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Using Clarity of Will

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ability_priest_clarityofwill.jpgClarity of Will


I'm curious to hear how other priest players are using this ability.  I find myself mostly just stacking it on the tank and trying to keep it topped off when I'm not healing the rest of the group.  I'm wondering if any of you are using it on non-tank party members.  I occasionally drop it on someone if they are taking heavy damage from something like a ticking debuff (such as Kyrak's trade_alchemy_dpotion_c23.jpgSalve of Toxic Fumes) or in Skyreach when they're blocking beams on the second boss.


What are your thoughts on this?

Edited by BigMcLargeHuge

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I use it mainly as a tank-only ability. So I try keep it stacked up on the tank and always keep that rolling, refreshing it when duration reaches about 6seconds. If the whole group is taking a lot of damage, then I forgo keeping it up completely until things calm down again.

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I use it mainly as a tank-only ability. So I try keep it stacked up on the tank and always keep that rolling, refreshing it when duration reaches about 6seconds. If the whole group is taking a lot of damage, then I forgo keeping it up completely until things calm down again

I use it solely on the tank also however i will prioritise keeping it on the tank over healing a bad dps depending on the boss/trash we are fighting. For me tank is priority and a quick AA Prayer of Healing and a PW:S should be more than enough to heal a dps before returning to CoW the tank. If a DPS dies through a PW:S and a AA prayer then thats their fault not mine :P

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Normally, I will use Power Word: Shield on tank first to activate Borrowed Time buff. Then, cast one Clarity of Will you mentioned and one Prayer of Mending within 5 sec of Borrowed Time buff in case there is a AOE damage on DPS. After that, I will put Power Word: Shield on one of melee DPS to activate Borrowed Time buff again and cast Clarity of Will twice on tank when the buff is still there. Then, repeat the steps above. This rotation will prevent most surprisingly damage on tank or the whole team.

Edited by Lsi
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I use it solely on the tank also however i will prioritise keeping it on the tank over healing a bad dps depending on the boss/trash we are fighting. For me tank is priority and a quick AA Prayer of Healing and a PW:S should be more than enough to heal a dps before returning to CoW the tank. If a DPS dies through a PW:S and a AA prayer then thats their fault not mine tongue.png


I would agree for the most part, but there are some cases where non-tank damage is unavoidable.  Poisons or curses are one example, other random target abilities or AoE damage are another, though that last one is usually fairly predictable.


Normally, I will use Power Word: Shield on tank first to activate Borrowed Time buff. Then, cast one Clarity of Will you mentioned and one Prayer of Mending within 5 sec of Borrowed Time buff in case there is a AOE damage on DPS. After that, I will put Power Word: Shield on one of melee DPS to activate Borrowed Time buff again and cast Clarity of Will twice on tank when the buff is still there. Then, repeat the steps above. This rotation will prevent most surprisingly damage on tank or the whole team.


I think you point out a flaw in my play style in that I tend to shield the party in quick succession, which wastes Borrowed Time.  I should get better at keeping that rolling.  Thanks!


For me, CoW basically replaced the heal spell. It has the same cast time and prevents more damage. Heal kinda feels uncastable in CM anyways.


Yes!  I keep catching myself trying to cast a Heal and then saying, "No!  I am a Discipline Priest!"


I'd love to know how people are healing CM's as Disc at all. I can't do it. Just can't so I've stopped trying.


I failed pretty hard at CM UBRS a few nights ago.  I'm still sour about it.  Heroics have been stupidly easy for me, but CM was unbelievably difficult in comparison.

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I'm attempting to do one right now. First pack couldn't keep the tank up massive AoE on the group and insta left. This sucks, I think I re roll something else. 

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I'm attempting to do one right now. First pack couldn't keep the tank up massive AoE on the group and insta left. This sucks, I think I re roll something else. 


If you are doing CMs with randoms, that might have a fair bit to do with it.  They are quite difficult and seem to require a lot of coordination and communication of things like damage reduction cooldowns.  I would recommend trying to find a stable group to run with.

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I have treated: UBRS, GM -> bronze, Auch near bronze sad.png, GM two times guild and pug.

635 ilv, gems for crit, greater flask sometimes food.

With people who knows instance and use cc, stun, interrupts is easy as heroic. If tank don't know what should do is impossible to heal.


All damage is curable if you done about 23-25 k HPS / EHPS.

If you done that number appropriate and party / tank die it is not your's problem.



Before pull, full shield on tank CoW (2-3) then stack and use EAA then PoM for DA on party before aoe dmg (most of bosses).

