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[Elemental] T17 Tips & Tricks

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This thread is for Elemental Shaman tips, tricks, and discussions in how to best handle the various boss fights throughout Tier 17 including Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry. Feel free to contribute or discuss encounter-specific anything you find from exceptional talent choices to ways to take advantage of class mechanics.

-->Kargath Bladefist
-->The Butcher
-->Twin Ogron
-->Imperator Mar'gok

Blackrock Foundry
-->Gruul the Subjugated
-->Blast Furnace
-->Hans'gar and Franzok
-->Flamebender Ka'graz
-->Beastlord Darmac
-->Operator Thogar
-->Iron Maidens


Honorable Mention

Uthedicia made this excellent post giving recommendations for all of the Highmaul fights. Sadly, I can't edit his post so I'm unable to link it in the main text. Check it out!


Kargath Bladefist

The Butcher

  • SlashCry recommends using Conductivity on this fight if your healers need support.
  • SlashCry recommends combining Glyphs of Lightning Shield (for damage reduction) and Glyph of Flame Shock (for healing) to keep you alive for the crucial extra time in the Enrage phase.




  • SlashCry recommends using Windwalk Totem on this fight to negate Expel Magic: Frost.

Twin Ogron

Imperator Mar'gok


  • SlashCry recommends using Windwalk Totem on this fight to negate Slow - the debuff in transition phases.

Blackrock Foundry

Gruul the Subjugated


Blast Furnace

Hans'gar and Franzok

Flamebender Ka'graz


Beastlord Darmac

Operator Thogar

Iron Maidens


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[Windwalk Totem] Useful on some bosses 

For  Ko'ragh :

Removing the slow effect from  [Expel Magic: Frost] for 6 sec. which can help ur raid members to move away and u can combo it with  [Totemic Projection] to place it wherever the frost orb spawn without moving


For Imperator Mar'gok :

In intermission phase warmage cast [slow] Debuff which reduce attack/cast/movement speed by 50% for 45sec , If ur a shaman u can save ur healers mana by dispelling it with use Windwalk totem wich cost 1.920~ mana.

And if ur a resto shaman u can also remove first debuff with this totem instead of using [Purify Spirit] which cost 5.248~ mana it will help saving some mana for this long fight.


Butcher :

[Glyph of Lightning Shield] useful for every fight specially in Butcher if ur in soaking team it will have alot of uptime and u can combo it with  [Glyph of Flame Shock] will do some little heal sometime it will save ur life ingame


If healers got issue in progress fight u can always pick this talent  [Conductivity] and place it in middle when it will hit the 2 soaking group + tanks 


Sorry for bad english u can re-edit what i have type biggrin.png

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For Highmaul Normal or Heroic



     - Talents 

          - 1st Tier: Nature's Guardian

          - 2nd Tier: Irrelevant for the fight

          - 3rd Tier: Largely irrelevant, but Totemic Persistence or Totemic Projection can help with keeping damaging totems in range or resetting utility totem cooldowns.

          - 4th Tier: Relatively equal output between Ancestral Swiftness or Elemental Mastery. I usually take Ancestral Swiftness for slight movement requirements.

          - 5th Tier: Largely irrelevant, but I recommend Ancestral Guidance for any unwanted spikes of damage on several players.

          - 6th Tier: Primal Elementalist for the stands or Unleashed Fury when on the arena floor.

          - 7th Tier: Storm Elemental Totem if you are running with light healers or up on the stands. Elemental Fusion on the ground. Stay away from Liquid Magma, even on the stands.

     - Glyphs

            For this I take Lightning Shield, Flame Shock, and Spiritwalker's Focus. These help with movement DPS or survivability. You may substitute Spiritwalker's Focus for Spiritwalker's Grace if going up to the stands.

     - Tips

            During this fight, I strongly suggest you stick to nearby flame pillars, using Spiritwalker's Grace either during Berserker Rush or if you get caught out of position as a pillar expires. Other than that, unless you're going to the stands (in which case don't stand in any bombs and withhold Spiritwalker's Grace until approaching the stands), just follow your rotation and you'll be fine.



     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: If you know you'll be taking untimely spikes, you can get away with Astral Shift. Otherwise, take Nature's Guardian for when your health drops.

          - 2nd Tier: Irrelevant for the fight

          - 3rd Tier: Largely irrelevant but if healers are struggling, pick up Call of the Elements for Healing Stream Totem resets. 

          - 4th Tier: You could use either Ancestral Swiftness to assist with movement or Elemental Mastery toward burst. I'd lean toward Elemental Mastery if you have hunters in your group.

          - 5th Tier: Ancestral Guidance for burst healing support. 

          - 6th Tier: Primal Elementalist or Unleashed Fury. I'd lean toward Primal Elementalist for the burst but Unleashed Fury has relatively equivalent results.

          - 7th Tier: If using Primal Elementalist, pick up Storm Elemental Totem to pair up with it and to help healers. If using Unleashed Fury, run with Elemental Fusion to sustain DPS. 

     - Glyphs

          For this fight, I'd recommend glyph of Lightning Shield, Flame Shock, and either Flame Elemental for precisely one more use of it for DPS during the encounter or Spiritwalker's Focus for DPSing during the knockback. If your healers can handle it, use the combination of Flame Shock or Lightning Shield and both Spiritwalker's Focus and the Fire Elemental glyph. If the procs from Reactive Shield work, you could try Reactive Shield along with Fire Elemental and Spiritwalker's Focus for maximum DPS efficacy.

     - Tips

          Butcher isn't a lot of movement, just the one knockback every 60 seconds (30 during Frenzy). If you're assigned to hop in and out of the groups, run Primal Elementalist and use Unleash Flame for strictly moving in and out of groups. Mostly, it's just DPSing the boss down and surviving during the fight. The damage will hurt toward the end and on Heroic, so be prepped with your defensive cooldowns or healing tonics. 



     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: I'd strongly recommend Astral Shift for spikes during Infesting Spores. Nature's Guardian could work if you're overgeared for the encounter.

