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Problem with BM hunter taming

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Here it is a few days after these changes to the classes and I can't believe this one is happening - As a BM Hunter, I cannot tame a single beast. I have no active pets, am level 71, have the new single pet talent or with the old two pet talent and I get a message when I try to tame, that I need to be Beast Master, have no active pet, etc, etc, etc.  What gives? Seems Blizzard takes 1 step forward and 4 backwards, messing with things (in this case talents) with no play testing to see if something is broke. And I have to ask why? Listening to the ultimate fan boys who play on $18000 systems and have no life?  Thanks for reading -a frustrated Beast Master hunter in 11.0.1.


Update - I can tame a lvl 30 wolf with no problem, but not a lvl 70 bear that doesn't require anything special. Also, can't rename a pet that doesn't have a name but it's class (hound, wolf, etc). 🤯

Edited by Roo

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