PW:S, CoW, H/FH on tank.

Penance ONLY as heal and not always on tank as emergency.

Spam (!) FH on tank when ... but it is TANK mistake.

PI and PoM for emergency aoe heal but better good shield PW:S on all party before dmg.

Run ... and anticipate who need shield.

Help RUN by LoF.

Edited by karydran
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I have treated: UBRS, GM -> bronze, Auch near bronze sad.png, GM two times guild and pug.

635 ilv, gems for crit, greater flask sometimes food.

With people who knows instance and use cc, stun, interrupts is easy as heroic. If tank don't know what should do is impossible to heal.


All damage is curable if you done about 23-25 k HPS / EHPS.

If you done that number appropriate and party / tank die it is not your's problem.



Before pull, full shield on tank CoW (2-3) then stack and use EAA then PoM for DA on party before aoe dmg (most of bosses).

PW:S, CoW, H/FH on tank.

Penance ONLY as heal and not always on tank as emergency.

Spam (!) FH on tank when ... but it is TANK mistake.

PI and PoM for emergency aoe heal but better good shield PW:S on all party before dmg.

Run ... and anticipate who need shield.

Help RUN by LoF.


These seem like good tips, and generally how I play discipline.  Maybe I was just getting screwed by people messing up mechanics.  I also find it hard to gauge my HPS because Skada (and probably Recount) do not count absorbs from spells I cast BEFORE that damage segment, and this includes stacking Clarity of Will on the tank, and refreshing it.  It will not count Clarity of Will Absorbs unless I let it fall off the tank and reapply, which is garbage.  It should just count absorbs, period. :(

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I find myself almost exclusively using on tanks, however will use on group if weakened soul is on group during aoe damage. I am curious how and if multistrike effects CoW and PW:S as I tried using my holy gear as disc and it seemed to work well.

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Without getting too mathematical, multistrikes scale the same with our heals and absorbs. Crit however scales worse with absorbs than our heals and conversely with mastery. As a result, crit and multistrike are very close in terms of throughput for absorbs.

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Hmmm, thought as much, just without a visual indicator was unable to see the difference between crit and multistrike in intense situations, will have do some fiddling tonight and have a look over some  numbers. Have you got any source material on the subject I could have a read over Espiee while im at work? ph34r.png

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Multistrikes and crits are baked into the absorb unlike normal heals where they appear as separate effects. If CoW hits for 50k normally, getting double MS but no crit would simply show a 80k absorb instead, just as a critical strike, no multistrikes, would show a 100k absorb.


I don't have any concrete literature, but there's a discipline thread over on mmo-champion.

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Nice to have that confirmed, thanks. Will have a look over recount after tonight and see the difference in crit gear vs ms gear. Does anybody recommend a mod to track absorb amounts live on raid frames? Im currently playing quite barebones and find myself hovering over buff icons to track CoW absorb amounts to prevent over absorbing with CoW.

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I was very taken aback when I saw the comment from...  Naer and/or Sacer about MS being applicable to Disc.  I'm hard headed and will have to see the numbers as it applies to my playstyle... looks like more Highmaul in my future than was intended.


Sorry for the offtopic nature but was something I am very interested in seeing played out in Normal/Heroic/Mythic

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Quite relieved, did some reading up on crit/multistrike stacking. Looks number wise that Multistrike heavily outweighs crit on output, may have to strike a nice balance of crit ms for my disc gear for raiding. Luckily i stacked crit for my disc gear and ms for my holy gear. Difficult to find reliable numbers as most information on Multistrike vs Crit is outdated.

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I was very taken aback when I saw the comment from...  Naer and/or Sacer about MS being applicable to Disc.  I'm hard headed and will have to see the numbers as it applies to my playstyle... looks like more Highmaul in my future than was intended.


Absorbs take a relatively simple form compared to our normal heals.


Normal heals take a formula like:




Essentially your spell hit(SP*k) times your chance to crit, your versatility, multistrike and mastery


Normal heals have the following formula(as disc):




The reason our heals looks like that is due to the fact our crits scale with our mastery and with half our mastery no matter what. This essentially skews crit to be more favorable than it would otherwise be.


That's however not the case for our absorbs


Our absorbs follow the first formula and following that crit and multistrike scale equally giving you a 1% increase per 110 points. The only reason crit might be somewhat ahead is due to our attunement, but the attunement isn't high enough to warrant stacking crit only. Diminishing marginal returns still apply.


If you want to play around with it, Myllior over on mmo-champion made an excellent spreadsheet for just that.



Edited by Espiee

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