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[Feral]Looking to help a guildmate

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His Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/icecrown/Hemlokk/advanced


Butcher Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/rwvTmDVPtX7xYdaF#fight=14&type=damage-done&source=5


Would like a little bit of help reading logs from a feral druids perspective so I can help my guildmate out. From the outside looking in his uptime on Rip, Rake, and Savage Roar look ok. What else could he do to squeeze out some more dps? Or is he actually performing well?


Thanks for any help you guys can provide!

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Hey. Thanks for posting and showing an interest. I'll read over it right now and give you feedback within the hour.

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Ok, writing this as I look at the log so these are not in any particular order:


His dot uptime was fine, but can always be improved. No reason not to have 99% uptime on rake and 97% or so on rip for a fight like butcher. 


He needs to be using Incarnation, not Soul of the Forest. It's just objectively better right now.


His opener needs a lot of work. From what I can see, he opened with:


Shred -> Shred -> Rake -> Rip (5cp) -> Cooldowns -> Shred -> Shred -> Shred -> Savage Roar


This is....wrong. There's no nice way to put that. If he wants more information about why this is incorrect and why the opener I am about to propose is better, i'm happy to elaborate, but here is currently the correct opener:


1: (Pre-Pull) Cast Healing Touch on yourself, then stealth

2: (Pre-Pull) Draenic Agility Potion at 1 second before pull

3: (On-Pull) Rake

4: Incarnation

5: Shred

6: (if OoC Procs) Shred again

7: Berserk + Tiger's Fury

8: Shred to 5 cp if not there

9: Rip

10: Shred to 5 Combo points

11: Healing Touch

12: Ferocious Bite

13: Rake


That opener gives us a very, very strong opening burst that lasts for a long, long time. It also applies Savage Roar right off the bat because you raked out of stealth (thanks glyph of savage roar) and keeps it going throughout the duration of Incarnation. 


He had time for 8 Tiger's Fury in this encounter, and only used 7. Advise him to use this on cooldown (and to ensure he is below 25 energy when it is about to come off cooldown).


He cast Rake 29 times in a 3:44 minute encounter. 1 Rake lasts 15 seconds, meaning this is enough rake's for a 7:15 minute encounter. I...what? He seems to cast it every 7 second or so. Don't do that, it's wasted damage.


Lastly, and this is a big one. His bloodtalons use needs to be a lot better. This is apparent in two areas. Considering he should cast a HT on himself pre-pull, and that he should be using every Predatory Swiftness proc, he should logically get the bloodtalons buff 1 more time then the PS buff. He got the PS buff 20 times this fight, and the Bloodtalons buff only 7. This is a ton of wasted dps potential.


Once he has the PS buff, he needs to manage when he procs bloodtalons better. He seems to (When he uses it at all) cast it immediately or shortly after proccing it. The correct use would be to save it until you reach 4 combo points, so you can buff your upcoming finishing move (If you are unable to reach 4 combo points, which is occasionally true, you just use the buff instead of wasting it, but you should be able to reach it each time with his gear level). 


TLDR: There are a lot of things he can definately work on, and I would advise that you have him read this. But don't be distraught: everyone has room to improve, you just gotta practice smile.png


If you need help with understanding or implementing anything here, or just have some questions, feel free to add my Battletag (Bradykin#1248) and i'd be happy to assist you.

Edited by Bradykin

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Thank you for all of the information Bradykin! You have given me a lot of details and let me know a lot of things to look for. I'd like to break this down a little bit and present it to him in stages. What do you think the "lowest hanging fruit" of this review is? Meaning what is the first thing he could change and see the best improvement?


I think that will make it easier to suggest future improvements.

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Thank you for all of the information Bradykin! You have given me a lot of details and let me know a lot of things to look for. I'd like to break this down a little bit and present it to him in stages. What do you think the "lowest hanging fruit" of this review is? Meaning what is the first thing he could change and see the best improvement?


I think that will make it easier to suggest future improvements.


Well, the four main problems are:


Wrong 60 talent (Use Incarnation over SotF)

Incorrect Opener

Incorrect Bloodtalons usage

Wasted uses of Rake


I'd lump the first two together and package that as the first thing to improve on. Suggest the new opener, which involves the use of Incarnation over SotF. That's probably the easiest problem for him to understand and correct.

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