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Resto Healing in WoD

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I clarified my post that CBT is 20% of all healing done while it is active... I was trying to post and heal baddies at the same time smile.png


It is also fun to see how high you can make CBT get to while you are bored healing said baddies too!


Yes, it will heal random injured players, but it is better than beta where you could have half the raid at 50% and CBT would not-so-helpfully heal those who were at 100%.  So it isn't very smart, but it isn't completely dumb either.


Also, with the high mana cost of chain heal I think we could see more usage of CBT earlier in the tier until mana isn't as big of a concern, then move to High Tide with sustainable CH spam.  You can get oom pretty quickly while mindlessly chain heal spamming a group.


But many of us will have a lot more feedback later this week after hitting Highmaul and testing it out in a raid setting post-beta.

Edited by Jenstar
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You can multiply it up so that it all folds into the spellpower coefficient. Example with Healing Rain; [((16.3882%SP)+(16.3882%SP)) * 2.5] = (16.3882%SP)*3.5 = 57.3587%SP. Since there are no more additive constants in the equations, it's super easy to fold them all up in that way and look at just the %SP as a proxy for total healing values.

That's what I figured I could do, however, how did you get 57.3587%?

By my math, it should be 81.941% (either treating the spellpower% as a variable and adding before multiplying by 2.5, or using the distributive property)

Is there something I'm missing?

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Try UL and Riptide- HoT 200%!

And the mana concern- i tried to take potential of mastery better, not heal above 70% HP and it was much better. In raids we also have other healer when we need to take a spirt breath, HC are worse i bet

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I do think that from a design point of view, CBT is backwards compared to High Tide (High Tide being easier to use). That said, there is still reason to use CBT due to its efficiency (if you want to see why, I wrote a blog post on that subject). The efficiency is really CBT's selling point, I think.


Also, I hadn't realised that CBT only healed injured players. That's a nice gain :)

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That's what I figured I could do, however, how did you get 57.3587%?

By my math, it should be 81.941% (either treating the spellpower% as a variable and adding before multiplying by 2.5, or using the distributive property)

Is there something I'm missing?


Ah, I missed a bracket. Yes, that should be 2*16.3882%SP*2.5 rather than (1+2.5)*16.3882%SP! I agree.

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Glyph of Riptide is not worth it in my opinion for 2 reasons;

1. UL + Riptide and UF is an instant 15k+ healing

2. with EoE it can be used more and more plus it only have 5 sec CD now

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I do think that from a design point of view, CBT is backwards compared to High Tide (High Tide being easier to use). That said, there is still reason to use CBT due to its efficiency (if you want to see why, I wrote a blog post on that subject). The efficiency is really CBT's selling point, I think.


Also, I hadn't realised that CBT only healed injured players. That's a nice gain smile.png

I read your blog post and I found it to be amazing! 

And you're definitely right about CBT increasing mana efficiency. I feel that is a valuable asset when compared to HT. 

Although, CBT actually decreases the mana efficiency of Chain Heal (only slightly, but it is worth noting) whereas HT increases the Mana efficiency of chain heal. 

I will post a nice graph that I've created very soon with the results of my number crunching over the last couple days!


Edit: Do you know how I can upload an image from my computer to a post on this forum?

Edited by Regal

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Thanks for your kind words Regal! :)


Although, CBT actually decreases the mana efficiency of Chain Heal (only slightly, but it is worth noting) whereas HT increases the Mana efficiency of chain heal. 


Yes, which is why if you'll be using Chain Heal very much then High Tide is optimal, but we knew this already.


I will post a nice graph that I've created very soon with the results of my number crunching over the last couple days!


I look forward to it! :)


Edit: Do you know how I can upload an image from my computer to a post on this forum?


Upload to a site like imgur or photobucket, then get the URL of the image. Use the Image button (near the anchor) to embed the image that way.


PS: Can't help feeling like we overpowered Pandacho a bit. He had some good points, wouldn't want him to go away :(

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Thank you! I should have that done sometime this evening then. I forgot to add values for Riptide as another comparison spell (since your blog post said it was our most efficient, so I feel that would be a good point to reference the values of others to)

PS: Can't help feeling like we overpowered Pandacho a bit. He had some good points, wouldn't want him to go away sad.png

I hope he's still watching this thread!
It's because of Pandacho that I have looked so much into HT and am probably going to use it for raids D:

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Cloudburst Totem WA

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I am not going anywhere from here ^^

Today is the first live raid, so stream and logs are incoming. Finally we'll have something real to play with.

