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The Rate/Improve my deck thread.

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Guys, I love playing as Tempo Mage. It's by far the deck archetype I enjoyed the most since GvG came out, but since TGT I feel my deck is a little underpowered. I also feel I'm not very good playing with it as the quality of the overall playerbase got higher and I didn't quite accompany it. That being said, I wanted you to evaluate my deck and give me some advices as to how I could play it well. Not as a handbook, but as some tips that may have made you better.


Mage Specific

1x Arcane Missiles

1x Mirro Image

2x Mana Wyrm

1x Flamecannon

1x Frostbolt

2x Unstable Portal

2x Sorcerer's Apprentice

2x Arcane Intellect

1x Counter Spell

1x Duplicate

2x Mirror Entity

2x Flamewaker

2x Fireball

1x Polymorph

1x Flamestrike

1x Archmage Antonidas



1x Clockwork Gnome

2x Mad Scientist

2x Mechanical Yeti

1x Piloted Shredder

1x Azure Drake

Thanks in advance!


Arcane Missiles are too random. If you are often lucky and RNGesus stands on your side, keep them. If not, add Doctor Boom for his value.

Arcane Intellects are actually an anti-tempo card and was included to have some sort of a 3-drop and a spell altogether, but with the release of TGT, Spellslinger has become the card to included in place of it. Spellslinger gives you a spell to use with Antonidas or Flamewaker. Spellslinger is also a good minion with 3/4 for 3 mana. 

Counterspell isn't that strong. Keep it if you face a lot of Combo druid or other spell dependent combo decks. Otherwise use Effigy. It is a strong tempo secret, it makes your minions hard to remove and you even have a chance to get the same minion back. 

Duplicate is too slow and don't generate any tempo. You pay 3 mana for nothing. They kill your minion and you have to play him again. Rhonin is great in tempo mage, so I recommend adding him to your deck. You get 3 one mana spells that can activate Flamewaker, Antonidas or can be played as a finisher because they deal 9 damage for 3 mana.

Polymorph isn't that strong of a tempo card, you still leave him a 1/1 beast and it can sometimes make trouble. Polymorph:Boar does almost the same but you can use it as a finisher and it costs one mana less.

Flamestrike is a meta tech card. If the meta slows down (or is already slow), remove it and add a second Frostbolt.

Mechanical Yeti is simply not good enough. It generates only one spare part and gets destroyed by one of the most common cards in game: Loatheb. Add a second Shredder. Shredders are probably the best 4-drops and although they don't generate spare parts, they generate 2-drops. Also, if you didn't include Boom, include him now.


To get better with tempo mage, I recommend watching videos or streams. Trump made a video about it (but sadly this was pre-TGT)

Thanks for the answer! Mind if I counterargument some of your tips? (not that I feel you're wrong, but my line of reasoning for maintaining some cards:

I kinda agree with the removal of Arcane missiles, and I'm tempted to remove it, but I mostly use it in this scenario: "turn 3 > coin > flame > missiles". And it hardly lets me down. It's also a good card to have to finish a 2 health minion, sometimes (when it doesn't suck haha). The Spellslinger idea was really nice, I'm gonna do it right away! haha

Why I've put counterspell: I've had to deal TIME AND TIME AGAIN with some removals that simply ended the game for me. I've been a vicitim to well place removals so many times that I decided to take a counterspell with me. Result: It's not always an effective card, but I feel that, even when it's not so effective, it usually takes away a 2+ mana spell that, even though it's a 3 for 2 trade, it pretty much can fuck with the opponent's strategy. and if it's already terrible to get fucked up on the enemy's turn it's even worse when it's on your own. Also, everyone pretty much expects a duplicate/effigy/mirror entity, so it's also a good mind game. You don't think this line of reasoning might be a good one?

About Polymorph. Agreed. Sounds correct. And I hate to have flamestrike in my deck, it simply doesn't fit it, but yea, those aggro decks are very pesty.


Thanks biggrin.png

Edited by Xusa

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Thanks for the answer! Mind if I counterargument some of your tips? (not that I feel you're wrong, but my line of reasoning for maintaining some cards:

I kinda agree with the removal of Arcane missiles, and I'm tempted to remove it, but I mostly use it in this scenario: "turn 3 > coin > flame > missiles". And it hardly lets me down. It's also a good card to have to finish a 2 health minion, sometimes (when it doesn't suck haha). The Spellslinger idea was really nice, I'm gonna do it right away! haha

Why I've put counterspell: I've had to deal TIME AND TIME AGAIN with some removals that simply ended the game for me. I've been a vicitim to well place removals so many times that I decided to take a counterspell with me. Result: It's not always an effective card, but I feel that, even when it's not so effective, it usually takes away a 2+ mana spell that, even though it's a 3 for 2 trade, it pretty much can fuck with the opponent's strategy. and if it's already terrible to get fucked up on the enemy's turn it's even worse when it's on your own. Also, everyone pretty much expects a duplicate/effigy/mirror entity, so it's also a good mind game. You don't think this line of reasoning might be a good one?

