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Damage help - Armory and logs inside

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Hey all I am looking for assistance to improve on my DPS on Heroic / Mythic boss's.  I played a warlock for a long time but I've been out of the raid scene for the last 3 years.  I decided to start a new with the hunter class which I have been enjoying a lot.


However; I seem to be doing considerably less damage then the other 2 hunters who are equally geared and I am hoping I can get some assistance I am just not good and I am out of practice on how to analyze the differences in what they are doing vs. what I am doing.  





Warcraft logs: 





Black Arrow on CD on main target (if multiple)


Explosive Shot on CD on main target (if multiple).  

****I do have a question about this.  When I get a proc for free Explosive shots should I alternate between both or multiple targets to get more use of the dot?  Should I space out my use of the procs on the main target or current target to make full use of the dot? Lastly, should I just use all proc's at once until used and back on CD?  


Crows on CD on Main target or current target depending on positioning.


Arcane shot to maintain serpent sting if single target or; Multi-shot if multiple targets if they are in a group - Otherwise; I arcane shot both targets.  


Barrage on CD

***With this is it best not to use this on a single target and wait for multiple targets to group up rather then use this on CD?


Cobra Shot as needed


My start of any fight is Black Arrow > Arcane Shot > Crows > Cobra Shot > Explosive  and then work on what pops up off CD.




I have presented some questions within my rotation in addition if you can offer any other advice I would truly appreciate it.  


Thank you so much!!




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Also,  if there is any positioning tricks as a hunter and use of deterrence / feign death to avoid damage or unnecessary need for movement to increase damage I would appreciate those tricks listed by encounter.  

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To answer your questions first:

Spam explosive shot on whoever, just keep it one one target.

If you can use crows on a secondary target (tiger, flesh eater, etc) and can time it so you get its cd to reset then do so as you get more Crows damage from the cd reset, always look to be able to do so, this requires knowing about how much damage your raid team does in 15s to find the sweet spot for using it on a second target and having it die with AMoC on it to reset the cd.

Barrage on cd only if there are multiple targets, its not really all too useful on ST.

You should be able to fit ES in before you use cobra shot in your opener, as i am able to just fine doing BA > Crows > Arcane > ES > Focusing Shot.

Focusing Shot > LW, but takes a bit of practice to get used to.



You should easily be able to abuse the cd reset of AMoC on this fight with spore shooters, mind fungus, and the flesh eater.  



You should easily be able to achieve 95%+ uptime on both Pol and Phemos, this will increase you damage by a decent amount.  

You are really spacing out AMoC casts, you aren't losing any yet, however if the fights got longer (around 6+ min) you would be loosing a cast.  Try to use it on cd.



You did lose an AMoC casts by not casting it on cd.


As for tips and tricks, well, we have a thread for that.

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Orthios -  Thank you for your advice!  I will take everything into consideration.  I had thought originally that LW wasn't as good as focusing shot but then the other 2 hunters run LW and said otherwise so I have been doing LW for that reason.  


Also thanks for the tips and tricks link!  There is a ton of good information in there that I didn't know.  Awesome stuff.  I will keep an eye out on my Crows and also crow the crap out of Spre Shooters, MF and FE's as that was a very good point you made. 


Do you know what my uptime is on Pol and Phemos currently?  I am not sure how to find that information?

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Orthios -  Thank you for your advice!  I will take everything into consideration.  I had thought originally that LW wasn't as good as focusing shot but then the other 2 hunters run LW and said otherwise so I have been doing LW for that reason.  


Also thanks for the tips and tricks link!  There is a ton of good information in there that I didn't know.  Awesome stuff.  I will keep an eye out on my Crows and also crow the crap out of Spre Shooters, MF and FE's as that was a very good point you made. 


Do you know what my uptime is on Pol and Phemos currently?  I am not sure how to find that information?

Uptime on Phemos - 79.%

Uptime on Pol - 84.3%

You simply choose the target you want to look at from the third drop down box, the one next to where your player is.

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