          - 2nd Tier: Windwalk Totem should work for the Mind Fungus to clear out of it quickly.

          - 3rd Tier: Irrelevant for the fight.

          - 4th Tier: Elemental Mastery is extremely good with the Rejuvenating Mushroom. You could pool it for that and it would make your casts extremely quick. 

          - 5th Tier: Ancestral Guidance for burst healing support.

          - 6th Tier: Unleashed Fury for sustained DPS on one target or Primal Elementalist for burst on the adds. 

          - 7th Tier: Elemental Fusion for sustained burst on targets or Storm Elemental for a period of burst. You could withhold Storm Elemental until a Rejuvenating Mushroom for a larger burst of healing.

     - Glyphs

          Since damage is largely magical, use Flame Shock as a survival Glyph. Use Spiritwalker's Focus to help with moving between mushrooms. If you need more reduction, you could try using Healing Stream or Shamanistic Resolve to help mitigate the nature damage coming in. If not, go for Fire Elemental. The CD reduction MIGHT just line up with the Rejuvenation Mushroom. 

     - Tips

          If you're doing the flamethrower, talent Primal Elementalist and put your elementals to work while doing your assigned duty. If not doing the flamethrower, then it is largely a don't stand in stuff fight with timed bursts of damage. Try to save damage reduction cooldowns for Infesting Spores when raid damage is high. 



     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Astral Shift works well if it lines up for Tectonic Upheaval, otherwise Nature's Guardian will pop when you need it.

          - 2nd Tier: Irrelevant for the fight unless you can be in range of the melee to give them your Windwalk totem if they absorb the Gift of the Earth. 

          - 3rd Tier: Totemic Projection will give you a lot of DPS uptime with your fire totems. I'd use strictly this talent unless Call of the Elements + Healing Stream Combo is needed.

          - 4th Tier: Elemental Mastery and Ancestral Swiftness are relatively equal but I'd lean toward Ancestral Swiftness for the assistance with casting on the move. 

          - 5th Tier: Ancestral Guidance for the burst healing support.

          - 6th Tier: Primal Elementalist since you're moving around a substantial bit. Too much for Elemental Blast and Unleashed Fury. 

          - 7th Tier: Depends on IF the shards and motes are tanked together in large enough clumps. If so, pick up Liquid Magma and move your fire totem in range BEFORE casting Liquid Magma. If not, then pick up Storm Elemental Totem to pair up with Primal Elementalist. The healers will welcome the splash healing.

     - Glyphs

          If your raid needs it, glyph Healing Stream for Tectonic Upheaval. Otherwise, glyph Flame Shock and Shamanistic Resolve for personal survival. Glyph of Chain Lightning is a DPS increase if ALL 4 motes are tanked together. Glyph of Fire Elemental will help your burst by lining the cooldown up for every other or every 3 Tectonic Upheavals. 

     - Tips

          The fight is very movement heavy and a lot of it is the type of movement where Spiritwalker's Grace can't help you recover lost DPS. You just have to move to place the Crystalline Barrage to help the raid manage space and go from there. Assuming the shards and at least 2 motes are being tanked together, you should assume hectic cleave by using Flame Shock on all shards and motes in range while using Chain Lightning to cleave them down. Use Fulmination stacks on shards and motes that matter (the ones that need to die). Do NOT Earthquake here, since the tanks will have to move a LOT. If you have Crystalline Barrage following you and have a paladin on hand, ask them to put a hand of protection on you and you can stand still while it is up, manage the raid space, and keep DPSing. 


Twin Ogrons

     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Nature's Guardian as it is entirely passive. Astral Shift could work if you could line it up for problematic burst but most of the damage that will plague you is Blaze from Quake.

          - 2nd Tier: Irrelevant for the fight

          - 3rd Tier: Call of the Elements + Healing Stream is quite useful here. Totemic Projection is diminished since at least one boss returns to the space in which it was tanked at some point but you could use it for uptime on your fire or healing totems. 

          - 4th Tier: Ancestral Swiftness and Elemental Mastery are relatively equal but I lean toward Ancestral Swiftness for assistance during Quake.

          - 5th Tier: Ancestral Guidance for burst healing support. 

          - 6th Tier: Unleashed Fury and Primal Elementalist are roughly equal here. If they are kept together, Primal Elementalist pulls ahead for cleaving. If intersecting abilities prevent meaningful cleave, then Unleashed Fury and Primal Elementalist are truly equal. 

          - 7th Tier: Liquid Magma can pull ahead if popped while they are kept together. If even one CD is missed or they are pulled apart during it consistently, then I'd stick to Elemental Fusion. If healers are struggling, pick up Storm Elemental Totem.

     - Glyphs

          Glyph of Lightning Shield will help against the majority of physical damage dealt in this fight. Glyph of Spiritwalker's Grace will help during a large part of Quake. Glyph of Healing Stream Totem will help during Quake and Blaze effects. 

     - Tips

          This fight will typically be the bane of your casters and the elemental shaman isn't much of an exception. We have some long-lasting movement CDs but the glyphs guarantee that you'll only be able to avoid Quake's drop off in DPS once every other quake. When you're not in possession of Spiritwalker's Grace, you'll basically be trying to stay still while avoiding Blaze as much as possible but you might just have to drop DPSing altogether to avoid Blaze stacks (1 stack can kill on Mythic and can come REALLY close in heroic). When they are together, assume hectic cleave by using chain lightning as filler and flame shock them both. Prefer the twin in your range or that WILL be in your range for mechanics when they separate... Pol during whirlwind and Phemos during Shield Charge. 



     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Nature's Guardian will proc quite often here, so it will be quite useful. Astral Shift could work if you can line it up with a lot of the Volatile Energies hitting the floor. 

          - 2nd Tier: Windwalk Totem works well here for the frozen orbs. Use them for you or a partner to get to swirls.

          - 3rd Tier: Totemic Projection is the best choice here. You move your Windwalk Totem into range, rather than walking around to place it in the correct spot, often bombing Spiritwalker's Grace to do so. 

