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[Archived] S20 Hearthstone Mage Mech Aggro

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Great! Thoughts about Taget Dummy instead of Annoy-o-Tron?

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Guest Stillstandin

This deck is very inconsistent. It relies way too much on your starting hand, your draws And your opponent's hand+dicisions. The main thing i've noticed is that when my opponent kills all my minions (like equality+concecration), I automatically lose the game. I just run out of steam. Then there is almost no way to get board control back. Mainly because of the lack of spells in the deck. Spells like polymorph can, altough this is a aggro deck, be very nice to get back in the game and give a bigger chance to obtain board control. I do still like mech/mage and i've made my own deck wich contains more spells to clear minions or even the board. I also included a mana wyrm since it's still a very good card, considering the amount of spells a mage has.


Excuse me for any grammar mistakes i made..

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Great! Thoughts about Taget Dummy instead of Annoy-o-Tron?


Just worse, the 0-2 body doesn't do anything and it will very rarely eat 2 attacks like Annoy-O-Tron can.

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This deck is very inconsistent. It relies way too much on your starting hand, your draws And your opponent's hand+dicisions. The main thing i've noticed is that when my opponent kills all my minions (like equality+concecration), I automatically lose the game. I just run out of steam. Then there is almost no way to get board control back. Mainly because of the lack of spells in the deck. Spells like polymorph can, altough this is a aggro deck, be very nice to get back in the game and give a bigger chance to obtain board control. I do still like mech/mage and i've made my own deck wich contains more spells to clear minions or even the board. I also included a mana wyrm since it's still a very good card, considering the amount of spells a mage has.


Excuse me for any grammar mistakes i made..


If you're immediately losing the game to AoE, then you're overextending onto the board, the key is to be ahead, but not so far ahead that you lose everything to a board clear. This also naturally extends your resources since you're not playing out your whole hand all the time.


I'm not sure why you're complaining about a lack of spells either, the deck plays two Frostbolt, two Fireball, that should be plenty of removal if you need it. The problem with Polymorph in an aggressive/tempo deck like this is you can't afford to carry it in your hand, having opening hand Fireball, and using it to clear a minion on turn 4 is one thing, having a dead Polymorph in your hand the whole game is significantly worse.

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Guest Anonymous

Any suggestions regarding non-legendary replacements for the legendaries?

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You can cut Boom for one Flamestrike, Loatheb is a freebie if you have Naxx, but if you don't, then Piloted Sky Golem could work ok. You definitely should start saving Gold for Naxx wings though, a lot of really valuable cards are in there.

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Guest Ag

This is amusingly enough the exact deck I came up with except I had one Jeeves (since I pulled one) and only one golden azure drake (since I only have one golden XD)

I was also using Antonidas since that's what I had at the time.

Warning: this deck (my version) was fantastic last week but this week it's performing poorer: most players have gotten used to mech Mage variations and no longer do stupid mistakes like leaving a 2/1 remainder mech for you to punish them with blast Mage. Went from an easy climb to rank 5 in 2 days to a slow struggle this week in which you loose 2 and win 3. At best.

I made the changes you recommend (2nd drake, Dr. Boom vs Antonidas since the latter is much slower: at best a turn 8 drop with cloak often a turn 9 to make sure you get some value from it) but I'm not sure I REALLY like it better.

Jeeves is a double edged sword for sure, and a horrible body, but 3 cards in a turn is crazy powerful in a deck without much card draw: what do you think?

Also would both be overkill, Antonidas and boom? Occasionally when a cash warrior manages to delay you, boom isn't enough, but does almost win it. An extra good drop on turn 9 could secure it after the asshat drops yet another legendary bs for you to deal with, likely Alextrassa to increase his health back to 15 and you just know he has that charging warrior legendary for next turn...

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Yeah Jeeves is too all in for my liking, and the curve is too high to support him well, usually in a Jeeves deck you want maybe one card higher than him on the Curve, this deck has way too many.


Doubling up on the finishers can totally work if you're facing a lot of Control, just be aware it will skew your matchups against the quicker decks.

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I had pretty good success last night in the lower level ranks running this deck (replacing Boom with Flamestrike). I even managed to barely squeak by a control warrior thanks to Blastmage RNG. Is it worth running an ironbeak just to have an additional option to get past annoying taunts? Maybe replace a cogmaster?

