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[EU-Ravencrest][A] <Unity> 3/7M Pressing further into Mythic

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We are currently 3/7 in Mythic Highmaul are looking to round out our roster with a few extra players. We are actively seeking to improve the quality of our roster, such that we can raid and clear all of the content at a reasonable time, without overcomitting to too many raid nights.


We aren't interested in repeatedly wiping to the same mistakes, and as such require players who are adaptive and willing to communicate. Being talkative with other players of your class/role to improve your performance is a big plus.


What we want from you


- 18+ years of age (exceptions may be made subject to the individual)

- Experience in relevant previous or current content at a difficult level

- Reliable attendance, this does not just mean attending a high amount of raids, but communicating when you cannot attend

- Positive attitude

- Good communications (working mic mandatory)

- Good general game and class knowledge


What we can offer you


A relaxed and friendly environment conducive to enjoyable raiding experiences and building friendships. An opportunity to play at the highest level without the pressure of looking over your back at other guilds whilst still achieving steady progress. We have a lot of fun, and love to joke about with each other outside of serious progress. We have a heavily British community and thus a lot of dry humour and sarcasm, a player with quick wit who can give and take a joke will fit into our group well. 


Current class needs


- 1 Deathknight or Paladin who can competently play both tank and DPS

- Shadow Priests

- Warlocks

- DPS Shamans, particularly elemental


All other DPS applications will be seriously considered under current circumstances, and have a realistic shot at joining the raid roster. Obviously, all truely exceptional applications will be considered regardless of class, spec, or current circumstances, and if this applies to you, we will never instantly decline on these grounds.



Raids are Thursday/Sunday/Monday 20.00 - 00.00 server time, with an optional heroic run ocassionally scheduled on an off day. We use TS3 voice communications.


Visit unityravencrest.shivtr.com for more information or to apply and feel free to whisper Kaeir, Ecolove, Jámbii, or Futton in-game for any questions or a general chat.


Cheers for reading, we hope you consider applying!

Edited by Futton

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