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By Tomseno
Raid/Class Spots Are Open To Any Applicant If The Player Is The Right Fit
A guild formed with an ambition for progression and a love for M+ we decided to make the move from Silvermoon Alliance and form a guild to take our focus to the next level, Cutting Edge in 10.1 being the next step.
We believe in building a guild by recruit players of a similar goal and mentality whether it be for raiding or for push score in Mythic plus. We value loyalty, honesty and a positive attitude towards setbacks. Communication skills are an absolute must.
Raid Schedule
Wednesday 20:30-23:00 Sunday 20:30-23:00
Current Progression
9/9HC 5/9M
What are we looking for recruitment wise?
We're currently open to recruiting DPS classes listed above, as we aim to solidify a stable 25-player roster. We're looking to provide competition to existing members and choose the best 25 players to proceed with for next tier.
Contact Information:
Discord; tomsen and lora1506
Think you'd be a good fit?
If you believe that you are a player that is looking to achieve the same goals as us then why not contact us and see if we can achieve our goals together!
By Velovictus
Heyas all! Here's a short music video paying homage to all the guardian druid tanks out there, much love!
By lawura
[H][Draenor][Healer problem] was founded at the end of BFA and reinforced recently with a a group of old friends experienced in mythic raiding. We are bound by ambition to build a strong core of focused players for mythic progression while valuing players over the progress itself. We offer a mature, fun and caring, yet focused environment, with respect to real life responsibilities.
At the moment we are looking for a couple friendly but committed players to complete our mythic team.
Raid hours:
Wednesday: 20.00 - 23.00 (3h)
Thursday : 20.00 - 23.00 (3h)
More info:
For current progress, info on current roster, and opened class spots please check our GoW Page: Healer Problem on GoW
Requirements for raiding
- Good performance & positive attitude
- Know your class and spec, or be ready to receive constructive criticism, to learn and to improve quickly
- Working discord voice communication (mic is not mandatory, but you are required to hear and respond)
- Be organized & prepared - research boss fights, have consumables to last through the raid, be up-to-date on power progression and gearing opportunities outside of raids
Other activities:
On Sundays we have social raids at 20.00-23.00ST
We have a good number of highly ranked and active mythic-plus players, who will be glad to see more joining them in their adventure.
In-Game Community
Our guild has an in-game community. We welcome and encourage our members interacting with players from other guilds and on other realms. Come, join us. meet our people, see if our atmosphere fits you before you decide to dedicate yourself to our raid team.
Community Invitation
If you have any questions, please contact us, we will be happy to answer any of your questions about our guild.
Guild Leader: Beygir#6257 (Discord)
Recruitment Officer: Cheyanna#5202 (Discord), Lawura#2369 (Battletag)
By Jonesy0000
Hi Team
I am recently returning from a few years away from the game and I have decided to go back to my much loved main throughout wrath, the feral druid. I have always been a cut above the rest and managed to be top dps all through wrath.
I was reading your guide and noticed in the talents you don't take savage roar. Can you explain the match behind this as to me it seems like the more viable option.
By darkganj
Hello everyone! When i downloaded the recent shadowlands expansion, i noticed that my macros no longer worked =0. This is not a single target DPS macro, this is a Help / Harm selective macro So i did some digging to find out what was goin on, An example of this would be : /cast [help] Innervate ; [harm] Entangling Roots ; Innervate. This macro utilizes one button for a dual purpose. if i am targeted on friend i innervate them while if i and targeting a opponent it would root them in place. This structure is now broken but has also made things easier in most cases, After doing some digging i discovered some new macros and the new format. Some examples of the new way to write this would be :
/cast [help,nodead][help,nodead]innervate
/cast [harm,nodead][harm,nodead]Entangling Roots
/cast [help,nodead][help,nodead]Regrowth
/cast [harm,nodead][harm,nodead]Wrath
/cast [harm,nodead][@target,harm,nodead]Moonfire
/cast [help,nodead][@target,help,nodead]Rejuvenation
/cast [help,nodead][help,nodead]Wild Growth
/cast [harm,nodead][harm,nodead]Entangling Roots
This is what they call a fall through macro, If the first line of code is not available because of a cooldown or if the Help or Harm selection, it will fall through to the next line of code. This works especially well for balance druids, shaman, and hybrid healing classes that use a ton of buttons. You can cut the amount of keys you need press in half which saves space and prevents accidentally pressings the wrong button. I like to pair my spells by the time it takes to cast, Instant casts with instant casts. They also introduces a mouse over macro for heals and rebuffs which is really good for world PVP. One of the better macros iv'e seen is a mouse over Rebirth :
#showtooltip Rebirth
/cast [@mouseover,help]Rebirth;Rebirth
#showtooltip Remove Corruption
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=target] Remove Corruption
If you are going to try and make your own macro, you should keep in mind
1: The Global Cool Down or GCD which is the time it takes between 2 casts and
2: Not all of your spells and trinkets share a GCD, so you are able to cast 2 or 3 spells at the exact same time as long as it doesn't share a GCD.
I hope this helps!