          - 4th Tier: Elemental Mastery is great for the burst while shields are down. The movement is just light enough that Ancestral Swiftness isn't needed for it.

          - 5th Tier: Ancestral Guidance to help out during the shadow expel magic and for burst healing support.

          - 6th Tier: This tier has relatively equal results for this fight but I prefer Unleashed Fury since you are dealing with one target mostly. If you're struggling with adds or healing, pick up Primal Elementalist.

          - 7th Tier: Storm Elemental is great for the shadow expel magic but if DPS is paramount, go with Elemental Fusion. Avoid Liquid Magma since if popped at the wrong time, it could trail off into places you don't want it to go. 

     - Glyphs

          Since, you actually have magical debuffs to clear this time, pick up the Glyph of Shamanistic Rage to help your healers. The glyph of Fire Elemental can help line the elemental up during the shield recharge, enabling more frequent bursts. If you're having to do a lot of soaking, pick up the glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus. It will help line up Spiritwalker's Grace more perfectly with Volatile Energy soaks. Otherwise, the magical damage in the fight lends itself to pick up either Glyph of Healing Stream Totem or Glyph of Flame Shock. If you need more DPS on adds, then pick up Glyph of Chain Lightning. 

     - Tips

          This fight requires a moderate amount of movement but it isn't so much that Unleash Flame or Spiritwalker's Grace can't handle it. Save your DPS cooldowns for the shield recharge phase and if you are having to soak it, that would be when to pop Ancestral Guidance and Healing Stream. Other than those two things, watch when you're killing adds so that they are in a suppression zone when dying and DPS as much as possible. 


Imperator Mar'gok

     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Nature's Guardian works great since you will often be at low health at some points. Astral Shift could work well if you lined it up with problematic abilities but most of your damage occurs in frequent pulses or in avoidable bursts. 

          - 2nd Tier: Windwalk Totem works well during transition phases since the mages casts slows which Windwalk Totem can dispel. If you already have Windwalk in the group, Earthgrab Totem can work during phase four replicating adds if you are kiting them.

          - 3rd Tier: Call of the Elements actually works pretty well here if you are utilizing the right totems for it. Avoid pairing it strictly on Healing Stream in this case, instead using it on Earthgrab Totem, Windwalk Totem, or Capacitor Totem. If using Earthgrab Totem or Capacitor Totem frequently, it might pair better with Totemic Projection. 

          - 4th Tier: Ancestral Swiftness and Elemental Mastery are relatively equal here. If you're lacking burst in the comp, go for Elemental Mastery. If you need sustained DPS plus some assistance with DPSing on the move, then take Ancestral Swiftness.

          - 5th Tier: Ancestral Guidance for burst healing support. 

          - 6th Tier: Unleashed Fury for sustained single target, Primal Elementalist if you need to help your healers or are having to deal with Arcane Wrath.

          - 7th Tier: Elemental Fusion for sustained bursts on important adds or the boss. Storm Elemental if the healers are struggling. Liquid Magma can work if you needs adds during phase four cleared quickly. 

     - Glyphs

          Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem is useful as you can pretty much use it four or five times on this fight and is extremely good for burst. Glyph of Chain Lightning can help with phase four adds. Glyph of Flame Shock is good for survival on this fight. Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus is good for countering the many of the longer movement segments of the fight. Glyph of Shamanistic Rage supplies an additional dispel for personal use during transition phases. You have a lot of choices for this fight... so you can choose between defensive or offensive glyphs, or glyphs tailored toward one difficult segment of the fight for the whole group. Change them as your comp or strategy changes.

     - Tips

          - Phase 1: If you're dealing with brand, make sure to work out with your partner or partners where you're moving to deal with it. Otherwise, kill the adds with everyone else (cleaving off it if you can) and avoid setting off mines. 

          - Phase 2: If you're dealing with brand, be mindful of the now limited space you can move in (denoted by a shimmering circle around the original location in which you received the brand). Otherwise, watch your location when killing adds (again, cleaving off of them) and avoid setting off mines. 

          - First Transition: This is the time where you should be minding who is getting slowed and popping your windwalk totem if you see them being slowed. Flame shock both mages if you can and your wind shears are more effective toward the end of your cast.

          - Phase 3: If you're dealing with brand, it now jumps more times before it dissipates. Have a small CD ready for that or be ready to heal yourself. This fight isn't a DPS check, it is a survival fight. This is where you begin utilizing Spiritwalker's Grace to as you moved away from the marked tank. 

          - Second Transition: Same as the first, except that you're popping heroism/bloodlust either here or Phase 4. If here, make sure to have your potions and cooldowns ready. You'll mostly likely be burning a reaver or burning a mage first. Flame shocking the larger adds can help your burst here. 

          - Phase 4: If you're dealing with brand, you'll now need a minimum of three people to keep the brand localized to who is assigned to deal with it. Otherwise, if you didn't pop heroism in the Second Transition, pop it here. As long as you avoid orbs from the tank, DPS the adds down quickly, and avoid mines... you have no time limit. Do anything you can to help the healers, such as dropping your healing stream totems or pop your own personals. An unglyphed Thunderstorm can take some pressure off your tanks if they are prepped for it. 

          Generally in the fight: Get in practice of dropping your healing stream totems frequently, as much of their healing will likely not go to waste. When not doing that, just watch your spacing during Force Novas or phase two adds. You'll most likely have to use Ancestral Guidance or Storm Elemental during any of the transitions, phase three or phase four. If you've been assigned to deal with some of the damage during those phases, try and save those particular cooldowns for those moments. Otherwise, just use them when health looks dangerously low. 


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@ Iridar, I find it a bit difficult too but the easiest way to handle that is to stutter step the fight where you can, use Spiritwalker's Grace for periods of movement where it will fit... and then just try to minimize movement where you can. 

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Is anyone else having trouble on Kromog? I play in PUGs, and people choose grasping hands that are quite spread out. My Chain Lightning doesn't chain to more than two targets, so I don't get my EQ buff. What do you guys do in this situation? Is Earthquake worth hard casting on a clump of hands?

