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Resto stat priority

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Hey guys, I've been reading a lot lately about the resto shammy stat priority, as I've been playing one as my main since cataclysm and the oppinions seem to be divergent. We all seem to agree on 2 things:

1. Mastery is our best overall stat.

2. Spirit is recommended on as much items as possible (trinkets, rings, neck, back)

Regarding the other stats, versatility is a flat increase in output and is put at the bottom of the priority chain (makes sense) and I have never been fond of haste because I feel my uptime on tidal waves makes casting times good enough. Also with the removal of haste-caps and extra ticks it's lost some of its appeal and I would rather not consume my mana faster than it already is. I'm left with crit and multistrike and here's where I'm becoming more and more confused...most people say crit is a must but resurgence gives back such little mana in wod it makes me doubt its potential, feels like too much of a gamble. Multistrike seems to scale better (I'm not sure if multistrikes can crit and cause resurgence too) and I've opted to go with it resulting in this priority:


any thoughts or recommandations on this dillemma of stat priorities?

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Hi, Dragneel and welcome to the forum!

You can read here  the most recent forum discussion regarding resto shaman stats priority. Including links to theorycraft and tables :)

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Hi there Dragneel, Pandacho linked the best discussion we have on stats at present and I encourage you to read it. I'd like to just pick up on a few important things here as well.


While Haste breakpoints have gone, Haste does still increase your healing done by HoTs. It's just that now the Haste does it at any Haste level. Haste's actual HPS increase is the second highest of all our stats (Mastery is the best at 55% HP or lower). In small increments, it doesn't even noticeably increase your mana usage provided that you are making good spell selection choices.


Multistrikes can Crit, yes. I don't think that MS can cause Resurgence, but I don't know that for sure.


Overall, I think that people severely underrate Haste as a stat right now.

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Hey guys and thank you for your replies.smile.png

I have read that certain topic, but I found it was more focused on stat output rather than actual overall usefulness (for expample crit also returning mana via resurgence). I have also read the numbers on haste and it seems to have a high output but that really depends on the player's rotation, tidal waves uptime, glyphs and so forth...never really been a fan of it as a stat, and now at the relative beggining of the expansion it feels like it would just make my mana burn faster (unless I opt for elemental blast as a permanent talent) with the cost of spells like chain heal and healing surge gone over the roof.

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  On 12/14/2014 at 3:59 PM, Dragneel said:

I have also read the numbers on haste and it seems to have a high output but that really depends on the player's rotation, tidal waves uptime, glyphs and so forth...


Nope. The throughput increase is proportionally constant across all rotaitons, I showed that here.



  On 12/14/2014 at 3:59 PM, Dragneel said:

with the cost of spells like chain heal and healing surge gone over the roof.


You shouldn't be spamming these spells anyway.

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True, mana has only been an issue on Imperator and it stopped being so after using elemental blast. Thanks for the article, it is the only piece of advice on this topic that I've found across the wow community forums that actually makes perfect sense for me. I decided to try out haste and see how that goes. So Int>Spirit>Mastery>Haste>Multistrike>=Crit>Versatility it is. As one physicist to another, keep on the awesome work!

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Thanks for the compliment! I'm working on taking account of mana regen somehow, but it's a little less straightforward and more arbitrary than the previous work.

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