Albedo Guide and Best Builds

Albedo Guide and Best Builds for Genshin Impact

Albedo is a 5-Star Geo Sword user in Genshin Impact who deals powerful off-field damage using his Elemental Skill. Our Albedo guide will focus on Albedo's best builds, artifacts, weapons and best team compositions.

Last updated on Feb 12, 2025 at 09:50 by Shikhu
Geo Element
Sword Weapon
Khoi Dao EN Voice Actor
Nojima Kenji JP Voice Actor

Albedo Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Consistent off-field Geo Damage to enemies.
  • +Amazing uptime on Elemental Skill with a low cooldown and long duration.
  • +Provides Elemental Mastery to the party using their Elemental Burst.
  • +Incredibly flexible and can be used in a range of teams.
X Weaknesses
  • -Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst have split scaling stats before C2.
  • -Geo Constructs can easily be destroyed by many enemies and bosses.
  • -Generally tied to at least 1 other Geo character if not an entire team.

Albedo Build Guide, Best Artifacts, Weapons and Talent Priority

Albedo is best built as an off-field DPS primarily utilising his Elemental Skill.

BiS Weapon Peak Patrol Song
Alternate Weapons
  1. Uraku Misugiri
  2. Cinnabar Spindle
  3. Primordial Jade Cutter
  4. Wolf-Fang
  5. Harbinger of Dawn
Best Artifacts
  1. Husk of Opulent Dreams
  2. Golden Troupe
Main Stats
  • Sand Stats: DEF %
  • Goblet Stats: Geo DMG
  • Circlet Stats: CRIT Rate / DMG / DEF %
Substat Priority
    1. CRIT Rate / DMG
    2. DEF %
    3. Energy Recharge to requirements
    4. ATK %
Talent Priority
  1. Elemental Skill
  2. Elemental Burst

Albedo's best weapons are Peak Patrol Song or Uraku Misugiri. Build Albedo with Uraki Misugiri for personal damage, or Build around Peak Patrol Song for huge buffs. Other good weapons include Cinnabar Spindle which is unobtainable and Primordial Jade Cutter. Harbinger of Dawn is an incredibly powerful F2P option assuming you consistently stay above 90% HP for the passive.

With regards to artifacts, Husk of Opulent Dreams is generally Albedo's best artifact set in this build but Golden Troupe is a close second and can even be his best set if your build uses Peak Patrol Song or Cinnabar spindle in Geo heavy teams.

Build Albedo with as much DEF as possible alongside CRIT stats, ATK % and ER should only be built if you regularly use Albedo's Elemental Burst.

Albedo wants around 130% Energy Recharge when paired with another Geo character but when solo wants around 140-150% instead. If Albedo is C1, 100% Energy Recharge will generally be fine.


Combos and How to Play Albedo

Albedo's Solar Isotoma is your primary way to deal off-field damage with Albedo. Just place down on field and then swap to your main DPS. However, because it is a Geo Construct it can easily be destroyed so be careful with positioning. The Solar Isomata does have a short cooldown making it easy to bring back to the field if broken, but this will lower your teams DPS or break rotations if you need to swap to Albedo.

Albedo's Elemental Skill , Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma, and Elemental Burst , Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide, scale off of DEF and ATK respectively. This split scaling can cause build differences and it can be better to simply not use Albedo's Burst at times. The benefit of using Albedo's Burst comes from the 125 Elemental Mastery buff for reaction-heavy teams.


Albedo's Best Team Comps

Albedo works with a range of teams but normally wants at least another Geo character with him. His best teams tend to be either entirely Geo focused or in a Double Geo pairing.


Albedo Geo-Centric Teams

Main DPS Sub DPS Support Support
Arataki Itto Albedo Zhongli
Noelle Albedo Gorou

Albedo acts as a great support for Geo DPS such as Arataki Itto and Noelle by providing energy for their Elemental Bursts. Additionally, when not using his Elemental Burst, Albedo has incredibly low uptime allowing you faster rotations

Albedo helps support Arataki Itto by providing Geo energy for Elemental Bursts as well as supporting Gorou's buffs while allowing Itto the on-field uptime he needs. Zhongli is a good example of a support turning this into a Mono-Geo team. Other supports such as Fischl, Yelan and Xingqiu can provide increased damage, and Crystalize.

