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Quick question about engineering googles

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Good day fellow DKs, I have a question regarding itemization for a helm. I play an Unholy DK, ilvl 658 at the moment. Currently I'm using the stage 2 engineering goggles which I crafted, and amazingly it rolled BiS stats (mastery/multi-strike).

However, I'm contenplating whether I should upgrade it to stage 3, seeing as my guild is on Mythic progression, and mythic Kargath drops a helm that according to Mrrobot, scales higher than the 665 goggles. The helm however, gives versatility and crit, not our best stats.

So I'm wondering whether the BiS stats on my goggles will outweigh the 5 ilvl increase for the mythic helm.

What do you guys think?


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If you believe Noxxic (not a safe choice) then no, not worth it. If you want to know the exact answer, then simming it yourself has to be the answer.

That said, consider cost-benefit to your raid team. Upgrading the goggles costs about 15k, and frees up the other hat to go to another plate-wearer who will probably get more out of it. Unless that much gold is going to really hurt you, I think it's a no-brainer to spend it, bump yourself to the bottom of the priority list for getting that hat, and maybe take yourself off completely if it sims lower for you.

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Mythic Kargath drops 685 helm and it would definitely be an upgrade over Stage3 crafted helm. The +5 ilvl increase would be from heroic Kargath and there the gain is likely to be minimal based on just pure strength increase. For that comparison, you may need your own sim weights and still see if either of them is worth the tradeoff. 

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Thank you guys for your brilliant insights, it's much appreciated. 

Although I do have a question about simming too. I've been playing around with SimCraft to try and compare sim numbers, but I can't seem to be able to swap out the gear for simulation. When I import, SimCraft only allows me to import from the armory so it's basically what I already have equipped. 

I did try to manually edit the text HTML, but to no avail because I don't know what the item code for gear is.

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You can get the item code from Wowhead page for the gear. If you use AMR, you could also use their export to SIMC option to get relevant lines for gear.

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