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An Overview of All Class Changes in War Within Beta Build 55399

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With a new Beta build under way, here's a summary of all class changes from War Within Beta Build 55399.

Death Knight

  • Shattering Blade - When Frost Strike damages an enemy with 5 stacks of Razorice it will consume them to deal an additional 100% 125% damage.
  • Festering Strike - Strikes for [ 139.2% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and infects the target with 2-2 Festering Wounds Festering Wound A pustulent lesion that will burst on death or when damaged by Scourge Strike, dealing [ 28.05% 23.85% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and generating 3 Runic Power.
  • Pillar of Frost - The power of frost increases your Strength by 35% 40% for 12 sec.
  • Rage of the Frozen Champion - Obliterate has a 15% increased chance to trigger Rime and Howling Blast generates 8 6 Runic Power while Rime is active.
  • A Feast of Souls - While you have 2 or more Horsemen aiding you, your Runic Power spending abilities deal 20% 30% increased damage damage.and have a 10% chance to refund a Rune.
  • Hyperpyrexia - Your Runic Power spending abilities have a chance to additionally deal 30% 45% of the damage dealt over 4 sec.
  • Infliction of Sorrow - After Gift of the San'layn ends, your next Scourge Strike consumes the disease to deal 100% of their remaining damage to the target. When Vampiric Strike damages an enemy affected by your Virulent Plague, it extends the duration of the disease by 3 2 sec, and deals 20% 10% of the remaining damage to the enemy
  • Vampiric Strike - Your Death Coil and Death Strike have a 10% chance to make your next Scourge Strike become Vampiric Strike Vampiric Strike heals you for 5% 2% of your maximum health and grants you Essence of the Blood Queen, increasing your Haste by 1.5% 1.0%, up to 7.5% 5.0% for 20 sec.
  • The Long Winter - While Pillar of Frost is active your auto-attack critical strikes increase its duration by 1 2 sec, up to a maximum of 5 6 sec.
  • Enduring Strength - This effect lasts 2 sec longer for each Obliterate and Frostscythe critical strike during Pillar of Frost. When Pillar of Frost expires, your Strength is increased by 15% 20% for 6 sec
  • Runic Attenuation - Auto attacks have a chance to generate 5 3 Runic Power.
  • Shattered Frost - Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. When Frost Strike consumes 5 Razorice stacks, it deals 50% 65% of the damage dealt to nearby enemies
  • Epidemic - Increases the duration of Dark Transformation by 1 sec. Normal: Causes each of your Virulent Plagues to flare up, dealing [ 27.58% 23.44% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to the infected enemy, and an additional [ 11.03% 9.38% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all other enemies near them. Eternal Agony : Causes each of your Virulent Plagues to flare up, dealing [ 27.58% 23.44% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to the infected enemy, and an additional [ 11.03% 9.38% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all other enemies near them
  • Clawing Shadows - Deals [ 100.67% 85.57% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and causes 1 Festering Wound to burst.
  • Smothering Offense - This amount is increased for each stack of Icy Talons you have and it can stack up to 2 additional times. Your auto attack damage is increased by 6% 10%.
  • Icy Death Torrent - Your auto attack critical strikes have a chance to send out a sleet of ice dealing [ 80% 160% of Attack Power ] Frost damage to enemies in front of you.
  • Scourge Strike - An unholy strike that deals [ 68.64% 58.34% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and [ 37.81% 32.14% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage, and causes 1 Festering Wound to burst.

Demon Hunter

  • Spirit Bomb - Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Consume up to 5 available Soul Fragments then explode, damaging nearby enemies for [ 35.04% 36.5% of Attack Power ] Fire damage per fragment consumed, and afflicting them with Frailty for 6 sec, causing you to heal for 10% of damage you deal to them
  • Bulk Extraction - Demolish the spirit of all those around you, dealing [ 30.9% 32.2% of Attack Power ] Fire damage to nearby enemies and extracting up to 5 Lesser Soul Fragments, drawing them to you for immediate consumption.
  • Shear - Generates 10 Fury. Shears an enemy for [ 60.88% 63.3% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, and shatters two Lesser Soul Fragments from your target
  • Fel Devastation - Causing damage also heals you for up to [ 511.9% of Attack Power ] health. Unleash the fel within you, damaging enemies directly in front of you for [ 229.2% 238% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 2 sec
  • Retaliation - Generates high threat. While Demon Spikes is active, melee attacks against you cause the attacker to take [ 15% 15.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage
  • Soul Carver - Immediately shatters 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from the target and 1 additional Lesser Soul Fragment every 1 sec. Carve into the soul of your target, dealing [ 396% 412% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and an additional [ 128.9% 134.1% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 3 sec
  • Soul Cleave - Consumes up to 2 available Soul Fragments and heals you for an additional [ 50% of Attack Power ] for each Soul Fragment consumed. Viciously strike up to 5 enemies in front of you for [ 148.12% 154% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and heal yourself for [ 50% of Attack Power ]
  • Infernal Strike - Leap through the air toward a targeted location, dealing [ 40.07% 41.7% of Attack Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 6 yards.
  • Fiery Brand - The enemy's damage done to you is reduced by 40% for 12 sec. Brand an enemy with a demonic symbol, instantly dealing [ 200% 208% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and [ 185.4% 193.2% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 12 sec
  • Infernal Armor - Immolation Aura increases your armor by 20% and causes melee attackers to suffer [ 5.2% 5.4% of Attack Power ] Normal: Fire Any Means Necessary : Chaos damage.
  • Fracture - Generates 25 Fury. Rapidly slash your target for [ 181% 188.7% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, and shatter 2 Lesser Soul Fragments from them