I will change glyphs and talents through the raid (if it will not be a too messy one) for test purposes.

Will try to test CBT vs HT and HT with and w/o Glyph of Riptide.

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I really look forward to seeing your results. I am going to have to travel for work starting Sunday, so I won't be able to get many raiding results early on :(

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Alright so here it is, my beautiful masterpiece of information about shaman healing!

I don't know how helpful it'll be for others, but it was able to answer quite a few of my questions. 


I'm going to provide some info on understanding this graph, first some basics, then I'll provide some more in-depth methodology in italics (so if you don't care, that's the stuff you can skip!)


Basics: The "bubbles" are the a simplistic representation of 3 different statistics for each spell. The position of the bubble tells you two things. The further right the bubble is, the great it's healing per second (HPS). The further up the bubble is, the greater total healing. The size of the bubble represents the mana efficiency of the spell (calculated as point of healing per point of mana spent,HPM). Many of the spells in our toolkit are listed here, and several of the variations that have been discussed in this topic.


More information on methods: These values were calculated with 0% mastery affecting them. Now, I understand that this makes the HPS and Total Healing seem like they might be useless on this graph. However, the purpose of the graph is to determine the relative differences between the spells so the numerical values don't matter as much. I calculated the values for this particular graph using my (at the time) ilvl 635 Resto Shaman. Since our mastery would affect all of our spells equally, it is perfectly fine to ignore the effect it would have on the actual values since the bubbles would move up and to the right, proportionately. When calculating mana efficiency, I made sure to include the added mana cost of CBT for the appropriate categories. I also included the value of two riptides when calculating mana cost for a chain heal that would hit up to 6 targets with HT, since it would require not only the cast of a chain heal, but also two riptides for that first chain heal. This means that the subsequent chain heals would actually be more mana efficient than the first, but the different is fairly small so I didn't feel the need to represent both. The healing values of chain heal (for any number of targets and with/without HT) were computed under the assumption that the caster has the Draenor Perk Improved Chain Heal, and the primary target has the Riptide HoT. However, the healing values of Riptide are not calculated into the total healing or HPS. Also, for the calculation of Healing Wave, the HPS was computed under the assumption that the caster has the Tidal Waves buff. If the shaman were to cast Healing Wave without the Tidal Waves buff, then the bubble would be moved to the left. The healing of Riptide is assuming that the shaman does NOT have the Glyph of Riptide, which reduces the amount of the initial heal. The last thing to note is that I do have many more statistics and computations than this, but I felt that this was enough. I don't want to overload anyone!


*Note that the mana efficiency for Riptide may be inaccurate. I believe I have made a miscalculation*





So now here's where I'm going to translate some of the stats into more understandable, and useful terms. 

In regards to the debate between HT and CBT, here are the mathematical differences:
CBT contributes greatly to mana efficiency, except in the case of Chain Heal (where hitting four targets actually gives a reduction of about 0.38 HPM). It also does increase the overall healing and HPS, but that was already obvious.

When it comes to chain heal, it's just so mana expensive that the healing returned from only 4 players isn't worthwhile for CBT. But in situations of burst, that's typically what you're going to be doing. Spamming Chain Heal while CBT is out to get maximum return. Again, the efficiency will be better for every chain heal after the first because you don't have to keep recasting CBT with every chain heal. 


CH 6 HT stands for a chain heal with high tide passive, healing the maximum of six people. And this bubble stands all alone because it is by far the greatest HPS. We all assumed that this provided the greatest burst healing, and here is the proof. The really interesting thing I found out though was the comparison of HT and CBT by looking at chain heal. While both talents make chain heal more effective, CBT actually provides a greater healing boost, about 5%, while HT is more mana efficient (when hitting only 4 targets). What this really means is that HT, in order to provide more healing than CBT, NEEDS to hit more than 4 targets. 


I'd like to address a point that I'm sure will be made, CBT has to be down for at least 15 seconds. That's 15seconds where my chain heals would be healing for much more if I chose HT! 

