Basin of Unnumbered Flames

Basin of Unnumbered Flames Guides in Genshin Impact Natlan

Basin of Unnumbered Flames is the main hub area for Natlan in Genshin Impact, which includes the Stadium of the Sacred Flame. This guide provides an overview of what exploring the area has to offer.

Last updated on Feb 12, 2025 at 08:36 by Piyo

Basin of Unnumbered Flames 5.0 Exploration

Basin of Unnumbered Flames

In Patch 5.0 of Genshin Impact, players can access the Basin of Unnumbered Flames, the main hub area in the Natlan region. At the Stadium of the Sacred Flame, players can consult the local Adventurers' Guild, purchase goods at various shops, and receive rewards from upgrading Tona's Flame! There is also Huitzli Hill, an open area north of the Stadium where players can find treasure chests and Pyroculus.

On this page, players can learn more about what exploring the Basin of Unnumbered Flames has to offer, such as certain exploration goals or the Stadium of the Sacred Flame. More information will be provided following the release of Patch 5.0!


Basin of Unnumbered Flames' Statue of Seven

The Statue of Seven for this area is located to the east of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame. In Patch 5.0, players can find this Statue around the middle of the Natlan region currently available. After interacting with a Statue of Seven for the first time, it will light up the surrounding area and make the nearby teleport waypoints visible on the map.

Whenever players find Pyroculus by exploring in Natlan, they can exchange a certain amount to upgrade the Statues of Seven' overall level. In doing so, players will receive valuable rewards such as Shrine of Depths Keys, Primogems, and Acquaint Fate!

For more information about Natlan's Statues of the Seven and its rewards, please check out our dedicated guide here!


The Basin of Unnumbered Flames Region

While the Basin of Unnumbered Flames is not as large as Tequemecan Valley or Coatepec Mountain in Natlan, players can still find Pyroculus, treasure chests, Time Trial challenges, Monetoo creatures, and more in the area.


Boss Enemies in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames

Players can fight the Goldflame Qucusaur in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames. It is a mutated Qucusaurus that has taken on special powers of great magnitude. It stands tall in battle with its majestic panoply of golden flames.

The closest teleport waypoint is located underground in the north-west area of Natlan. Players are recommended to unlock the next closest teleport waypoint in Huitztli Hill. From that teleport waypoint, there is a valley gap in the area where players can descend, leading right into the Boss Arena. Players are recommended to unlock the underground teleport waypoint nearby first before proceeding to fight the boss.

By defeating the Goldflame Qucusaur and collecting the treasure rewards, players can receive the boss-exclusive Character Level-Up Material Mark of the Binding Blessing, along with other materials, artifacts, Companion EXP, and more. The Mark of the Binding Blessing is used to ascend the following character:


Basin of Unnumbered Flames' Special Puzzles and Collectables

If there are any special puzzles and collectables for players to find in this area, a guide providing puzzle solutions and where to find them will be made available.


The Warrior's Challenges for the Basin of Unnumbered Flames

There are currently 2 Warrior's Challenge areas in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames. Each area has 3 challenges to complete. More information on how to complete the Warrior's Challenges will be updated later.


Radiant Spincrystals in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames

There is currently 1 Radiant Spincrystal available in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames.


The Stadium of the Sacred Flame

The Stadium of the Sacred Flame is the primary city hub for Natlan. The Stadium is comprised of two general areas: the Chuwen Fair and the Temple of Pax. Here in the Stadium, players can find the following key locations of interest:

  • Temple: Tablet of Tona: Location for Tona's Flame
  • Natlan Adventurers' Guild: Report for Daily Commissions, Adventurer Rank Rewards, and Dispatch Expeditions
  • Alchemy Crafting Bench: Craft Consumables, Materials, and Artifact Strongboxes
  • The Salutary Furnance: Purchase Diagrams or Forge Weapons, Gadgets, and Enhancement Ores
  • Zakan's Street Bites: Purchase Food Meals or Cooking Recipes
  • Saurian Relics Association: Souvenir Shop for Pyro Sigils
  • Weary Inn
  • Speaker's Chamber

For more information on some of the key locations of interest, please feel free to check the guides on Icy Veins below!



  • 01 Sep. 2024: Updated the Special Puzzles and Collectables section. Added sections for the Stadium of the Sacred Flame and Boss Enemies.
  • 27 Aug. 2024: Guide added.
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