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Sub Rogue Keybindings

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I have not played since WotLK in 2009 and at that point I had not been using keybindings.  Before I actually start leveling my rogue from 80-100, I want to set up my keybindings so that I can get used to it by 100.  Does anyone have a good guide for sub rogue keybindings?

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Well, I don't know exactly what you're looking for, but keybindings are something more personal than guide-based, IMO.


But here's a quick rundown on what you should have lined up and easy to reach:


--CP Gens--


Unstealth Bar:






Stealth Bar:




Cheap Shot



--CP Finishers--


Stealthed & Unstealthed Bar:


Rupture (I use 3 Action Bars (Dominos) so this comes off on Bar 2, which isn't affected by stealth)

Kidney Shot (I bind it in both bars, there's always a need for a CC chain and it being there is handy, even if you have Cheap Shot - DR stuff, mostly PvP wise)


Unstealthed Bar:


Crimson Tempest




Stealth & Unstealth:


Smoke Bomb

Cloak of Shadows

Shadowstep/Burst of Speed













Stealth (derp)





Stealth & Unstealth Bar:




Shadow Dance

Shadow Reflection


Note that "Stealth & Unstealth Bar" can be either in Stealth or Neutral bar, which isn't affected by Stealth.


As for buttons, I put everything under my left hand. My keyboard is a gapless one (the keys are tight near each other) so I don't have to move much. I use a combination of Shift + Key to reach the other bars. For the things I don't use often (engineer belt, glider, etc) I just click - binding that isn't of a concern for me, would just increase unecessary gameplay difficulty.


I'm not sure how's the layout of your keyboard, but mine is Portuguese ABNT2 - this is an example of one.


I use the following keys on each row:

' to 5

Q, E and R (used to bind T, but it was tiring my hand so I remapped)

F and G

Z, X, C and V

F1-F3 for commodities (mounts and pot)


Once I get home I can screenshot my bar and post it here. Too lazy to list what I have where, lol.




The main point of keybinding is that you do not have to move your left hand for absolutely nothing, because:


  1. It's primordial for you to move. You need both hands to do it (yes, you can move with your mouse, but you lose fine control on it), and dropping your mouse to press a bind can lead you to death (or even worse, a raid wipe - I know some people that wouldn't like that). Best if you have your binds near your movement buttons, as it'll diminish your need to drop hands;
  2. Normally we game for long sessions. The less you move, the less you'll get tired;
  3. Acessibility. If they're near your move binds, you need to move less your hand to reach it, thus increasing response in game.


One last advice I give you is: Rogues have a fixed 1.5s (if I remember well) GCD on most of their skills. DO NOT SPAM the key. You'll get tired really fast (that's why I quitted Combat, even less time on GCD), your hand will end up hurt and sometimes (due to lag) it gutters your output because it seems to be sending the same command before it arrives, so it cancels and tries to issue the new one. Not sure if everyone feels it, tho. Just keep the first reason in mind (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - yes, I'm trying to incite terror on you - doing good in a game isn't worth if your body gets injured, watch for your health).

Edited by lipsinch

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Lol Iipsinch, this is exactly why I stopped playing sublety and went assassination. I played a bard in EQ and have no wish to continue the degeneration of my hands and wrists!  

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Lol Iipsinch, this is exactly why I stopped playing sublety and went assassination. I played a bard in EQ and have no wish to continue the degeneration of my hands and wrists!  


rofl. I really enjoy the complexity of Sub, but even then, Assassination still needs binds for all the situational skills that a Rogue has. I have 42 keybinds on my Rogue, although only 40 if I play Assassination.

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rofl. I really enjoy the complexity of Sub, but even then, Assassination still needs binds for all the situational skills that a Rogue has. I have 42 keybinds on my Rogue, although only 40 if I play Assassination.


Lol... I have like..... 25? I tried binding arena kicks and blinds, but hell... That's too much for me. I'm not pushing gladiator, so I don't really mind that much lol

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