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Survival Hunter Changes and Explanations on the War Within Beta: June 26th

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We have more adjustments to Survival Hunters in this week's War Within Beta build. Blizzard respond to player feedback on changes made on the Beta so far, as they're reverting last week's change to Flanking Strike and comment they might have more changes for it later on. Mongoose Bite and Mongoose Fury are also being reverted, as the team look for better solutions.

Blizzard LogoSurvival (Source)

Hello Survival Hunters!

We’ve been reading your feedback regarding the recent changes to Mongoose Bite, Mongoose Fury, and Flanking Strike and want to provide an update regarding those changes.

One of our goals with the Survival Hunter spec tree update was to better define niches for each of Survival’s tandem pet-and-hunter attack abilities. Since then, we’ve made changes to Coordinated Assault and Spearhead to better define their use cases as well as the narrative sell of their effects, and last week we felt that it was Flanking Strike’s turn for an update.

We don’t feel that our previous iteration of Flanking Strike fits perfectly within Survival’s kit, but given your feedback, we also don’t think that it being an occasional replacement for Kill Command is a better direction. We plan on reverting Flanking Strike to its previous iteration, where it will remain a separate ability that doubly benefits from Tip of the Spear. We’ll put more thought into Flanking Strike’s place in Survival’s kit in the meantime, but we don’t expect to have a new iteration on this ability’s direction any time soon.

Similarly, we don’t love how Mongoose Fury and Tip of the Spear can pull you in a separate direction rotationally (as previously stated). It’s clear that this new direction for Mongoose Bite invalidates an iconic part of the Survival Hunter experience. For now, we plan to return Mongoose Bite and Mongoose Fury to their previous iterations. We’ll spend time finding a more elegant way to meld the two rotational styles that simultaneously preserves their gameplay.

That’s all for today. We appreciate your continued feedback! Thank you!

And here are the tuning changes for Hunters in general and Survial specifically, from the development notes:

Blizzard LogoTuning (Source)


  • New Talent: Blackrock Munitions – The damage of Explosive Shot is increased by 8%.
  • New Talent: Implosive Trap – Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing Fire damage and knocking all enemies up. Limit 1. Choice node with High Explosive Trap.
  • Territorial Instincts has been redesigned – Casting Intimidation without an active pet summons one from your stable.
  • Talent nodes in Gate 2 have been repositioned.
  • Concussive Shot and Wilderness Medicine now connect to Scare Beast and Scout’s Instinct respectively.
  • The following talents have been removed:
    • Steel Trap
    • Death Chakram
      • Developer’s note: One of the biggest complaints we’re seeing in the Hunter community is button bloat. Death Chakram was a relatively high-frequency button that you had to click before all of your damage abilities, creating something of a launch sequence for every Hunter specialization. Its removal will let us bake the lost power into each spec’s kit while also reducing the button-presses required before you can begin damage.


  • Sic’ Em has been redesigned – Kill Command has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Kill Shot, make it usable on targets regardless of Health, and strike up to 2 additional targets. This chance is doubled during Coordinated Assault.
  • Coordinated Assault initial damage increased by 60%.
  • Coordinated Assault has been redesigned – You and your pet charge your enemy, striking them for combined Physical damage. You and your pet’s bond is then strengthened for 20 seconds, causing you and your pet to deal 20% increased damage. While Coordinated Assault is active, Kill Command’s chance to reset its cooldown is increased by 15%.
    • Developer’s note: Coordinated Assault’s previous iterations have been disproportionately complex relative to its output. Our goal with these changes is to simplify Coordinated Assault’s effects, increase the power gain from Coordinated Assault, and disjoint it from Kill Shot so that you can opt-in to Kill Shot bonuses as you see fit. We also believe that the increased Kill Command reset chance will be more broadly appealing with the new talents introduced in the Survival update.
  • Symbiotic Adrenaline has been updated – Additionally causes Coordinated Assault to grant 3 stacks of Tip of the Spear.
  • Quick Shot has been updated – Now has a 30% chance to fire an Arcane Shot when you cast Kill Command (was when Kill Command reset).
  • Butchery damage increased by 100%.
  • Flanking Strike now replaces Kill Command after casting Kill Command 3 times.
  • Flanking Strike range increased to 25 yards (Medium-Short range).
  • Flanking Strike no longer benefits from Tip of the Spear and now generates 15 Focus.
  • Flanker’s Advantage no longer grants additional reset chance based on your critical strike.
    • This effect also had a bug that was causing you to roll for Kill Command resets twice per cast of Kill Command, which was creating substantially increased Kill Command resets.
