodges and parries have a chance to make your next Revenge cost no Rage.. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets Swing in a wide arc, dealing [ 42.75% 52.15% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies in front of you
  • Anger Management - Arms: Every 20 Rage you spend on attacks reduces the remaining cooldown on Colossus Smash and Bladestorm by 1 sec. Fury: Every 20 Rage you spend reduces the remaining cooldown on Recklessness and Ravager by 1 sec Arms: Every 20 Rage you spend on attacks reduces the remaining cooldown on Colossus Smash, Bladestorm, and Ravager by 1 sec. Fury: Every 30 Rage you spend reduces the remaining cooldown on Recklessness, Bladestorm, and Ravager by 1 sec
  • Deep Wounds - Normal: Your Devastate and Revenge also cause the enemy to bleed for [ 73.5% 89.67% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 15 sec. Devastator : Your Devastator and Revenge also cause the enemy to bleed for [ 73.5% 89.67% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 15 sec.
  • Fervor of Battle - If Whirlwind hits 2 or more targets it also Slams your primary target. If Cleave or Whirlwind hit 2 or more targets you also Slam your primary target.
  • Crackling Thunder - Thunder Clap's damage increased by 10%, radius is increased by 50%, and it reduces movement speed by an additional 20%.
  • Call of Thunder - Thunder Clap damage increased by 50%. Seismic Reverberations, Improved Whirlwind, Meat Cleaver, and Barbaric Training improve Thunder Clap as well as Whirlwind. Thunder Clap damage increased by 40%. Seismic Reverberations, Improved Whirlwind, Meat Cleaver, and Barbaric Training now affect Thunder Clap in addition to Whirlwind.
  • Devastator - Your auto attacks deal an additional [ 28.7% 35% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and have a 20% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Shield Slam.
  • Warbreaker - Smash the ground and shatter the armor of all enemies within 8 yds, dealing [ 181.5% 214.17% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and increasing damage you deal to them by 30% for 10 sec.
  • Collateral Damage - When Sweeping Strikes ends, your next Cleave or Whirlwind deals 25% increased damage for each ability used during Sweeping Strikes that damaged a second target.
  • Honed Reflexes - Cooldown of Shield Slam and Pummel reduced by 1.0 sec. Cooldown of Die By the Sword, Pummel, Intervene, Spell Reflection, and Storm Bolt reduced by 5%.
  • Wrath and Fury - Raging Blow deals 15% increased damage and while Enraged, Raging Blow has a 30% 10% increased chance to instantly reset its own cooldown.
  • Rend - Wounds the target, causing [ 32.1% 39.16% of Attack Power ] Physical damage instantly and an additional [ 86.25% 105.22% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 15 sec.
  • Slaughtering Strikes - Raging Blow causes every strike of your next Rampage to deal an additional 20% damage, stacking up to 5 times. Annihilator causes every strike of your next Rampage to deal an additional 2% damage, stacking up to 5 times. Raging Blow causes every strike of your next Rampage to deal an additional 20% damage, stacking up to 5 times.
  • Mortal Strike - A vicious strike that deals [ 212.52% 250.77% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target by 50% for 10 sec.
  • Barbaric Training - Slam and Whirlwind deal 30% more damage but now cost 10 more rage. Slam, Cleave, and Whirlwind deal 10% more damage and 10% increased critical strike damage.
  • Frothing Berserker - Mortal Strike and Cleave have a 20% chance to immediately refund 20% 10% of the Rage spent.
  • Overpower - Overpower the enemy, dealing [ 99% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Increases the damage of your next Mortal Strike by 30%. Stacking up to 1 times. Overpower the enemy, dealing [ 116.82% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Increases the damage of your next Mortal Strike by 30%, stacking up to 1 times.