About Polymorph. Agreed. Sounds correct. And I hate to have flamestrike in my deck, it simply doesn't fit it, but yea, those aggro decks are very pesty.


Thanks biggrin.png



On the higher ranks people start expecting counterspell. If you are going first, the opponent has a coin and they sometimes keep the coin. They check for Mirror Entity, sometimes for Effigy and they play the coin. This gives them 3 mana tempo and that is the opposite of what you want. I guess it is OK to keep counterspell in lower ranks, but swap it once you rank up a bit.

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Thanks for the answer! Mind if I counterargument some of your tips? (not that I feel you're wrong, but my line of reasoning for maintaining some cards:

I kinda agree with the removal of Arcane missiles, and I'm tempted to remove it, but I mostly use it in this scenario: "turn 3 > coin > flame > missiles". And it hardly lets me down. It's also a good card to have to finish a 2 health minion, sometimes (when it doesn't suck haha). The Spellslinger idea was really nice, I'm gonna do it right away! haha

Why I've put counterspell: I've had to deal TIME AND TIME AGAIN with some removals that simply ended the game for me. I've been a vicitim to well place removals so many times that I decided to take a counterspell with me. Result: It's not always an effective card, but I feel that, even when it's not so effective, it usually takes away a 2+ mana spell that, even though it's a 3 for 2 trade, it pretty much can fuck with the opponent's strategy. and if it's already terrible to get fucked up on the enemy's turn it's even worse when it's on your own. Also, everyone pretty much expects a duplicate/effigy/mirror entity, so it's also a good mind game. You don't think this line of reasoning might be a good one?

About Polymorph. Agreed. Sounds correct. And I hate to have flamestrike in my deck, it simply doesn't fit it, but yea, those aggro decks are very pesty.


Thanks biggrin.png



On the higher ranks people start expecting counterspell. If you are going first, the opponent has a coin and they sometimes keep the coin. They check for Mirror Entity, sometimes for Effigy and they play the coin. This gives them 3 mana tempo and that is the opposite of what you want. I guess it is OK to keep counterspell in lower ranks, but swap it once you rank up a bit.



Ah, that makes sense. I also expect counterspell, but I thought that was why I play it. Also, an example of why I keep it below:




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Well, if Counterspell is paying off, keep it. Once it starts to lose value and people start playing around it, swap it for an Effigy. Sadly I cannot speak from experience about Effigy, but a lot of players run it so I guess it is good enough to find place in Tempo mage.

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So I am currently in the process of finishing this deck, this is what the finished product will look like, I am only missing cleef and thalanos from the list, and I would just like to get an opinion on it.  I am not the best hearthstone player, currently I am working my way towards the single digit ranks, I am at rank 12 right now.


Here is the deck list

Backstab x2

Prep x2

Deadly poison x2

Blade flurry x2

Evis x2

Sap x2


Beneath the Ground




SI:7 x2




Violet Teacher x2

Azure Drake x2


Sprint x2

Dr Boom



I chose to run Sabotage instead of BGH because tech spots in the deck are somewhat limited, and it fills double duty for weapon and big creature removal.  Plus it can remove irritating high health taunts, like druid of the claw if it comes to that, where as BGH can't.  Beneath the Ground is a tech choice against control match ups, since I am only running a single oil, I feel its a stronger choice then assassins blade, and it has the up side of not being able to be put into a museum, plus it is really strong in mirrors.  Since I am using the 2 teacher 1 shredder build, I have a fairly strong match up against paladin, so that is why one of the FoK's got cut, however, since I am, again, only running a single oil I am considering replacing one of the flurries for a second one, but I am undecided.  Both seem to work fairly evenly.  My match up against midranged druid and tempo mage seems a little lacking without a healbot to stabilize and bring me out of burn/combo range, but it is so awkward to play most of the time it feels like a determent against most other match ups, except maybe face hunter, and the match up against druid even with it, is still fairly weak. That being said I have considered cutting the shredder for a belcher or maybe a defender of argus to help stabilize against some agro match ups, but argus feels like it would be a dead tempo draw against any deck that is good at removing minions, especially since the deck plays so few sticky ones, and belcher would make my 4 drop slot kind of underwhelming, so I am hesitant to cut a shredder for it.  Any suggestions, opinions or criticisms are welcome.

