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The Rate/Improve my deck thread.

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@rezArcane Explosion does not do enough damage and is a dead card against control. Add a second Sen'jin Shieldmasta and Flamestrike. The rest of the deck is fine for a budget deck. Next cards you should add are Twin Emperor Vek'lorAcolytes of Pain and possibly Ice Block, though I haven't tested it enough yet. The cards that should be removed are Arcane Missiles and the Mana Wyrm. You could also add cards that are simply generally good, such as Ragnaros the FirelordSylvanas Windrunner and so on.

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48 minutes ago, positiv2 said:

@rezArcane Explosion does not do enough damage and is a dead card against control. Add a second Sen'jin Shieldmasta and Flamestrike. The rest of the deck is fine for a budget deck. Next cards you should add are Twin Emperor Vek'lorAcolytes of Pain and possibly Ice Block, though I haven't tested it enough yet. The cards that should be removed are Arcane Missiles and the Mana Wyrm. You could also add cards that are simply generally good, such as Ragnaros the FirelordSylvanas Windrunner and so on.

ok i will try

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5 hours ago, rez said:

New to the game


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should i add barnes? but i dont know which card to remove. i removed dr.7 cuz boom boots are bad for nzoth sometimes cant summon sylvanas. 




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13 minutes ago, ynhl said:

should i add barnes? 

I don't really think so. Ultimately, it comes down to the personal preference - on how aggresive and pressuring so you want to play - but I think you should commit to your defensive resourses and do not go overboard on value. Inevitability is on you, anyways, the key is to get there. It's not like you can really support a high Barnes roll with more board pressure to win substantionally faster than you usually do.

Also even if you do, math suggests that the amount of your good hits is 8/14, if we keep the same creature count and replace Elise for example, it's like, slightly above 50%, barring any card draw. And you draw hell of a lot cards. So I don't think it's worth it just from the numbers.

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Here's my Warlock Build: http://imgur.com/a/4RAFa.

I was more of a priest guy, but lately I'm enjoying the Warlock. I have completed all expansions, every wing, and every class challenge. I've dusted a lot of Legendaries to get the dragons I need for my Dragon Priest Deck but here's what I have. I bolded the ones I'm willing to dust if necessary (I don't use them in my other decks):

Sir Finley
Elise Starseeker
Prince Malchezaar
Emporer Thaurissan
Justicar Trueheart
Reno Jackson
Sylvanas Windrunner
Dr. Boom
Arch-Thief Rafaam
Deathwing Dragonlord

This deck is average. I win games but I know it can do better.

In terms of ranks, I'm 24 in Standard and 18 in Wild. I tend to play Wild. Current Dust is 380.

Edited by FatalKoala
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@FatalKoalaI'd say that Reno Jackson is s great card for warlocks, and since renolock is my main warlock deck, I can say that it is quite powerful in current meta. How many wings of Blackrock mountain do you currently have?

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So I just recently created a C'Thun Rogue deck and it's doing pretty well in ladder hovering around rank 14 just wondering which cards I should swap out. I have most non-legendary cards and I got 2k dust to spend


C'Thun Rogue.png

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14 hours ago, Tjun said:

So I just recently created a C'Thun Rogue deck and it's doing pretty well in ladder hovering around rank 14 just wondering which cards I should swap out. I have most non-legendary cards and I got 2k dust to spend


C'Thun Rogue.png

The cards to throw out are Vanish and Twilight Geomancer. They don't offer almost any value at all. You should also get rid of Coldlight Oracles. Rogue has way too many draws to even consider running Coldlight Oracle outside of mill decks. 
-2x Blade of C'Thun, +2x Fan of Knives, 2xTwilight ElderBloodmage Thalnos and Deadly Poison against aggro decks, Fan of Knives, Twilight Elder/SI:7 AgentBloodmage Thalnos/Kobold Geomancer and Sylvanas Windrunner (and possibly -1x Blade of C'Thun for second Twilight Elder/SI:7 Agent) against midrange decks and Sylvanas WindrunnerRagnaros the Firelord/Sprint, 2x Twilight Elder.