  • Mongoose Fury now refreshes its duration when a new stack is applied.
  • Mongoose Fury max stacks reduced to 3 (was 5).
  • Mongoose Fury duration reduced to 10 seconds .
    • Developer’s note: The previous design of Mongoose Fury was rewarding you for pressing nothing but Mongoose Bite in your damage window while the new Tip of the Spear is asking you to weave in Kill Commands. These two designs were pulling your rotation in two separate directions, and these adjustments should help to harmonize these two mechanics.
  • Wildfire Infusion’s Kill Command reset chance reduced to 10% (was 15%).
  • Wildfire Infusion’s Wildfire Bomb cooldown reduction reduced to 0.5 seconds (was 1 second).
    • Developer’s note - We’re still making adjustments to Survival’s action economy and reducing how crowded the rotation feels. Part of this is reducing the increased access of Wildfire Bomb from the various spec tree changes we’ve made, particularly through Wildfire Infusion.
  • Many effects that were consuming multiple stacks of Tip of the Spear have been fixed.
  • Spearhead now only makes your pet charge.
  • Spearhead description updated.
  • Spearhead visuals and sound effects updated.


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      Warblade's Hunger - Consuming a Soul Fragment causes your next Shear to deal [ 100% 20% of Attack Power ] additional damage. Preemptive Strike - Throw Glaive deals [ 20% 200% + of Attack Power ] damage to enemies near its initial target. Escalation - When Each successive enhanced ability deals 10% increased damage. The effect of the second enhancement is increased by 100%. Reaver's Glaive, Soul Cleave casts 3 additional glaive slashes to nearby targets. If cast after Shear, cast 6 slashes instead. Art of the Glaive - Consuming 40 Soul Fragments allows converts you your to cast next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive. Reaver's Glaive : Throw a glaive enhanced with the essence of consumed souls at your target, dealing [ 300% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and ricocheting to 2 1 additional targets targets for [ 150% of Attack Power ]. Begins a well-practiced pattern of glaivework, enhancing your next Shear and Soul Cleave: Cleave. Shear applies Reaver's Mark which causes The enhanced ability you cast first deals 10% increased damage, and the second deals 20% target to take 15% increased damage for 20 sec Soul Cleave deals 3 additional glaive slashes to nearby targets for Attack Power damage. Illuminated Sigils - You have 15% increased chance to parry attacks from enemies afflicted by your Sigil of Flame. Sigil skills have of Flame has 5 sec reduced cooldown and 1 additional charges Intent Pursuit - Casting The Hunt allows you When enhanced by Reaver's Glaive, Shear applies Reaver's Mark, which causes the target to take 15% increased damage for 20 sec. If cast after Soul Cleave, Reaver's Glaive. Mark is increased to 30%. Incisive Blade - When enhanced, Soul Cleave deals 30% increased damage. Druid
      Moon Guardian - Free automatic Moonfires from Galactic Guardian generate 5 Rage. Moonfire and Starfire generate 2 additional Astral Power Astral Insight - Increases the duration and number of spells cast by Convoke the Spirits by 25%. Incarnation: Chosen of Elune and Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc increase Arcane damage from spells and abilities by 10% while active Lunation - Your Arcane abilities reduce the cooldown of Fury of Elune by 2.0 sec and the cooldown of New Moon, Half Moon, and Full Moon by 1.0 sec. Your Arcane abilities reduce the cooldown of Lunar Beam by 3.0 sec.  Stellar Command - Increases the damage of Fury of Elune and Full Moon by 15%. Increases the damage of Lunar Beam by 30% and Fury of Elune by 15%. Lunar Calling - Starfire deals 40% increased damage to its primary target, but no longer triggers Solar Eclipse. Thrash now deals Arcane damage and its damage is increased by 12%. Photosynthesis - While your Lifebloom is on an ally, your periodic heals on them have a 4% chance to cause it to bloom. While your Lifebloom is on yourself, your periodic heals heal 20% 10% faster Implant - Your Swiftmend causes a Symbiotic Bloom to grow on the target for 4 secs sec. Boundless Moonlight - [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 212% of Spell Power ) Astral damage. Full Moon Full Moon calls down 2 Crescent Minor Moons that deal ( 116.6% of Spell Power ) Astral damage and generate 3 Astral Power. Power.]  