Well, you're right on that one. 

But, let's consider this. Now that we know CBT chooses targets that aren't at full health to distribute its stored healing, that means that it'll be more flexible depending on how many targets have taken damage. Chain heal is always going to bounce from one injured target to the next, until it reaches its max bounces (whether that's four or six). If the only players in range for the next jump are at full health, then all you've done is overhealing for an expensive cast, effectively reducing your total healing and mana efficiency. If the raid is taking so much damage that you would constantly be able to heal at least 4 people using Chain Heal in a rotation for the 15 seconds that CBT would be down, then mathematically you'd get more healing out of HT. 


Adding some real experiences: Now, raiding has only been open for a day, but I did raid for several hours today and found out how many of the fights work. I have found that most of the time, because there are several healers, a Chain heal would not heal 4 targets. Or if it did, there was a good amount of overhealing. Cloudburst totem no longer was incorporated into my typical rotation, but rather appeared more often after a damage spike, or if I knew one was coming (such as the Tectus fight). I could see the utility of HT in situations with raid-wide damage, but honestly there is rarely a need for such large burst healing. If burst healing is needed, it is much more effective to handle it with Ascendance/HTT. CBT helps out and so would HT, but honestly neither of them are going to cover burst on their own. At this point, I reflected on my mana consumption. Often times if a fight was lasting long enough, and I had to keep healing, my mana would be low. But I didn't go quite OOM except for one fight were I had to use a pot near the end. If this is the way WoD fights are going to go, then CBT seems the smarter choice to me since it makes the spells much more efficient (notice how large the Healing Rain bubble is for 10ppl). Healing Rain is definitely a useful skill in the raiding environment because you can often get at least five people in there. Add CBT to this and the healing is increased greatly. 


When looking at the bubbles for HR, you can imagine a trend line going through the center of all of them. This would help in thinking about the value of HR depending on how many targets you can heal with it. I chose to represent HR 5 as the lowest because anything below that is honestly better healed with a Chain Heal. You're more likely to heal all of your targets and it's more efficient both for mana and time. 


One last point I wanted to talk about was to discuss what our most efficient spell is. Stoove had mentioned before that Riptide was our most efficient spell. Well, looking at the numbers, I'd have to disagree. An unglyphed riptide is only about 6% as time efficient and 86% as mana efficient as a Healing Wave when under the effect of Tidal Waves. Now, obviously no one is going to forsake either of these spells and I'm not suggesting that. But I thought it was important to talk about because when looking at the graph, there needs to be a determined reference point. If we use healing wave as the typical point of efficiency you can more easily compare the efficiency of other spells. If there's burst damage, use spells that have bubbles to the right of Healing Wave. If there's a lot of damage, then choose spells above Healing Wave. Etc.

These may help make some important decisions in tight situations during raid encounters. 


Well thank you so much for reading all of this! And those of you that even read the longer methods, an extra thank you.

Obviously, statistics don't account for everything and every encounter is going to be different. So I encourage more discussion on this thread about all of it. 

And if anyone wants to see more of my statistics, I'd be happy to post the values or send the file. smile.png

If you found this post, or anything else on this thread helpful, please rate it!

Edited by Regal
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I'm thinking about glyphed Riptide with High Tide not in terms of healing, but more in terms of utility. Fast riptiding 3-5 persons that you want to heal will force your Chain Heal to bounce through them.

Will check this today too.

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Regal, that's a really excellent post which I'd love to discuss in detail (later), but I did have one immediate comment;


One last point I wanted to talk about was to discuss what our most efficient spell is. Stoove had mentioned before that Riptide was our most efficient spell. Well, looking at the numbers, I'd have to disagree. An unglyphed riptide is only about 6% as time efficient and 86% as mana efficient as a Healing Wave when under the effect of Tidal Waves.


I checked my numbers and still disagree. Calculating Mana Efficiency by (total SP%)/(base mana %) I get;

Riptide; 318/7.3 = 43.6

Healing Wave; 412.5/10.3 = 40.0


That would make Riptide 8.8% more mana efficient than Healing Wave. (Note that Riptide's mana gain from Resurgence is 60% of that from Healing Wave, so Healing Wave's mana efficiency will scale better with Crit).

