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Unholy DK looking for advice.

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Hi guys, I've been playing unholy since WoD lauch after I saw the dps had picked up again. For a while I've felt my dps was lacking. Currently I'm at 649 ilvl and I usually pull around 18-19k dps on single target fights. I have felt like my damage was lacking for my item level so I decided to simcraft myself and see whats whats, Simcraft came back at 18.7k dps which I still feel is incredibly low for my item level. I have sim'd friends etc and same ilvl are estimated at around 22-24k. Is this right or am I doing something wrong?

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/darkspear/Aesthet%C3%ADcs/simple- Thats my Armory.



Edited by Aesthetics

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For me personally I find ilvl's 630 to 650 is our "Blah" time. We really pick up on the DPS meters as unholy with better gear starting at 655+. Also we'd be able to help you better if you load your logs on a website (preferably Warcraftlogs) and we can help you analyze your fights. Its a Superior tool in getting better... It also lets us know if your standing in fire..laugh.png

Edited by Deathdoc

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I see a problem in your talent choice.


Since you are utilizing defile your tier 1 talent choice shouldn't be unholy blight it should be plague leech. Plague leech will give you 2 free scourge strikes every time outbreak comes off CD (or if you use glyph of outbreak whenever you have enough RP). This is especially important when the enemy gets within the 45% range as you can maximize the number of soul reaper's you poop out. 


The other thing that does make a big difference in dps i pre potting and repotting when you run out.


Beyond this without logs we can only do so much :)

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You should definitely be using plague leech. It's at minimum a 500dps gain if you use it on cooldown. I wouldn't bother with glyphed outbreak for unholy. every 2nd-3rd plague leech you'll have outbreak off cooldown, and even for the plague leeches in between if you immediately reapply both diseases with plague strike you've still gained 1 rune, and a free plague strike.


As others have stated, it's difficult to give you much advice without logs, but the most common problems I find with unholy DK's that are underperforming are

- not defiling on cooldown

- Boss constantly getting moved out of defile

- Inconsistent soul reaper usage


Those are the only things that'll make 2-3k differences in your dps. everything else is usually the combination of a lot of little things. if you get us some logs though (preferable on warcraft logs) we can definitely go through them.

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