Lunar Beam Lunar Beam now causes you to leech life equal to 10% of all damage dealt to enemies within the beam. The Eternal Moon - Further increases the power of Boundless Moonlight Fury of Elune The flash of energy now generates 6 Astral Power or 6 Rage and its damage is increased by 50%. Full Moon New Moon and Half Moon now also call down 1 Crescent Minor Moons. Lunar Beam Lunar Beam increases Mastery by an additional [ 1,400% of mas ]%, deals 30% increased damage, and lasts 3 sec longer. Entangling Vortex - Damage may cancel the effect. Enemies pulled into Ursol's Vortex are rooted in place for 3 secs sec Thriving Growth - Wild Growth, Regrowth, and Efflorescence healing has a chance to cause Symbiotic Blooms to grow on the target, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] over 6 sec. Multiple instances of these can overlap. Rip and Rake damage has a chance to cause Bloodseeker Vines to grow on the victim, dealing [ 135% of Attack Power ] bleed Bleed damage over 6 sec Restoration Druid - Restoration Druid core passive: Improved Regrowth and Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Improved Regrowth and Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 68%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Rejuvenation Increases damage/healing by 90%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 73%: Ferocious Bite and Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane Increases damage/healing by 96%: Improved Prowl and Shred Increases damage/healing by 31%: Improved Prowl Increases periodic damage/healing by 44%: Improved Prowl Increases damage/healing by 8%: Cultivation, Efflorescence, Improved Regrowth, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Reactive Resin, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Cultivation, Efflorescence, Improved Regrowth, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Reactive Resin, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Tranquility, Wild Growth Moondust - Enemies affected by Moonfire are slowed by 30% 20%. Atmospheric Exposure - Enemies damaged by Full Moon, Lunar Beam or Fury of Elune, - Elune or Lunar Beam take 4% increased damage from you for 6 sec. Evoker
      Temporal Burst - Tip the Scales overloads you with temporal energy, increasing your haste, movement speed, and cooldown recovery rate by 30%, decreasing 1%, ramping up to 40% over 40 30 sec. Engulf - For each of your periodic effects on the target, effectiveness is increased by 50%. Engulf your target in dragonflame, damaging them for [ 370% of Spell Power ] Fire or healing them for [ 425% of Spell Power ] Unrelenting Siege - For each second you are in combat, Azure Strike Strike, Living Flame, and Disintegrate Living Flame deal 1% increased damage, up to 50% 15%. Double-time - Ebon Might and Prescience can gain a chance equal to your critically critical strike extending their duration by 10 sec. chance to grant 50% additional stats. Hunter
      (The following change to Flanking Strike will be reverted) Flanking Strike - You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of [ 246% of Attack Power 245.9% 300% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike. Generates 30 Focus for you and your pet. Flanking Strike generates 2 stacks of Tip of the Spear. Dire Beast - Summons a powerful wild beast that attacks the target and roars, increasing your Haste by 5% for 8 sec. Generates 20 Focus Symphonic Arsenal - Multi-Shot, Carve and Butchery discharge arcane energy from all targets affected by your Sentinel, dealing [ 56% 33.6% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage to up to 6 5 targets within 8 yds of your Sentinel targets. High Explosive Trap - Binding Shackles : Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing [ 57.33% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and knocking all enemies away. Trap will exist for 60 sec. Targets knocked back by High Explosive Trap deal 10% less damage to you for 8 sec after being knocked back.. Normal: Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing [ 57.33% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and knocking all enemies away Limit 1. War Orders - Barbed Shot deals 10% increased damage, and applying Barbed Shot has a 25% 50% chance to reset the cooldown of Kill Command. Kill Command - Generates 15 Focus.. Kill Command has a 20% chance to immediately reset its cooldown Normal: Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 158% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy. Generates 15 Focus. Tip of the Spear : Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 158% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy. Kill Command has a 10% chance to immediately reset its cooldown. Kill Command also increases the damage of your next Raptor Strike by 0%, stacking up to 3 times Flanker's Advantage - Kill Command has an additional 10% chance to immediately reset its cooldown, increased by 100% to 20% when Kill Command critically strikes a target. Tip of the Spear's damage bonus is increased up to 100%, 30%, based on your critical strike chance. Wailing Arrow - Non-Player targets struck by a Wailing Arrow have their spellcasting interrupted and are silenced for 3 sec. After summoning 20 Wind Arrows, your next Aimed Shot becomes a Wailing Arrow. Wailing Arrow resets the cooldown of Rapid Fire and generates 2 charges of Aimed Shot. Wailing Arrow fires off 5 Wind Arrows at your primary target, and 10 Wind Arrows split among any secondary targets hit, each dealing [ 20% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Wailing Arrow Normal: Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Readiness : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Windrunner's Barrage : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target Tar Trap - All enemies have 50% reduced movement speed while in the area of effect. Trap will exist for 60 sec.. Hurls a tar trap to the target location that creates a 8 yd radius pool of tar around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches Limit 1 Posthaste - Disengage also frees you from all movement impairing effects and increases your movement speed by [ 25 50 25% of Spell Power ]% for 4 sec. Born To Be Wild - Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial: Reduces the cooldowns of Aspect of the Cheetah, Survival of the Fittest, and Aspect of the Turtle by 30 sec. Survival: Reduces the cooldowns of Aspect of the Eagle, Aspect of the Cheetah, Survival of the Fittest, and Aspect of the Turtle by 30 sec. Grenade Juggler - Wildfire Bomb deals 5% increased damage and has a 25% chance to also cast an reset the cooldown of Explosive Shot. - Shot at your target at 100% effectiveness. Explosive Shot reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 4 2 sec. Explosive Venom - Every 5 cast of Cobra Explosive Shot or Multi-Shot will apply Serpent Sting to targets hit. Huntmaster's Call - Every 3 casts of Dire Beast sounds the Horn of Valor, summoning either Hati or Fenryr to battle Hati Increases the damage of all your pets by 15%. 8%. Fenryr Pounces your primary target, inflicting a heavy bleed that deals [ 480% 320% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and grants you 10% Haste. Spearhead - You and your pet charge your enemy, applying a heavy bleed bleeding that increases your target for [ 300% of Attack Power ] damage over 10 sec and increasing your chance to critically strike your target by 30% for 10 sec. Bombardier - When you cast Coordinated Assault, you gain 2 charges of Wildfire Bomb When Coordinated Assault ends, your next 2 Explosive Shot Shots has its have their cooldown reduced by 100% and its their Focus cost reduced by 100% 100% for 4 sec. Wildfire Infusion - Mongoose Bite and Raptor Strike have a 15% chance to reset Kill Command's cooldown Kill Command reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 2 1 sec. Thrill of the Hunt - Barbed Shot increases your critical strike chance by 2% for 8 sec, stacking up to 2 3 times. Explosives Expert - Wildfire Bomb cooldown reduced by 4.0 2.0 sec. Focused Aim - Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire damage increased by 5%. 5.0%. Aimed Shot - Aimed Shot deals 0% bonus damage to targets who are above 70% health. Aimed Shot also fires a Serpent Sting at the primary target. Normal: A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% 330% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and causes your next 1-2 Arcane Shots or Multi-Shots to deal 70% more damage. Chimaera Shot : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% 330% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Careful Aim : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% 330% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Serpent Sting : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% 330% of Attack Power ] Physical damage Wailing Arrow - Non-Player targets struck by a Wailing Arrow have their spellcasting interrupted and are silenced for 3 sec. Wailing Arrow resets the cooldown of Rapid Fire and generates 2 charges of Aimed Shot. Wailing Arrow fires off 5 Wind Arrows at your primary target, and 10 Wind Arrows split among any secondary targets hit, each dealing [ 20% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Normal: Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Readiness : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Windrunner's Barrage : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target Exposed Flank - Your Flanking Strike now strikes 2 additional nearby targets at 100% effectiveness, and exposes a weakness in your enemy's defenses, causing increasing the damage of Kill Command by 10% and causes your Kill Command to hit 2 additional nearby enemies for 10 sec. Mage
      Spellfire Spheres - Spellfire Sphere Increases your spell damage by 2%. Stacks up to 3 times.. While you're out of combat, you will slowly conjure Spellfire Spheres over time Every 4 6 times you consume Clearcasting, cast Arcane Blast or Arcane Barrage, conjure a Spellfire Sphere Intensifying Flame - While Ignite is on 3 or fewer enemies it flares up dealing an additional 25% 20% of its damage to affected targets. Mage Arcane 11.0 Class Set 4pc - Casting Arcane Blast or Arcane Explosion Barrage has a 10% 5% chance to make your next Arcane Barrage deal 10% 20% increased damage and generate 4 Arcane Charges. Splintering Orbs - Arcane Orb damage is increased by 10%. Enemies The first enemy damaged by your Arcane Orb conjure conjures 2 4 Arcane Splinters up to 4. Spellfrost Teachings - Direct damage from Arcane Splinters has a 2% chance to launch an reset the cooldown of Arcane Orb and increase all damage dealt by Arcane Orb by 20% for 10 sec. Mage Frost 11.0 Class Set 2pc - Ice Lance damage increased by 8%. 