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Regal, that's a really excellent post which I'd love to discuss in detail (later), but I did have one immediate comment;



I checked my numbers and still disagree. Calculating Mana Efficiency by (total SP%)/(base mana %) I get;

Riptide; 318/7.3 = 43.6

Healing Wave; 412.5/10.3 = 40.0


That would make Riptide 8.8% more mana efficient than Healing Wave. (Note that Riptide's mana gain from Resurgence is 60% of that from Healing Wave, so Healing Wave's mana efficiency will scale better with Crit).

Hmm. That's odd, I wonder why my numbers didn't match up? 

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I didn't actually use spellpower coefficiencts, but used observed values with some calculations (such as calculating chain heal amount or healing rain). As for mana usage, I also used my actual mana cost for the spell. 

However, since Riptide was an afterthought, I calculated that one based on %SP times SP to give me an expected total healing. (I used a slightly outdated askmrrobot.com version of my character since I had already acquired some raid gear by the time I started calculating Riptide, which would've thrown the numbers off).

But that obviously didn't work because my other values don't match up by plugging numbers into that equation (%SP X SP = Total Healing)

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Yeah, they tend not to work "exactly". Not sure why. It's best to just take whatever is most consistent :)

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Once I've geared up, I may crunch some new numbers, and I'll stick to the %SP that time. 

I'm sure after we've all had some raiding experience that there will be new questions to ask!

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This is all fantastic info. Each CBT and HT are both great talents, I could see using HT in certain boss fights coming up. I did use it in The Butcher fight. I enjoyed the overall healing of it and meter topping. I will say, i found myself OOM haha because i got happy tappy. Im bias right now for CBT. It has such a great mana return.


Don't mean to change subject from the CBT and HT. But so far in these raids i find UF > PE, though i will say I am tank healing/melee. In the past PE was such the better option imo. But using EoE and UF talents are making my heals on tanks and mana regain really fantastic right now. I did go primal for the world bosses, but i didn noticed a difference due to the simplicity of the mechanics. I noticed a huge hps increase for single target healing, though of course overall healing is lower due to my role. Has anyone else noticed this? I should really start logging this stuff

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Just to remind everyone; make sure to click "Like This" on any comment that's interesting to you (especially long ones like Regal's theorycraft) - it lets the poster know you appreciate their work and they'll probably come back more in future! :)

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Well, we have logs. Finally smile.png

I had in talents: Echo of Elements, Rushing Streams, Unleashed Fury, High Tide. No Glyph of Riptide. Switched for a couple of tries to CBT. (I'll mention this)

And we had in the raid one more Resto Shaman with Echo of Elements, Rushing Streams, Elemental Blast, Cloudburst Totem.

Same glyphs both of us.


But before proceeding to our shamans things, a bit of whining: look at the healing of the Beacon of Light from Holy Pala: 


10KK of automatic healing.... First place on healing done in the raid.

Resto sham's Earth shield:


1KK of healing... 9th place on healing done in the raid somewhere near healthstones... Should we cry?



1. Kargath Bladefist kill



2. The Butcher kill



3. Tectus, The Living Mountain

Try with Cloudburst Totem:



Kill with High Tide:



4. Brackenspore try



Here is the spell usage through all the raid (boss fights only):



I have to say that Healing wave output is insane (225 casts of HW and 89 casts of UL) - 33600 average for 1 cast.

But the interesting thing is, that Chain Heal with 205 casts / 9700 average and Healing Wave with 225 casts / 33600 average healed for the exactly same amount of HP through the raid. Greetings to the High Tide ^^




@Stoove: As I mentioned earlier, we had two resto shamans in the raid with different talents (EB vs UF + CBT vs HT). You can see the difference in the logs, but I don't know how to eliminate the ilvl difference between us. Would you be able to share your conclusions about the talents efficiency from my logs, please?


The only thing I can see immediately is that High Tide talent works like a mana conservation for Chain Heals.

If we'll take a look on the overall amount of CH casts, hits and average CH heal in the raid, we'll see:

with HT talent: 201 cast, 784 hits - 3,9 jumps (average), average heal: 9,738, overheal: 49.17%

w/o HT talent: 258 casts, 867 hits - 3,3 jumps (average), average heal: 7.635, overheal: 47.69%

So with HT talent you can cast significantly less amount of CH due to increased amount of jumps and bigger healing potency.