  • Atmospheric Exposure - Enemies damaged by Lunar Beam or Fury of Elune take 4% 6% increased damage from you for 6 sec.
  • Relentless Predator - Energy cost of Ferocious Bite reduced by 10% 20%.
  • Stellar Flare - If dispelled, causes [ 222.6% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and blasts them upwards. Generates 12 Astral Power. Burns the target for [ 16.3% 17.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage, and then an additional [ 137.28% 150% of Spell Power ] damage over 24 sec
  • Bursting Growth - When Symbiotic Blooms expire or you cast Rejuvenation on their target flowers grow around their target, healing them and up to 3 nearby allies for [ 10% of Spell Power ].. Damage reduced above 5 targets When Bloodseeker Thorns Vines expire or you use Ferocious Bite on their target they explode in thorns, dealing [ 81% of Attack Power ] physical damage to nearby enemies
  • Astral Communion - Increases maximum Astral Power by 20 Entering Eclipse grants 12 20 Astral Power.
  • Orbit Breaker - Every 30th 25th Shooting Star calls down a Full Moon at 60% effectiveness upon its target.
  • Stellar Amplification - Reapplying this effect extends its duration, up to 20 sec. Starsurge increases the damage the target takes from your periodic effects and Shooting Stars by 12% 20% for 5 sec
  • Soul of the Forest - Solar Eclipse increases Wrath's Astral Power generation by 60% and Lunar Eclipse increases Starfire's damage and Astral Power generation by 20% for each target hit beyond the first, up to 60%.
  • Umbral Inspiration - Consuming Umbral Embrace increases the damage of your Moonfire, Sunfire, Stellar Flare, Shooting Stars, and Starfall by 20% 30% for 5 6 sec.
  • Boundless Moonlight - [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 212% 265% of Spell Power ) Astral damage. Full Moon Full Moon calls down 2 Minor Moons that deal ( 116.6% 244.86% of Spell Power ) Astral damage and generate 3 Astral Power.]
  • Elune's Guidance - Convoke the Spirits has an increased chance to use an exceptional spell or ability.. Convoke the Spirits Cooldown is reduced by 50% and its duration and number of spells cast is reduced by 25% Incarnation: Chosen of Elune Reduces the Astral Power cost of Starsurge by 8, 10, and the Astral Power cost of Starfall by 10 12
  • Touch the Cosmos - Casting Wrath in an Eclipse has an 8% 12% chance to make your next Starsurge free.
  • Lunar Calling - Starfire deals 40% 65% increased damage to its primary target, but no longer triggers Solar Eclipse.
  • Sundered Firmament - Every other Eclipse creates a Fury of Elune at 20% 25% effectiveness that follows your current target for 8 sec.
  • Feral Druid - Feral Druid core passive Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life Increases damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Improved Prowl, Pouncing Strikes, Rake
  • Umbral Embrace - Wrath and Starfire have a 20% chance to cause your next Wrath or Starfire cast during an Eclipse to become Astral and deal 100% 75% additional damage.
  • Umbral Intensity - Solar Eclipse increases the damage of Wrath by an additional 20%. 25%. Lunar Eclipse increases Starfire's damage by 20% 25% and the damage it deals to nearby enemies by an additional 15%.
  • Wild Surges - Your Wrath and Starfire chance to critically strike is increased by 12% 10% and they generate 2 additional Astral Power.
  • Starfire - Normal: Call down a burst of energy, causing [ 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target, and [ 26.4% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all other enemies within 10 yards. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Generates 8 Astral Power. Generates 8 Astral Power. Lunar Calling : Call down a burst of energy, causing [ 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target, and [ 18.9% 16% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all other enemies within 10 yards
  • Guardian Druid - Guardian Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 58%: Brambles, Dreadful Wound, Lunar Beam, Mangle, Ravage, Thorns of Iron, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 58%: Brambles, Dreadful Wound, Lunar Beam, Mangle, Ravage, Thorns of Iron, Thrash Increases damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases damage/healing by 268%: Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 300%: Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 300%: Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life
  • Balance Druid - Balance Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 5%: Boundless Moonlight, Dream Surge, Fungal Growth, Fury of Elune, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lunar Calling, Moondust, Moonfire, Orbital Strike, Power of Goldrinn, Shooting Stars, Star Burst, Starfall, Starfire, Starsurge, Stellar Flare, Sunfire, The Eternal Moon, Thorns, Wild Mushroom, Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Boundless Moonlight, Dream Surge, Fungal Growth, Fury of Elune, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lunar Calling, Moondust, Moonfire, Orbital Strike, Power of Goldrinn, Shooting Stars, Star Burst, Starfall, Starfire, Starsurge, Stellar Flare, Sunfire, The Eternal Moon, Thorns, Wild Mushroom, Wrath Increases damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Regrowth Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Moondust and Moonfire Decreases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Moondust and Moonfire Decreases damage/healing by 25%: Lunar Calling, Moondust, Moonfire, Starfire Decreases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Moondust and Moonfire Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life


  • Shattering Star - Normal: Exhale a bolt of concentrated power from your mouth for [ 160% of Spell Power ] Spellfrost damage that cracks the target's defenses, increasing the damage they take from you by 20% for 4 sec. Eternity's Span : Exhale bolts of concentrated power from your mouth at 1 enemies for [ 160% of Spell Power ] Spellfrost damage that cracks the targets' defenses, increasing the damage they take from you by 20% for 4 sec. Arcane Vigor : Exhale a bolt of concentrated power from your mouth for [ 160% of Spell Power ] Spellfrost damage that cracks the target's defenses, increasing the damage they take from you by 20% for 4 sec. Grants Essence Burst.
  • Oppressing Roar - Normal: Let out a bone-shaking roar at enemies in a cone in front of you, increasing the duration of crowd controls that affect them by 50% in the next 10 sec. Overawe : Let out a bone-shaking roar at enemies in a cone in front of you, increasing the duration of crowd controls that affect them by 50% in the next 10 sec. Removes 1 Enrage effect from each enemy.
  • Eternity Surge - Damages additional enemies within 12 yds of the target when empowered. II: Damages 2 enemies. I: Damages 1 enemy Normal: Focus your energies to release a salvo of pure magic, dealing [ 374% of Spell Power ] Spellfrost damage to an enemy. III: Damages 3 enemies. Eternity's Span : Focus your energies to release a salvo of pure magic, dealing [ 374% of Spell Power ] Spellfrost damage to an enemy. I: Damages 2 enemies. II: Damages 4 enemies. III: Damages 6 enemies.
  • Bombardments - Mass Disintegrate marks your primary target for destruction for the next 10 sec You and your allies have a chance to trigger a Bombardment when attacking marked targets, dealing [ 110% 130% of pctD ] Volcanic damage split amongst all nearby enemies.
  • Recall - Normal: You may reactivate Deep Breath within 3 sec after landing to travel back in time to your takeoff location. Dream Flight : You may reactivate Dream Flight and Deep Breath within 3 sec after landing to travel back in time to your takeoff location. Breath of Eons : You may reactivate Breath of Eons within 3 sec after landing to travel back in time to your takeoff location.