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Radu, that's not really worth it. Elemental AoE suffers from being dependent on stacked or clumped up targets. In the case of Kromog, I would not even talent or play just to deal with hands. Let classes with unhindered range on AE effects deal with it. Just bust out the important targets and you'll do just fine. 

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For Blackrock Foundry Normal or Heroic, First Five:


For ALL fights: Refrain from talenting into anything OTHER than Ancestral Guidance on the 5th Tier. The buff this talent has received has GREATLY increased the healing we do from that talent. As such, I will not be putting a recommendation on 5th Tier talents, simply because the overwhelmingly right choice is Ancestral Guidance. It would be a waste of space to write that for ten fights. 



     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Nature's Guardian works quite well here, as you might sit at low health often with stacks of Inferno Strike. Stone Bulwark totem could help mitigate more overall damage but the strength of the absorption is questionable. 

          - 2nd Tier: The selection is irrelevant for the fight, since the talents on that row have no impact on the fight mechanics.

          - 3rd Tier: Also largely irrelevant for the fight. The only benefit I see out of this row is if you need to reset Stone Bulwark or Healing Stream totem. If you're dropping these regularly, then take Call of the Elements. 

          - 4th Tier: It is a tight fight, DPS wise. I would pick up Elemental Mastery here. 

          - 6th Tier: Unleashed Fury works fine here, as the movement requirements here are relatively light. However, for maximum burst, pick up Primal Elementalist. 

          - 7th Tier: If you picked Primal Elementalist, go for Storm Elemental Totem. Otherwise, take Elemental Fusion. 

     - Glyphs

          - Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem is nice if you'd like your burst a bit more often but is otherwise not required.

          - Since a relatively good amount of damage is magical, pick up the Glyph of Flame Shock for a bit of extra survival.

          - If you're throwing out Healing Stream Totem a lot on the fight, the Glyph of Healing Stream Totem will reduce damage taken for some of your raid members a little.

          - Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus is good for the rather frequent moments of movement in portions of this fight, especially 2nd phase. 

     - Tips

          This fight is essentially a slightly more mobile Butcher fight. Stand with your assigned group, take the appropriate damage from Inferno Strike. Don't stand in any rock slides or near people who are petrifying and you have the fight down to science. Pop heroism during his frenzy. 



     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Nature's Guardian will pop often enough in phase one that it will serve your needs just fine. If you need more insurance or would like to help your healers a bit more, Astral Shift can work too for quite a few Acid Torrents. 

          - 2nd Tier: The selection is irrelevant for the fight, since nothing on that row interacts with any mechanics in the fight.

          - 3rd Tier: Call of the Elements could be useful if you're laying down constant Healing Stream Totems to get more out of them. Otherwise, the row is irrelevant.

          - 4th Tier: Echo of the Elements or Elemental Mastery are fairly equivalent here. Take what is preferential for you.

          - 6th Tier: Elemental Blast or Primal Elementalist are fairly equivalent here and you can pick based on preference. Unleashed Fury is also good here too but I find Unleashed Fury isn't so good for dealing with Ore Crates, so you might get more use out of the other two talents. 

          - 7th Tier: If you've picked Primal Elementalist, go for Storm Elemental Totem. Otherwise, take Elemental Fusion. 

     - Glyphs

          - Glyph of Healing Stream Totem is good if you're constantly laying them down, as Acid Torrent damage reduction can make a difference between life and death.

          - Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem is good for lining it up during phase one.

          - Glyph of Flame Shock is good for a slight bit of survival against the nature damage in this fight.

          - This is one of the few fights where you can actually use another glyph besides Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus as the sections of movement are so short during phase one that you really should not need to use it. The longer movement sequence of phase two means you could run Glyph of Spiritwalker's Grace for five extra seconds to move around and continue to do damage. 

     - Tips

           - Phase one: If you're assigned to be the ranged stack point for this fight, make sure you are far into the wall as you can get and shuffle to the spots you're assigned to go for the Retched Blackrock. This is a two second movement where you can literally forgo pressing Unleashed Flame if you have an instant cast spell or 12+ charges of Lightning Shield. If you're assigned to interrupt Blackrock Barrage at any point, you need to make sure you're in range to do it or ask to be part of the melee clump, avoiding Explosive Shard as appropriate. Use your defensive CDs on as many Acid Torrents as possible, your healers will love you for it. Pop heroism in the beginning of the fight, as there will be no more suitable portions of the fight to do this. 

           - Phase two: Avoid Oregorger's rolling around as much as possible. He will always roll either left or right, never back the way he came, and toward a pile of ore if it is busted out of the crates. This would be a prime opportunity to pop Spiritwalker's Grace and heal yourself of any damage you sustain on the way to the crates, though a rollover by Oregorger is probably fatal on heroic. 


Blast Furnace

     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Astral Shift works well here if you use it for as many Blasts from the Heart of the Mountain as possible. I would take this over Nature's Guardian due to the constant spike damage faced in this encounter which is the counter to Nature's Guardian.

          - 2nd Tier: The selection here is irrelevant as there is nothing that interacts favorably with any of the mechanics in this fight.

          - 3rd Tier: Call of the Elements is good to take here if you find yourself constantly dropping Healing Stream Totems. Otherwise, the selection here is largely irrelevant.

          - 4th Tier: This is a fight where controlled burst or frequent burst is EXTREMELY important for minimizing specific threats, so this caters to Elemental Mastery. The first phase adds are not enough justification to run Echo of the Elements.

          - 6th Tier: You want burst in this fight, so there is VERY strong incentive to pick up Primal Elementalist here.

          - 7th Tier: Just like with the 4th and 6th tiers, you want burst. Pick up Storm Elemental Totem.

     - Glyphs

          - Glyph of Healing Stream is useful to mitigate the constant sources of fire damage your raid will be pelted with. 

          - Glyph of Flame Shock is good for a bit of healing to counter the magical damage in this fight.

          - Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem is good for the constant burst requirements that the fight demands.

          - Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus is good for Phase 3 movement requirements but I find this glyph to be a dark horse compared to the other choices.

