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Final Fantasy XIV - Famitsu Interview with Yoshi P Breakdown!

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Yoshi-P discusses Patch 7.2 updates, including the new 48-man raid, and major changes for the future of the game. Find out what is next for FFXIV!

With Patch 7.2 on the horizon, Naoki Yoshida (Yoshi-P) sat down with Famitsu for a detailed interview. While this happened before the latest Letter from the Producer Live, there is still some information that was discussed during the Famitsu interview, but not detailed during the PLL.

This interview covered a lot of the upcoming content, including new gameplay systems, adjustments to existing mechanics, and the introduction of Occult Crescent and Cosmic Exploration.

Here is a breakdown of the key information from the interview that were not shared during PLL:

Shift in Game Design Philosophy


During the 6.x series, the development team focused on always making the solo experience in Final Fantasy XIV better. However, moving forward with Dawntrail and beyond, Yoshi P wants the core philosophy to return to its MMORPG roots, saying that: "It's more fun when you play with others!"

Combat Adjustments and PvE Content

  • The second tier of Savage content in 7.2 is expected to be more challenging than the first.
  • Job balance changes are coming, including adjustments to Pictomancer and other jobs.
  • A grace period will continue to be added before the release of the Savage raid tier, allowing you to progress through the Main Scenario Quest (MSQ) and craft new gear before the Savage tier begins.
  • A new Deep Dungeon is in development for Patch 7.3.
  • The long-teased in-game whiteboard/raid-planning feature is also coming for 7.3.

Quality-of-Life Enhancements

  • Sprinting in safe zones (such as cities) will now trigger a new buff called "Jog" when it expires. Jog slightly boosts movement speed but does not expire while in safe areas. You can still use Sprint while under the effect of Jog.
  • Players will finally be able to mount while moving, reducing the delay in mounting up.
  • The rollout of new content will follow a structured timeline:
    • Patch 7.2 will have normal patch content.
    • Four weeks later, Cosmic Exploration will be added.
    • Another four weeks later, Occult Crescent will start.

Occult Crescent - The New Field Operation

occult crescent image.jpg

Occult Crescent is the next large-scale instanced content, following in the footsteps of Eureka and Bozja:

  • The zone's size will be comparable to Bozja.
  • It will launch with 12 Support Jobs (also called Phantom Jobs in English), with more coming in future updates.
  • A 48-man raid will be introduced, and you will have to use the Support Jobs.
  • Similar to Bozja, a second exploration zone will be added in the future.
  • Support Jobs work different from standard combat jobs and can be swapped without class restrictions.
  • You will start with three Support Jobs and unlock more through progression.
  • You have to level up your Knowledge Level, Support Jobs, and gear to progress in OC.
  • No map story progress restrictions, allowing you to explore and unlock aetherytes early on.

With occult Crescent, the development team wanted to take the best aspects of both Eureka and Bozja and make something new and better. Additionally, you will need to progress through this zone to get your Phatom Relic weapons, but Yoshi P stated that the process to get those will be more accessible this time.

Cosmic Exploration - A New Gathering & Crafting Experience

cosmic epxlo image.jpg

Cosmic Exploration is a new large-scale map inspired by the Ishgardian Restoration:

  • Each major patch will introduce a new planet to develop and explore.
  • The first location is the Moon, where you will settle a base for future space operations.
  • Loporrits will be your little assistants.
  • The UI will be similar to the Island Sanctuary, with nice menus for easier navigation.
  • Unique Gameplay Elements are present such as random unexpected events, some of which will be multi-player.
  • You will have a lottery system for a chance to get rare rewards.

More details were revealed in the Letter from the Producer Live. We did a breakdown of everything in the following news, so do not hesitate to check it out if you missed it: FFXIV Letter from the Producer LIVE Breakdown.

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      All Jobs
      Action   Adjustment Guard   Effect duration has been reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.
      Movement speed reduction has been decreased from 50% to 33%. Paladin
      Action   Adjustment Holy Spirit   Healing potency has been reduced from 8,000 to 6,000. Intervene   Recast time has been increased from 12 to 15 seconds. Monk
      Action   Adjustment Wind's Reply   Additional damage from the Pressure Point effect has been increased from 10,000 to 12,000. Meteodrive   Range has been increased from 15 to 20 yalms. Ninja
      Action   Adjustment Fuma Shuriken   Recast time has been reduced from 12 to 10 seconds. Dokumori   Recast time has been increased from 20 to 24 seconds.
      Effect duration has been reduced from 10 to 8 seconds. Bunshin   Potency of the additional damage granted by Bunshin has been reduced from 4,000 to 2,000 when using Forked Raiju or Fleeting Raiju.
      Additional damage granted by Bunshin will no longer ignore the effects of Guard when using Assassinate. Doton   Reduction to damage taken has been reduced from 20% to 15%. Seiton Tenchu   Now ignores the effects of Guard when dealing damage. Samurai
      Action   Adjustment HP   Reduced from 63,000 to 61,500. Zanshin   Potency has been increased from 5,000 to 6,000. Viper
      Action   Adjustment HP   Increased from 60,000 to 61,500. World-swallower   Movement speed has been increased from 25% to 50%. Ouroboros   Damage converted into HP has been increased from 50% to 100%. Bard
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      Action   Adjustment Blast Charge   Number of Heat stacks required to grant Overheated has been reduced from 5 to 4. Dancer
      Action   Adjustment Saber Dance   When striking multiple targets, potency has been changed to 12,000 for the first target and 8,000 for all remaining enemies. Dance of the Dawn   When striking multiple targets, potency has been changed to 15,000 for the first target and 10,000 for all remaining enemies. Black Mage
      Action   Adjustment Lethargy   Reduction to target's damage dealt has been increased from 25% to 33%.
      Duration of target damage reduction has been increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
      Heavy effect duration has been reduced from 4 to 3 seconds.
      Recast time has been reduced from 16 to 15 seconds. Pictomancer
      Action   Adjustment Holy in White   Potency has been increased from 8,000 to 9,000. Smudge   Recast time has been reduced from 16 to 12 seconds. Tempera Grassa   Barrier potency has been increased from 6,000 to 8,000.
      Tempera Coat recast time is no longer reduced when the barrier is completely absorbed. Crystalline Conflict
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      The Palaistra
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      The duration of the Swift Sprint status given at each team's starting point when the tactical crystal has not cleared either checkpoint will be reduced from 4 to 3 seconds. The duration of the Swift Sprint status given at a team's starting point when the tactical crystal has cleared the opposing team's checkpoint will be reduced from 8 to 6 seconds.
      The following text command has been added:
      Command   Description /photograph   USAGE:
      /photograph [subcommand]

      →Take out your instant camera and snap a photo.

       motion Perform motion only.

      Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
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