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21 hours ago, Tjun said:

So I just recently created a C'Thun Rogue deck and it's doing pretty well in ladder hovering around rank 14 just wondering which cards I should swap out. I have most non-legendary cards and I got 2k dust to spend


C'Thun Rogue.png

When I played C'thun Rogue, what I did is to make a standard miracle rogue with Gadgetzan AuctioneerFan of KnivesPreparation and cards like that. Then I added C'ThunBlade of C'Thun and 2 Shadowsteps, play it like a miracle rogue, try to draw Blade of C'Thun as quickly as possible, kill a big minion, take it back, play it back, and etc. My C'Thuns mostly had like 16 attack, which was enough to kill my opponent.

I think 2 Blade of C'Thuns are just slow even for a C'Thun deck, and it is 4-4, and even though this deck seems a good core deck for C'Thun, with the changes Positiv2 already suggested, I think Rogue is not a class which can be played in a control style, which is mostly the characteristic of a C'Thun deck.

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hey guys,Ive recently made a tempo mage,which i had to make some changes with becuase i have neither yogg nor rag,how is it?

2arcane missiles


2mana wyrm

1mirror image


2cult sorcerer



2arcane intellect



1water elemental



2firelands portal



2arcane giant

Ive also made a dragon priest that just cant seem to get past 16,any suggestions?i use drakes instead of guardian because most of the time i get better stats anyway.




2netherspite historian


2wyrmrest agent

2blackwing tech


1priest of the feast

2twilight drake

2azure drake

2blackwing corruptor

1excavated evil

2holy nova

2book wyrm




Edited by TheEviscerator

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39 minutes ago, TheEviscerator said:

hey guys, I've recently made a tempo mage, which I had to make some changes with because i have neither yogg nor rag, how is it?

I'd cut Emperor Thaurissan and the Babbling Book from it to put in two Forgotten Torch instead. You're not looking to get a huge OTK turn like a Freeze Mage, but rather burn your opponent down over time, better get all the burn you can.

Also consider cutting 1 Firelands Portal and/or 1 Flamestrike and/or 1 Arcane Giant for 1-2 Sorcerer's Apprentice if you find that your deck is too slow. 

Edited by Keizoku

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@TheEviscerator Babbling BookEmperor Thaurissan, 2x Loot Hoarder and Acolyte of Pain for Archmage AntonidasEthereal Conjurer, 2x Sorcerer's Apprentice and an Arcane Blast. If you find two copies of Flamestrike too slow, swap one out for Emperor Thaurissan (only if you have Archmage Antonidas. Otherwise, use Faceless Summoner)

How many big non-BrM dragons do you have?

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7 hours ago, positiv2 said:

@TheEviscerator Babbling BookEmperor Thaurissan, 2x Loot Hoarder and Acolyte of Pain for Archmage AntonidasEthereal Conjurer, 2x Sorcerer's Apprentice and an Arcane Blast. If you find two copies of Flamestrike too slow, swap one out for Emperor Thaurissan (only if you have Archmage Antonidas. Otherwise, use Faceless Summoner)

How many big non-BrM dragons do you have?

thanks for the advice,and now that you mention it like...zero i guess :p

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I have made this deck trying to use spells and secrets to best advantage.please can you sugest any changes to improve my current level which is13,or would you recommend a different mage deck.  I have yog kthusad and thun and 400 dust.   Thanks for any reply.


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@TheEvisceratorWhat about Sylvanas Windrunner? Do you have her?


On 22. 10. 2016 at 3:29 PM, bouncyknight said:

I have made this deck trying to use spells and secrets to best advantage.please can you sugest any changes to improve my current level which is13,or would you recommend a different mage deck.  I have yog kthusad and thun and 400 dust.   Thanks for any reply.


You shouldn't run 4 secrets. 2 are okay, one of each. This also means you shouldn't be running Kirin Tor Mages. Barnes does not have enough good minions to be worth running. Mirror Images are too small to make difference, and mage has enough ways to activate Archmage AntonidasFlamewaker and Mana Wyrm. If you want draw, don't use Loot Hoarder - use Arcane Intellect instead. Loatheb has little use in the deck as you don't have a board that needs protection. Sylvanas Windrunner is simply too slow for a tempo mage deck. Polymorph is too slow and will be useless in an aggro matchup - Polymorph: Boar on the other hand is a versatile card and can be used in both aggro and control matchups. Consider running Flamecannons over Sludge Belchers as you should be the one putting pressure on the opponent.
Now you have 9 empty spots in the deck: second Frostbolt and 2x Fireball are too good to be left out. You should include 2x Sorcerer's Apprentices and 2x Arcane Missiles to improve combos with Flamewakerand Archmage AntonidasAzure Drakes are very useful and should be run in two copies.

