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Mythic Highmaul Missions: GO

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2/2 Mythic Missions complete (can't complain too much there, was able to get all my followers geared up before Salvage yard nerf) BUT  the same item! Really?!  And it's Holy itemized not Disc.  Gr...



Any great success stories out there except Spyte and his Mythic Warforged Impregnator item!

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I got the Cloak of Searing Shadows ... which I had just gotten the heroic version of the previous week. The cloak is already incredibly weak as Holy.. soo yeah I wasn't that happy.


I think it's a conspiracy! lol

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I've gotten the Force Nova Cloak and Off-Hand from Kargath, so not too bad items, but the cloak means I'm last in line for the trash cloak.

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