     - Tips

          - Phase One: During this phase, make sure to take any bombs placed on you or from the bag over to the furnace vent on your side. If you have the side dealing with Foreman Feldspar, watch for any Pyroclasm casts and interrupt them. Either single him out or base your cleave off him... otherwise, base your cleave off the Bellow Operators. 

          - Phase Two: If you've got a slag elemental after you, strafe to the primal elementalists using Spiritwalker's Grace to keep DPSing them as you do so, popping a defensive if you have one available for the remaining fixate duration. If there are no mages in your raid, it falls to you to purge the buff the elementalists get once their shield drops. Interrupt any firecallers that are free casting. 

          - Phase Three: When the Heart of the Mountain himself is out, the raid should be stacked in the back of the room to deal with Melt, moving along the back to buy the raid as much time as possible. Mind that fact if you're the stack point. Pop Heroism at ~30% or when the healers call for it. This is the most stressful portion of the fight for them. 


Beastlord Darmac

     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Nature's Guardian will trigger often enough that it is generally a good choice. Most of the damage is either dealt slowly or it is avoidable, but Stone Bulwark Totem might be helpful if you want to mitigate that damage. Astral Shift could work if you're more concerned about Tantrum damage. 

          - 2nd Tier: The selection here is irrelevant as nothing on this row interacts favorably with mechanics.

          - 3rd Tier: Call of the Elements is an excellent choice if you're constantly dropping Healing Stream Totem or Stone Bulwark Totems. Otherwise, the choices are mostly irrelevant.

          - 4th Tier: If you are being relied on for area damage for adds, then go with Echo of the Elements. If not, or you have quite a few true AoE classes, then stick with Elemental Mastery. The more burst you have, the less pressure the fight generally is. 

          - 6th Tier: For the same reasons as the 4th Tier, go for Primal Elementalist if you need AoE. Otherwise, either Unleashed Fury or Elemental Blast are roughly equal and good choices. 

          - 7th Tier: If you've picked Primal Elementalist, go with Storm Elemental Totem. Otherwise, go with Fusion for emphasis on single target or Liquid Magma if you're counted on for AoE.

     - Glyphs

          - Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem is great for lining up burst with each of Darmac's beasts. 

          - Glyph of Lightning Shield is great for mitigating some of the physical damage dealt in the encounter.

          - Glyph of Flame Shock is great for countering some of the magical damage dealt in the encounter.

          - Glyph of Chain Lightning is required if you're dealing with adds. The multistrike chance per cast ensures you won't have much trouble setting up Earthquake.

          - This is another fight where Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus is unnecessary as movement segments are too short to fully utilize the shorter cooldown this spell will have. Nonetheless, this glyph could help you if you are having to go to distant adds or go get a far off spear.

          - Glyph of Healing Stream Totem is great for assisting the raid with slightly mitigating the fire damage sustained but this glyph is a dark horse compared to other options. Only take this if healers are struggling.

     - Tips

          - Darmac: At all times, avoid spears. If you are asked to avoid DPSing them in the beginning to get more uptime, simply up a flame shock on them to whittle them down slowly and gain a slightly bigger single target burst for doing so. Pop defensive cooldowns during tantrum. Pop heroism during the last phase where it is just Darmac once again. 

          - Cruelfang: Not too much different from Darmac himself, just watch the charging path on Rend and Tear. Unleashed Fire works well to get out of the way. 

          - Ironcrusher: Again, nothing much changes here. Just pop Shamanistic Rage or another similar defensive during it. 

          - Dreadwing: Here is two things change. The spears become a top priority to clear, so you'll be switching targets fairly often. Avoid the breath attack or you're really going to regret it, fast. Unleashed Flame works wonders for that too. If healers are struggling, here would be the more appropriate time to begin timing Healing Stream Totem. 


Operator Thogar

     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Most of the damage is avoidable or slow to dish out, so you won't get too much out of any of them. If you'd like to mitigate some of it, Stone Bulwark Totem is good here. Otherwise, go for Nature's Guardian.

          - 2nd Tier: The selection on this row has no favorable interactions with mechanics, so this tier is irrelevant.

          - 3rd Tier: Call of the Elements could pan out in your favor if you're dropping a lot of Healing Stream Totems or Stone Bulwark Totems but otherwise, this row is largely irrelevant.

          - 4th Tier: Echo of the Elements will work out well here thanks to the dozens of add clumps. If your AoE isn't needed, go for Elemental Mastery. 

          - 6th Tier: Primal Elementalist is good here due to the amount of quick movements which may render Elemental Blast useless. Unleashed Fury is ill-advised due to the many short movement sequences. 

          - 7th Tier: This and Iron Maidens are two fights where Liquid Magma would be the wisest choice. Just time it carefully. If you're going to have to move more than a lane away, wait to pop Liquid Magma when you're closer to the add pack or you might end up wasting a GCD. If you struggle with this, go for Storm Elemental Totem. 

     - Glyphs

          - Glyph of Chain Lightning is required to deal with the many large add packs. 

          - Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus is great due to the many sequences of movement that are sometimes up to 6 seconds long. 

          - Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem is great for lining up with many raid splits. 

          - Glyph of Flame Shock is great for passive self-healing, since most of the damage is avoidable. You will find moments where healers will cast nothing on you and this glyph can slowly bring you up to full health.

     - Tips

          - Traffic Phase: This is where most of the movement occurs. Won't be moving that often and the train cooldown is such that you will have a movement CD or instant cast of some sort during each, so get used to popping them here. Same logic for Liquid Magma goes for Earthquake. If you see a train coming, denoted by open gates or lanterns on the gates denoting train type, avoid casting it unless you know it isn't coming through your lane. If possible, if you know the Split is coming, delay your CDs slightly to have them ready for that moment. Pop heroism at the start here. 

          - Split Phase: Here, you're trapped with your assigned group, not doing much movement. Here, you'll pop your AoE oriented CDs here if you have them and watch the pack just melt down. It would most likely be 2nd and 4th splits, if there is a 4th split, where you'd have your AoE CDs ready. Pop Ancestral Guidance on these packs too, it will give your healers a bit of breathing room. 


