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FFXIV - New Guide to The Final Fantasy XIV Tabletop Role-Playing Game!

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The brand new Final Fantasy XIV Tabletop Role-Playing Game is officially releasing, and you can already pre-order it! Here is all the information you need!

The standard Rulebook is available for pre-order! Create your own adventure from scratch, explore the beautiful world of Final Fantasy XIV, and experience this new Tabletop Role-playing Game (TTRPG) together with your friends!

You can pre-order three different sets for the TTRPG:

  • The Starter Set: This one comes with preset scenarios and characters, a set of FFXIV specific Dices, and a few other useful items! The only thing you will need to add is a writing tool! You can pre-order the Starter Set Here.


  • Standard Rulebook: A helpful 320-page guide with all the info you need to create characters or write your own scenarios. It also registers all the lore related information you will need such as a complete data base you can refer to for various rules, item details, gear information, and more! You can pre-order the Standard Rulebook Here.


  • Standard Rulebook Deluxe Edition: The deluxe edition will be the perfect choice for players who want the full FFXIV TTRPG experience. It contains the Rulebook, waymark tokens, an acrylic player board, metal coins, metal dices, a double-sided encounter map with a 16x20 grid that can be drawn on with a dry erase marker, and much more! You can pre-order the Standard Rulebook Deluxe Edition Here.


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