  • Rapid Fire - Each shot generates 1 Focus.. Rapid Fire causes your next Aimed Shot to cast 0% faster. Each shot generates 1 Focus. Usable while moving Normal: Shoot a stream of 7 shots at your target over 2 sec, dealing a total of [ 385% 423.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Streamline : Shoot a stream of 7 shots at your target over 2 sec, dealing a total of [ 385% 423.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage
  • Barbed Shot - Sends your pet into a frenzy, increasing attack speed by 30% for 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Normal: Fire a shot that tears through your enemy, causing them to bleed for [ 237.5% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec. Generates 20 Focus over 8 sec.. Generates 20 Focus over 8 sec Thrill of the Hunt : Fire a shot that tears through your enemy, causing them to bleed for [ 237.5% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and increases your critical strike chance by 2% for 8 sec, stacking up to 3 1 times time.
  • Symbiotic Adrenaline - The cooldown of Coordinated Assault is reduced by 60 sec and Coordinated Assault now grants 3 stacks of Tip of the Spear.
  • Flanking Strike - You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of [ Attack Power 300% of Attack Power ] Physical damage Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike and Flanking Strike generates 2 stacks of Tip of the Spear. Generates 15 Focus.
  • Howl of the Pack - Your pet's Basic Attack critical strikes increase your critical strike damage by 5% for 6 8 sec stacking up to 3 times.
  • Mongoose Bite - Normal: A brutal attack that deals [ 202% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Bloody Claws : A brutal attack that deals [ 202% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury Mongoose Fury Increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by 15% for 10 sec, stacking up to 3 5 times. Mongoose Fury Increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by 15% and the chance for Kill Command to reset by 0% for 10 sec, stacking up to 3 5 times.
  • Penetrating Shots - Gain critical strike damage equal to 20% 40% of your critical strike chance.
  • Improved Traps - The cooldown of Tar Trap, Steel Trap, High Explosive Trap, Implosive Trap, and Freezing Trap is reduced by 5.0 sec.
  • Binding Shackles - Targets rooted stunned by Binding Shot, knocked back by High Explosive Trap, knocked up by Implosive Trap, incapacitated by Scatter Shot, or stunned by Intimidation deal 10% less damage to you for 8 sec after the effect ends.
  • Bloody Claws - Each stack of Mongoose Fury increases the chance for Kill Command to reset by 2%. Kill Command extends the duration of Mongoose Fury by 1.5 sec.
  • Trick Shots - When Multi-Shot hits 3 or more targets, your next Aimed Shot or Rapid Fire will ricochet and hit up to 5 additional targets for 70% 65% of normal damage.
  • Aimed Shot - Aimed Shot deals 0% bonus damage to targets who are above 70% health. Aimed Shot also fires a Serpent Sting at the primary target. Normal: A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 330% - 363%of Attack Power ] Physical damage and causes your next 1-2 Arcane Shots or Multi-Shots to deal 70% more damage. Chimaera Shot : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 330% - 363%of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Careful Aim : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 330% - 363%of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Serpentstalker's Trickery , Serpent Sting : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 330% 363% of Attack Power ] Physical damage


  • Spellfrost Teachings - Direct damage from Arcane Splinters has a 2% small chance to launch an Arcane Orb and increase all damage dealt by Arcane Orb by 20% 10% for 10 sec.
  • Ice Lance - Ice Lance damage is tripled against frozen targets. Ice Lance damage is tripled against frozen targets. Normal: Quickly fling a shard of ice at the target, dealing [ 50% 55% of Spell Power ] Frost damage. Splitting Ice : Quickly fling a shard of ice at the target, dealing [ 50% 55% of Spell Power ] Frost damage, and [ 40% 44% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to a second nearby target
  • Aether Attunement - Every 3 times you consume Clearcasting, gain Aether Attunement Aether Attunement : Your next Arcane Missiles deals 100% 150% increased damage to your primary target and fires at up to 4 nearby enemies dealing 50% 100% increased damage.
  • Splinterstorm - Splinterstorm has a 20% chance to grant you Clearcasting.. Whenever you have 8 or more active Embedded Arcane Splinters, you automatically cast a Splinterstorm at your target. Splinterstorm : Shatter all Embedded Arcane Splinters, dealing their remaining periodic damage instantly Conjure an Arcane Splinter for each Splinter shattered, then unleash them all in a devastating barrage, dealing [ 30% 29% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to your target for each Splinter in the Splinterstorm
  • Fractured Frost - While Icy Veins is active, your Frostbolts hit up to 2 additional targets and their damage is increased by 0% 15%.
  • Arcane Blast - Each Arcane Charge increases damage by 60% and mana cost by 100%, and reduces cast time by 8%. Generates 1 Arcane Charge. Blasts the target with energy, dealing [ 88% 79.2% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage
  • Evocation - Increases your mana regeneration by 750% 1,500% for 6 3 sec and grants Clearcasting. While channeling Evocation, your Intellect is increased by 2% every 0.5 sec. Lasts 20 sec.
  • Arcane Missiles - Only castable when you have Clearcasting Launches five waves of Arcane Missiles at the enemy over 2.5 sec, causing a total of [ 255% 334.5% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage.
  • Ashen Feather - If Phoenix Flames only hits 1 target, it deals 25% increased damage and applies Ignite at 50% 150% effectiveness.
  • Arcane Orb - Grants 1 Arcane Charge when cast and every time it deals damage. Launches an Arcane Orb forward from your position, traveling up to 40 yds, dealing [ 119.6% 102% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to enemies it passes through
  • Pyroblast - Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes [ 172% 180.6% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and an additional [ 18.6% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec.
  • Arcane Barrage - For each Arcane Charge, deals 30% additional damage, grants you 1.5% of your maximum mana, and hits 1 additional nearby targets for 40% of its damage. Consumes all Arcane Charges. Launches bolts of arcane energy at the enemy target, causing [ 120% - 108%of Spell Power ] Arcane damage
  • Splintering Sorcery - When you consume Nether Precision, conjure 2 Arcane Splinters that fire at your target. This effect stacks.. Arcane Splinter s embed themselves into their target, dealing [ 20.7% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 18 sec Arcane Splinter : Conjure raw Arcane magic into a sharp projectile that deals [ 30% 29% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage


  • Windwalker Monk - Windwalker Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 26%: Glory of the Dawn, Rapid Diffusion, Rising Sun Kick, Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 22%: Chi Wave and Rushing Jade Wind Increases damage/healing by 125%: Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 188%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 26%: Fist of the White Tiger, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 40%: Glory of the Dawn, Rapid Diffusion, Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 20%: Fists of Fury Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 150%: Vivify Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Unison Increases damage/healing by 20%: Blackout Kick and Shadowboxing Treads Increases damage/healing by 10%: Blackout Kick and Shadowboxing Treads Increases damage/healing by 8%: Glory of the Dawn, Rapid Diffusion, Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 100%: Combat Wisdom, Expel Harm, Reverse Harm
  • Elixir of Determination - Cannot occur more than once every 15 sec. When you fall below 40% health, you gain an absorb for 100% 50% of your recently Purified damage, or a minimum of 20% of your maximum health
  • Mistweaver Monk - Mistweaver Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 79%: Glory of the Dawn, Rapid Diffusion, Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 4%: Blackout Kick, Shadowboxing Treads, Teachings of the Monastery Increases damage/healing by 245%: Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 184%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases periodic damage/healing by 400%: Crackling Jade Lightning Increases damage/healing by 10%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Celestial Conduit, Chi Burst, Chi Surge, Chi Wave, Courage of the White Tiger, Crackling Jade Lightning, Dual Threat, Exploding Keg, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flight of the Red Crane, Flurry of Xuen, Flying Serpent Kick, Glory of the Dawn, Jade Ignition, Jadefire Stomp, Press the Advantage, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Shadowboxing Treads, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strength of the Black Ox, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch, Zen Pulse Increases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Celestial Conduit, Chi Burst, Chi Surge, Chi Wave, Courage of the White Tiger, Crackling Jade Lightning, Dual Threat, Exploding Keg, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flight of the Red Crane, Flurry of Xuen, Flying Serpent Kick, Glory of the Dawn, Jade Ignition, Jadefire Stomp, Press the Advantage, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Shadowboxing Treads, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strength of the Black Ox, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch, Zen Pulse Increases damage/healing by 10%: Courage of the White Tiger and Flight of the Red Crane Increases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Courage of the White Tiger and Flight of the Red Crane
  • Brewmaster Monk - Brewmaster Monk core passive Decreases damage/healing by 38%: Rushing Jade Wind Increases damage/healing by 139%: Tiger Palm Decreases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Eye of the Tiger Increases damage/healing by 11%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 92%: Vivify Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Unison Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Unison Increases damage/healing by 47%: Glory of the Dawn and Rapid Diffusion Increases damage/healing by 11%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases damage/healing by 20%: Blackout Kick and Shadowboxing Treads


  • Vanguard of Justice - Enemies hit by other Holy Power spending abilities take 30% increased damage from your next Divine Storm stacking up to 3 2 times.
  • Judge, Jury and Executioner - Holy Power generating abilities have a 15% chance to cause your next Templar's Verdict to hit an additional 3 targets at 100% 80% effectiveness.
  • Templar Strikes - Crusader Strike becomes a 2 part combo Templar Strike slashes an enemy for [ 90.37% 135.55% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage and gets replaced by Templar Slash for 5 sec. Templar Slash strikes an enemy for [ 111.12% 250.01% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage, and burns the enemy for 50% of the damage dealt over 4 sec.
  • Expurgation - Your Blade of Justice causes the target to burn for [ 51% 76.5% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage over 6 9 sec.
  • Blessed Assurance - Casting a Holy Power Spender ability increases the damage and healing of your next Crusader Strike by 100%.
  • Holy Paladin - Holy Paladin core passive Decreases damage/healing by 36%: Judgment and Judgment of Justice Increases damage/healing by 64%: Consecrated Ground and Consecration Increases damage/healing by 65%: Afterimage, Eternal Flame, Faith in the Light, Hand of the Protector, Word of Glory Decreases damage/healing by 4%: Flash of Light Increases damage/healing by 25%: Flash of Light
  • Crusader Aura (New) - Increases mounted speed by 20% for all party and raid members within 40 yds.


  • Discipline Priest - Discipline Priest core passive Decreases damage/healing by 3%: Cauterizing Shadows, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Divine Star, Divine Word, Essence Devourer, Halo, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Shadow Mend, Ultimate Penitence Decreases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Cauterizing Shadows, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Divine Star, Divine Word, Essence Devourer, Halo, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Shadow Mend, Ultimate Penitence Decreases damage/healing by 25%: Smite and Void Blast Increases periodic damage/healing by 18%: Shadow Word: Pain Increases damage/healing by 18%: Shadow Word: Pain Increases damage/healing by 80%: Mind Blast, Schism, Void Blast Increases damage/healing by 30%: Inescapable Torment Decreases damage/healing by 6%: Collapsing Void, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Divine Star, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Nova, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Surge of Insanity, Surrender to Madness, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Void Blast, Void Crash, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Collapsing Void, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Divine Star, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Nova, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Surge of Insanity, Surrender to Madness, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Void Blast, Void Crash, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Decreases damage/healing by 39%: Mindgames Decreases damage/healing by 50%: 38%: Collapsing Void
  • Power Word: Solace - Strikes an enemy with heavenly power, dealing [ 68% 80% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and restoring 1% of your maximum mana.
  • Entropic Rift - Mind Blast tears open an Entropic Rift that follows the enemy for 8 sec Enemies caught in its path suffer [ 80% 60% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec while within its reach.
  • Shadow Word: Death - Discipline, Holy, Initial, Looming Death : A word of dark binding that inflicts [ 85% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to your target. If your target is not killed by Shadow Word: Death, you take backlash damage equal to 8% of your maximum health. Shadow: A word of dark binding that inflicts [ 85% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to your target. Damage increased by 150% to targets below 20% health. Generates 0 Insanity. Damage increased by 250% to targets below 20% health
  • Void Crash - Hurl a bolt of slow-moving Void Shadow energy at your target, dealing [ 63.11% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Generates 6 Insanity. This spell is cast at your target.
  • Void Leech - Every 2 sec siphon an amount equal to 3% of your health from an a nearby ally within 40 yds if they are higher health than you.
  • Shadow Priest - Shadow Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 8%: Collapsing Void, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Entropic Rift, Halo, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surge of Insanity, Surrender to Madness, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Blast, Void Crash, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Collapsing Void, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Entropic Rift, Halo, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surge of Insanity, Surrender to Madness, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Blast, Void Crash, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 50%: Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Pain, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch Increases damage/healing by 50%: Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Pain, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch Increases periodic damage/healing by 21%: Shadow Word: Pain Increases damage/healing by 21%: Shadow Word: Pain Increases damage/healing by 49%: Mind Blast, Schism, Void Blast Increases damage/healing by 10%: Inescapable Torment Increases damage/healing by 60%: Deathspeaker Deathspeaker,and Devour Matter, Shadow Word: Death Decreases damage/healing by 42%: Deathspeaker Deathspeaker,and Devour Matter, Shadow Word: Death Increases damage/healing by 37%: Mind Blast, Schism, Void Blast Increases damage/healing by 25%: Prayer of Mending Decreases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Shadow Word: Pain Decreases damage/healing by 15%: Shadow Word: Pain Decreases damage/healing by 2%: Collapsing Void, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Entropic Rift, Halo, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surge of Insanity, Surrender to Madness, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Blast, Void Crash, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Decreases periodic damage/healing by 2%: Collapsing Void, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Entropic Rift, Halo, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Surge of Insanity, Surrender to Madness, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch, Void Blast, Void Crash, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley
  • Holy Priest - Holy Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 20%: Cauterizing Shadows, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Word, Essence Devourer, Halo, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity, Ultimate Penitence Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Cauterizing Shadows, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Word, Essence Devourer, Halo, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity, Ultimate Penitence Increases damage/healing by 43%: Collapsing Void, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Divine Star, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Mind Blast, Mind Spike, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Serendipity, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Surge of Insanity, Surrender to Madness, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Void Blast, Void Crash, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 43%: Collapsing Void, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Divine Star, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Mind Blast, Mind Spike, Mindgames, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Serendipity, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Surge of Insanity, Surrender to Madness, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Void Blast, Void Crash, Void Eruption, Void Torrent, Void Volley Increases damage/healing by 1%: Deathspeaker Deathspeaker,and Devour Matter, Shadow Word: Death Increases damage/healing by 69%: Shadow Word: Pain Increases periodic damage/healing by 69%: Shadow Word: Pain Decreases damage/healing by 15%: Mindgames Increases damage/healing by 15%: Mindgames Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Renew Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Prayer of Mending Increases damage/healing by 86%: Smite and Void Blast Decreases periodic damage/healing by 9%: Renew Increases damage/healing by 6%: Cauterizing Shadows, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Word, Essence Devourer, Halo, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity, Ultimate Penitence Decreases damage/healing by 3%: Cauterizing Shadows, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Word, Essence Devourer, Halo, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity, Ultimate Penitence Increases periodic damage/healing by 6%: Cauterizing Shadows, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Word, Essence Devourer, Halo, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity, Ultimate Penitence Decreases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Cauterizing Shadows, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Word, Essence Devourer, Halo, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Prayer of Mending, Renew, Serendipity, Ultimate Penitence Increases damage/healing by 15%: Prayer of Mending
  • Deathspeaker - Your Shadow Word: Pain damage has a chance to reset the cooldown of Shadow Word: Death, increase its damage by 25%, and deal damage as if striking a target below 20% [ 85% of Spell Power ]% health.
  • Shadow Crash - Aim a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 63.11% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. - damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Generates 6 Insanity. This spell is cast at a selected location.
  • Devour Matter - Discipline, Holy, Initial: Shadow Word: Death consumes absorb shields from your target, dealing up to 300% [ 255% of Spell Power ] extra damage to them and granting you 1% mana if a shield was present. Shadow: Shadow Word: Death consumes absorb shields from your target, dealing [ 255% of Spell Power ] extra damage to them and granting you 5 Insanity if a shield was present.
  • Collapsing Void - Each time Penance damages or heals, Entropic Rift is empowered, increasing its damage and size by 10% After Entropic Rift ends it collapses, dealing [ 550% 440% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage split amongst enemy targets within 15 yds.
  • Voidwraith - Transform your Shadowfiend or Mindbender into a Voidwraith. Voidwraith Discipline: Summon a Voidwraith for 15 sec that casts Void Flay from afar. Void Flay deals bonus damage to high health enemies, up to a maximum of 50% if they are full health. Generates 0.5% Mana each time the Voidwraith attacks. Shadow: Summon a Voidwraith for 15 sec that casts Void Flay from afar. Void Flay deals bonus damage to high health enemies, up to a maximum of 50% if they are full health. Generates 2 Insanity each time the Voidwraith attacks.