5% and Fingers of Frost increases the damage of your next Frozen Orb by 10%, stacking up to 10 times. Eureka - When a spell consumes Clearcasting, its damage is increased by 25% 10%. Mage Arcane 11.0 Class Set 2pc - Arcane Blast and Arcane Explosion Barrage damage increased by 6%. Mage Frost 11.0 Class Set 4pc - Frozen Orb increases Damage dealt by Fingers of Frost enhanced Ice Lance's - Lances invoke a Frigid Pulse, dealing [ 30% of Spell Power ] Frost damage by 15% for 15 sec. to nearby targets. Damage reduced beyond 8 targets. Time Anomaly - At any moment, you have a chance to gain Arcane Surge for 6 4 sec, Clearcasting, or Time Warp for 6 sec. Sparking Cinders - Living Bomb explosions have a 15% chance to increase the damage of your next Flamestrike or Pyroblast by 15%. Pyroblast - Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes [ 180.22% 172% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and an additional [ 18.6% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Glorious Incandescence - Consuming Burden of Power causes your next cast of Arcane Orb Barrage to grant 4 Arcane Charges and call down a storm of 4 Meteorites on its the first target target it damages. Each Meteorite's impact reduces the cooldown of Arcane Orb by 2.0 sec and generates an Arcane Charge. Lit Fuse - Up to five enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further.. Consuming Hot Streak has a 10% chance to grant you Lit Fuse Lit Fuse : Your next Fire Blast turns up to three nearby targets into a Living Bomb that explodes after 2 sec, dealing [ 60% 40% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds Arcane Missiles - Only castable when you have Clearcasting Launches five waves of Arcane Missiles at the enemy over 2.5 sec, causing a total of [ 235.3% 255% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Mana Addiction - Stacks up to 10 times. Multiple instances may overlap. Consuming Clearcasting Casting Arcane Blast or Arcane Barrage grants you 3.0% 1.0% Haste for 10 sec Pyromaniac - Casting Pyroblast or Flamestrike while Hot Streak is active has an 8% chance to repeat the spell cast at 100% effectiveness. This effect counts as consuming Hot Streak. Arcane Barrage - For each Arcane Charge, deals 30% additional damage, grants you 1.5% of your maximum mana, and hits 1 additional nearby targets for 40% of its damage Launches bolts of arcane energy at the enemy target, causing [ 106.62% 120% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage Arcane Debilitation - Damaging a target with Arcane Missiles increases the damage they take from Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage, and Arcane Blast by 0.0%. Multiple instances may overlap. Mass Barrier - Cast Prismatic Barrier on yourself and 4 nearby allies. - allies within 40 yds. Memory of Al'ar - While under the effects of a casted Arcane Surge, you gain twice as many stacks of Mana Addiction. When your Arcane Phoenix expires, it empowers you, granting Arcane Soul for 3 sec, plus an additional 0.5 sec for each exceptional spell it had cast Arcane Soul : Arcane Barrage costs no mana, grants Clearcasting, - Clearcasting and generates 4 Arcane Charges. Nether Munitions - When your Magi's Spark or your Improved Touch of the Magi detonates, it increases the damage all affected targets take from you by 6% 8% for 12 sec. Codex of the Sunstriders - Summoning your Arcane Phoenix grants you a Spellfire Sphere. Over its duration, your Arcane Phoenix will consume each of your Spellfire Spheres to cast an exceptional spell. Upon consuming a Spellfire Sphere, your Arcane Phoenix will grant you Lingering Embers. Lingering Embers Increases your spell damage by 2%. Stacks up to 5 times. Arcane Blast - Each Arcane Charge increases damage by 60% and mana cost by 100%, and reduces cast time by 8%. Generates 1 Arcane Charge. Blasts the target with energy, dealing [ 72.8% 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage Frostfire Mastery - Your damaging Fire spells generate 1 stack of Fire Mastery and Frost spells generate 1 stack of Frost Mastery. Adding stacks does not refresh duration. Fire Mastery increases your haste by 1%, and Frost Mastery increases your Mastery by 1% for 12 14 sec, stacking up to 8 times each Magi's Spark - Your Touch of the Magi now also conjures a spark, causing the damage from your next Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, and Arcane Missiles to echo for 25% 100% of their damage. Upon receiving damage from all three spells, the spark explodes, dealing [ 150% 400% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all nearby enemies. Living Bomb - Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 60% 40% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds Phoenix Flames - Always deals a critical strike. Hurls a Phoenix that deals [ 77.05% 70% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to other nearby enemies Lessons in Debilitation - Your Arcane Phoenix will Spellsteal when it is cast Supernova or Gravity Lapse shortly after being summoned and when it expires. will periodically Spellsteal buffs from nearby enemies. Leydrinker - Consuming Nether Precision has a 10% 20% chance to make your next Arcane Blast or Arcane Barrage echo, repeating its damage at 25% 60% effectiveness to the primary target and up to four nearby enemies. Illuminated Thoughts - Clearcasting has a 5% increased chance to proc and increases the damage of spells that consume it by 5%. Permafrost Lances (New) - Frozen Orb increases Ice Lance's damage by 15% for 15 sec. Monk
