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Need a little help on deciding Ele or Enh

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At the end of the day I realize you can not tell me what to play, it's up to me. But I am currently stuck. A group of my friends are gonna get back together for WoD and start raiding. I plan to go shaman DPS for the raid. Now the issue i'm having as stated in the Title. Is I just can't decide Ele or Enh. I enjoy both casters and melees. 


I would like to hear some opinions on both specs. How do they both fair in highmaul right now and even outside of highmaul. How do they fair against each other (Varies on fights, I know). How are the rotations for each one, is one harder or easier (Mind you I have no issues with playing something hard just for understanding both specs.).


This is the biggest question I have and ultimately the one i'm stuck on. Which is more fun. I realize no one can tell me what i'll enjoy more but hearing why you like Ele or Enh could help me decide.


Anyways thanks for reading and future replys! <3

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As you've recognized no one can really answer which is more fun because it's totally subjective.  Furthermore, a lot of people either prefer melee or ranged, so I'd imagine few have played both.  I've played both but not raided on both, at least not progression.  I'll do my best to answer though.  Thematically, they are about the same: masters of the elements.  Highmaul raiding-wise, Enhancement pulls ahead on most fights, because most fights are multitarget.  Although both specs are able to produce decent AOE output, Enhancement pulls ahead as it's much easier to AOE efficiently with Enhancement.  I think Elemental is harder to play well right now compared to Enhancement, but neither are particularly difficult to master. 


I can't really answer why I like Elemental... it's kinda "clunky" right now.  Probably because their spells look cooler than most other classes.  I would honestly advise you to consider playing a different class, as many are much more "fun" rotation-wise.  For the most part, both Elemental and Enhancement are "use skill as it comes off cooldown" specs.    


Is the PTR up? maybe you can try both specs that way.... shrug.  

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If you just start to raid, try both specs :)

Having dual-spec, it's not a problem, especially with WoD gearing system, when most of your gear changes according to your spec. You can go to LFR or Normal twice in different specs to feel which style suites you better. Your dps will not be awesome, but I think that two runs through Highmaul will help you to understand what's more comfortable to you.

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My advice would be to check whether your raid wants Ranged or Melee DPS more. This can make a big difference for some raids, such as mine, who have an imbalance in the number of players wanting to play different roles.

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My advice would be to check whether your raid wants Ranged or Melee DPS more. This can make a big difference for some raids, such as mine, who have an imbalance in the number of players wanting to play different roles.

I did that once.  Got stuck healing for two tiers.  Play what you want/like man.  It's your game.  If you're good, they'll make adjustments.  There's always space for good players.


Stoove, can you pweety pweese ask that they update the Ele Guide? The rotation contains errors :) 

Edited by Fendal

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I did that once.  Got stuck healing for two tiers.  Play what you want/like man.  It's your game.  If you're good, they'll make adjustments.  There's always space for good players.


On the other hand, it can make you feel more relevant to your raid if both the roles you wouldn't mind playing. Over the long term, the DPS performance of each spec doesn't really matter compared to where you feel relevant as a player.


Stoove, can you pweety pweese ask that they update the Ele Guide? The rotation contains errors smile.png


I don't usually come down on off-topic comments, so I'm being nice here: this is not the place to raise this comment and I won't tolerate it coming into other threads which are not explicitly about the Elemental rotation. I am aware of your feelings on the guide and I have raised it with Damien, which is as far as I can go. If you feel like making a positive contribution to this subject, please make a new thread to discuss what you consider to be the "proper" Elemental rotation currently. (Edit: for discussion of this issue, see this post by Damien)

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