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[US-Stormreaver][H] <IGF> LFM for WoD 20M (6/7M, 6/10M)

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<Icelandic Gustavo Force> of US-Stormreaver is recruiting for 20M

Please visit our website (link at the bottom of this post) for the most current recruitment openings.


Current Needs: Holy Paladin, Warlock, Balance Druid, Ret Paladin and any *Exceptional Players



* Exceptional players will always be considered.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday: 8pm – 12am (CST)
Thursday: 8pm – 12am (CST)

About Icelandic Gustavo Force:
<Icelandic Gustavo Force> is a brand new guild with a single goal in mind: to be the best casual raiding guild in the US. So what does that mean exactly? It means we maintain an extremely competitive ranking while only raiding two-nights a week, a mere eight hours, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8pm - 12am CST. Don't worry, we're not crazy. We understand that this is no small task, and that it won't happen overnight, but we have a plan in place to make things work.

Our leaders have been raiding since vanilla and have achieved many realm first heroic kills, so we have some experience under our belts. We hope to provide a guild where players can clear mythic content without the stress of having to be online four or more nights per week. Don't get us wrong, we take raiding very seriously and with our short schedule expect near 100% attendance and near-perfection all of aspects of play and class knowledge. During raids we take a 5-10 minute break mid-raid to allow players to relax and focus. We maintain a positive guild environment and do not tolerate behavior that supports negativity.

Loot is handled with /roll. The only rule being that you don't be a loot !@#$%. In certain situations the leadership may choose to loot council certain items, with the ultimate goal to being boost the effectiveness the raid based on the situation (i.e prioritizing tier-bonuses, etc).

(Note: We're realists. We understand that a brand spanking new guild isn't necessarily going to attract the cream of the crop. These first few months are going to be the stepping stones that will eventually lead us to where we need to go. There will be players who won't be able to keep up, and will be cut, and there will be good players who grow into fantastic players and become the cream of the crop themselves.

How to Apply:
We believe in recruiting the individual behind the computer and not the character on the computer. We look for a solid understanding of working with others to achieve a single goal. Previous tier heroic experience is not required but definitely helps when comparing against other potential trial members. While we don’t specifically recruit a class over a player we do expect a solid understanding of the class and spec for which the player is applying. We do request any logs available to aid us in reviewing all applications. This doesn’t have to be current mythic content as any log can help us understand the applicant we are considering for trial. Posting a log from LFR is much better than posting no log at all. We raid a very small amount each week, two-nights/eight-hours, as such, we expect all our members to maintain near 100% attendance. We understand things come up and will accommodate as necessary as long as the required attendance percentage is met.

To apply to IGF create an account on our forums and click the 'Apply' button near the top of our page. In our recruitment thread you’ll find a template we ask all applicants to follow.

Should you be accepted for a trial you will be subject to a trial period, which can last anywhere from 1-4 weeks, during which the leadership will evaluate all aspects of your performance. At the end of 30 days if we feel the need to evaluate you further we will offer a trial extension. If you've met or exceeded our expectations you will be promoted. If we don't feel that you would improve our raid group we will not promote you, and barring any social problems we will invite you to stay in the guild at a social rank.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact any of our officers in game. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you.

Pige0n#1387 – GM/Raid Leader
Phics#1614 – Recruitment/Admin

Marisae#1360 - Recruitment


Our website: http://igf.guildlaunch.com

Edited by Daye

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We'd love to hear from you about joining our guild!  Last night the servers were rough on us but we were able to get the first 2 bosses down.  Please feel free to contact me in game (Daye) or our GM (Pigeon) to discuss getting you on our team!

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