  • Fury Warrior - Fury Warrior core passive Increases damage/healing by 8%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Furious Slash, Heroic Leap, Impending Victory, Onslaught, Opportunity Strikes, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Rend, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Furious Slash, Heroic Leap, Impending Victory, Onslaught, Opportunity Strikes, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Rend, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Fury Warrior core passive Increases damage/healing by 15%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Onslaught, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Rend, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Onslaught, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Rend, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand
  • Battlelord - Overpower deals 35% increased damage and has a 35% chance to reset the cooldown of Mortal Strike and Cleave and generate 10 Rage. Overpower has a 35% chance to reset the cooldown of Mortal Strike and generate 10 Rage.
  • Bloodsurge - Your Bleed effects have a chance to grant you 5 Rage. Damage from your Bleed effects have a 10% chance to grant you 5 Rage.
  • Skullsplitter - Generates 15 Rage. Bash an enemy's skull, dealing [ 120% 141.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Skullsplitter causes your Rend and Deep Wounds on the target to bleed out 100% faster for 10 sec
  • Improved Slam - Slam has 15% increased critical strike chance and deals 10% increased critical strike damage. Overpower generates 8 Rage when used on enemies below 35% health.
  • Rend - Wounds the target, causing [ 73.83% 87.12% of Attack Power ] Physical damage instantly and an additional [ 112.87% 133.19% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 15 sec.
  • Merciless Bonegrinder - When Bladestorm ends, Whirlwind and Cleave deal 50% increased damage for 9 sec. Whirlwind and Cleave deal 50% increased damage during Ravager or for 9 sec after Bladestorm ends.
  • Blood and Thunder - Thunder Clap costs 10 more Rage and deals 10% increased damage
  • Rampage - Enrages you and unleashes a series of 4 brutal strikes for a total of [ 250.2% 275.3% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Tenderize - Onslaught Enrages you, and if you have Slaghtering Strikes grants you 3 stacks of Slaughtering Strikes. Enrage now lasts 2 sec longer. Onslaught Enrages you, and if you have Slaughtering Strikes grants you 3 stacks of Slaughtering Strikes.
  • Shield Charge - Generates 20 Rage.. Also stuns the primary target for 4 sec Charge to an enemy with your shield, dealing [ 275% 335.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to it and [ 110% 134.2% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies within 10 yards
  • Bloodcraze - Bloodthirst increases the critical strike chance of your next Bloodthirst by 15%. Stacking up to 5 times. Raging Blow increases the critical strike chance of your next Bloodthirst by 15% until it critically strikes, stacking up to 5 times.
  • Valor in Victory - Increases Versatility by 1% 2% and reduces the cooldown of Die by the Sword by 30.0 sec.
  • Reinforced Plates - Armor increased by 20%. 10%.
  • Strength of Arms - Overpower has 15% increased critical strike chance, deals 10% increased critical strike damage and on enemies below 35% health Overpower generates 8 Rage. Overpower deals 15% additional damage, has 10% increased critical strike chance, and deals 10% increased critical strike damage.
  • Unbridled Ferocity - Rampage and Onslaught have a 20% chance to grant Recklessness for 4 sec. Rampage has a 6% chance to grant Recklessness for 4 sec.
  • In For The Kill - Lasts 10 sec. Lasts 10 sec. Lasts for the duration of Colossus Smash. Lasts for the duration of Warbreaker.
  • Frothing Berserker - Revenge has a 20% chance to immediately refund 50% 25% of the Rage spent.
  • Shockwave - Sends a wave of force in a frontal cone, causing [ 20% of Attack Power ] damage and stunning all enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec. Generates 10 Rage.
  • Strength of the Mountain - Shield Slam damage increased by 10% Bloodthirst and Rampage damage increased by 10%. 15%.
  • Colossal Might - Colossal Might increases damage dealt by your next Demolish by 10%, stacking up to 5 times Mortal Strike and Execute grants - grant a stack of Colossal Might and Cleave grants a stack of Colossal Might if it hits 3 or more targets.
  • Storm of Steel - Ravager's damage is reduced by 30% but it now has 2 charges and generates 20 Rage each time it deals damage. Bladestorm and Ravager's damage are reduced by 30% but they now have 2 charges and generate 10 additional Rage each time they deal damage.
