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Combat Rotation/dps check

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Toon- http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/barthilas/Footsouljah/simple
Logs- https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/qj1khGCmnyLNDXP4#type=summary&source=2

Hi guys,
I'm  new to these forums, I'm currently playing a combat rogue and feel as though it is fairly lack luster. Was after some advice to see if I'm doing anything wrong, or if I could be doing anything better. 





Edited by footsouljah

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hey looking at your butcher kill log, i can notice a few things

1) SnD uptime is 89% which is okay but it could be better especially on the butcher fight 

2)RvS uptime is quite low again try and keep it up as much as possible, more up time of this means more combo points


also try and pool your combo points for the deep insight buff, pretty much means you can hit two eviscerates off straight away.




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Replace Glyph of Evasion with Glyph of Disappearance. You'll get more Vanishes = more Ambushes. At one point you wasted Preparation on a Vanish that was halfway done cooling down, only 15s from being up if you had the glyph


Also due to the number of bosses that have knockback attacks, I suggest running Shadowstep instead of BoS.


Other than that, your logs show RvS and SnD uptime to be absolutely abysmal. RvS should have 100% uptime, no excuse - it costs less than SS, you should never not be keeping it up. 99% on it is very easy to maintain, although SnD is a little harder. Your energy regen comes from Autos, which SnD increases the speed of, which consequently gives you better regen.


Your trinkets also do very little for you - the Agi use one isn't too terrible, but I really hope you don't raid with a CC removal trinket lol


Your opener also looks weird, cause you cast Vanish so early. Try going

  • Ambush
  • RvS
  • SS to Shallow Insight
  • KS
  • AR > usual spam
  • KS (now in Deep Insight after AR)
  • Vanish > Ambush > Prep > Vanish > Ambush

Other than that, looks like you know the rotation and cd usage pretty well. Keep your maintenance buffs (SnD + RvS) up, and you should be looking better

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Your opener also looks weird, cause you cast Vanish so early. Try going

  • Ambush
  • RvS
  • SS to Shallow Insight
  • KS
  • AR > usual spam
  • KS (now in Deep Insight after AR)
  • Vanish > Ambush > Prep > Vanish > Ambush



Are you really able to get your 2nd KS off during the first DI?  I never seem to be able to if I open like that... Are you delaying DI by spamming revealing strike for a bit?  If you open with Ambush - RvS - SnD - SS SS SS SS (SI) - KS - SS - Evi - AR - SS - SS - RvS - SnD - SS (MI) - SS - SS - SS -SS (DI) - Evi - Vanish/Ambush - (depends on RvS procs) - Evi -> SS/Evi spam, then you would need to get off ~7 5CP finishers within a ~12 second window to be able to fully KS in DI.  That seems like a bit of a stretch?  Maybe with heroism?


On Butcher at least, where heroism is delayed, I've had much more success just popping AR right off of the bat to push into DI with my Agi pot still up for my first KS.  Yeah you miss 30-40s off of your KS reset but everything seems to flow a lot smoother when I do that, and it's a lot more time @ DI with the Agi pot up.  KS comes back up right before AR the 2nd time around if you play it right, and I seem to have better luck getting DI lined back up with the 2nd KS when I open that way.

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