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War Within- Are new features gamewide

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Wondering about new war within features and what will be made gamewide vs just expansion holders? Im brand new to WoW and despite massive gaming experience including MMO, I'm completely void of WoW knowledge. The primary areas I'm curious about are things like the steady flight function option with dracthyr being an option, and new specializations for certain classes. I read Demon Hunters will be getting a new specialization. 

I am also wondering if participation in the beta will carryover character progress when the beta ends and full release? I'm still experiencing most of the past content for the 1st time and if I am participating in the beta without carry it forward, all the time getting more achievements, transmogs, mounts, pets, and everything else will put me further behind when the expansion is released. Not to mention gear and more meta progress for my characters in terms of gear and such. As much as new content would be great to enjoy, it would put me at a further disadvantage when released. 

With all the game story and history to still have to experience for the 1st time, it's not as much of a priority to jump straight into expansion, but the new features like Dracthyr using the two flight choices was something I thought was an option already, so figuring out if features will come gamewide vs buying may be the primary factor on immediate purchase or letting my wallet get more breathing room and finish more initial game experiences for bit before getting it.

Appreciate any help clarifying.

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3 hours ago, ReaperIWP said:

Wondering about new war within features and what will be made gamewide vs just expansion holders? Im brand new to WoW and despite massive gaming experience including MMO, I'm completely void of WoW knowledge. The primary areas I'm curious about are things like the steady flight function option with dracthyr being an option, and new specializations for certain classes. I read Demon Hunters will be getting a new specialization. 

I am also wondering if participation in the beta will carryover character progress when the beta ends and full release? I'm still experiencing most of the past content for the 1st time and if I am participating in the beta without carry it forward, all the time getting more achievements, transmogs, mounts, pets, and everything else will put me further behind when the expansion is released. Not to mention gear and more meta progress for my characters in terms of gear and such. As much as new content would be great to enjoy, it would put me at a further disadvantage when released. 

With all the game story and history to still have to experience for the 1st time, it's not as much of a priority to jump straight into expansion, but the new features like Dracthyr using the two flight choices was something I thought was an option already, so figuring out if features will come gamewide vs buying may be the primary factor on immediate purchase or letting my wallet get more breathing room and finish more initial game experiences for bit before getting it.

Appreciate any help clarifying.

Hey and welcome!

Beta progress won't carry over when testing ends. All classes are getting new Hero Talent trees, They have various names which is why you probably thought Demon Hunters are getting a new spec. The Hero Talents are mostly passives that add flavor to core class fantasies. 

The pre-patch prepares the game for TWW, but doesn't include any of the new features, you won't have access to Hero Talents, Khaz Algar, the new Professions.

What's coming in the pre-patch? (See here for more details)

  • The radiant echoes pre-expansion event.
  • Skyriding updates -- more than a hundred mounts now support skyriding (previously called dragonriding), the skill track has been updated and simplified, druids can use skyriding in flight form, evokers should be able to use skyriding with soar, but this has been bugged in the Beta and I'm not sure if it's been fixed.
  • Warbands or "account-wide everything" will be available in the pre-patch.
  • Cross-realm guilds should be available.
  • Leveling will be nerfed across the board, meaning you'll need less XP in the level 10-70 range.

What's coming at War Within launch in August?

  • Level cap will be increased to 80.
  • You can venture into Khaz Algar to begin your leveling journey.
  • Delves will become available.

What's coming on Sept 10?

  • Season 1 starts.
  • The new raid will open.
  • World bosses will begin to spawn.

Our news coverage contains all the content mentioned above. You can use our Discord Webhook to receive the latest news and be notified whenever we post any WoW news.

Blizzard also posted an infographic for TWW launch that explains everything.



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