  • Outlaw Rogue - Outlaw Rogue core passive Increases damage/healing by 20%: Ambush, Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Coup de Grace, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Deathmark, Echoing Reprimand, Eviscerate, Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Gloomblade, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadowed Finishers, Shiv, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Ambush, Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Coup de Grace, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Deathmark, Echoing Reprimand, Eviscerate, Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Gloomblade, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadowed Finishers, Shiv, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison
  • Unseen Blade - Fazed enemies take 5% more damage from you and cannot parry your attacks. This effect may occur once every 20 sec. Backstab and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 110% 150% of Attack Power ] damage. Targets struck are Fazed for 5 10 sec
  • Subtlety Rogue - Subtlety Rogue core passive Increases damage/healing by 20%: Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Backstab, Black Powder, Blade Rush, Coup de Grace, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Deathmark, Echoing Reprimand, Eviscerate, Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Gloomblade, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Improved Backstab, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Second Shuriken, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadow Blades, Shadowed Finishers, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Shuriken Storm, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Backstab, Black Powder, Blade Rush, Coup de Grace, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Deathmark, Echoing Reprimand, Eviscerate, Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Gloomblade, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Improved Backstab, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Second Shuriken, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadow Blades, Shadowed Finishers, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Shuriken Storm, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Deathmark and Replicating Shadows Decreases periodic damage/healing by 13%: Deathmark and Replicating Shadows
  • Flawless Form - Multiple applications may overlap. Unseen Blade and Secret Technique increase the damage of your finishing moves by 3% for 6 12 sec
  • Coup de Grace - If the primary target is Fazed, gain 5 stacks of Flawless Form. After 4 strikes with Unseen Blade, your next Eviscerate will be performed as a Coup de Grace, functioning as if it had consumed 4 5 additional combo points
  • Assassination Rogue - Assassination Rogue core passive Increases damage/healing by 15%: Ambush, Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Blade Rush, Coup de Grace, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Deathmark, Echoing Reprimand, Eviscerate, Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Gloomblade, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadowed Finishers, Shiv, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Ambush, Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Blade Rush, Coup de Grace, Deadly Poison, Death from Above, Deathmark, Echoing Reprimand, Eviscerate, Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Gloomblade, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Poison Bomb, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadowed Finishers, Shiv, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Deathmark and Replicating Shadows
  • Clear the Witnesses - Your next Fan of Knives after applying Deathstalker's Mark deals an additional [ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow Plague damage and generates 1 additional combo point.


