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Affliction Single Target Butcher

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Hi, I would like some inputs in how I am playing Affliction.


Here is a log of some Butcher Heroic attempts I did while playing affliction. In my guild I play Destro as I am better at that, but another warlock who is 10 ilvls lower than me, can sometimes beat me on Kargath/Butcher.


I prefer playing whichever spec does the most dmg and it seems on these 2 fights at least, that affliction is best.


Would appreciate inputs.



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71% Uptime on Agony

66% Uptime on Unstable Affliction

68.3 Uptime on Corruption


These need to be as close to 100% as possible. If you can increase these numbers you will notice a significant increase in your damage.

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Looking at Wipe #2: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/mRXgF8y3HNtKbkdP#type=damage-done&fight=2


UA and Corruption uptimes are 95 and 96%.  This should never be below 99%.  DoT uptime for Affliction is objective #1, #2, and #3.  These MUST always be up.


13 Haunts in 5:06 seems awfully...low.  That comes out to an average of around 2.5 per minute, or one every 25 seconds. 


Nothing else to say about Affliction - it's that boring.  DoT uptimes maxed, Haunt properly used.  Nothing else to consider.

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Hi and thanks for the feedback.


I do try and keep my DOTs up with Agony being the main priority. Good to have something to strive towards i.e. 100% uptime.


With regards to Haunt usage I am a bit uncertain. From what I've read it should be similar to Chaos Bolt usage. Only using it to prevent capping and during procs/buffs.


I was often sitting on 2/3 Shards and just waiting for a proc or for cooldowns. I think that's why my Haunt usage is low. I only used it when my Alchemist trinket proc'd, the pull, heroism, DS.


On Drain Soul: is it a damage loss to interrupt the cast to re-apply a DOT or cast Haunt? Should I leave it to complete?


I am also uncertain on which trinkets are best for Affliction. I have Sandman's Pouch, Draenic Philospher's stone atm. But I am feeling that sandman's pouch isn't that great for Affliction. I have ilvl630 on-use haste and multistrike trinkets in my bag though.

Edited by idovoodoo

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I havent updated the guide yet, was planning on doing that tonight or tomorrow once I get some more data. 


Even at these really low gear/haste levels Aff gets enough shards that you can sit on one or two comfortably, since trinket procs are fairly long lasting and far between each proc I've been going for max coverage of haunt debuff within my trinket uptimes Vs. max haunt damage.


Sandman's is fairly crummy for Aff since it is a crit proc and crit is so low on the charts for us. The raw int is really good though. Without simming you I would go with the general rule of ilvl>stats since you're looking at a difference of 10 ilvl.


You should have an addon that allows  you to see the ticks of Drain Soul, Gnosis, Castbar, DrainSouler, etc. so that you can clip DS right after a tick to reapply DoTs/cast Haunt. 

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Locky on Elvui with drain soul. It is split into 4 little segments on your cast bar. The last tick of DS would come in the last little segment? Maybe halfway thru that last bar? I just started running Elvui over LUI and I also am trying to max DS use. I feel I am clipping dots on that. 


This is my butcher log just as a reference. 



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  On 12/12/2014 at 3:02 PM, Budman said:

Locky on Elvui with drain soul. 


I have no idea, ElvUI gives me a migraine to use - something about the colors in it - so I've only ever used it for 2 days in early MSV. 


I use Gnosis and it dynamically updates based  on my haste to show my ticks, it has little hash marks in the cast bar marking each tick. I normally clip it right after the last tick for recasting DS and as close to right after a tick if I need to break it early for Haunt/DoTs.


Also keep in mind that clipping like that is based on your MS. I run about 71MS so I can clip it with ease, but the more MS you have the more annoying it can be. If your MS is erratic you're screwed since you can't plan it well.

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My MS is low 60's so it works well for me. I can try that little trick with it. I am just trying to get as much as I can out of that DS. 

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Not sure if Elv updates dynamically tbh.  Will test myself later. I'm assuming the bar will just start moving faster since the 4 ticks are fixed.

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