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19 minutes ago, positiv2 said:

@TheEvisceratorWhat about Sylvanas Windrunner? Do you have her?


You shouldn't run 4 secrets. 2 are okay, one of each. This also means you shouldn't be running Kirin Tor Mages. Barnes does not have enough good minions to be worth running. Mirror Images are too small to make difference, and mage has enough ways to activate Archmage AntonidasFlamewaker and Mana Wyrm. If you want draw, don't use Loot Hoarder - use Arcane Intellect instead. Loatheb has little use in the deck as you don't have a board that needs protection. Sylvanas Windrunner is simply too slow for a tempo mage deck. Polymorph is too slow and will be useless in an aggro matchup - Polymorph: Boar on the other hand is a versatile card and can be used in both aggro and control matchups. Consider running Flamecannons over Sludge Belchers as you should be the one putting pressure on the opponent.
Now you have 9 empty spots in the deck: second Frostbolt and 2x Fireball are too good to be left out. You should include 2x Sorcerer's Apprentices and 2x Arcane Missiles to improve combos with Flamewakerand Archmage AntonidasAzure Drakes are very useful and should be run in two copies.

How about a Vaporize if there are several big minions, and you just don't care which one dies. Could it be a good tempo play, especially in the late game?

Also, how about using Ethereal Arcanist in this deck, if you have a secret on board, it is a 4 mana 5/5, even though it seems situational, couold it be 'not bad' at least?

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5 minutes ago, FanOfValeera said:

How about a Vaporize if there are several big minions, and you just don't care which one dies. Could it be a good tempo play, especially in the late game?

Also, how about using Ethereal Arcanist in this deck, if you have a secret on board, it is a 4 mana 5/5, even though it seems situational, couold it be 'not bad' at least?

Vaporize is a bad card in current meta. Not only you get at best 1-for-1, but since paladin and freeze mage are extremely popular in the wild meta, you will often kill a Silver Hand Recruit or a useless minion. As for late-game tempo, you don't go for tempo in the late game - you should go for value, as the amount of cards you have in your hand is often rather low, especially so with tempo mage.

Ethereal Arcanist is a card that does not fit our secret selection: Counterspell and Mirror Entity often last only until opponent's turn, so if you plan to play a secret on turn 3 and Ethereal Arcanist on turn 4, you might not get a 5/5. The card is 'not bad' in minion-focused control mage (which often runs Ice Block and/or Ice Barrier - secrets that can last for more turns, especially if you are ahead), but that archetype is not very powerful at the moment. 

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I would argue that Barnes is outstanding in Tempo Mage, especially since Wild Mode gives you additional good hits in Belcher and Scientists, not to mention Antonidas, Flamewaker, Thaurissan and all that jazz. You do need slightly more spells to make synergies flow, but Barnes is flexible and strong in this shell. I don't think you really want to bench him at all.

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1 hour ago, Paracel said:

I would argue that Barnes is outstanding in Tempo Mage, especially since Wild Mode gives you additional good hits in Belcher and Scientists, not to mention Antonidas, Flamewaker, Thaurissan and all that jazz. You do need slightly more spells to make synergies flow, but Barnes is flexible and strong in this shell. I don't think you really want to bench him at all.

I tried him and found him to be too inconsistent in a deck already too reliant on RNG. You might get a nice minion, but you might as well get a very subpar turn. If you are okay with gambling more than way too much, then sure, play him. I (and what seems to be a majority of players) prefer not to.

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16 hours ago, positiv2 said:

@TheEvisceratorWhat about Sylvanas Windrunner? Do you have her?


You shouldn't run 4 secrets. 2 are okay, one of each. This also means you shouldn't be running Kirin Tor Mages. Barnes does not have enough good minions to be worth running. Mirror Images are too small to make difference, and mage has enough ways to activate Archmage AntonidasFlamewaker and Mana Wyrm. If you want draw, don't use Loot Hoarder - use Arcane Intellect instead. Loatheb has little use in the deck as you don't have a board that needs protection. Sylvanas Windrunner is simply too slow for a tempo mage deck. Polymorph is too slow and will be useless in an aggro matchup - Polymorph: Boar on the other hand is a versatile card and can be used in both aggro and control matchups. Consider running Flamecannons over Sludge Belchers as you should be the one putting pressure on the opponent.
Now you have 9 empty spots in the deck: second Frostbolt and 2x Fireball are too good to be left out. You should include 2x Sorcerer's Apprentices and 2x Arcane Missiles to improve combos with Flamewakerand Archmage AntonidasAzure Drakes are very useful and should be run in two copies.