1. The Butcher kill








2. Tectus, The Living Mountain kill:








3. Brackenspore try









I didn't have any mana problems in the boss fights. Never was less then 40% of mana (no Spirit enchant on wep).
So for today's raid I will try Glyph of Riptide+Elemental Mastery.

Btw, I'm going to make a macro for casting UL+HW on mouseover. Think it'll make it more efficient.

Edited by Pandacho
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Hello once again and thanks to all of you for your interesting ideas, especially @Regal.




Yesterday my guild started raiding and we were able to kill atleast 4 bosses on normal and I wanted to inform you abit about my experience and my talents (log: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/PtY9MchZdXpn2ygJ#type=healing&source=2&fight=18- dunno if you can change the language to english somehow)



Note: I'm only playing Resto Shaman since this Expansion, was main Druid b4 and it was my first raid as Resto - and it really is a huge difference from healing 5 man! So forgive me playstyle mistakes because I need to get used to it first and gain some experience as resto - so some of my impressions might be incorrect and I simply do something wrong




I healed the challenge modes with rushing streams and CBT and was very comfortable with it.

I rarely used Chain Heal in 5 man dungeons, simply because I do not like the spell very much because it is so easily wasteable if you do not use it for its full potential.


So for the raid I wanted to switch to HT and Conductivity because I felt like for around ~20 player it might be better.

The problem I had with HT is that I wanted to use Chain Heal now whenever it felt reasonable.

I tried to have Riptide up on 3 targets and in the best case buff it with Unleash Life and then cast Chain Heal.


But now here are the problems I have with HT and Chain Heal in general:

Without the Glyph of Riptide I find it hard to have it up on 3 Targets, of course I have it on the both tanks most of the time and on another target. Maybe I am able to cast it 1-2 times on the tank, but then he is topped most of the time again and it ends in overhealing.

Also I think its so hard to manage if chain heal is actually healing someone or just overhealing. Because when I use it I try to use it on a camp (e.g melees) and I can never tell if it heals atleast 4 targets.

Also I found it very mana draining, but maybe I wanted to use it too much since I chose HT.



So dont get me wrong: It might be a very cool talent, but I simply don't know how to properly use Chain Heal yet - do you have maybe some handy tips for me?

So to list my problems again to make it easier to understand:

- hard to have Riptide up on 3 targets

- I'm not sure if it's actually healing someone or just overhealing

- I'm not sure if the range is enough


So these are the main problems I have with Chain Heal in Generel and HT.

Maybe some of you had the same experience or a complete different and would like to share it with us.



So now I come to Conductivity:


I think the talent is worth it. 

From what I saw it heals really much in a raid, even though I'm a fan of Healing Stream Totem.

The only problem I have atm is too keep track of it because the WA String out of the topic does not work for Healing Rain with Conductivity.


But for a really really movement intense counter I'd still switch to rushing streams.




Could maybe someone write a new String and share it with us for the time of HR is still running?

Would be really cool, I'm too stupid to do it.




So these were just some impressions of a noob player, but maybe someone finds it helpful smile.png


Would be happy if someone could answer some of my questions and especially help me with the Chain Heal usage.


Thanks for reading and your (possible) answers!






PS: How can I dismiss the Cloudburst Totem with a macro to use it when I want to? So to use it b4 the 15 seconds expire? Because atm I have to click it and I did not find a working macro for it.

So I'd like to press the button one time and it gets summoned and the second I press it it gets destroyed - maybe someone has a macro like this and would like to share it with me/us?

PS²: Even though this might sound a bit negative at all, I'm really enjoying resto Shaman so far, even though it is way harder to play than the Resto Druid I mained until WoD and I'm really looking forward to gain more experience in Raids with him.





When I look at your logs and especially your Chain Heal usage I see that I do something terrible wrong.

Need to use it a lot more often I guess.


What do you think about the topic: Conductivy or Rushing Streams?

Saw that you played with Rushing Streams, I like the Healing Stream Totem also very much

Edited by Nalesh
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really wish I had more time to carefully look at these things. Alas, it's a busy month for me. I'll have some logs to show after tonight (EU) and maybe some notes if I'm still awake. Next week I'll probably get more time to read all of this beautiful info! smile.png


In the mean time, have many likes. Handle it.