Edited by VaraTreledees

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So I am currently in the process of finishing this deck, this is what the finished product will look like, I am only missing cleef and thalanos from the list, and I would just like to get an opinion on it.  I am not the best hearthstone player, currently I am working my way towards the single digit ranks, I am at rank 12 right now.


Here is the deck list

Backstab x2

Prep x2

Deadly poison x2

Blade flurry x2

Evis x2

Sap x2


Beneath the Ground




SI:7 x2




Violet Teacher x2

Azure Drake x2


Sprint x2

Dr Boom



I chose to run Sabotage instead of BGH because tech spots in the deck are somewhat limited, and it fills double duty for weapon and big creature removal.  Plus it can remove irritating high health taunts, like druid of the claw if it comes to that, where as BGH can't.  Beneath the Ground is a tech choice against control match ups, since I am only running a single oil, I feel its a stronger choice then assassins blade, and it has the up side of not being able to be put into a museum, plus it is really strong in mirrors.  Since I am using the 2 teacher 1 shredder build, I have a fairly strong match up against paladin, so that is why one of the FoK's got cut, however, since I am, again, only running a single oil I am considering replacing one of the flurries for a second one, but I am undecided.  Both seem to work fairly evenly.  My match up against midranged druid and tempo mage seems a little lacking without a healbot to stabilize and bring me out of burn/combo range, but it is so awkward to play most of the time it feels like a determent against most other match ups, except maybe face hunter, and the match up against druid even with it, is still fairly weak. That being said I have considered cutting the shredder for a belcher or maybe a defender of argus to help stabilize against some agro match ups, but argus feels like it would be a dead tempo draw against any deck that is good at removing minions, especially since the deck plays so few sticky ones, and belcher would make my 4 drop slot kind of underwhelming, so I am hesitant to cut a shredder for it.  Any suggestions, opinions or criticisms are welcome.


Beneath the Grounds is too inconsistent and unreliable. It does nothing when you play it. The moment you play it you lose tempo and control decks are usually able to deal with a 4/4. I recommend a Southsea Deckhand to power up your finisher.

Edwin is too slow and when he grows too much, he can get BGHed. He can also get silenced. If you get a bad draw, he makes it even worse. Add oil. Oil is the soul of the deck and without it you lack a finisher and a board clear with flurry. 

Sabotage is risky. If you are able to keep the board clear for Sabotage to have maximum effect, keep it. Otherwise use Healbot for the reasons you stated.

Dr. Boom is the only BGH target in your deck. If you face BGHs, swap it for a Fan of Knives against aggro and for some card draw.


Rogue is currently one of the weakest classes in game and I do not recommend playing her.

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So I am currently in the process of finishing this deck, this is what the finished product will look like, I am only missing cleef and thalanos from the list, and I would just like to get an opinion on it.  I am not the best hearthstone player, currently I am working my way towards the single digit ranks, I am at rank 12 right now.


Here is the deck list

Backstab x2

Prep x2

Deadly poison x2

Blade flurry x2

Evis x2

Sap x2


Beneath the Ground




SI:7 x2




Violet Teacher x2

Azure Drake x2


Sprint x2

Dr Boom



I chose to run Sabotage instead of BGH because tech spots in the deck are somewhat limited, and it fills double duty for weapon and big creature removal.  Plus it can remove irritating high health taunts, like druid of the claw if it comes to that, where as BGH can't.  Beneath the Ground is a tech choice against control match ups, since I am only running a single oil, I feel its a stronger choice then assassins blade, and it has the up side of not being able to be put into a museum, plus it is really strong in mirrors.  Since I am using the 2 teacher 1 shredder build, I have a fairly strong match up against paladin, so that is why one of the FoK's got cut, however, since I am, again, only running a single oil I am considering replacing one of the flurries for a second one, but I am undecided.  Both seem to work fairly evenly.  My match up against midranged druid and tempo mage seems a little lacking without a healbot to stabilize and bring me out of burn/combo range, but it is so awkward to play most of the time it feels like a determent against most other match ups, except maybe face hunter, and the match up against druid even with it, is still fairly weak. That being said I have considered cutting the shredder for a belcher or maybe a defender of argus to help stabilize against some agro match ups, but argus feels like it would be a dead tempo draw against any deck that is good at removing minions, especially since the deck plays so few sticky ones, and belcher would make my 4 drop slot kind of underwhelming, so I am hesitant to cut a shredder for it.  Any suggestions, opinions or criticisms are welcome.


Beneath the Grounds is too inconsistent and unreliable. It does nothing when you play it. The moment you play it you lose tempo and control decks are usually able to deal with a 4/4. I recommend a Southsea Deckhand to power up your finisher.

