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Competition of CoW with PW:S and other spells

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In most fights I find it more beneficial to throw PW:S around, than to use CoW. In addition, the healing per second of PW:S is higher, so there is mathematically/technically no reason to not do that, if it is optimal to do it for the raid setup/particular situation. As a result I find it more beneficial in fights that give that feel (not 5mans!) to get that weak auto-mending spell, since I won't be using CoW anyway.



Edited by fateswarm

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PWS is going to dominate your cast percentage.  CoW will more than likely be second on the list.  Use CoW as a filler on a tank with Weakened Soul or a debuffed player taking damage.  PoM is really bad right now for Disc and your GCDs and Mana are better spend elsewhere with the exception of prepull

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From a Holy point of view, should I also not cast PoM and spend my GCD's on something else (especially when having Words of Mending talent)?

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I find PoM weak too, but if CoW is going to be used only before a pull in some fights, it might be better. I mean, what fights actually get a benefit from only one or two pre-shields? Not many.

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From a Holy point of view, should I also not cast PoM and spend my GCD's on something else (especially when having Words of Mending talent)?


From a Holy PoV yes.  PoM is still a viable heal especially coupled with WoMPoM

I find PoM weak too, but if CoW is going to be used only before a pull in some fights, it might be better. I mean, what fights actually get a benefit from only one or two pre-shields? Not many.

PoM is generally avoided now by Disc during combat.  CoW is not. Kargath is a great example of CoW shining. If both tanks have Weakened Soul... there is not a whole lot of dmg going going.. and you are not the only healer.  CoW will be far and above your second heal in total heal/absorb and in total casts counter.  If you find an encounter where you are not using CoW at all and still downing the boss then WoMPoM will def fit your playstyle better.

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Interesting that both of you only cast it on tanks, or rather the worst tank. I'm also jealous you've kicked other discs out of the raid, I have another 1 and "the debuf" becomes annoying. I hope by using CoW more I may avoid that annoyance a bit.


Though to be honest, if I'm not focused on tank healing, I see little change on my beliefs.


When I see "I have to heal the whole raid" there is little time other than archangel/pw:s.

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I use it exclusiveley on tanks and IMO thats the only real use for it other than a few select other instances ie the dps that is soaking to get the shield on Ko'ragh.


CoW is definitely not a raid heal. The disc AoE outside of AA PoH, Cascade and shield spam is weak compared to the druids, monks etc.


This means that i dont try to do any more raid healing than that and i stick to tanks and bubbling.

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Ive been tank healing so far in Highmaul, and CoW spam works brilliantly, able to keep both tanks up with little input from other healers. More often than not my CoW does more healing than a total healer in my raid. However that is situational, and maybe a little bit strange for a disc priest to take that role.

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Ive been tank healing so far in Highmaul, and CoW spam works brilliantly, able to keep both tanks up with little input from other healers. More often than not my CoW does more healing than a total healer in my raid. However that is situational, and maybe a little bit strange for a disc priest to take that role.

Disc is very strong at tank healing(or healing other single targets taking a lot of damage), along with holy pallies. Wherever possible try and get a role tank healing because that's where you'll shine. You can raid heal, but it's not your strength, other classes do that better.

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I've gone through some of the content today on CoW. It seems viable in most fights. However, I noticed a very clear attribute of it: if the raid is undergeared (we were trying some heroic modes on pretty much crappy gear) it really gets the back seat, since a tank that goes to 50 or 60% isn't really the best canditate for CoW, especially when the rest of the raid may need some filling up, in which case pw:s, penance, some flash heal (oom allowing) and partial archangel really take the front seat.

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since a tank that goes to 50 or 60% isn't really the best canditate for CoW, especially when the rest of the raid may need some filling up, in which case pw:s, penance, some flash heal (oom allowing) and partial archangel really take the front seat.

I would somewhat disagree here.


I believe that if Weakened soul is present and a tank is in some trouble the CoW could be the buffer that it needed for the Renew, Rejuv, ReM, Env Mist, Holy shock etc to top up the HP.


It is not every healers job to heal every raider. If each healer only heals to their strengths then you will end up with mana efficient healing that works together.


If you stop stacking CoW then the effective tank HP drops and then you may end up with 4 healrs healing the 1 tank and then you get an over heal problem. CoW will not overheal unless it expires, this is a very important thing to remember.

My CoW is a 2.2 second cast time and i know i can get 70 - 150k bubble at a time so if the tank isnt going to die in that 2 second window then CoW IMO would especially be the best spell to use. 

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I've gone through some of the content today on CoW. It seems viable in most fights. However, I noticed a very clear attribute of it: if the raid is undergeared (we were trying some heroic modes on pretty much crappy gear) it really gets the back seat, since a tank that goes to 50 or 60% isn't really the best canditate for CoW, especially when the rest of the raid may need some filling up, in which case pw:s, penance, some flash heal (oom allowing) and partial archangel really take the front seat.

I feel the opposite, the fact that CoW is so spammable on tanks means your giving them a massive, effective, health buffer. Your tanks health increased by 100K+ before actual healing takes effect. I tend to let the tank take a hit before applying absorbs to allow passive and self healing to fill that dead zone in the hp bar. I started using disc the moment I hit 100 to PvP with, and transfered straight over to Heroics, CM, and Raids, no matter the gear. Admittedly any under geared tank is harder to heal for any healer, but as said, the loss of DR is compensated for with the absorbs. Providing you are group healing or topping, I can see how CoW would be limited in effectiveness, I would personally go holy if i wasnt healing a small group or a tank.

Edited by Ichigaki

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Clarity of Will is amazing.  You have your own separate health bar that no other healer (save another Discipline Priest) can affect.  It's awesome!

You show them meters brother!

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I don't think another disc can affect your CoW.

I think priests can both cast CoW contributing to the maximum absorb of 50% of the targets HP. Dont believe theres an exclusive "More powerful spell is already active". Cant confirm either way.

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