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Ret Paladin general info?

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I got some questions, but before that probably need to tell some info.

Talents: 1/1/1/2/2/3/3.
Stat priority: 15% haste with raid buff, rest in mastery.
Best strength flask, best mastery food, best mastery enchantments and gems.


Rotation priority as stated in single target guide.
In opener I prepot and use ES as first spell, following by SW / Arcane Torrent. HoW / CS if I am close enough / HoW / FV - repeat, prioritising HoW > CS > Judg > Exo.


#1 Starting from how many targets is HotR better than CS?

#2 Should DS be ever used if it isn't buffed by FV or empowered DS buff on multiple targets [ starting from 2] ?
#2.1 If DS isn't buffed by anything, is it better to cast FV to get it buffed. If so, every ''second'' HP spell should be FV then, if no EDS occurs [ starting from 2 targets ] ?

#3 Glyph of Double Jeopardy - how does it specifically work? When cast on target A it does X damage. Afterwards cast on target B it does X+20%. So then when cast on target A again, it will do X or X+20% now?

#4 Is it ever wise to cast a HP generating spell when you have 5 HP over FV ? Even if it is HoW ?


            100%   20%   50%   5%?
Edit: FV > HoW > CS > Judg > Exo  Anyone has numbers to show by how much each spell does more damage than the other ? Approximate numbers I got according to tool-tips. Judgement over Exorcism calculated with mastery in mind.

Any tips for highmaul bosses, talents used or anything else? There probably are things that I don't know about retribution specialisation, like for BM hunter there are few unwritten tricks as-well that I came across.


Edited by Caldwell

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Ill start off by saying that I am in no means a pro-level ret pally, but I can give a few tricks ive found myself.

1.) For a decent guideline to single target rotation I recommend CLCret, just from doing what it says (For the most part anywho) I've managed to out dps hunters in heroic raid gear on some fights (Probably more their fault than my rotation, but w.e)
2.) For most multi-target fights, I recommend having Seal of Righteousness on, aswell as using Divine storm after a final verdict (Its good to alternate so you keep the final verdict buff up and keep it being used) but keep in mind that ret pallys arent the best DPS in multi-target fights.
3.) From what I understand about double jeopardy, it only works once after the first judgement, and then it resets. so it would be more along the lines of Target A taking X damage, then target B taking X+20%, and then it resets. I personally use Glyph of Divine Storm because it adds just a bit of survivability for those multi-target fights.

I'm sure some ret pally who's better than I am will come along and give you better advice than I just gave, but nonetheless, I hope it helps

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Ill start off by saying that I am in no means a pro-level ret pally, but I can give a few tricks ive found myself.

1.) For a decent guideline to single target rotation I recommend CLCret, just from doing what it says (For the most part anywho) I've managed to out dps hunters in heroic raid gear on some fights (Probably more their fault than my rotation, but w.e)

2.) For most multi-target fights, I recommend having Seal of Righteousness on, aswell as using Divine storm after a final verdict (Its good to alternate so you keep the final verdict buff up and keep it being used) but keep in mind that ret pallys arent the best DPS in multi-target fights.

3.) From what I understand about double jeopardy, it only works once after the first judgement, and then it resets. so it would be more along the lines of Target A taking X damage, then target B taking X+20%, and then it resets. I personally use Glyph of Divine Storm because it adds just a bit of survivability for those multi-target fights.

I'm sure some ret pally who's better than I am will come along and give you better advice than I just gave, but nonetheless, I hope it helps

Not a ''pro'' here myself, but I think I am doing as much as possible, minus some human error in quick time events. Usually after work it is hard to concentrate.

I've heard of CLCRet, but haven't used it. I sort of have the rotation in my head, and can perform easily without looking. Except for procs.

Before the 6.0 patch I feel like I had best or one of the best AoE damages in the whole guild, and was only 582 or so. Didn't matter if I was against a destro lock or bm hunter, didn't have to use CDs aswell. But at the moment it seems fairly weak.

About that glyph, so you cast on A, do X damage, cast on B, do X+20% damage.. and it repeats from the beginning here? As in cast on any target, including the B, and next one that is not the same will get x+20% ?

Edit: And about tricks, I had in mind some not visible buffs or things that you wouldn't notice but are there. Like tooltip says one thing, but additionally something else happens that gives a minor boost or some advantage.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback!

Edited by Caldwell

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From what I've seen for 5-man, roll Divine Purpose for the mad AoE proc chains and just go SoR 'cause most stuff doesn't live long enough to get Censure stacks up (switch back to SoT for bosses).  To my recollection, HotR profits at like 6-7 targets now, although at one point it was as low as 4.  With Final Verdict, you're alternating FV/DS every finisher anyway the moment you hit 2 targets, and even a Empowered FV-buffed DS on single.  Personally, I use up my empowers even when they're unbuffed on AoE, because it's a free finisher, and it can proc DP and itself, and if I wait for a FV to buff it, I could overwrite the proc.  Don't forget to roll Light's Hammer, it's a gain at like 1.6 targets or some such math.  


If you want to be really fancy, grabbing a 200-stack of tomes and swapping up AoE and single-target sets between pulls will always gain.  Especially good for challenge modes.  Along that vein, obviously Mass Exorcism and Double Jeopardy are gains, but you'll want to swap them for single target.  I tend to roll Divine Storm, Templar's Verdict, and Hand of Sacrifice.  Because in the end, the DPS of a corpse is very easy to calculate.

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From what I've seen for 5-man, roll Divine Purpose for the mad AoE proc chains and just go SoR 'cause most stuff doesn't live long enough to get Censure stacks up (switch back to SoT for bosses).  To my recollection, HotR profits at like 6-7 targets now, although at one point it was as low as 4.  With Final Verdict, you're alternating FV/DS every finisher anyway the moment you hit 2 targets, and even a Empowered FV-buffed DS on single.  Personally, I use up my empowers even when they're unbuffed on AoE, because it's a free finisher, and it can proc DP and itself, and if I wait for a FV to buff it, I could overwrite the proc.  Don't forget to roll Light's Hammer, it's a gain at like 1.6 targets or some such math.  


If you want to be really fancy, grabbing a 200-stack of tomes and swapping up AoE and single-target sets between pulls will always gain.  Especially good for challenge modes.  Along that vein, obviously Mass Exorcism and Double Jeopardy are gains, but you'll want to swap them for single target.  I tend to roll Divine Storm, Templar's Verdict, and Hand of Sacrifice.  Because in the end, the DPS of a corpse is very easy to calculate.

So HotR is only good against like 5 or more targets ?

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