Edwin is too slow and when he grows too much, he can get BGHed. He can also get silenced. If you get a bad draw, he makes it even worse. Add oil. Oil is the soul of the deck and without it you lack a finisher and a board clear with flurry. 

Sabotage is risky. If you are able to keep the board clear for Sabotage to have maximum effect, keep it. Otherwise use Healbot for the reasons you stated.

Dr. Boom is the only BGH target in your deck. If you face BGHs, swap it for a Fan of Knives against aggro and for some card draw.


Rogue is currently one of the weakest classes in game and I do not recommend playing her.



I don't really care for deckhand, it feels weak most of the time.  I used to run it in my deck, but it never felt impactful enough.  This deck is also modeled a bit more off of Mr. yagut's oil deck, which only runs 1 copy of oil, and I go back and forth on which is better.  My general problem is a lot of the time oil ends up being a dead draw, or just three extra damage, and a better weapon for clearing minions.  The beneath the ground I tend to agree with, but it feels like rogue needs a bit more oomph against some control match ups, specifically warrior, and I am not sure what else to tech in.  I know that rogue was arguably the weakest class before the patron nerf, and after it, we are even worse.  Patron was a pretty decent match for oil, not only that, but handlock was also a strong match, both of which are going to see a lot less play.  

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Here is my deck if you have some tips just tell me


Oh sorry, totally forgot about that. 


I think I got the general stuff in PM, so I will keep it short.

2 Crackles -> 2 Earth shocks for silence. It is really needed in current Hunter/Mage/ Secret Pally meta. Crackles are useful against Midrange and Control.

2 Annoy-o-trons -> 2 Haunted Creepers. Creepers works basically the same way, but you get multiple bodies for Flametongue.

2 Raptors -> 2 Totem Golems. Golems are way better, Shamans don't have many turn 3 plays, so the overload doesn't really matter.

2 Grizzlys -> 2 Defenders of Argus. Defenders give 2 taunts and also improve your trading options by adding 2 attack and 2 health total.

1 Mana Tide -> 1 Azure Drake. Mana tides are rather situational, Azure drakes are not. If you are able to consistently play Mana Tides, keep them. If not, one should do the job.

2 Clerics -> 2 Thunder Bluffs. Valiant is one of the better Shaman cards and can sort of work as Bloodlust.

2 Dark Iron Dwarfs -> 1 Azure Drake + 1 Chow. With Valiants no need to worry about activating your totems. Include one Chow once you get him and an Azure Drake for the reasons mentioned in PM.

2 Tigers -> Boom + Bloodlust. Boom is pure value, deserves inclusion. Bloodlust is really strong finisher. Use him until you get Doomhammer or Al'Akir.

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I recently got an eaglehorn bow. Should I include it in my midrange hunter?

If you don't have one yet in your deck, definitely add it. If you have one already, I would add him only if you have 3 secrets (Bear + 2x Freezing). If you run 2 secrets, Glaivezooka might be slightly better.

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An off topic question.

Is face hunter going to be harder to play further up the ladder? I recently made a super budget version of it.


Everything is harder in the higher ranks. Face hunter is no exception and in my opinion gets harder faster than control decks.

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Anyways here's the makeshift face hunter deck I've made

1x arcane shot

2x abusive sergant

2x leper gnome

1x worgen infiltrator

1x young dragonhawk

1x bear trap

2x explosive trap

2x quick shot

1x haunted creeper

2x ironbeak owl

2x knife juggler

2x mad scientist

1x scavenging hyena( didn't know what to put here)

1x eaglehorn bow(recently from a pack)

2x animal companion

2x kill command

1x unleash the hounds(only have 1)

2x arcane golem

2x wolfrider.

The tweaked version of the brm naxx gvg face hunter from this website.


Any idea how to improve it? Any cards that are not found from the original deck is because of both 1.) not enough dust 2.)didn't draw that card from a pack yet.


Managed to climb from 18 to 15, then dropped to 16. Feels like I'm going to be stuck there the whole season


On a side note, the deck is very fun to play, and i got my first friend request where the person just insulted me for playing face then deleted me as friend tongue.png

Edited by Ithilrandir

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Anyways here's the makeshift face hunter deck I've made

1x arcane shot

2x abusive sergant

2x leper gnome

1x worgen infiltrator

1x young dragonhawk

1x bear trap

2x explosive trap

2x quick shot

1x haunted creeper

2x ironbeak owl

2x knife juggler

2x mad scientist

1x scavenging hyena( didn't know what to put here)

1x eaglehorn bow(recently from a pack)

2x animal companion

2x kill command

1x unleash the hounds(only have 1)

2x arcane golem

2x wolfrider.