I'll work on getting the next five fights with tricks, talents, and glyph choices written down most likely tomorrow or Sunday. 

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 - 4th Tier: This is a fight where controlled burst or frequent burst is EXTREMELY important for minimizing specific threats, so this caters to Elemental Mastery. The first phase adds are not enough justification to run Echo of the Elements.


Depending on your raid comp, I would actually recommend running echo to be able to get rid of adds as much as possible, particularly if you can stack firecallers & guards close to primal elementalists in P2 for very efficient earthquakes.


Generally I'm not sure why you advise SET over EF "IF" you use PE. I assume this is a utility concern since last time I checked PE didn't buff SET's dps, and because SET is now very close and even overtakes EF with appropriate use ?


I really, really don't like glyph of fire elemental if the duration of the fight doesn't allow you one extra use, since the gcd and the movement + target capture time of the elemental make up for the extra cooldowns you can use to boost him (especially since you want echo most of the time anyway).I could see it if you need a bit of extra ST burst regularly but that's not really the case on most fights since the cooldown is still a bit too long : for Furnace certainly, for Darmac most likely as well and since it's a very long fight you'll most likely be using FET several times anyway.


Very solid advice overall though, and my experience could be warped a bit because I don't run BRF heroic on my shaman anymore (apart from blackhand).

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Micro, I agree with you on the point of taking EotE on Furnace if your group does that. My group does not do this, so my analysis and recommendation was a bit colored there. I should have been thinking about that, and for that, I apologize. I also apologize for my oversight with SET's damage with PE. I just assumed that it did amplify the damage until I read the fine print. As far as Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem, I'm not a fan of the glyph either... and I'm probably not doing all the right math to determine whether I can get away with the same usages per fight or not. I will learn from these things and rectify this in my future writing as I am able. 

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Blackrock Foundry Normal or Heroic, Second Five:


Hans'gar and Franzok

     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Nature's Guardian will serve the purpose well enough but if you feel you need to mitigate incoming damage, prefer Stone Bulwark Totem. 

          - 2nd Tier: The selection has no favorable interactions with mechanics and is irrelevant. 

          - 3rd Tier: If you find yourself dropping constant Healing Stream or Stone Bulwark Totems, take Call of the Elements. Otherwise, the tier is irrelevant for the fight.

          - 4th Tier: Echo of the Elements and Elemental Mastery are relatively equal but Echo of the Elements should pull ahead if you manage the interactions between it and Elemental Fusion correctly.

          - 6th Tier: If you think you can get away with it during the fight, go for Elemental Blast. If not, stick with Primal Elementalist and you won't notice much of a difference.

          - 7th Tier: Elemental Fusion works well here if you can keep empowered Flame Shocks on both bosses. If healers are somehow struggling, take Storm Elemental Totem.

     - Glyphs

          - Glyph of Lightning Shield is good for mitigating some of the physical damage throughout the fight. 

          - Glyph of Flame Shock is good for a bit of self healing. You will often not be sitting at full health so this glyph will not overshoot the mark on healing too badly.

          - Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus is great for handling the more frequent stamper movement in the fight.

          - Alternatively, Glyph of Spiritwalker's Grace is also great for handling the stamper movement in the fight. Choose how you'd like to do it, frequent bursts of movement or one long stream of movement. 

     - Tips

          - Bosses together: Find a piece of solid ground where the conveyor belt isn't, make sure nobody else is nearby, and then enjoy standing still for a while. Make sure to have Flame Shock rolling on the targets as much as possible, since they share health and those two ticking will ensure you have enough Lava Bursts to send them to their earthen graves. Pop heroism during the beginning portion when they are both down, though you might have to hold it until the last 15% of their health if healers are struggling.

          - Searing Plates: Keep still on that piece of solid ground you found. Unlike the stampers, these plates don't completely cover the conveyor belt lanes, so just move to the side of solid ground that isn't covered. 

          - Stampers: This is the part I'd save Spiritwalker's Grace for. There are three different patterns. There is an 0 shaped pattern, an S shaped pattern, and a V shaped pattern. Try to just cast through it all with Spiritwalker's Grace. You do not want to go Ghost Wolf if you don't have to, you'll lose MASSIVE amounts of DPS. No DPS loss is worth your life though, so if you run out of options and you are required to move out, move out.


Flamebender Ka'graz

     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: A good portion of the damage is avoidable but if you would prefer to mitigate large spikes or Firestorm, take Astral Shift. Otherwise, Nature's Guardian is a good choice.

          - 2nd Tier: The selection has no favorable interactions with mechanics, so they are irrelevant. 

          - 3rd Tier: If you find yourself consistently dropping Healing Stream Totem, take Call of the Elements. Otherwise, the choices are largely irrelevant.

          - 4th Tier: Echo of the Elements and Elemental Mastery are relatively equal here. There is no specific encounter goal other than DPSing wolves down at a equal rate and that's accomplished through group tactics. Take your choice on preference.

          - 6th Tier: Any of the choices here are relatively equal here. If you feel like you'd end up being unlucky with movement, you can go with Primal Elementalist or Elemental Blast, with a slight preference for Primal Elementalist. 

          - 7th Tier: Elemental Fusion is probably the preferred choice with Echo of the Elements. If your healers are struggling, take Storm Elemental Totem.

     - Glyphs

          - Glyph of Flame Shock is good for helping against the fire damage in this fight.

          - Glyph of Healing Stream Totem is good for helping the raid mitigate the fire damage in this fight. 

          - Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus is good if you get caught kiting the wolf for its fixate. 

     - Tips

          - Watch where you stand. Stay spread out, avoid any ground effects, and take the Molten Torrent to the melee and tanks. It is tempting to use Spiritwalker's Grace on Molten Torrent. Resist this urge, as you need to be sure you're not going to get a fixate later. Use any instant casts, Unleashed Fire, and totem refreshes to minimize your loss on the way there and back. If your healers need help, do not hesitate to pop Ancestral Guidance and Healing Stream Totem during Firestorm. For wolves, if you've got the fixate, this is the time to pop your Spiritwalker's Grace and kite it. being sure not to kite into other players as much as you can help it, though they need to mind you as well and move. Pop heroism during the start of the fight since there will be no other reasonable times to DPS fully unfettered. 



