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Delves Guides

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This thread is for feedback about our Delves guides and its subpages. If you spot any errors or have a question, please, don't hesitate to ask and we'll do our best to answer them as soon as possible. Thank you!

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Guest Teolir

The list under 9. is not correct.

For example:


Tier 8+ Bountiful Delve offers Item Level 603 8/8 Champion Gear;

Tier 8+ gives 603 Item Level gear, but its 3/8 Champion.

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27 minutes ago, Guest Teolir said:

The list under 9. is not correct.

For example:

Tier 8+ gives 603 Item Level gear, but its 3/8 Champion.

Noted, thanks. This was probably a tooltip bug on the Beta. I submitted a fix for the issue.

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Guest Petalosa

I ran a bountiful delve a second time when it came up in rotation, and received the EXACT same loot item. Does this mean that each week the bountiful delve will drop the same item per person, or did I have bad RNG? Do we need to keep track of which bountiful delve we did to make sure we don't duplicate the loot drop?

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33 minutes ago, Guest Petalosa said:

I ran a bountiful delve a second time when it came up in rotation, and received the EXACT same loot item. Does this mean that each week the bountiful delve will drop the same item per person, or did I have bad RNG? Do we need to keep track of which bountiful delve we did to make sure we don't duplicate the loot drop?

Hopefully bad RNG! It should be a random item from the Delve loot pool on each completion / key!

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Guest Peta

I ran a bountiful delve a second time when it came up in rotation, and received the EXACT same loot item. Does this mean that each week the bountiful delve will drop the same item per person, or did I have bad RNG? Do we need to keep track of which bountiful delve we did to make sure we don't duplicate the loot drop?


This can't just be RNG because this happened a second time. I am getting the SAME gear from the bountiful caches!!! This is the third time it's happened...

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Guest galo

" Completing delves in The War Within Season 1 grants credit toward a progression system called Delver's Journey. "

Nah. Bountiful give points towards delver's journey. And even then some give 130 some give 65 ( was looking here for a reason but hey ... )

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Guest Delvin

There's a new addon called "Delvin" on Curseforge that adds delve tracking info - similar to m+ and raid tracking info - to the great vault UI so you can tell how many 8+ runs you've had/have left to do for the next reward, or how many delves vs. other world activities.

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Hmm - I think Delves Weekly info is misleading, since it doesn't appear every week reset. Apparently it is on a rotation with other weekly quest givers found nearby in Dornogal. 

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5 hours ago, Kirtho said:

Hmm - I think Delves Weekly info is misleading, since it doesn't appear every week reset. Apparently it is on a rotation with other weekly quest givers found nearby in Dornogal. 

Thanks for your feedback, we're updating the guide now with the proposed changes. Happy Holidays!

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Regarding the Delver's Dirigible Guide, it states that unlocking it is straightforward and after achieving level 80, the player will be able to obtain the Bountiful Delves quest to unlock the mount.  This information appears to be inaccurate as after achieving level 80, this quest is not available to me and seems to be part of a larger questline, possibly post main campaign from what I can tell.

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Guest digitalTulip

Could you please add to your excellent guide the following for season 2:

  • how the delver's bounty map works and if it is lost if you leave the delve or only used if you complete the delve
  • the best way to level Bran, is it killing everything and/or collecting all the things (I have been advised he only levels in bountiful delves is this correct?)

thanks in advance :)

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Your delve ability list for DPS/Heal/Tank needs way more explanation.

Pinged Augment Chip is a liability.
Mechasaur EZ Build is ludicrous since an egg is a rare drop at best.
Pacifist Rig is a low DPS option and for some characters like hunters desummons pets when it happens.

Higher levels of delves
Goblomatic Grenade is far more useful in most circumstances as an additional interrupt.
Three Dimentional Bioprinter is a reliable increase to DPS without risk.

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