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[US-Stormreaver] <Arbitrary> [H] 6/7H

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Arbitrary is a guild on Stormreaver US that is a reformed guild from Firetree. We moved to Stormreaver and are starting to recruit again to be Mythic ready as soon as possible, but we need you!


Our goal: To progress through Mythic content in a timely fashion while not losing sight of the reason most of us play the game: for fun. We want to build a friendly, relaxed enviroment to rely on our skill to kill bosses, not on extra time commitment and yelling.


We will consider any player no matter the class and spec, but our highest priorities are:


DPS: Warlock, Hunter, Windwalker, Rogue, Shaman(both)

Healers: Disc Priest, Resto Shaman, Resto Druid

Tank: Warrior/Paladin preference, but not strongly opposed to any.


This guild may be new, but our core 10 members have been raiding together for many expansions, and we can promise structure and a friendly enviroment without sacrificing progression. If you're a long time player that hasn't found a home or just a player looking for something new, give us a try!


Raid days are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 9:30-12:30 CST. 


Post here, or add Rixark#1901 or Clogale#1998 to chat!

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