The tweaked version of the brm naxx gvg face hunter from this website.


Any idea how to improve it? Any cards that are not found from the original deck is because of both 1.) not enough dust 2.)didn't draw that card from a pack yet.


Managed to climb from 18 to 15, then dropped to 16. Feels like I'm going to be stuck there the whole season


On a side note, the deck is very fun to play, and i got my first friend request where the person just insulted me for playing face then deleted me as friend tongue.png


I might have misunderstood you, I think you mean that you don't want to get suggested cards in the original deck?



Young Dragonhawk is an absolute NO! and never deserver a spot in any deck ever. Just disenchant it. Second Worgen Infiltrator should do the job temporarily.

Otherwise the deck is ok-ish for ultra budget. However, the deck is super cheap to build and it shouldn't take you long. You can also send me printscreens of your collection in PM so we can go through disenchantable cards. 


Face Hunter is hard to be played optimally and I recommend using Secret Paladin or Midrange Druid as an easier alternative.

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Its not that i don't want cards from the original deck, its that I simply do not have dust for anything.Also why I don't play all the popular decks nowadays. I'll dust the dragon hawk though. 

Edited by Ithilrandir

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I'm trying to create a decent Midrange/Control Priest just for quests but I'm struggling a bit. I feel that in most of my games, my deck added together doesn't have a great impact on my games as other decks I have, here is is:


2x Holy Smite

2x Power Word: Shield

1x Clockwork Gnome

2x Northshire Cleric

2x Mechwarper

2x Shrinkmeister

2x Wild Pyromancer

1x Shadow Word: Death

2x Velen's Chosen

2x Spider Tank

1x Defender of Argus

2x Mechanical Yeti

2x Holy Nova

2x Azure Drake

1x Vol'jin

1x Cabal Shadow Priest

1x Sylvanas Windrunner

1x Temple Enforcer

1x Dr.Boom


The reason why I'm heavy on Mechs is because I don't have much options, Don't have Naxx nor BRM avaiable.

My options of swaps are the basic cards and:


Class cards


2x Circle of Healing

1x Thoughtsteal

1x Shadow Madness

2x Holy Champion

2x Lightspawn

1x Temple Enforcer


Neutral Cards


1x Justicar Trueheart

1x Piloted Sky Golem

2x Piloted Shreders

2x Injured Blademasters

1x Defender of Argus


I could craft about 500dust worth of cards, but not sure what are good options here. Was thinking about auchenai soulpriest and light of naaru but I'm not sure. Thank's in advance for any response.

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I'm trying to create a decent Midrange/Control Priest just for quests but I'm struggling a bit. I feel that in most of my games, my deck added together doesn't have a great impact on my games as other decks I have, here is is:


2x Holy Smite

2x Power Word: Shield

1x Clockwork Gnome

2x Northshire Cleric

2x Mechwarper

2x Shrinkmeister

2x Wild Pyromancer

1x Shadow Word: Death

2x Velen's Chosen

2x Spider Tank

1x Defender of Argus

2x Mechanical Yeti

2x Holy Nova

2x Azure Drake

1x Vol'jin

1x Cabal Shadow Priest

1x Sylvanas Windrunner

1x Temple Enforcer

1x Dr.Boom


The reason why I'm heavy on Mechs is because I don't have much options, Don't have Naxx nor BRM avaiable.

My options of swaps are the basic cards and:


Class cards


2x Circle of Healing

1x Thoughtsteal

1x Shadow Madness

2x Holy Champion

2x Lightspawn

1x Temple Enforcer


Neutral Cards


1x Justicar Trueheart

1x Piloted Sky Golem

2x Piloted Shreders

2x Injured Blademasters

1x Defender of Argus


I could craft about 500dust worth of cards, but not sure what are good options here. Was thinking about auchenai soulpriest and light of naaru but I'm not sure. Thank's in advance for any response.


Welcome to Icy-Veins forum, I hope you will like your stay here :)


Naxx is a nice addition of Zombie Chow and Dark Cultist. Dark Cultist is very strong. Even when played on an empty board, you have a 3/4 body for 3 mana. Chow is just usual anti-aggro card and can be buffed early game. 


You can choose between a control mech priest or a control priest with combos.

If you want a mech priest, I would do these changes:

One Holy Smite in such a proactive deck should be sufficient. Add a Shredder because it is arguably the best 4-drop in the game.

Remove Clockwork Gnome. He is simply not good enough. Add a Piloted Sky Golem. It is a really strong mech and because you have one in your collection, it won't cost you any dust. 

You are playing proactive cards in your deck. Pyromacers hurt your board and that is the opposite of what you want. Tinkertown Technicians are great in a mech deck and are a proactive play.

