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[US-Alterac Mountains][A] <Infamy>

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Recruitment information


We are a guild comprised of mature players focused on content completion. We do current content raids and achievements in a drama free atmosphere. We hold our members to a higher standard by making each individual accountable for knowing their class and an understanding of raid content by a uniform tools provided and raids led by competent raid leads for each class group.


Raid Times:

- Wed-Thur-Mon 8-11PM EST & Sun 7-10PM EST



- All for our Mythic raid group




- Be knowledgeable about your class.

- Be self-sufficient and come to raids prepared with all consumables you will need for any given raid. Note: Some consumables might be available from the guild. (Historically, we provided flasks and food.)

- Be willing to sit if asked to do so.

- Have acceptable raiding spec(s) and be willing to respec if asked to do so.

- Have gear that is gemmed and enchanted optimally.

- Have a microphone and be able to use Ventrilo during raids.

- Have a stable Internet connection.

- Want to have fun.



- SheilaG#1368

- JayMar192#1303

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      Questions or Apply??
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      Contact Info:
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      BTag - TrioDeFo#11658

      Website and Discord:
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      GUILD MASTERS - TrioDeFo#11658, MinchMeister#1785
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      Officer Team
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