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Prismatic crystal and skada/recount bug

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So ive been using skada for 5.4 and i was doing more-less same dmg as i should as frost mage with PC after buffs. That means, being at top 5 dps. In numbers that would be 24k cca. Later i decided to update skada and my dps at skada was waaaay lower. Roughly 5k less dps. So what do you think whats more accurate, ofc it should be the newest skada but its just doesnt fit into new frost's sims and according to wowprogress personal sim i do 25k ( as old skada saying). What should i do? Is my real dps really that lower than as expected or what? Any input would be cool, thanks in front.



here is warcraft logs https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/3w7arBfcbyMCXZtp#fight=2&type=summary


as well saying i did less dmg. My skada said i was 3rd with 25k dpsHowever i bumped into this on forums "I am looking at my logs tonight from the last instance I did. Just double checked and it is not listed under enemies I damaged during encounters, but it is listed under Enemies Damage Taken. Doesn't look like it is adding it overall damage adding things up."

Edited by Blackd

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the old skada had a bug where it was double counting prismatic crystal damage...by this i mean i t was counting the dps u did to the crystal as well as the damage to the boss....new skada should be less dps because it correceted this error...that said, skada and recount are pretty bad addons for dps measuring (i.e Korgath)...always use logs to measure ur dps and the ones you posted seem accurate


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ur friends are casting more frostbolts than u by an average of 10+ frostbolts, make sure ur getting positioned quicker... also  frostfire bolt should be higher...could be a case of rng procs but can still be controlled if u use ur water jet CD better and set up some nice multstrikes with FB and ice nova....the opener seems a little clunky from wat i can see...wat i like to do on my PC opener is ...Prepot, pop MI at 2 secs before bull and then start casting frostbolt along with water jet with pet to get my 2 FoF (maybe stack a brain freeze or 2 if rng goes ur way).... Pop CDs and PC...use my 2 FoF then pop frozen orb....then  again its a preference thing...



that said 21k isnt the end of the world.. u can probably bump it to 22-23k easy enough...its all about aligning your CDs with PC....use MI on CD since its barely a  4 min fight......def make sure ur second icy veins is algined with PC at all cost along with ur 2nd pot if u are prepotting....flasks, pots and food buff always help u over the edge....


if u find it challenging to align PC...try thermal void (i use TV for all fights except Kargath and Butcher because of movement)...with TV u lose some burst but extend you icy veins duration, again given that RNG goes ur way it can actually even out without u having to worry about aligning PC.... ill try n get some logs tonight and post ive been lazy and not logging

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