      Thunder Focus Tea - Expel Harm : Transfers 25% additional healing into damage and creates a Chi Cocoon absorbing [ 16% of Total Health ] damage.. Renewing Mist : Duration increased by 10 sec. Vivify : No mana cost. Expel Harm : Transfers 25% additional healing into damage and creates a Chi Cocoon absorbing [ 16% of Total Health ] damage. Rising Sun Kick : Cooldown reduced by 9 sec Normal: Receive a jolt of energy, empowering your next spell cast: Enveloping Mist : Immediately heals for [ 358.5% 312% of Spell Power ] and is instant cast. Focused Thunder : Receive a jolt of energy, empowering your next 1 spells cast: Enveloping Mist : Immediately heals for [ 358.5% 312% of Spell Power ] and is instant cast Jade Ignition - Whenever you deal damage to a target with Fists of Fury, you gain a stack of Chi Energy up to a maximum of 30 stacks. The damage is increased by 5% for each stack of Chi Energy. Using Spinning Crane Kick will cause the energy to detonate in a Chi Explosion, dealing [ 127.5% 145% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yards, reduced beyond 5 targets Enveloping Mist - Wraps the target in healing mists, healing for [ 358.5% 312% of Spell Power ] over 6 sec, and increasing healing received from your other spells by 30%. Heightened Guard - Ox Stance will now trigger when an attack is larger than 50% 40% of your current health. Restoral - Castable while stunned. Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid. Heals all party and raid members within 40 yds for [ 325.45% 1,301.8% of Spell Power ] and clears them of all harmful Poison and Disease effects Soothing Mist - Each heal has a chance to cause a Gust of Mists on the target.. While channeling, Enveloping Mist and Vivify may be cast instantly on the target Heals the target for [ 616% 1,120% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec Lotus Infusion - Allies with Renewing Mist receive 15% 8% more healing from you and Renewing Mist's duration is increased by 2 sec. Shadowboxing Treads - Blackout Kick damage increased by 10% and strikes an additional 2 ltarget;targets at 80% 70% effectiveness. Dancing Mists - Renewing Mist has a 10% 8% chance to immediately spread to an additional target when initially cast or when traveling to a new target. Chi Burst - Casting Chi Burst does not prevent avoiding attacks Brewmaster: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 120% - 280% + of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 145% 220% of Attack Power ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Healing and damage reduced beyond 6 5 targets. Windwalker, Mistweaver, Initial: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 120% - 280% + of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 145% 220% of Attack Power ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Healing and damage reduced beyond 6 5 targets. Unison - Soothing Mist heals a second injured ally within 40 yds for 35% 25% of the amount healed. Windwalker Monk - Windwalker Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 26%: Blackout Kick, Rising Sun Kick, - Kick and Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 22%: Chi Wave and Rushing Jade Wind Increases damage/healing by 150%: Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 188%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 26%: Fist of the White Tiger and Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 40%: Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 20%: Fists of Fury Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 150%: Vivify Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases damage/healing by 10%: 20%: Blackout Kick Increases damage/healing by 100%: Expel Harm and Reverse Harm Chi-Ji's Swiftness - Your movement speed is increased by 25% 75% during Celestial Conduit and by 15% for 3 sec after being assisted by any Celestial. Celestial Harmony - While active, Yu'lon and Chi'Ji heal up to 5 nearby targets with Enveloping Breath when you cast Enveloping Mist, healing for [ 102.6% of Spell Power ] over 6 sec, and increasing the healing they receive from you by 10% When activated, Yu'lon and Chi'Ji apply Chi Cocoons to 5 targets within 0 to 40 yds, absorbing [ 16% 12% of Total Health ] damage for 10 sec. Roar from the Heavens - Tiger's Lust grants 20% movement speed to up to 2 allies near its target. Chi Burst (New) - Brewmaster: Your damaging spells and abilities have a chance to activate Chi Burst, allowing you to hurl a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 280% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 220% of Attack Power ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Healing reduced beyond 5 targets. Casting Chi Burst does not prevent avoiding attacks. Windwalker, Mistweaver, Initial: Your damaging spells and abilities have a chance to activate Chi Burst, allowing you to hurl a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 280% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 220% of Attack Power ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Healing reduced beyond 5 targets. Paladin