Defender of Argus is good, but with such an early game, I don't think you really need one. Adding a Shadowboxer could be better for mech synergy and tempo.

Vol'jin is good in control meta. If you face an aggro meta, add a Piloted Shredder. 

Tempo Enforces doesn't have many targets for battlecry. Adding a second Shadowboxer could be good.


If you want a classic control priest, consider these changes:

Swap Smites for Circles of Healing. Circles are a strong combo pieces that can sometimes be played alone. They synergise well with Auchenai, Injured Blademaster, Pyromancer and Holy Champion. 

One Clockwork Gnome and one Shrinkmeister for 2 Lights of the Naaru. Clockwork will be useless once we remove the synergy. 2 Shrinkmeisters are bit too much and you won't be trading that much. You can keep both if you face a lot of control decks though. Lights synergise with Auchenai very well because even if you kill the target, it still spawns a Lightwarden.

Mechwarpers for Auchenais. Auchenai is a staple in control priest. She combos well with the deck (eg. Auchenai+Circle board clear). With her and your hero power you can keep the board quite clear. 

Remove Velen's Chosen and use Thoughtsteals instead. They can be a proactive play in a deck full of spells.

Spider Tanks for Lightbomb and a Second Cabal. Lightbomb is a really nice board clear. Works against aggro, works against control. Cabal is good in most of matchups. These cards are important in control priest.

Remove Defender and add a Injured Blademaster. If you play him with circle, you get a 4/7 in turn 3. Turn 8 with Holy Nova is a 3 mana 4/5. The value is simply outstanding.

Mechanical Yetis are OK in a budget deck, but I will aim for a bit more expensive deck. Add Holy Champions.

You don't need Azure Drakes to draw. Your hand should be full of answers all the time. The spell damage doesn't matter. Add one Justicar (good you have her already) and Sylvanas. Sylva is really strong control card and is good even against aggro.

Enforcer is good, but there are better card in the late-game. Ysera is a huge late.game threat and can win games singlehandedly. 


Now, I know these changes are expensive, so I will give you a crafting order.

Auchenai > Injured Blademasters > Ysera/Sylvanas > Cabal > The Rest


If you want to, you can send me your collection and we can go through your cards and disenchant useless cards. If you decide to do so, I recommend Innkeeper (Hearthpwn) or HearthHead.

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Hi, i'm trying to build a mage deck around the strongest cards i have in my collection. I think it might be tagged with the words:

secret legendary control mage. I'm haveing a lot of playing it but i can't climb much the ladder and i loose 80% of the games against fast aggressive decks. Any suggestion will be appreciated


Current rank: 17

Naxxramas: completed

BrM: 2 stages done (planning to complete it)


1x flamecannon

2x frostbolt

1x unstable portal

2x mad scientist

2x sorcerer's apprentice

2x arcane intellect

1x counterspell

2x duplicate

2x vaporize

2x fireball

2x polymorph

2x ethereal arcanist

1x azure drake

1x feugen

1x sludge belcher

1x stalagg

1x emperor thaurissan

2x flamestrike

1x Kel'Thuzad

1x Ragnaros the firelord


The deck is supposed to control foes throughout the early-mid with the cheap cards and force some removal with the arcanists and thaurissan, the combo kel thuzad/feugen/stalagg in late is kinda good and ragnaros is probably the best finishing tool. Duplicate and counterspell are a good support for the big cost cards.

I have a poor collection over basic and expansions, i have an illidan as a legendary card and a mana wyrm that might be useful.

I don't have a second unstable portal or azure drake. I would like to save my essence for antonidas but it's a long way.

Edited by WangLi

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Hi, i'm trying to build a mage deck around the strongest cards i have in my collection. I think it might be tagged with the words:

secret legendary control mage. I'm haveing a lot of playing it but i can't climb much the ladder and i loose 80% of the games against fast aggressive decks. Any suggestion will be appreciated


Current rank: 17

Naxxramas: completed

BrM: half done (working on it)


1x flamecannon

2x frostbolt

1x unstable portal

2x mad scientist

2x sorcerer's apprentice

2x arcane intellect

1x counterspell

2x duplicate

2x vaporize

2x fireball

2x polymorph

2x ethereal arcanist

1x azure drake

1x feugen

1x sludge belcher

1x stalagg

1x emperor thaurissan

2x flamestrike

1x Kel'Thuzad

1x Ragnaros the firelord


The deck is supposed to control foes throughout the early-mid with the cheap cards and force some removal with the arcanists and thaurissan, the combo kel thuzad/feugen/stalagg in late is kinda good and ragnaros is probably the best finishing tool. Duplicate and counterspell are a good support for the big cost cards.