Yun Jin and Gorou are good supports. Yun Jin is great for Noelle especially due to her ATK SPD buffs allowing Noelle to attack more often and deal more damage. Gorou provides DEF buffs making him a great support for many Geo teams.


Albedo Double Geo Teams

Main DPS Sub DPS Sub DPS Support
Navia Albedo Xiangling Bennett
Xiao Albedo Faruzan Zhongli
Driver Sub DPS Sub DPS Sub DPS
Sangonomiya Kokomi Furina Albedo Chiori

Albedo has great synergy with both Zhongli, Chiori or Navia which form flexible pairings that can be used in a wide range of teams. This is mainly because Geo rarely interferes with elemental reactions. Zhongli provides universal RES Shred, Navia acts as an on-field DPS while Chiori provides more off-field DMG.


Albedo's Ascensions, Talents and Constellations

Albedo's Ascensions Albedo's Talents Albedo's Constellations

Albedo's Ascension Passives and Materials

Unlock Ascension Passive Explanation
With Character Flash of Genius When Albedo crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, he has a 10% chance to receive double the product.
1st Ascension Calcite Might Transient Blossoms generated by Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma deal 25% more DMG to opponents whose HP is below 50%.
4th Ascension Homuncular Nature Using Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide increases the Elemental Mastery of nearby party members by 125 for 10s.

Albedo requires a range of materials to ascend to the 6th ascension. Starting from the second ascension they gain additional Geo DMG as he levels, giving a total of 28.8% Bonus Geo DMG at the final ascension. The total cost to upgrade all ascensions is:

Source Quantity
Mora 420,000 Mora
Boss Material 46x Basalt Pillar
Ascension Material
Local Specialty 168x Cecilia
Enhancement Material
  • 18x Divining Scroll
  • 30x Sealed Scroll
  • 36x Forbidden Curse Scroll

Albedo's Talents

Listed below is each talent and a simplified explanation of how they work.

Type Talent Name Brief Explanation
Normal Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework - Weiss Normal Attacks deal 5 strikes, Charged Attacks deal 2 strikes.
Elemental Skill Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma

Creates a Solar Isotoma dealing Geo DMG.

  • Deals AoE Geo DMG when opponents take DMG every 2s.
  • Geo Construct can be used to raise character into the air.
Elemental Burst Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide

Deals AoE Geo DMG around Albedo.

if there is a Solar Isotoma, 7 additional AoE Geo DMG attacks will occur.

To upgrade a single talent to level 10, it costs:

Source Quantity
Mora 1,625,500 Mora
Special Material 1x Crown of Insight
Boss Material 6x Tusk of Monoceros Caeli
Domain Material
  • 3x Teachings of Ballad
  • 21x Guide to Ballad
  • 38x Philosophies of Ballad
Enhancement Material
  • 6x Divining Scroll
  • 22x Sealed Scroll
  • 31x Forbidden Curse Scroll

Albedo's Constellations

The most gameplay impacting Constellation for Albedo is Opening of Phanerozoic (C2) which generally fixes most issues that occur due to split scaling. Either C2 or C3 are good stopping points for Albedo with Descent of Divinity (C4) being an incredibly niche skill and useless for many team comps but can increase damage with Xianyun in some teams.

# Name Explanation
C1 Flower of Eden Helps to practically eliminate any Energy Recharge requirements allowing you to focus your stats elsewhere.
C2 Opening of Phanerozoic Massively increases the damage of Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide and allows its DMG to scale based on DEF.
C3 Grace of Helios
  • Increases the Level of Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma by 3.
  • Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4 Descent of Divinity Increases Plunge Attack DMG by 30% for characters inside Solar Isotoma.
C5 Tide of Hadean
  • Increases the Level of Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide by 3.
  • Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6 Dust of Purification Increases DMG of all characters who are protected by a Crystallize by 17%.


  • 12 Feb. 2025: Reviewed for 5.4.
  • 29 Jan. 2025: Reviewed for 5.3.
  • 05 Jun. 2024: Reviewed for 4.7.
  • 13 Mar. 2024: Updated with his new BiS Weapon. Lowered down a tier with Chiori's release.
  • 17 Jan. 2024: Guide added.
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