  • Wavespeaker's Blessing - Increases the duration of Riptide by 3 6.0 sec.
  • Healing Rain - Blanket the target area in healing rains, restoring [ 174.9% 204.7% of Spell Power ] health to up to 6 5 allies over 10 sec.
  • Voodoo Mastery - Reduces the cooldown of Hex by 15 sec. Your Hex target is slowed by 70% during Hex and for 6 sec after it ends.
  • Healing Stream Totem - If you already know Healing Stream Totem , instead gain 1 additional charges of Healing Stream Totem . If you already know Cloudburst Totem , instead gain 1 additional charges of Cloudburst Totem . Healing Stream Totem 1.79999995231628% of Base Mana / 5% of Base Mana Instant Requires Shaman Normal: Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals an injured party or raid member within 40 yards for [ 56.4% 67.68% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec. Rushing Streams : Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals two injured party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 56.4% 67.68% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec. Cloudburst Totem : Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals an injured party or raid member within 40 yards for [ 56.4% 67.68% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec
  • Power of the Maelstrom - Casting Lava Burst has a 13% 25% chance to cause your next 2 Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning casts - cast to trigger Elemental Overload an additional time, stacking up to 2 time times.
  • Earth Shield - Only one Elemental Shield can be active on the Shaman. Earth Shield can only be placed on one target at a time. The Shaman can have up to two Elemental Shields active on them.. This heal can only occur once every few seconds. Maximum 9 charges. Earth Shield can only be placed on the Shaman and one other target at a time Normal: Protects the target with an earthen shield, increasing your healing on them by 20% and healing them for [ 70.1% 87.6% of Spell Power ] when they take damage. Elemental Orbit : Protects the target with an earthen shield, increasing your healing on them by 20% and healing them for [ 70.1% 87.6% of Spell Power ] when they take damage
  • Improved Earthliving Weapon - Increases the healing of Earthliving by receives 15% 150%Earthliving additional benefit from Mastery: Deep Healing. Healing Surge always triggers Earthliving on its targets target. below 25% health.
  • Winds of Al'Akir - Increases the movement speed bonus of Ghost Wolf by 5%. 10%. When you have 3 or more totems active, your movement speed is increased by 7% 15%.
  • Searing Flames - Flame Shock damage has a 100% chance to generate 1 2 Maelstrom.
  • Lava Surge - Your Flame Shock periodic damage over time has a 10% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Lava Burst and cause your next Lava Burst to be instant.
  • Icefury - Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing [ 163.35% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and causing your next 4 2 Frost Shocks to deal 225% increased damage and generate 14 10 Maelstrom. Generates 25 12 Maelstrom.
  • Healing Stream Totem - If you already know Healing Stream Totem , instead gain 1 additional charges of Healing Stream Totem . If you already know Cloudburst Totem , instead gain 1 additional charges of Cloudburst Totem . Healing Stream Totem 1.79999995231628% of Base Mana / 5% of Base Mana Instant Requires Shaman Normal: Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals an injured party or raid member within 40 yards for [ 56.4% 67.68% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec. Rushing Streams : Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals two injured party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 56.4% 67.68% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec. Cloudburst Totem : Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals an injured party or raid member within 40 yards for [ 56.4% 67.68% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec
  • Earthquake - Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap Normal: Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 205.1% 266.5% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. This Tumultuous Fissures : Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 205.1% of Nature Spell spell is cast at Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a selected location. 8.0% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap.
  • Overflowing Shores - Healing Rain instantly restores [ 44% 51.48% of Spell Power ] health to 6 5 allies within its area, and its radius is increased by 2 yards.
  • Nature's Fury - Increases the critical strike chance of your Nature spells and abilities by 2% 4%.
  • Totemic Surge - Reduces the cooldown of your totems by 3 6 sec.
  • Cloudburst Totem - Casting this spell a second time recalls the totem and releases the healing.. Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that collects power from all of your healing spells When the totem expires or dies, the stored power is released, healing all injured allies within 40 yards for 20% 24% of all healing done while it was active, divided evenly among targets
  • Tidebringer - Maximum of 2 charges. Every 1 8 sec, the cast time of your next Chain Heal is reduced by 50%, and jump distance increased by 100%
  • Master of the Elements - Casting Lava Burst increases the damage or healing of your next Nature, Physical, or Frost spell by 20%. 15%.
  • Mastery: Elemental Overload - Normal: Increases all Elemental and Physical damage by 4.5%. Your Lightning Bolt, Lava Burst, and Chain Lightning casts have a 15.0% chance to trigger a second cast on the same target, dealing 85% 25% of normal damage and generating less Maelstrom. Elemental Blast : Increases all Elemental and Physical damage by 4.5%. Your Lightning Bolt, Elemental Blast, and Chain Lightning casts have a 15.0% chance to trigger a second cast on the same target, dealing 85% 25% of normal damage and generating less Maelstrom. Icefury : Increases all Elemental and Physical damage by 4.5%. Your Lightning Bolt, Icefury, and Chain Lightning casts have a 15.0% chance to trigger a second cast on the same target, dealing 85% 25% of normal damage and generating less Maelstrom. Echo Chamber : Increases all Elemental and Physical damage by 4.5%. Your Lightning Bolt, and Chain Lightning casts have a 15.0% chance to trigger a second cast on the same target, dealing 100% 35% of normal damage and generating less Maelstrom.
  • Water Totem Mastery - Consuming Tidal Waves has a chance to reduces - reduce the cooldown of your Healing Stream, Cloudburst, Healing Tide, Mana Tide, and Poison Cleansing totems by 0.5 3.0 sec.
  • Earthen Harmony - Earth Shield reduces damage taken by 3% 5% and its healing is increased by up to 150% as its target's health decreases. Maximum benefit is reached below 50% if the target is below 75% health.
  • Nature's Guardian - Cannot occur more than once every 45 sec. When your health is brought below 35%, you instantly heal for 20% 40% of your maximum health
  • Eye of the Storm - Reduces the Maelstrom cost of Earth Shock and Earthquake by 5 Reduces the Maelstrom cost of Elemental Blast by 7. 10.
  • Current Control - Reduces the cooldown of Healing Tide Totem by 30 45 sec.
  • Restoration Shaman - Restoration Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 8%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Earth Shield, Earthliving Weapon, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Primordial Wave, Restorative Mists, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Totemic Rebound, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Earth Shield, Earthliving Weapon, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Primordial Wave, Restorative Mists, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Totemic Rebound, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases damage/healing by 54%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Echo Chamber, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Mountains Will Fall, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Swirling Maelstrom, Tempest Strikes, Totemic Rebound, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 54%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Echo Chamber, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Mountains Will Fall, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Swirling Maelstrom, Tempest Strikes, Totemic Rebound, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 172%: 235%: Chain Lightning and Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 128%: Lava Burst Increases damage/healing by 94%: 145%: Lightning Bolt Increases damage/healing by 108%: Flame Shock Increases periodic damage/healing by 108%: Flame Shock Increases damage/healing by 6%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 5%: Swelling Waves Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Flame Shock Increases damage/healing by 20%: Chain Heal Increases damage/healing by 12%: Healing Stream Totem and Poison Cleansing Totem Increases damage/healing by 25%: Swelling Waves Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 5%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Downpour, Earth Shield, Earthliving Weapon, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Overflowing Shores, Primordial Wave, Reactive Warding, Restorative Mists, Spouting Spirits, Stone Bulwark Totem, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Tidewaters, Totemic Rebound, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Ascendance, Chain Heal, Downpour, Earth Shield, Earthliving Weapon, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Overflowing Shores, Primordial Wave, Reactive Warding, Restorative Mists, Spouting Spirits, Stone Bulwark Totem, Surge of Earth, Tidebringer, Tidewaters, Totemic Rebound, Unleash Life, Wellspring
  • Chain Lightning - Elemental: Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 63.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each target hit by Chain Lightning reduces the cooldown of Crash Lightning by 1.0 sec. If Chain Lightning hits more than 1 target, each target hit by your Chain Lightning increases the damage of your next Crash Lightning by 20%. Affects 3 total targets. Enhancement: Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 63.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets.. Restoration, Initial: Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 63.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies Generates 4 2 Maelstrom per target hit
