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Hi, I've been a long time lurker finally made an account.


A couple simple questions.


I main SV was wondering the viability of BM on brackenspore. I'm always on flamethrower duty and wanted to know if it would be a dps loss or gain to use your pet while you burned moss.

Also a question of trinkets.


primal gladiator's insignia of conquest





Bloodmaw's Tooth



I do wish armory worked for my character but they don't exist and I don't have any logs

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Pet damage is unaffected by flamethrower stacks, so BM is really bad in that fight. 


660 PvP trinket is really good, I think the only one that's better than it is Skull of War 2 or 3, and even then depending on your gear. 

Edited by Iridar

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Hi, what do you think about lucky double-sided coin? is it better than pvp trinket?


My main spec is surv and if you want to check something more, this si my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/it/character/nemesis/M%C3%ACssclick/advanced

SV Trinkets: http://downloads.simulationcraft.org/Azortharion/SV_TrinketComparisons.html

MM Trinkets:  http://downloads.simulationcraft.org/Azortharion/MM_TrinketComparisons.html

BM Trinkets:  http://downloads.simulationcraft.org/Azortharion/BM_TrinketComparisons.html


These are Azor's trinket comparison sims, and show which trinkets are better than others.  The only exception is that scales + LDSC is better than scales + mythic CMA for SV.  So, yes, coin > PvP trinket.  Also, I really hope you aren't using EM for PvE.


@ OP: yes, the conquest insignia is better than the lfr trinket.

Edited by Orthios

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Thx for the help! i will try to find LDSC than :)


EM = exotic munition?


No no! i just use them in pvp cause i think they are really useful for kiting people and sometimes in pve when i have to kite big animals for collecting savage blood :D


in pve i usually use lw or fs

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Thx for the help! i will try to find LDSC than smile.png


EM = exotic munition?


No no! i just use them in pvp cause i think they are really useful for kiting people and sometimes in pve when i have to kite big animals for collecting savage blood biggrin.png


in pve i usually use lw or fs

Well, good luck getting a coin, and yes EM would be exotic munitions, and your uses are completely understandable then.

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