  • Dance of Death - If your Bladestorm helps kill an enemy your next Bladestorm lasts 3.0 sec longer. When an enemy dies while affected by your Bladestorm, all damage you deal is increased by 5% for the remainder of the Bladestorm and for 2 sec afterwards. When an enemy dies while affected by your Ravager, its duration is extended by 2 sec. These effects can trigger a maximum of 3 times per use of Bladestorm or Ravager.
  • Bloodthirst - Generates 8 Rage. Assault the target in a bloodthirsty craze, dealing [ 80.3% 115% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and restoring 3% of your health
  • Dreadnaught - Overpower has 2 charges and causes a seismic wave, dealing [ 40.3% of Attack Power ] damage to all enemies in a 10 yd line Overpower causes a seismic wave, dealing [ 20% of Attack Power ] damage to all enemies in a 10 yd line
  • Critical Thinking - Critical Strike chance increased by 1% and Execute immediately refunds 5% 10% of the Rage spent.
  • Bladestorm - Become an unstoppable storm of destructive force, striking all nearby enemies for [ 441% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec. You are immune to movement impairing and loss of control effects, but can use defensive abilities and can avoid attacks. Generates 20 Rage. Become an unstoppable storm of destructive force, striking all nearby enemies for [ 749.7% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec. You are immune to movement impairing and loss of control effects, but can use defensive abilities and can avoid attacks.
  • Storm of Swords - Whirlwind costs 20 more Rage and has a 14.0 sec cooldown. It now deals 175% more damage. Cleave and Whirlwind have a 30% chance to make your next Cleave or Whirlwind cost 100% less Rage.
  • Thunderous Roar - Roar explosively, dealing [ 172.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to enemies within 12 yds and cause them to bleed for [ 172.8% of Attack Power ] physical damage over 8 sec. Generates 10 Rage.
  • Single-Minded Fury - While dual-wielding a pair of one-handed weapons, your damage done is increased by 5% and your movement speed is increased by 5%. While dual-wielding a pair of one-handed weapons, your damage done is increased by 5%, your auto-attack damage with one-handed weapons is increased by 30%, your movement speed is increased by 5%, and your auto-attack critical strikes have a 50% chance to Enrage you.
  • Tactician - You have a 1.30% 1.00% chance per Rage spent on attacks to reset the remaining cooldown on Overpower.
  • Martial Prowess - Overpower increases the damage of your next Mortal Strike or Cleave by 30%. 30%, Stacking stacking up to 2 times.
  • Cleave - Cleave will consume your Overpower effect to deal increased damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Strikes all enemies in front of you for [ 80.85% 100.31% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, inflicting Deep Wounds
  • Second Wind - Restores 6% health every 1 sec when you have not taken damage for 5 sec. Restores 6% health every 1 sec when you have not taken damage for 5 sec. While you are below 35% health, restores 1.0% health every 1 sec. The amount restored increases the closer you are to death.
  • Improved Overpower - Damage of Overpower increased by 15%. Overpower has 2 charges and deals 15% more damage.
  • Impending Victory - Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Impending Victory and makes it cost no Rage. Instantly attack the target, causing [ 50% 59% of Attack Power ] damage and healing you for 30% of your maximum health
  • Thunder Clap - Generates 0 Rage.. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets Blasts all enemies within 8 yards for [ 41.58% 49.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. - damage and reduces their movement speed by 20% for 10 sec
  • Colossus Smash - Smashes the enemy's armor, dealing [ 181.5% 214.17% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, and increasing damage you deal to them by 30% for 10 sec.
  • Frothing Berserker - Rampage has a 20% chance to immediately refund 20% 10% of the Rage spent.
  • Cruelty - While Enraged, Raging Blow deals 15% increased damage and Annihilator deals 10% increased damage. While Enraged, Raging Blow deals 15% increased damage.