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Guest Stillstandin

If you're immediately losing the game to AoE, then you're overextending onto the board, the key is to be ahead, but not so far ahead that you lose everything to a board clear. This also naturally extends your resources since you're not playing out your whole hand all the time.


I'm not sure why you're complaining about a lack of spells either, the deck plays two Frostbolt, two Fireball, that should be plenty of removal if you need it. The problem with Polymorph in an aggressive/tempo deck like this is you can't afford to carry it in your hand, having opening hand Fireball, and using it to clear a minion on turn 4 is one thing, having a dead Polymorph in your hand the whole game is significantly worse.

I completely understand what you are saying. It is indeed important to not overextend onto the board.


All i'm saying is, is that a hunter with undertaker and such will get more dmg in way more quickly and does not go to late game as often as a mage that has loads of 4 drops that are just too late ( I mean by this that after for example there is an AoE played by your opponent and it's turn 5, you've lost to every controlly deck in ranked because the 4 drops don't help at all anymore) Also, the 2 drops don't do enough dmg quickly you are forced to overextend because otherwise you don't do enough damage, and you'll get to late game. Not one 2 drop has more than 2 damage, and has any potential to grow into a higher attack minion. I can see that mechwarper is very good because it get's so much value since all those mechs cost 1 less, and it will give you the potential to play allot of minions Oh but wait, you can't overextend! If it's dumb to overextend, then why are there so slow 2 drops, that do nothing else than freeze,taunt, and give you the ability to overextend. Take a look at the hunter aggro deck that is listed on this site: Zero 4drops, cards like undertaker, knife juggler, and leper gnome.. Way faster than this deck's snowchugger, or annoy-o-tron right?.


Excuse me for any bad grammar..

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Guest Ag

My 2 cents: I experimented with an owl while I was toying with my own version of the deck but found it simply wasn't powerful enough an effect to be worth it: your mechs with your hero power and spare parts should be sturdy enough to allow favorable trades in which you don't quite loose the mech:


fireball the sludge, kill the remainder with any 2 mana mech, face him

attack sludge with cogmaster, blast mage, kill remainder 1/2 with whatever mech was in play.

Etc etc etc

The owl on the other hand isn't a mech and it's too easy to kill, it's almost as bad as carrying a sheep, and you still need to deal with the body.

Still, I've climbed just fine with this deck without Silence. But ymmv.

Also thanks for answering my questions. Now to think what to drop in exchange for a second finisher (Antonidas). A 2 drop golem? A mech pilot? Hrm.. Not sure what will have less of an impact.

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I completely understand what you are saying. It is indeed important to not overextend onto the board.


All i'm saying is, is that a hunter with undertaker and such will get more dmg in way more quickly and does not go to late game as often as a mage that has loads of 4 drops that are just too late ( I mean by this that after for example there is an AoE played by your opponent and it's turn 5, you've lost to every controlly deck in ranked because the 4 drops don't help at all anymore) Also, the 2 drops don't do enough dmg quickly you are forced to overextend because otherwise you don't do enough damage, and you'll get to late game. Not one 2 drop has more than 2 damage, and has any potential to grow into a higher attack minion. I can see that mechwarper is very good because it get's so much value since all those mechs cost 1 less, and it will give you the potential to play allot of minions Oh but wait, you can't overextend! If it's dumb to overextend, then why are there so slow 2 drops, that do nothing else than freeze,taunt, and give you the ability to overextend. Take a look at the hunter aggro deck that is listed on this site: Zero 4drops, cards like undertaker, knife juggler, and leper gnome.. Way faster than this deck's snowchugger, or annoy-o-tron right?.


Excuse me for any bad grammar..


Okay, so you seem to be under the impression that you need to win with this deck before turn 6, that's just not the case. The key is being ahead on board at all times, but not so far ahead that you lose to AoE. Give your opponent enough so that they're forced to answer if they have the AoE in their hand. If they cast it, okay cool, that's out the way, you can rebuild the board and start again, if they don't, then you can conisider going all in the following turns and trying to end the game early.


It's a balancing act, you will go to the late-game against Control decks sometimes. You need to assess the board, what happens if they drop one of their huge Legendaries or Taunts? Are you still far ahead? But if you commit more, do you lose to the AoE they might have? Which is more likely? Has any of their play suggested one or the other? How many cards do they have? How many of them are Spare Parts? That's the key to playing this, and basically any aggro deck successfully.