      Laying Down Arms - When an Armament fades from you, the cooldown of Lay on Hands is reduced by 15.0 sec and you gain Shining Light or Infusion of Light. Holy Shock - Has an additional 10% critical strike chance. Generates 1 Holy Power. Triggers a burst of Light on the target, dealing [ 48.96% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy, or [ 147.36% 190% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally Shining Light - Every 3 Shields of the Righteous make your next Word of Glory cost no Holy Power. Maximum 2 stacks. Tyr's Deliverance - Allies healed also receive 10% increased healing from your Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Holy Shock spells for 12 sec. Releases the Light within yourself, healing 5 injured allies instantly and an injured ally every 1 sec for 20 sec within 40 yds for [ 35% 30% of Spell Power ] Dawnlight - 10% of Dawnlight's damage and healing radiates to nearby allies or enemies, reduced beyond 5 targets. Casting Holy Prism or Barrier of Faith causes your next 2 Holy Power spending abilities to apply Dawnlight on your target, dealing [ 300% of Spell Power ] Radiant damage or [ 600% 480% of Spell Power ] healing over 8 sec Grand Crusader - Reduces the cooldown of Judgment by 3 sec. Normal, Blessed Hammer : When you avoid a melee attack or use Crusader Strike, you have a 15% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Avenger's Shield Shield. Crusader's Judgment : When you avoid a melee attack or use Crusader Strike, you have a 15% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Avenger's Shield Blessing of the Forge - Avenging Wrath summons an additional Sacred Weapon, and during Avenging Wrath your Sacred Weapon casts spells on your target and echoes the effects of your Holy Power spenders abilities. Hand of Divinity - Call upon the Light to empower your spells, causing your next 2 Holy Lights to heal 40% 30% more, cost 50% less mana, and be instant cast. Valiance - Consuming Shining Light or Infusion of Light reduces the cooldown of Holy Armaments by 3.0 sec. Divine Favor (New) - After casting Barrier of Faith or Holy Prism, the healing of your next Holy Light or Flash of Light is increased by 40%, its cast time is reduced by 30%, and its mana cost is reduced by 50%. Priest
      Void Shift - Increases the lower health percentage of the two to 25% if below that amount. You and the currently targeted party or raid member swap Swap health percentages with your ally Rogue
      Assassination ability damage increased by 15%. Outlaw ability damage increased by 20%. Subtlety ability damage increased by 20%. Flensing Knives - Slice and Dice causes your Backstab to deal an additional [ 20% 40% of Attack Power ] Plague damage. Darkest Night - When you consume the final Deathstalker's Mark from a target, gain 60 40 Energy and your next Envenom cast with maximum combo points is guaranteed to critically strike, deals 30% 60% additional damage, and applies 3 2 stacks of Deathstalker's Mark to the target. Hunt Them Down - Autoattacks against Marked targets deal an additional [ 10% 20% of Attack Power ] Plague damage. Lingering Darkness - After Deathmark expires, gain 3 30 sec of 10% increased Nature damage. Deathstalker's Mark - You may only have one target Marked at a time. Ambush from Stealth applies 3 2 stacks of Deathstalker's Mark to your target. When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 30% 60% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Ambush or Mutilate by 10% 20%. Flawless Form buff duration increased to 12 seconds (was 6 seconds). Unseen Blade damage increased by 36%. Nimble Flurry (Outlaw) now increases Blade Flurry damage by 15% (was 10%). Nimble Flurry (Subtlety) now deals 40% of listed abilities’ damage to nearby targets (was 15%). Nimble Flurry (Subtlery)now includes Echoing Reprimand, Goremaw’s Bite, and Unseen Blade in addition to currently listed abilities. Tooltip will reflect this change in a future update. Shaman
      Conductive Energy (NYI) - Gain the effects of the Lightning Rod talent: Lightning Rod Lightning Bolt, Elemental Blast, and Chain Lightning make your target a Lightning Rod for 8 sec Lightning Rods take 20% of all damage you deal with Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning. THIS IS NYI Nature's Guardian - When your health is brought below 35%, you instantly heal for 20% of your maximum health Cannot occur more than once every ?? 45 sec. Elemental
      All damage increased by 30%. Warlock
