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Need advice on how to Havoc properly.

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I recently did my first Mythic kills with a new guild and on both fights (Kargath and Twins) I performed much lower than I would have liked. My gear is a tad bit behind but it is good enough to do much higher http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/area-52/Zuthus/advanced


I believe the problem has to do with Havoc and the way I use it, for instance on Twins


I use Havoc when I have procs for Chaosbolts and atleast 2 embers for back to back CB's, I was using Glyph of Havoc on both fights. I did get 4 shadowburns off with Havoc on, getting 8 total for the end of twins.


In the Kargath fight I tried to pair up procs along with the cat running into the fire getting 2 chaos bolts off with Havoc on Kargath. I was able to maximize my havoc usage in the fight but still parsed low. It could be because the buff we get during the fight was rather low around 50% or lower throughout, climbing up toward the very end.



Would appreciate any advice or tips on how to better my play.


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Glyph of Havoc is not your friend. You get way more charges out of unglyphed and it's pretty much a universal DPS loss on every single encounter. Because the buff lasts 10 seconds, you can replicate the glyph's benefits by precasting Havoc 6-8 seconds in advance, using your charges, then casting it again a few seconds later and still reaping 6 charges.


On Kargath you want to use Havoc in conjunction with Shadowburn more. When the cat hits 20% Havoc the boss instead, use your second charge of Dark Soul and copy 3x Shadowburn to him. Build up embers again and you can often get another Shadowburn or two before it dies, again copying these to the boss via your 15s Havoc cooldown, which you will have precasted on the boss when the cat was was still at around 25%.


On Twin Ogron to be honest Destruction as a whole is a bit tricky. There is so much movement that it becomes hard to keep up with ember generation and you often have to move during burn phases. I do advise Affliction or Demonology here, whichever you are more comfortable. With that said, again, ditch the glyph of Havoc. You will likely not have the ember gen to sustain using a Chaos Bolt every 15s, so if Dark Soul is nearing ~30s off cooldown and you only have say 2 embers left, it is advisable to spend your next Havoc for ember generation purposes and cleave incinerates instead.


You also need to manage your cooldowns better. You're DMF trinket was very slightly delayed, however you popped your third Dark Soul around 10 seconds too early, putting them even further out of sync. By the time your fourth Dark Soul came around the buff had expired before the trinket even procced. Are you tracking the ICD? I would guess not. Your second potion was also used AFTER DMF had fallen off too. So you literally had 3 big cooldowns you could have lined up in execute phase, and instead you opted to use them one by one. You want to cram as many procs into Chaos Bolt and Shadowburn as you can, and you could easily have used two uses of Havoc (precasting the first, 3x Shadowburn with procs up, spend 10-15s generating embers again then havocing another 2x shadowburn and a conflag).


I would also advise KJC on this fight and using it during the quake phases.

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Thanks a lot for the help, you made quite a few very good points.

I was not tracking the internal cool down so I should start doing so, as for Dark Soul usage I should use my second charge when I get my Philostone proc back and ~3.5embers or is that incorrect?

Edited by Zuthus

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Hello, sorry to jump in here but i have a question now. I´m playing destro at twins mythic, cause i feel comfortable with it and playing it better then demo atm, however i use havoc on CD every 15s. But i cleave Immolate and Incinerate with it to have immo up on both Targets all the time, and at 20% SB cleave.  I have a good ember gen, maybe because of that, but is it better to cleave a CB every 15s with havoc instead if i have the embers? Maybe cleave CB and cast Immo seperate on both Targets? The Immo cleave, high ember gen and so many single target CBs worked good for me so far.


cheers zkeleton

Edited by Zkeleton

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Hello, sorry to jump in here but i have a question now. I´m playing destro at twins mythic, cause i feel comfortable with it and playing it better then demo atm, however i use havoc on CD every 15s. But i cleave Immolate and Incinerate with it to have immo up on both Targets all the time, and at 20% SB cleave.  I have a good ember gen, maybe because of that, but is it better to cleave a CB every 15s with havoc instead if i have the embers? Maybe cleave CB and cast Immo seperate on both Targets? The Immo cleave, high ember gen and so many single target CBs worked good for me so far.


cheers zkeleton

At our gear level if you cleave with CB every time havoc is up you will not have emers for trinkets and DS. I have found when I tried this in normal/heroics I'm slowly losing the ember building battle at 655 ilevel.

Only exception is imperator where I cleave with bc every chance I get.

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I wanted to go into a bit more detail about when and how I havoc. Again this is what I have found that works for me so please feel free to disagree.

I only play destro on mythic Kargath, heroic tectus, and heroic Imperator.

Kargath - probably destro's best fight in the instance. At the beginning I cleave boss off the tigers. At the end of the fight I cleave tigers with shadowburns off the boss.

Tectus - first phase I cleave into the small adds that come out. They don't live long so I havoc the boss when adds are sub 50% and can usually copy a conflag and two shadowburns. In later phases with motes I cleave zczb or incinerates depending on ember and CDs. I'm usually 95th percentile for my gear on the boss.

Imperator - Arcane spawning adds are great cleave targets. I put havoc on boss with <3 sec on DBM timer for a spawn and copy a CB. That way the CD is up and you can copy a few shadowburns before the add dies. I usually cruise at 22-25k on this fight pretty regularly and I'm an average player + shit geared.

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