My collection is at beginning but i also have an illidan as a legendary card.

I don't have a second unstable portal, sludge belcher or azure drake, i also doesn't have any wyrm. I would like to save my essence for antonidas but it's a long way.


Nonfreeze Control mage isn't that good to be honest. If you want to play control mage, play freeze. Also, don't really mainly on secret, mage is not a paladin. Now, that I know you have only 2 BrM, Tempo Mage is not a possibility. So either freeze mage or mech mage (echo mage gets destroyed by aggro, too). Mech mage is cheaper, but it is an aggro deck. Freeze mage is harder and more expensive (and afaik budget is important to you).


For the tempo/mech hybrid (to make it a bit cheaper):

Remove Apprentices. You will rely on minions rather than spells. Mechwarper is a key card in Mech mage. Making your minions cheaper is really good for obvious reasons.

You don't need that much card draw, Azure Drake is enough. Remove Arcane Intellects and add Piloted Shredders. They are arguably the strongest 4-drops.

Counterspell doesn't have that much value. Recently with Secret paladin you cancel a 1-mana secret and your opponent gains 2 mana tempo. Add a Mirror Entity. You gain board and you can attack with that minion earlier than your opponent. 

Duplicates are basically card draws, but your opponent decides what card will you draw. Add a second Mirror Entity and a Cogmaster. He is almost always a 3/2 for one mana, allowing you to trade nicely. 

Remove Vaporizes. They are usable only in control meta. The meta is aggro and that means Vaporizes are bad. Add a second Cogmaster and a Clockwork gnome. It is an early-game mech, it can buff the Cogmasters and can be played for free with Mechwarper on the board.

Polymorph isn't really that good. Fireballs and Frostbolts should be able to deal with most of the opponent minions. Add Mechanical Yetis. They have nice stats and are mechs. Once you get Antonidas, they synergize with him very well.

Ethereal Arcanists often need 3 mana investment (secret) to have 1 extra stat over Yetis and that is simply not good enough to deserve an inclusion. Add Snowchuggers. They are strong in the current meta because of paladin and deserve an inclusion. 

Feugen and Stalagg are way too inconsistent. You have to go through a lot of your Deck for a card that gets easily BGHed. Not good. Add Goblin Blastmages. They deal 4 damage most of the time for no stat loss.

Thaurissan is good in control and combo decks and mech mage is not one of them. Add a second Clockwork gnome.

Flamestrikes were run because of Patron warrior, but now with the nerf, 2 are way too many. If you find them Really strong, keep one of them and add one Tinkertown technician. Otherwise add 2 of them. They are 3 mana 4/4 and that itself is really strong.

Kel'Thuzad is good when you need to trade a lot. Mech mage goes face quite often and you already have a late-game power in form of Ragnaros. Use a second Tinkertown or a Spider tank. ST is a mech with nice stats, simple as that.

Ragnaros is nice in the place of a late-game threat. However, once you craft Antonidas, add him instead.

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Hey all. New player here looking for friends. Currently rank 16 running this Pali deck. Advice and a few friends would be great. Thanks.


Blessing of Might x2

Abusive Sergeant x2

Argent Squire x1

Leper Gnome x2

South Sea Deckhand x1

Worgen Infiltrator x1

Argent Protector x2

Ironbeak Owl x2

Knife Juggler x2

Shielded Minibot x2

Divine Favor x2

Muster for Battle x2

Argent Horserider x2

Truesilver Champion x2

Blessing of Kings x2

Consecration x2

Piloted Shredder x1





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Hey all. New player here looking for friends. Currently rank 16 running this Pali deck. Advice and a few friends would be great. Thanks.


Blessing of Might x2

Abusive Sergeant x2

Argent Squire x1

Leper Gnome x2

South Sea Deckhand x1

Worgen Infiltrator x1

Argent Protector x2

Ironbeak Owl x2

Knife Juggler x2

Shielded Minibot x2

Divine Favor x2

Muster for Battle x2

Argent Horserider x2

Truesilver Champion x2

Blessing of Kings x2

Consecration x2

Piloted Shredder x1







Seems really nice now. I forgot that you can use one Owl in case it doesn't see much use. I would swap it for Arcane golem or a Southsea deckhand. But of course, only if having 2 is too many for you.