  • Improved Primordial Wave - Primordial Wave increases the healing done by your next Healing Wave by 15% 25%.
  • Acid Rain - Deal [ 37.3% 43.7% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 1 sec to up to 6 5 enemies inside of your Healing Rain.
  • Call of the Ancestors - Whenever you cast a healing or damaging spell, the Ancestor will cast a similar spell. Triggering Undulation or casting Unleash Life calls an Ancestor to your side for 6 sec
  • Totemic Rebound - Jumps to 2 nearby targets within 20 yards. Chain Heal now jumps to a nearby totem within 20 yards once it reaches its max targets, causing the totem to cast Chain Heal on an injured ally within 0 to 30 yards for [ 30% 150% of Spell Power ]
  • Spiritwalker's Tidal Totem - After using Mana Tide Totem, the cast time and mana cost of your next 3 Healing Wave and Chain Heal Surges within 30 sec is reduced by 100% and their mana cost is reduced by 50% for 10 sec.
  • Flux Melting - Casting Frost Shock or Icefury increases the damage of your next Lava Burst by 20%.
  • Elemental Shaman - Elemental Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 7%: 39%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Echo Chamber, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Maelstrom, Mastery: Elemental Overload, Mountains Will Fall, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Swirling Maelstrom, Tempest Strikes, Totemic Rebound, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 7%: 39%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Echo Chamber, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Maelstrom, Mastery: Elemental Overload, Mountains Will Fall, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Swirling Maelstrom, Tempest Strikes, Totemic Rebound, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 19%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 47%: Earth Shield Increases damage/healing by 43%: Earth Shield Increases damage/healing by 12%: Echo Chamber, Elemental Blast Blast,Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 67%: Chain Lightning, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning Decreases damage/healing by 40%: Echo Chamber, Lightning Bolt Bolt,and Maelstrom Maelstrom,Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 5%: Echo Chamber, Lava Burst Burst,and Maelstrom Maelstrom,Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 51%: Flame Shock Increases periodic damage/healing by 51%: Flame Shock Increases damage/healing by 164%: Echo Chamber, Elemental Blast Blast,Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 29%: Echo Chamber, Lava Burst Burst,and Maelstrom Maelstrom,Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 57%: Echo Chamber, Lightning Bolt Bolt,and Maelstrom Maelstrom,Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chain Heal Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chain Heal, Healing Stream Totem, Poison Cleansing Totem Decreases damage/healing by 13%: Chain Lightning, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 3%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Echo Chamber, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Maelstrom, Mastery: Elemental Overload, Mountains Will Fall, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Swirling Maelstrom, Tempest Strikes, Totemic Rebound, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Echo Chamber, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Maelstrom, Mastery: Elemental Overload, Mountains Will Fall, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Swirling Maelstrom, Tempest Strikes, Totemic Rebound, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand
  • Deluge - Healing Wave, Healing Surge, and Chain Heal heal for an additional 10% 15% on targets affected by your Healing Rain or Riptide.
  • Mana Tide Totem - Summons a totem at your feet for 8 sec, granting 80% increased mana regeneration to allies within 20 40 yards.
  • Echoes of Great Sundering - After casting Earth Shock, your next Earthquake deals 60% 120% additional damage. After casting Elemental Blast, your next Earthquake deals 70% 140% additional damage.
  • Torrent - Riptide's Increases the initial heal is increased from Riptide by 15%. - 15% and has a 15% increased critical strike chance.
  • Lava Burst - Lava Burst will always critically strike if the target is affected by Flame Shock.. Elemental: Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 97.2% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Restoration: Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 97.2% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Lava Burst will always critically strike if the target is affected by Flame Shock Generates 10 8 Maelstrom
  • Enhancement Shaman - Enhancement Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 16%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Echo Chamber, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Mountains Will Fall, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Swirling Maelstrom, Tempest Strikes, Totemic Rebound, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 16%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Lightning, Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Echo Chamber, Elemental Assault, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Lashing Flames, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Mountains Will Fall, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Searing Totem, Static Discharge, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Swirling Maelstrom, Tempest Strikes, Totemic Rebound, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Decreases damage/healing by 21%: Chain Lightning, Elemental Blast, Lightning Bolt, Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 47%: Earth Shield Decreases damage/healing by 4%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 40%: Swelling Waves Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chain Heal Increases damage/healing by 43%: Earth Shield Decreases damage/healing by 9%: Elemental Blast Increases damage/healing by 10%: Elemental Blast Increases damage/healing by 10%: Chain Lightning and Ride the Lightning Decreases damage/healing by 25%: Chain Lightning and Ride the Lightning
  • Flash of Lightning - Casting Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning reduces the cooldown of your Nature spells by 0.0 sec. Increases the critical strike chance of Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning by 10%
  • Swelling Maelstrom - Increases your maximum Maelstrom by 50. Increases Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, and Earthquake damage by 5%.
  • Flow of Power - Increases the Maelstrom generated by Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst by 2. 2, and their Elemental Overloads by 1.
  • Surging Shields - Increases the damage dealt by Lightning Shield by 50%. 100%. Increases the healing done by Earth Shield by 12%. - 25%.Increases the amount of mana recovered when Water Shield is triggered by 25%. - 50%.
  • Rolling Magma - Lava Burst and Lava Burst Overload damage reduces the cooldown of Primordial Wave by 0.5 1.0 sec.
  • Magma Chamber - Flame Shock damage increases the damage of your next Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, or Earthquake by 1.5%, stacking up to 20 10 times.
  • Ancestral Awakening - When you critically heal with your Healing Wave, Healing Surge, or Riptide you have a 20% chance to summon an Ancestral spirit to aid you, instantly healing an injured the lowest percentage health friendly party or raid target within 40 yards for 10% 15% of the amount healed. Critical strikes increase this chance to 40%.
  • Ancestral Vigor - Targets you heal with Healing Wave, Healing Surge, Chain Heal, or Riptide's initial heal gain 5% 10% increased health for 10 sec.
  • Swirling Currents - Increases the healing done by Healing Stream Totem by 13% 26%.
  • Elemental Warding - Reduces all magic damage taken by 2% 6%.
  • Echo Chamber - Increases the damage dealt by your Elemental Overloads by 15%. 10%.
  • Primordial Fury - Your healing Elemental Fury increases critical strikes strike heal for damage by an additional 250% 25% healing instead of the usual 200%.
  • Wellspring - Creates a surge of water that flows forward, healing friendly targets in a wide arc in front of you for [ 133% 200% of Spell Power ].
  • Living Stream - Healing Stream Totem heals for 10% 100% more, each time decaying over it its ticks duration.
  • Totemic Focus - Increases the radius of your totem effects by 15% Increases the duration of your Earthbind and Earthgrab Totems by 5 10 sec. Increases the duration of your Healing Stream, Tremor, Poison Cleansing, and Wind Rush Totems by 1.5 3.0 sec.
  • Elemental Resistance (New) - Healing from Healing Stream Totem reduces Fire, Frost, and Nature damage taken by 6% for 3 sec.
  • Master of the Elements (New) - Casting Lava Burst increases the healing of your next Healing Surge by 30%, stacking up to 2 times. Healing Surge applies Flame Shock to a nearby enemy when empowered by Master of the Elements.
  • Tidewaters (New) - When you cast Healing Rain, each ally with your Riptide on them is healed for [ 220% of Spell Power ].
  • First Ascendant (New) - The cooldown of Ascendance is reduced by 60 sec.
  • Preeminence (New) - Your haste is increased by 25% while Ascendance is active and its duration is increased by 3 sec.
  • Reactive Warding (New) - When refreshing Earth Shield, your target is healed for [ 75% of Spell Power ] for each stack of Earth Shield they are missing. When refreshing Water Shield, you are refunded 0 mana for each stack of Water Shield missing.
  • Spouting Spirits (New) - Spirit Link Totem reduces damage taken by an additional 5%, and it restores [ 1,200% of Spell Power ] health to all nearby allies 1 second after it is dropped. Healing reduced beyond 5 targets.
  • Downpour (New) - Casting Healing Rain has a 100% chance to activate Downpour, allowing you to cast Downpour within 6 sec. Downpour A burst of water at your Healing Rain's location heals up to 5 injured allies within 12 yards for [ 300% of Spell Power ] and increases their maximum health by 10% for 6 sec.
  • White Water (New) - Your critical heals have 215% effectiveness instead of the usual 200%.