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Guest Ag

I agree with Sottle 100%. This deck is slower than a hunter but Much more sturdy, and usually wins vs hunter aggro. (Around 75%) . However, it's scary as hell because it does go into late game a lot more than a traditional aggro deck. other times you just go for the face and just when you lost the board beyond all hope.. The enemy is within range of your fireball+frost bolt. (Usually the case vs hand lock btw)

As I said the deck is not working nearly as well as last week when it was newer: people are learning to play against it, but it still works reasonably well, and more importantly, it's fun, (more fun than zoo for me) so that's why I'm climbing with it instead of zoo.

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Guest Stillstandin

I agree with Sottle 100%. This deck is slower than a hunter but Much more sturdy, and usually wins vs hunter aggro. (Around 75%) . However, it's scary as hell because it does go into late game a lot more than a traditional aggro deck. other times you just go for the face and just when you lost the board beyond all hope.. The enemy is within range of your fireball+frost bolt. (Usually the case vs hand lock btw)

As I said the deck is not working nearly as well as last week when it was newer: people are learning to play against it, but it still works reasonably well, and more importantly, it's fun, (more fun than zoo for me) so that's why I'm climbing with it instead of zoo.

I fully agree with you on the fact that when you lost the board beyond all hope, the enemy doesn't have a lot of HP any more. But i kinda hate that, because i always need to topdeck that 1 card to win, wich is another fireball or frostbolt and it just rarely happens. If anything this deck needs a pyroblast! lol

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Guest Miercoles

Hi Sottle,

I want to thank you for sharing these builds with us, I'm new to hearthstone and your suggestions helped a lot.

I built a similar deck yesterday and just wanted to check if I chose the right cards. I included micro machine in my deck and it performed great so far, why did you not include it? And what about this 1/5 mech which gets +2/+2 everytime one of your mechs dies? Too situational, too expensive?

Thanks for your help!

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I found that swapping Loatheb for counterspell also works but not as well and lacks the damage to keep the pressure up on the board, just for those who don't have Naxx. 


Swapping Fel Reaver in the place of one harvester golem seems to work for this deck amazingly I've had games in where I have a Fel Reaver with 8/8 in turn 3. Use coin in turn 1 and drop a Mechwarper, drop another in turn 2 + any other mech minion available, and then play the Fel Reaver at turn 3. 


I've also tested using Junkbot with the deck, it synergizes well too. Any thoughts Sottle?

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Fel Reaver is totally fine, Micro Machine is definitely worth considering, but I favour the more difficult to remove minions, it's a lot easier to get the minions in this deck to stick to the board, so they'll often get to attack more than once and end up doing more damage than a Micro Machine anyway. And yeah, Junkbot is precisely as you said, too situational, not to mention you're not really in the business of your Mechs dying anyway, you want them to live!

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Guest Matt

What could you replace Azure Drake with? Just feels weird in the deck and the +1 spell damage really isn't that important imo. I feel like night blade could be a better option or spectral knight 

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Azure Drake isn't in the deck for the Spell Damage, it's their to put a decent sized body into play and draw another card, since the deck plays a really low curve, you quite often find yourself really low on options very quickly, Drake helps a lot with that.

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Shouldn't credit be given to StrifeCro? This is the same deck as StrifeCro's mech mage, card for card.


Sure, I didn't take the deck from Strifecro at all, but Strife's Mech is basically Kibbler's Mech with the Drakes added in, which is the same way I came up with this build. It's not at all uncommon for two good players to build a deck the same way if they're looking for the same solution. But sure, credit to Strifecro is he has the same build.

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Guest Friedrich

No one mentioned Enhance-o Mechano? That one could end the game very fast.

Fun deck but still for me the outcome is much of a lottery.

I also included pyroblast, hasnt been of any use though.

I lack the legendary 7/7 with the bombs.

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Guest question

what do you think about putting gazlowe in there?

I think it would give good extra mechs, no?

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Sure, I didn't take the deck from Strifecro at all, but Strife's Mech is basically Kibbler's Mech with the Drakes added in, which is the same way I came up with this build. It's not at all uncommon for two good players to build a deck the same way if they're looking for the same solution. But sure, credit to Strifecro is he has the same build.


Fair enough then.

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