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Hi, i'm trying to build a mage deck around the strongest cards i have in my collection. I think it might be tagged with the words:

secret legendary control mage. I'm haveing a lot of playing it but i can't climb much the ladder and i loose 80% of the games against fast aggressive decks. Any suggestion will be appreciated


Current rank: 17

Naxxramas: completed

BrM: half done (working on it)


1x flamecannon

2x frostbolt

1x unstable portal

2x mad scientist

2x sorcerer's apprentice

2x arcane intellect

1x counterspell

2x duplicate

2x vaporize

2x fireball

2x polymorph

2x ethereal arcanist

1x azure drake

1x feugen

1x sludge belcher

1x stalagg

1x emperor thaurissan

2x flamestrike

1x Kel'Thuzad

1x Ragnaros the firelord


The deck is supposed to control foes throughout the early-mid with the cheap cards and force some removal with the arcanists and thaurissan, the combo kel thuzad/feugen/stalagg in late is kinda good and ragnaros is probably the best finishing tool. Duplicate and counterspell are a good support for the big cost cards.


My collection is at beginning but i also have an illidan as a legendary card.

I don't have a second unstable portal, sludge belcher or azure drake, i also doesn't have any wyrm. I would like to save my essence for antonidas but it's a long way.


Nonfreeze Control mage isn't that good to be honest. If you want to play control mage, play freeze. Also, don't really mainly on secret, mage is not a paladin. Now, that I know you have only 2 BrM, Tempo Mage is not a possibility. So either freeze mage or mech mage (echo mage gets destroyed by aggro, too). Mech mage is cheaper, but it is an aggro deck. Freeze mage is harder and more expensive (and afaik budget is important to you).


For the tempo/mech hybrid (to make it a bit cheaper):

Remove Apprentices. You will rely on minions rather than spells. Mechwarper is a key card in Mech mage. Making your minions cheaper is really good for obvious reasons.

You don't need that much card draw, Azure Drake is enough. Remove Arcane Intellects and add Piloted Shredders. They are arguably the strongest 4-drops.

Counterspell doesn't have that much value. Recently with Secret paladin you cancel a 1-mana secret and your opponent gains 2 mana tempo. Add a Mirror Entity. You gain board and you can attack with that minion earlier than your opponent. 

Duplicates are basically card draws, but your opponent decides what card will you draw. Add a second Mirror Entity and a Cogmaster. He is almost always a 3/2 for one mana, allowing you to trade nicely. 

Remove Vaporizes. They are usable only in control meta. The meta is aggro and that means Vaporizes are bad. Add a second Cogmaster and a Clockwork gnome. It is an early-game mech, it can buff the Cogmasters and can be played for free with Mechwarper on the board.

Polymorph isn't really that good. Fireballs and Frostbolts should be able to deal with most of the opponent minions. Add Mechanical Yetis. They have nice stats and are mechs. Once you get Antonidas, they synergize with him very well.

Ethereal Arcanists often need 3 mana investment (secret) to have 1 extra stat over Yetis and that is simply not good enough to deserve an inclusion. Add Snowchuggers. They are strong in the current meta because of paladin and deserve an inclusion. 

Feugen and Stalagg are way too inconsistent. You have to go through a lot of your Deck for a card that gets easily BGHed. Not good. Add Goblin Blastmages. They deal 4 damage most of the time for no stat loss.

Thaurissan is good in control and combo decks and mech mage is not one of them. Add a second Clockwork gnome.

Flamestrikes were run because of Patron warrior, but now with the nerf, 2 are way too many. If you find them Really strong, keep one of them and add one Tinkertown technician. Otherwise add 2 of them. They are 3 mana 4/4 and that itself is really strong.

Kel'Thuzad is good when you need to trade a lot. Mech mage goes face quite often and you already have a late-game power in form of Ragnaros. Use a second Tinkertown or a Spider tank. ST is a mech with nice stats, simple as that.

Ragnaros is nice in the place of a late-game threat. However, once you craft Antonidas, add him instead.



I think i will enjoy the freeze mage when i will have the cards but for now the mech's one looks more like something i can start playing right now.

Thank you for all the suggestions, noob questions: what does "to go face" means ? 

Edited by WangLi

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I think i will enjoy the freeze mage when i will have the cards but for now the mech's one looks more like something i can start playing right now.

Thank you for all the suggestions, noob questions: what does "to go face" means ?

Going face means attacking the opponent's hero instead of the minions. 

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Hey, thanks for the tips. I'm new to the active part of the forums but I already read a lot around and found it quite usefull =). I ended up using one of the Icy Veins legacy decks that do not include Naxx, and swaped only Ysera for Dr.Boom, which is not optimal but I don't have enought dust to craft Ysera. My main problem was that I did not understand very well the Priest combos and strat in general, I guess it's the class that differs the most from the rest that generally focus on minion combat/removals since turn 1. After a day or two I got used to it and had a really nice stabilized 70% winrate \o/

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      Deck code / link: 
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      Deck code / link: 
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      Deck code / link: 
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      Deck code / link: 
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