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      If you believe that you are a player that is looking to achieve the same goals as us then why not contact us and see if we can achieve our goals together!
    • By Daevilmonkie
      Welcome Adventurers! The time has come upon us, FINALLY! The moment in Classic WoW history us diehard, loyal WoW nerds have all been waiting for. WRATH CLASSIC! Arthas Did Nothing Wrong (ADNW) has just begun recruiting (For WotLK Classic) hard-core, casual, rp, pvp, pve, raiders, anything you can think of, you are welcomed here. Although our main focus in ADNW will be progressive raiding, 10 and 25 man and pvp content, we look to have someone for just about anything. Currently we are recruiting for our CORE 10M team composed entirely of irl / internet homies. We are in need of just 1 HEALER (Highly prefer a disc priest with a shadow off spec) and another DPS. Preferably lock or Shadow priest. We are looking to fill our B 10m team entirely, so we can pool together for 25 man’s when it comes time to crush 25m. This guild was founded by a group of tight nit friends recently, who have been around since TBC. WOTLK was our turning point in WoW, and we CANNOT wait to get another crack at this and MAKE IT RIGHT. Come join the adventure of a chill environment full of helpful hands and knowledge. Feel free to reach out to me Via Discord: Daevilmonkiexp#9239 OR Bnet: Daevilmonkie#1280 just let me know you are interested in the guild and we can have a convo! ARTHAS DID NOTHING WRONG!
    • By fryguy
      ### Totemly Awesome!
      # Class: Shaman
      # Format: Wild
      # 2x (0) Totemic Surge
      # 1x (2) Cagematch Custodian
      # 2x (2) Devolve
      # 2x (2) EVIL Totem
      # 2x (2) Flametongue Totem
      # 2x (2) Serpent Ward
      # 2x (2) Totem Golem
      # 1x (2) Trick Totem
      # 1x (2) Vitality Totem
      # 1x (3) Grand Totem Eys'or
      # 1x (3) Instructor Fireheart
      # 2x (3) Mana Tide Totem
      # 2x (3) Totemic Reflection
      # 2x (4) Draenei Totemcarver
      # 2x (4) Splitting Axe
      # 2x (5) Totem Goliath
      # 2x (6) Thing from Below
      # 1x (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder


      # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
    • By Insanity
      <Insanity> are looking for new inmates to expand our asylum...
      Region : EU
      Server : Mirage Raceway
      Faction : Horde
      Raid Times
      Tuesday 19:30 to 23:00 Realm Time
      Thursday 19:30 to 23:00 Realm Time
      Approach to Raiding
      We have a relaxed and chilled approach to raiding, but still expect people to make an effort.
      As long as you don't show up freshly dinged in levelling greens, and make an effort to improve your gear and skills and show up to raids,
      that is all we expect. We are here to enjoy ourselves, not push logs.
      About us
      We are a chilled community who enjoys hanging out in discord while playing the game.
      Karazhan is on farm, we are now looking to bolster our ranks to create a solid reliable 25 man raid team moving forward.
      What We Offer
      A mature environment for levelling and group play
      Progressive but relaxed end game experience
      A fun, helpful and inclusive atmosphere
      What We Expect
      People willing to help build and grow a serious, successful and fun TBC raiding guild. We don’t care about your spec, everyone is welcome. While we are a casual guild, we still expect people to make an effort. Showing up freshly dinged in levelling greens won’t make the raiding experience fun for anyone.
      Our Aims
      Our aims are to clear all the raid content in tbc in a relaxed and fun way. We were close to 25 raiders at 70 and ready to start raiding, but a lot of people quit the game and we are in need of new recruits for our 25-man raid teams. Anyone just interested in chilling in discord and to get to know new people are also welcome.
      Recruitment Status
      Tanks : medium
      Healers : high
      Ranged DPS : high
      Melee DPS : high
      Contact Us
      Feel free to jump on the guild discord and get in touch
      Discord - discord.gg/8c6DW5Su
      Twitter - guild_insanity
      You can also contact an officer in game for further info :
      Thank you for reading, and we hope to hear from you soon
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