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[US-Zul'jin][H] <Last Call> Looking for more!

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We are <Last Call> on US Zul'jin. We are currently 5/7 normal, and 1/7 heroic. We continue to progress and expand as the expansion moves forward. We have a fun, relaxed atmosphere. When raid times comes along though, we are focused and efficient. We strive for a competitive, player friendly, no drama guild.

In addition to raiding, Last Call strives to have a relaxed social aspect to the guild. It is our core function when it's not raid day. We love to do old content runs as well as social events to bring more of the guild community feeling back to the game. We believe upholding positive environments on every level of this game will keep moral at it's peak at all times.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for quality players who can play their class well and who are properly geared for HM content. At this point we are looking for just about everything.

Spots that need immediate filled roles are as follows:
A non-Pally tank
Healing priest
Resto shaman
Holy Pally

Any exceptional DPS are also encouraged to app. 

But, as stated above, we are looking for anyone who knows their class well and can play it equally as well. So if you are a skilled and geared player, please still inquire.

What are our raid times?

We raid Fri-Sat, from 7:30-11:30 server (EST)

What are the requirements for joining the guild/Raid Core?

We are a social guild when not in raids so you can expect to be able to play with friends rather easily. To join the Core Raid group, we require an equip ilevel of 630+ and a knowledge of all fights on HM (this can be negotiable under certain conditions). Access to vent is a must along with a working mic. We will also take more consideration into potential members if you have warcraftlogs ready to be examined.

How is loot distributed?

We have a loot council that takes performance, attendance, and loot priority of upgrades into consideration when awarding loot. It is always MS>OS.

How do I go about joining/asking questions about the guild?

Send pst to anyone online to speak with an officer for more in-game details. Please ask anyone in guild if an officer is online, as all of us have MANY alts we play on. Or add Vandermar#1338

We thank you for your time reading our post and we look forward to meeting you!

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Please adhere to the guidelines of posting recruitment threads for your topic line.  I've amended your topic line to match the guidelines.

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