  • Champion's Spear - Enemies hit are chained to the spear's location for the duration. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Throw a spear at the target location, dealing [ 165% of Attack Power ] Physical damage instantly and an additional [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage over 4 sec Generates 20 10 Rage.
  • Unhinged - While Bladestorm is active, you automatically cast a total of 2 Mortal Strikes at random nearby enemies. Every other time Bladestorm or Ravager deal damage, you automatically cast a Mortal Strike at your target or random nearby enemy.
  • Deft Experience - Mastery increased by 1% and Tactician's chance to trigger is increased by an additional 0.6%. 0.5%.
  • Devastate - A direct strike, dealing [ 52.5% 64.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Critical Thinking - Critical Strike chance increased by 1.0% and Raging Blow and Annihilator's damaging critical strikes deal 5.0% increased damage. Critical Strike chance increased by 1% and Raging Blow's critical strikes deal 5% increased damage.
  • Imminent Demise - Sudden Death's chance to reset the cooldown of Execute and make it usable on any target, regardless of health is increased Every 3 Slayer's Strikes you gain Sudden Death
  • Swift Strikes - Increases haste by 1%, Raging Blow generates an additional 1 Rage and Annihilator generates an 1 additional Rage. Haste increased by 1% and Raging Blow and Bloodthirst generate an additional 1 Rage.
  • Deft Experience - Mastery increased by 1% and Bloodthirst cooldown reduced by 0.75 sec. Mastery increased by 1% and if you are Enraged, Bloodthirst extends your Enrage by 0.5 sec.
  • Protection Warrior - Protection Warrior core passive Increases damage/healing by 28%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Heroic Leap, Impending Victory, Intercept, Onslaught, Opportunity Strikes, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend, Revenge, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Storm Bolt, Thunder Clap, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 28%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Heroic Leap, Impending Victory, Intercept, Onslaught, Opportunity Strikes, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend, Revenge, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Storm Bolt, Thunder Clap, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 20%: Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Improved Execute Increases damage/healing by 50%: Shockwave Protection Warrior core passive Increases damage/healing by 5%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Onslaught, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend, Revenge, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Thunder Clap, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Onslaught, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend, Revenge, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Thunder Clap, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 20%: Execute and Improved Execute Increases damage/healing by 50%: Shockwave
  • Thunderous Words - Increases the duration of Thunderous Roar's Bleed effect by 2.0 sec and increases the damage of your bleed effects by 15% at all times. Increases the duration of Thunderous Roar's Bleed effect by 2.0 sec and Thunderous Roar's Bleed effect causes enemies to take 30% increased damage from all your bleeds.
  • Seismic Reverberation - If Whirlwind or Cleave hits 3 or more enemies, it hits them 1 additional time for 30% damage.
  • Ravager - Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Generates 10 Rage each time it deals damage. Throws a whirling weapon at the target location that chases nearby enemies, inflicting [ 549.5% 494.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies over 12 sec
  • Crushing Force - Slam deals an additional 30% damage and has a 7.50% increased critical strike chance. Mortal Strike deals an additional 5% damage and deals 5% increased critical strike damage.
  • Mastery: Deep Wounds - Normal: Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash, and Bladestorm inflict Deep Wounds, dealing [ 82.11% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 12 sec and increasing the damage the enemy takes from you by 8.8%. Warbreaker : Mortal Strike, Warbreaker, and Bladestorm inflict Deep Wounds, dealing [ 82.11% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 12 sec and increasing the damage the enemy takes from you by 8.8%. Cleave : Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash, Cleave, and Bladestorm inflict Deep Wounds, dealing [ 82.11% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 12 sec and increasing the damage the enemy takes from you by 8.8%. Ravager : Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash, and Ravager inflict Deep Wounds, dealing [ 82.11% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 12 sec and increasing the damage the enemy takes from you by 8.8%. Normal: Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash, and Bladestorm inflict Deep Wounds, dealing [ 96.89% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 12 sec and increasing the damage the enemy takes from you by 8.8%. Warbreaker : Mortal Strike, Warbreaker, and Bladestorm inflict Deep Wounds, dealing [ 96.89% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 12 sec and increasing the damage the enemy takes from you by 8.8%. Cleave : Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash, Cleave, and Bladestorm inflict Deep Wounds, dealing [ 96.89% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 12 sec and increasing the damage the enemy takes from you by 8.8%. Ravager : Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash, and Ravager inflict Deep Wounds, dealing [ 96.89% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 12 sec and increasing the damage the enemy takes from you by 8.8%.