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20 hours ago, bouncyknight said:

Thanks for taking the time to reply,your commentswere very helpfull.

Glad to see you got the help you need :)

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Okay, I've been toying with the (quite probably extremely stupid) idea of trying to make a Mage Malygos deck, because that blue bastard has been sitting on his scaly behind doing nothing for months in my collection. The results of my delirium are visible in the picture, the general idea is "keep my opponent honest with spells and Ice Blocks while I gather Malygos + Frostbolt + Ice Lance + Ice Lance, hit the whole with Thaurissan and frostburn for 26 damage." 

I am quite open to suggestions for improvement/reasons as to why this deck suck and I should stick to netlisting.

Scaly Bottom.png

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10 hours ago, Keizoku said:

Okay, I've been toying with the (quite probably extremely stupid) idea of trying to make a Mage Malygos deck, because that blue bastard has been sitting on his scaly behind doing nothing for months in my collection. The results of my delirium are visible in the picture, the general idea is "keep my opponent honest with spells and Ice Blocks while I gather Malygos + Frostbolt + Ice Lance + Ice Lance, hit the whole with Thaurissan and frostburn for 26 damage." 

I am quite open to suggestions for improvement/reasons as to why this deck suck and I should stick to netlisting.

Scaly Bottom.png

To have a strong Malygos deck, you need to run very cheap spells. That's why Arcane Missiles might be a good idea, maybe in place of Cult Sorcerer. Not sure about the rest, but I will try the deck and see.

From what I've seen when playing against Malygos decks, players often play Barnes on turn 4, which is a misplay. Most of the minions you have can be combed with something. especially Malygos himself, which means you should play it on later turns.

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      What a way to kick things off; this card looks insane! The dream is that Drakuru takes out two of your opponent’s minions, resurrects them on your side, and survives combat somehow. You’re looking at a 5-for-1 exchange on board.
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      Once again, another big expensive card and a solid showy effect to go along with it. Obvious deathrattle/reborn synergy, as well as good with big minions in general. At 10 cost, it will take up your entire mana pool for the turn, though there are things you can do to play around that as a shaman.
      We’ve gotten some clarification from the devs on the mechanics of this one:
      All the copies summoned die at the end of the effect trigger after having attacked. Unfortunately, it won’t be some corruption-style aura effect that a cheeky Showstopper effect can silence off. Your copies are made from your hand from left to right until no more board spaces are available. Beware that Colossals will summon their appendages and take up potential board space from your other copies. Windfury minions will only attack. Sorry Drakuru, no double freebies for you ? Minions that enter Dormant won’t attack, but they won’t die either! The interaction of getting free dormant minion copies on board is interesting, but is there enough to build a deck around? In standard, there is Gangplank, Slimescale, and Pelican Divers, but outside of From De Other Side “synergy,” they might not be worth it. In Wild, at the very least, there is meme potential with getting Magtheridion and The Darkness out with this and getting their battlecries to awaken both copies when you play them out the turn after.
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      Deck code / link: 
      Next, let’s try to use the standard Renathal Control Shaman archetype that’s doing rather well in the meta as a starting point. One safe idea is to look at slotting Overlord Drakuru and potentially Brightblood Berskerker and From De Other Side into this standard XL Renathal Control Shaman as ways of fighting back on board while getting your infuse cards stacked up.
      Deck code / link: 
      We could instead also try and drop all the duplicates from the list and convert it into a Reno deck, as the deck was already playing a lot of one-offs. That gives us just enough room for one of each of these bad boys, which together with Reno will up the turnaround potential of the deck at the cost of a little bit of consistency. Doing so we can end up with this list:
      Deck code / link: 
      Why not use both and make it a Reno-thal deck? Prescience and Windchill will try to compensate for the loss of card draw from droping one copy of Gorloc Ravager and Famished fool. We are adding in Convincing Disguise to have still enough evolve effects around. The idea of including Bracing Cold and Far Sight is to hopefully discount From De Other Side or the evolve cards so we make use of any leftover bodies in the same turn. Ozumat’s in here not just to get us up to 40 cards, but because it’s a near guaranteed board clear combo with From De Other side, if you manage your hand and board space just right, that leaves you with all its appendages afterward.
      Deck code / link: 
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