     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Most of the damage is avoidable, slow to dish out, or is handled by a mechanic. Nature's Guardian will serve the purpose well enough by triggering likely when you need it but if you prefer to mitigate damage, Stone Bulwark Totem is good for handling damage you'll be dealt by the breaths in the encounter. If you are concerned with mitigating larger amounts of damage less frequently, Astral Shift can be useful (thanks to Raz415 for this tip)

          - 2nd Tier: The selection has no favorable interactions for the encounter, so they are irrelevant.

          - 3rd Tier: Also largely irrelevant, but if you drop Healing Stream Totem or Stone Bulwark Totem consistently, then take Call of the Elements.

          - 4th Tier: Do NOT be fooled by the Grasping Runes of the encounter. It is easy to say that Echo of Elements is a prime choice for removing them, when it is not. The runes are spread apart in such a way that your AoE and cleaving will be rendered largely useless. Talent into Elemental Mastery to help with bursting Kromog down. 

          - 6th Tier: As with 4th Tier, you want burst. Take Primal Elementalist here.

          - 7th Tier: As with 6th Tier, you want burst. Grab Storm Elemental Totem. Your healers here will love you a lot while it is up. 

     - Glyphs

          - Glyph of Lightning Shield is good for handling the physical damage of the encounter. 

          - Glyph of Healing Stream Totem is good during Grasping Runes to offset the nature damage the runes do while protecting your raid. 

          - Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus is good for the moving out of the Rippling Smashes that happen. 

          - Glyph of Flame Shock is decent for a bit of self healing but it is a dark horse compared to the other three glyphs.

     - Tips

          - For this fight, single target burst and busting important grasping runes down is the most important thing, along with avoiding all kinds of avoidable damage. Use Spiritwalker's Grace to get out of a rippling smash if it is in your general direction. Use Unleashed Fire to avoid Reverberations. Use any instant cast spell you have to allow yourself to move out of Runes of Crushing Earth. During Grasping Runes, be sure to drop your Healing Stream Totem if you've glyphed it. Bust out tanks first, then healers, then melee DPS, then ranged DPS and yourself. Pop heroism during the last 30% when he frenzies and becomes extremely dangerous. 


Iron Maidens

     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Astral Shift is preferable here to handle damage spikes, which are quite frequent throughout the fight. These spikes perfectly counter Nature's Guardian and Stone Bulwark Totem will not stand up to the damage. 

          - 2nd Tier: Nothing on this row interacts favorably with the mechanics, so the choices are irrelevant.

          - 3rd Tier: Largely irrelevant but if you find yourself dropping Healing Stream Totem or Capacitor Totem consistently, you can take Call of the Elements.

          - 4th Tier: Echo of the Elements wins by a landslide here. Use this to help you evenly DPS the Maidens. Just be wary of popping Earthquake when severe disparities of health exist between them. 

          - 6th Tier: Primal Elementalist is pretty decent for the cleaving on this fight. Too much movement throttles Unleashed Fury here, and Elemental Blast doesn't really help you do the job you are supposed to do in the encounter. 

          - 7th Tier: Liquid Magma also wins by a landslide here. If all three Maidens are together, the gobs of magma will get all three. Just like with Earthquake, be aware of differing health percents between the Maidens. If healers are struggling, you can take Storm Elemental Totem.

     - Glyphs

          - Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem is good for the maximizing the usage of Primal Elementalist bonuses here. You can easily get 3-4 uses out of it. 

          - Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus is good for the many medium (4-6 seconds) length movements in the encounter. 

          - Glyph of Flame Shock is good for mitigating the magical damage of the encounter. 

          - Glyph of Shamanistic Rage is good for dispelling debuffs off yourself here, just be wary of using it in this way since you may not have it for the damage spikes you need it on. 

          - Glyph of Lightning Shield is decent for mitigating slightly the instances of physical damage but it is a dark horse compared to the other glyphs. 

     - Tips

          - Garan: This Maiden will be shooting up the raid a fair bit and her damage is split evenly between physical and fire damage. Your primary concern with her abilities comes up with Penetrating Shot and Rapid Fire. Move in using instant casts and Unleashed Fire for Penetrating Shot while using Spiritwalker's Grace for Rapid Fire, since you'll be doing the most movement for this mechanic. Once Turrets deploy, watch the fireballs. Either switch with the other ranged to kill that turret or avoid the fireballs for the remainder of Iron Fury. 

               - Garan's Dreadnought: If you get assigned to deal with Dreadnoughts, make sure that you watch for Earthen Barrier and Earthen Pool casts, while spreading out to deal with Chain Lightning and Grapeshot Blast.

          - Marak: This maiden will be cleaving up the raid and tanks with her various blood abilities that deal shadow or physical damage. Use any instant casts to avoid Blood Ritual unless you are the recipient, in which case, stay PERFECTLY still. Use Unleashed Fire to help create some distance for Bloodsoaked Heartseeker. When she starts using Sanguine Strikes, this is where you want your defensive cooldowns available. 

               - Marak's Dreadnought: If you get assigned to deal with Dreadnoughts, make sure that you overlap as many Corrupted Blood pools as possible. This is the perfect time to practice your "stutterstepping" DPS routine. No other abilities exist for this dreadnought.

          - Sorka: This maiden teleports around and is the madhouse of the Maidens, with her abilities dealing a mix of physical or shadow damage. Stay spread out for Blade Dash. Self-dispel Convulsive Shadows if you're about topped off or tell healers to let yours tick down slowly. When she starts using Dark Hunt, be prepped with a defensive cooldown when the debuff is about to drop off if you can.