  • Xalan's Cruelty - Shadow damage dealt by Your your Fire spells and abilities is increased by 2% and gain 10% more critical strike chance from all sources. Your your Shadow spells gain 10% more critical strike chance from all sources.
  • Xalan's Ferocity - Shadow Fire damage dealt by your spells and abilities is increased by 2%. - 2% and your Fire damage increased by 2%. spells gain 10% more critical strike chance from all sources.
  • Reign of Tyranny - Active Wild Imps grant 1 stack of Demonic Servitude Servitude.and active Active greater demons grant 3 stacks of Demonic Servitude, Servitude. up to 15 stacks. Demonic Tyrant deals 10% 5% additional damage for each stack of Demonic Servitude active at the time of his summon.


  • Skyshield Breaker - Arms, Fury, Initial: Leap into the air and appear above your target, then slam down with destructive force to deal [ 23.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards and applying Colossus Smash to them. Protection: Leap into the air and appear above your target, then slam down with destructive force to deal [ 23.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards and applying Colossus Smash to them, and resetting the remaining cooldown on Taunt.
  • Aftershock - Normal: Pulverize and Heroic Leap causes the earth within 6 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 136.7% 177.6% of Nature Spell Power ] Stromstrike damage over 4 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Tumultuous Fissures : Pulverize and Heroic Leap causes the earth within 6 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 177.6% of Nature Spell Power ] Stromstrike damage over 4 sec and has a 8.0% chance to knock the enemy down.
  • Titanic Leap - Generates 30 Rage.. Gain an additional 2 charges for 5 sec after use Arms, Fury, Initial: Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal [ 23.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards yards.Generates 30 Rage. Protection: Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal [ 23.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and resetting the remaining cooldown on Taunt
  • Warlord's Torment - Activating Avatar grants 6 sec casts Recklessness with a duration of Recklessness. 6 sec. The additional Rage generation of this Recklessness cast is reduced to 25%.
  • Protection Warrior - Protection Warrior core passive Increases damage/healing by 5%: Annihilator, Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Ground Current, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Lightning Strikes, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Raging Blow, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Rend, Revenge, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Words, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Annihilator, Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Ground Current, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Lightning Strikes, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Raging Blow, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Rend, Revenge, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Words, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases damage/healing by 20%: Execute and Improved Execute Increases damage/healing by 50%: Shockwave
  • Champion's Might - The duration of Champion's Spear is increased by 2 sec You deal 25% increased While your Champion's Spear is active, your critical strike damage is increased by 25%. to targets chained to your Spear.
  • Fury Warrior - Fury Warrior core passive Increases damage/healing by 50%: Annihilator, Bladestorm, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Ground Current, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Lightning Strikes, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Rend, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Words, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases periodic damage/healing by 50%: Annihilator, Bladestorm, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Ground Current, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Lightning Strikes, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Rend, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Words, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases damage/healing by 45%: Rend and Thunder Blast
  • Titan's Torment - Activating Avatar casts Odyn's Fury, - Fury and activating Odyn's Fury grants 4 sec casts Avatar with a duration of Avatar. 4 sec.
  • Immovable Object - Activating Avatar or Shield Wall casts grants 4 sec of the other other.at with a duration of 4 sec.
  • Berserker's Torment - Activating Avatar or Recklessness casts grants 8 sec of the other other.with a duration of 8 sec.
  • Arms Warrior - Arms Warrior core passive Increases damage/healing by 30%: Annihilator, Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Ground Current, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Lightning Strikes, Martial Prowess, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Mortal Strike, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Overpower, Raging Blow, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Rend, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Words, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases periodic damage/healing by 30%: Annihilator, Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Ground Current, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Lightning Strikes, Martial Prowess, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Mortal Strike, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Overpower, Raging Blow, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Rend, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Words, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases damage/healing by 50%: Slam and Storm of Swords Increases damage/healing by 45%: Rend and Thunder Blast
  • Blademaster's Torment - Activating Avatar casts grants 8 sec of Sweeping Strikes and while Avatar is active the cooldown of Cleave is reduced by 1.5 sec.
  • Call of the Earth - Normal: Pulverize and Heroic Leap causes the earth within 6 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 136.7% 177.6% of Nature Spell Power ] Stromstrike damage over 4 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Tumultuous Fissures : Pulverize and Heroic Leap causes the earth within 6 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 177.6% of Nature Spell Power ] Stromstrike damage over 4 sec and has a 8.0% chance to knock the enemy down.

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