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      The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing, meaning they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor, but a much, much smaller one, as it grants very few points if you do it significantly faster than just any in-time completion. We're also using the Normalized Aggregate Scores numbers, for clarity, meaning the top spec is marked as 100 and then the rest are ranked in relation to that peak point.
      All Keys
      95th percentile DPS
      The top 3 remains quite stable with the Evoker-Paladin-Warrior trio reigning supreme. We see the first change of the week right after that though, as Frost DK continues its upward march in dungeons as well as in raids, taking 4th from Elemental. Both DKs are on the rise, as Unholy also moves a spot up, taking advantage of Shadow's precipitous 5-spot fall to the bottom of the top 10. Arms remains stable as two Hunters burst in, Beast Mastery taking 8th and Marksmanship 9th, as Frost Mage disappears down towards the bottom. Speaking of the bottom, Devastation gets some new roommates there, as Outlaw and Destruction fall and give Enhancement and Feral a break.

      Mythic+ All Keys 95th Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles
      As with the top percentiles, the top 3 remains solid, but 4th is immediately changed, thanks to Shadow's massive drop in performance this week. The Priest loses even more ground here, falling 9 spots into 13th, opening 4th up for Arms. Beast Mastery moves even higher here, grabbing 5th and moving in front of Elemental and Frost DK, as Marksmanship brings up the rear and completes the Hunter sandwich in 8th. Affliction breaks into the top 10, just ahead of Unholy which dropped to the final spot.

      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      Raw DPS U.GG DPS Rankings
      U.gg's rankings are based on actual DPS taken from Warcraft Logs data, focusing on the top players and span the past two weeks.
      Frost DK finds itself on top in the raw DPS rankings, as Augmentation isn't calculated properly here. Fury and Arms grab the next two spots, moving ahead of Ret, and the Fyr'alath wins continue in 5th, where Unholy finished the legendary axe streak. Even Survival joins the Hunter good times in 8th, where all three specs gather, just ahead of Balance who closes out the top 10.
      Mythic+ All Keystone DPS rankings by u.gg.
      For even more in-depth data for each individual key head on over to Warcraft Logs. And if you're interested in more info on the specs themselves you can always check out our class guides (updated for the pre-patch), as well as our Mythic+ guides and Mythic+ tier list.
    • By Stan
      For the next two weeks, the Archaeology quest for Spirit of Eche'ro is available on live servers, so don't forget to get the rare mount before it's gone for 6 months!
      How to Get the Spirit of Eche'ro Mount
      1. Download MapCoords or some other add-os that displays coordinates in the game.
      2. Teleport to Azsuna from the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Portal Room or use your Dalaran Hearthstone to reach Dalaran (Legion) if you have one in your inventory.
      3. Seek out Archaeology Trainer Dariness the Learned in Dalaran at 41,26 and learn Archaeology if you already haven't.
      4. Accept The Right Path quest from the Archaeology Trainer and make your way to Thunder Totem in Highmountain.
      5. Talk to Lessah Moonwater to accept Laying to Rest. For the quest, you must collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro by rotating between four digsites in Highmountain. The exact locations with coords are outlined below.
      Digsite 1: Darkfeather Valley (50, 44) Digsite 2: Dragon's Falls (58, 72) Digsite 3: Path of Huin (44, 72) Digsite 4: Whitewater Wash (39, 65) it takes roughly around 2 hours to get the mount.
      Spirit of Eche'ro
      "The spirit of Huln Highmountain's pet moose."

      Hurry up! You only have until August 21, 2024, to get the mount!
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