               - Sorka's Dreadnought: If you get assigned to deal with Dreadnoughts, stack on top of Gorak and let loose with your AoE abilities here. Pop Healing Stream Totem and Ancestral Guidance to help with the increased damage from stacking up like this. After your healing lets up, pop Capacitor Totem and the stun will help with decreasing damage further from fixated adds. Here is where you'll get the most use out of your Call of the Elements if you've taken it, using it to get a 2nd Capacitor Totem and 2nd Healing Stream totem consecutively. 

          - Miscellaneous: If you're not doing Dreadnoughts, watch for the bomb pattern. If you've got Spiritwalker's Grace ready, you can use it here to DPS while most of the bombs are falling and detonating. Ancestral Guidance needs to be ready toward the end of the fight for you to help your healers, so hold it if you have to. Pop heroism during Iron Fury and probably focus on either Garan or Marak, depending on what your raid finds difficult to deal with. 



     - Talents

          - 1st Tier: Stone Bulwark Totem is a good choice for a lot of the periodic damage of the fight but if spikes are a major concern, run Astral Shift. 

          - 2nd Tier: Nothing in this tier has any favorable interactions with mechanics, so it is totally irrelevant. 

          - 3rd Tier: Due to the constant fire damage being dispensed, Call of the Elements is a very solid choice for consistently dropping Healing Stream Totem and Stone Bulwark Totems. Otherwise, the choices are largely irrelevant. 

          - 4th Tier: Burst is your best friend here. The faster you push Blackhand, the faster the fight is done, and the faster the damage periods end for healers. Pick up Elemental Mastery here. 

          - 6th Tier: Just like with 4th Tier, go for burst damage. Pick up Primal Elementalist. The really chaotic movement in the phases ensures the other two talents in this row are rendered absolutely useless. 

          - 7th Tier: Elemental Fusion and Storm Elemental Totem are roughly equal but you're really going to want the burst and additional healing that Storm Elemental Totem provides in 1st and 3rd phases.

     - Glyphs

          - Glyph of Flame Shock is good for a bit of self-healing. Due to constantly streaming bits of damage, you'll often be sitting below full health. This makes this glyph do less overhealing and is a good choice defensively. 

          - Glyph of Healing Stream Totem is good for mitigating the fire damage the raid takes throughout the fight. Your healers will love you if you choose this. 

          - Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus helps for some of the medium length movement segments in the fight. It also helps you immensely if you are assigned to kite Siegemaker Machines in phase 2. 

          - Glyph of Fire Elemental is good as it might allow you to squeeze in more burst more often, especially if you've taken Elemental Fusion. It becomes a dark horse if you've taken Storm Elemental Totem since it interferes with maximizing Fire Elemental usage. 

     - Tips

          - 1st Phase: This phase is the easiest to deal with but if the raid messes up a bunch, you might be seeing a lot of it. Stay in the center of the room to get the debris to fall there and make it real easy to predict which direction the Impale is going to go. Do not confuse that sentence for NOT moving as far away from the debris piles as possible while they are falling... you just need to not go where the tanks are going to kite the slag mines or other abilities. 

          - 2nd Phase: This phase is of medium difficulty. If you're not kiting the Siegemaker (leave it to a hunter or two if possible), then stay in the relative middle of the room. Avoid the notion of not having to move though. Fire or impales makes staying still hard to do. Take an impale to the siegemaker to down it faster, using Spiritwalker's Grace or Unleashed Fire to do so. If you are kiting Siegemakers, do as much as you can with Spiritwalker's Grace but you are almost effectively dead weight. Put flame shocks on Blackhand and Siegemakers, spend anything instant you can, and then just do the job you are assigned. That's all you can do. 

          - 3rd Phase: This phase is the hardest. Essentially, impales need to be taken toward the center of the room and slag bombs toward the edge of the room and overlapped when possible while not detonating the bombs on other players. Use Unleashed Flame or Spiritwalker's Grace in either case. Pop any defensive cooldowns during the Shattering Smashes, and use Heroism either right after the first knockback or during the last 40 seconds of the fight.  

Edited by Uthedicia
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On Flamebender Ka'graz, I like to use Storm Elemental Totem and Primal Elementalist. Using SET on pull, I have found that the first pack of wolves comes a few seconds after the 1 minute shared cooldown of the Fire Elemental is over. For the second pack, Ascendance will be off cooldown again. Although I have to admit, it's not that great if you get Fixated during Ascendance, even with Spiritwalker's Grace.


On Kromog, I agree with everything except for the first tier. I think that Astral shift is best, to mitigate as many of the Stone Breaths as possible (as most of damage taken comes from those if you properly avoid damage). Having 2 damage reduction skills on short CDs is too good to pass up imo. Echo of the Elements is good if the other damage dealers are struggling with Hands, but there are many other classes that can handle them much better (hunters with barrage, warriors with bladestorm and ravager). If the others are doing their job properly, Echo of the Elements is a waste, because the hands will be melted down quick anyway.

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I did not consider it that way, Raz. That probably would be somewhat valuable since Stone Breaths are a large concern. However, they occur so often that you are taking many of them unmitigated. Astral Shift has a longer CD, so the additional reduction that comes with it is balanced out. Not to mention, if you're taking Call of the Elements, as NONE of the fights benefit from Totemic Projection or Totemic Persistence, Stone Bulwark Totem can be used quite a bit more often. It could probably lean toward either talent in any case, so I'll pen it in. Thanks for your insight. 

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Feldar, it isn't that Ancestral Swiftness is bad but it doesn't really interact favorably with anything in the rotation. 

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      # 2x (2) Flametongue Totem
      # 2x (2) Serpent Ward
      # 2x (2) Totem Golem
      # 1x (2) Trick Totem
      # 1x (2) Vitality Totem
      # 1x (3) Grand Totem Eys'or
      # 1x (3) Instructor Fireheart
      # 2x (3) Mana Tide Totem
      # 2x (3) Totemic Reflection
      # 2x (4) Draenei Totemcarver
      # 2x (4) Splitting Axe
      # 2x (5) Totem Goliath
      # 2x (6) Thing from Below
      # 1x (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder


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