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pretty low DPS in Highmaul.

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For Example, Butcher HC.

Here's a log.


Dunno why, on my first Butcher HC Kill i was on like 19.7 - 20.2k DPS

My Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/de/character/aegwynn/Bossgen/advanced

And yeah, my trinkets suck really hard. i went for 218347123 HC Dungeons to get atleast the 630's but no luck, sucks pretty hard.

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Okay so the German log is really throwing me off cause I constantly need to double check skill names and such, but I've got some pointers for you. Apologies if the English abbreviations for things confuse you (like KS = Killing Spree = Mordlust) - I can list them all if you want


1) Use KS before AR whenever possible. During AR you'll be getting a lot more Evis casts off, and therefore able to reset the cd of KS more easily. 


For example, it looks as if you saved KS to use during Deep Insight. This is a good idea, but you could cast it at the very start then again in Deep Insight. Your opening sequence will look something like this:

  • Ambush
  • RvS
  • SS x4 for Shallow Insight and to drop your energy as much as possible
  • KS
  • AR rotation

After AR wears off, KS should be coming up and you'll be in Deep Insight.


Also, don't delay casting KS unless you will be increasing your level of Insight in the next 4-5 seconds.



2) Use Vanish and Ambush more - it's a strong skill that will only cost you like  13 Energy because of Shadow Focus. You're running Glyph of Disappearance, which is good... just need to make use of it


3) Keep RvS up. You have a 90% uptime on this, but it's super easy to keep up. Make sure that you have WeakAuras or something similar tracking the debuff so it never falls off


All that being said, your SnD uptime is fantastic, so good job there


Other points: good job using CoS to reduce damage, but you should also be running Elusiveness (and maybe Glyph of Feint) to help your healers, since Butcher hits pretty hard

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Carrn definitely knows what he speaks of, can not agree more. I'm new to using Warcraft logs, but I noticed that you were not using any potions, at all.

You should always pre-pot and pot once again during the encounter! This is a nice DPS boost and should never be missed! :)

I don't know how to check this in Warcraft Logs, but did you use a flask? This is also very important, the Greater Draenic Agility Flask is not expensive on AH anymore.

Potion: http://www.wowhead.com/item=109217

Flask: http://www.wowhead.com/item=109153

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but I noticed that you were not using any potions, at all.


I don't know how to check this in Warcraft Logs, but did you use a flask? This is also very important, the Greater Draenic Agility Flask is not expensive on AH anymore.

Yeah ofc i used Flask's, Pots and Bufffood. maybe the log didnt show that.^^


and @Carrn,


no, i didnt wait for Deep Insight to Use KS, i just use KS on CD.

And good Idea to use KS before AS to get the KS CD back ASAP, really forgot about that. Thanks for this.

And the Glyphchanges will also be done. :)

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