      Unstable Rifts [NYI] - Bolts from Dimensional Rift now deal 0% 25% of the damage dealt to nearby enemies. - enemies as Fire damage. Doom Eternal - Demonic Cores reduce the duration of Doom by an additional 2 sec  and when Doom is removed its cooldown is reset. Death's Embrace - Increases Drain Life healing by 30% while your health is at or below 35% health Damage done by your Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Malefic Rapture is increased by 5% 10% when your target is at or below 20% 35% health. Impending Doom - Increases the damage of Doom by 30% and Doom generates summons 1 Soul Shard upon expiration. Wild Imp when it expires. Fel Synergy - Soul Leech also heals you for 15% 8% and your pet for 50% 25% of the absorption it grants. Chaos Incarnate - Chaos Bolt, Rain of Fire, and Shadowburn always gain at least 70% of the maximum benefit from your Mastery: Chaotic Energies. Blood Invocation - The cooldown of Power Siphon is reduced by 5 sec and Power Siphon increases the damage of Demonbolt by an additional 20%. 25%. Ruination - Summoning a Pit Lord causes your next Hand of Gul'dan or Chaos Bolt to become Ruination Ruination Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 3 Wild Imps. Damage is reduced beyond 8 targets. Zevrim's Resilience - Dark Pact heals you for [ 9.6% 18.23% of Spell Power ] every 1 sec while active. Dimension Ripper - Incinerate has a chance to tear open a Dimensional Rift or recharge Dimensional Rift if learned. Raging Demonfire - Channel Demonfire fires an additional 2 bolts Each bolt increases the remaining duration of Immolate on all targets hit by 0.2 0.5 sec. Malediction - Your Increases the critical strike chance of Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction gain by 5% more critical strike chance from all sources. Perpetual Unstability - The cast time of Unstable Affliction is reduced by 20% Refreshing Unstable Affliction with 8 or less seconds remaining deals [ 23.29% 268.92% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to its target. Soul Link - 10% 5% of all damage you take is taken by your demon pet instead. Demonic Tactics - Your Increases melee and spell spells have a 5% increased chance to deal a critical strike strike chance for you and your summoned demon by 5%. You gain 10% more of the Critical Strike stat from all sources. Mark of F'harg - Your Summon Vilefiend becomes Summon Charhound and learns the following ability: Infernal Presence Cloaked in the ever-burning flames of the abyss, dealing [ 23.98% 15.99% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to enemies within 10 yards every 1 sec. Gorefiend's Resolve (New) - Targets resurrected with Soulstone resurrect with 40% additional health and 80% additional mana. Doom (New) - When Demonbolt consumes a Demonic Core it inflicts impending doom upon the target, dealing [ 268.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to enemies within 10 yds of its target after 20 sec or when removed. Damage is reduced beyond 8 targets. Consuming a Demonic Core reduces the duration of Doom by 2 sec. Warrior
      Blademaster's Torment - Activating Avatar or Bladestorm casts Sweeping Strikes and while Avatar is active the other at cooldown of Cleave is reduced effectiveness. by 1.5 sec. Immovable Object - Activating Avatar or Shield Wall casts the other at reduced effectiveness. with a duration of 4 sec. Reap the Storm - Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Mortal Strike has and Cleave have a 20% chance to cause you to unleash a flurry of steel, striking all nearby enemies for [ 157.5% of Attack Power ] damage and applying Overwhelmed Martial Expert - Critical strike damage of your abilities is increased by 10% and the amount of damage blocked by your critical blocks is increased by 20%. 10% (crit block amount NYI). Warlord's Torment - Activating Avatar casts Recklessness at with a duration of 6 sec. The additional Rage generation of this Recklessness cast is reduced effectiveness. to 25%. Titan's Torment - Activating Avatar casts Odyn's Fury, activating Odyn's Fury casts Avatar at reduced effectiveness. with a duration of 4 sec. Steadfast as the Peaks - When this health increase expires, you heal for any amount of the original Victory Rush that healed you in excess of your full health. Stamina increased by 5% Victory Rush increases your maximum health by 10% - 0% for 5 sec Odyn's Fury - Generates 15 Rage. Unleashes your power, dealing [ 268% 644% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and an additional [ 84% 188% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 4 sec to all enemies within 12 yards Berserker's Torment - Activating Avatar or Recklessness casts the other at reduced effectiveness. with a duration of 8 sec. Slayer's Dominance - Stacks 3 times. Your attacks against your primary target have a high chance to overwhelm your target's their defenses and trigger a Slayer's Strike, dealing [ 100% of Attack Power ] damage and applying Marked for Execution, increasing the damage they take from your next Execute by 10% Reckless Abandon - Recklessness generates 50 Rage and Rampage greatly empowers your next Bloodthirst or and Raging Blow.
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