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Transmogrification - Mages

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Guest Guest

What about the Tailored set "Wrath of Spellfire" which consists of a robe, belt, and gloves? I didn't see a reference to that in the "tailored" section.

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There is a set available when doing the quests in townlong steppes. The items include the Helm, chest, leggings, shoulders, bracers, gloves, belt and boots

All the items are ilvl429 except for the helm which is ilvl 442



I would also assume that this would be available for other clothies as well.

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Guest anon

I think having pictures of how stuff looks on females would be a lot more useful, or is there already a function like that and I'm not finding it..

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  On 11/28/2012 at 10:20 AM, 'Guest said:

What about the Tailored set "Wrath of Spellfire" which consists of a robe, belt, and gloves? I didn't see a reference to that in the "tailored" section.

It's part of the sets provided by the wowroleplaygear.com, there's a link to their version of the set in our guide: http://wowroleplaygear.com/2012/04/10/wrath-of-spellfire/

  On 12/3/2012 at 11:58 PM, 'NightShade said:

There is a set available when doing the quests in townlong steppes. The items include the Helm, chest, leggings, shoulders, bracers, gloves, belt and boots

All the items are ilvl429 except for the helm which is ilvl 442



I would also assume that this would be available for other clothies as well.

The idea is not to list all the possible sets, just to list the main sets and then link to wowroleplaygear.com for more references.

  On 3/14/2013 at 1:23 PM, 'anon said:

I think having pictures of how stuff looks on females would be a lot more useful, or is there already a function like that and I'm not finding it..

We're planning to add that this summer.

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Guest navid

im a paladin looking for an item looks like Hateful Gladiator's Chain Helm for  transmog ? anyone knows anything like this that a paladin can transmog? please mail me navid9675@yahoo.com


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Guest Xerianne

Chan's Imperial Robes were removed from the game in Cata due to the ilvl of the robes vs the new level of the rare who dropped them.  Confirmed via GM on 3/25/14.

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Guest guestanon

Hi, just letting you know that the Priest-only Siege of Orgrimmar sets are appearing as available in the mage transmog options!

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  On 7/19/2014 at 1:13 AM, guestanon said:

Hi, just letting you know that the Priest-only Siege of Orgrimmar sets are appearing as available in the mage transmog options!


Thank you. I'm going to add Arena Season 15 sets soon, so I will also take the time to fix all the other transmog issues that have been raised :)

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  On 3/27/2013 at 11:55 AM, Damien said:

We're planning to add that this summer.


So is this up and available yet because it would be really useful to see how things look on females. It is often very different than the male and otherwise the list is very helpful. 

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You can also use Wowhead model viewer/profiler to view how several items look on certain class/race/etc

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Guest caseymae3
  On 3/27/2013 at 11:55 AM, Damien said:

We're planning to add that this summer.

Would kinda like to have that function now... :|


It would be extremely useful for planning out mogs without having to actually click on the item, go to wowhead, and do the 3d model to see if the item would look any different on a female.

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  On 11/9/2014 at 2:41 PM, caseymae3 said:

Would kinda like to have that function now... :|


It would be extremely useful for planning out mogs without having to actually click on the item, go to wowhead, and do the 3d model to see if the item would look any different on a female.

It would, but we're currently too understaffed to dedicate any time to this.

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Guest Fireforlife

Oshugun spellstaff is an agility quest item unobtainable for mages(sadly). Might want to take it off this list

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Guest Sootfoot

Well sadly..i only needed to click transmog -mage -legs.. or mage anything.. and instantly want to find another site. I have a Female char. not a Fat ugly Male Orc.. since there is NO toggle to convert to female, ill not waste anymore time other than suggest you Add one.

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