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[EU-Ravencrest-Alliance] <Transcendence> Daytime raiding guild

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Hi all,

As I have been wondering around a lot of forums and websites the last 2 weeks to find a good DAYTIME raiding guild. Although I haven't found any guilds that are up to the task of what I search. I assume lots of different people are also looking for the same thing.

Therefor a new guild will be created called 'Transcendence' on Ravencrest EU. This will be a daytime raiding guild that will move forward on mythic Blackroch Foundry. We will concentrate on a 2-day raiding roster of 4h30 of raiding. 

The raiding schedule will be:
- Monday 12.30 - 17.00 (Server time) Invites will start 15 mins prio the start
- Thursday 12.30 - 17.00 (Server time) Invites will start 15 mins prio the start

What will the guild expect from everyone: As this is a very tight roster for raiding, we need almost 100% attendance. Of course real life issues can occur, which can cause you not to join the raid. (But in the end 7/8 raids per month should be joined)

We are recruiting everyone now as this guild is just starting. The plan for the coming 1-2 months (dependable on release of Blackrock Foundry) is clearing Highmaul heroic as soon as possible and pug some Mythich Highmaul to get some experience in there also.

Summary of needs:
- Extensive knowledge of your class. (Not just one spec, or 5 spells)
- Able to use TS (mic is not mandatory)
- Be raidprepared always (Flasks/Prepotting/Food/Enchants/Gemmed)
- Knowledge of every fight that is coming. (Fatboss.tv, Finalboss.tv, icy-veins are your friends)
- At this moment 6/7HC experience (but prefer 7/7HC)[/background]
- A good internet connection.
- A very high attendance on raiding days. (Strive for 100%)

Our application process consists of the following steps:
- Filling in the application form on the website.
- Answering the additional questions (if necessary)
- A little Teamspeak interview.

We do not want any drama in the guild nor people with unstable connections that are dc'ing all the time. The reputation of the guild will be very important and we do not want that internally or externally, a guild member flames, fights etc... with different people. An adult attitude, is what we want in short.

If you believe what it takes to join <Transcendence>:
Please apply on http://transcendenceravencrest.enjin.com/
Or contact me in this thread or in game through Battle-tag: Ironman#2375.

As this guild is new, we are also looking for new officers. People who wants to contribute to the guild a bit more with considering the tactics for new bosses, knowledge of different classes. (Ranged/Heals/Tanks/Melees)

Cheerz and see you in game.

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