Brightcrown Mountains Seelie

Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Locations and Guide

Brightcrown Mountains is one of the area for Mondstadt in Genshin Impact. This guide provides an overview of where to find the Seelies in the Brightcrown Mountains.

Last updated on Feb 12, 2025 at 08:10 by Jaymo

Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Guide

Brightcrown Mountains is one of the regions you can explore in Mondstadt.

It is recommended to complete the Archon Quest first before going out of your way to collect any Seelie.

When you discover a Seelie in the area, it will travel towards its shrine. Occasionally, the Seelie may pause in its tracks due to enemies or a puzzle nearby. Some may require multiple Seelie to return. You will see multiple shrines next to each other, and you need to find the nearby Seelies. Players can use their Elemental Sight if they cannot find the Seelie first. The Sight needs to be used near the shrine, and it will show you the direction to search for the Seelie. After successfully reuniting the Seelie with its shrine, you will be rewarded with a treasure chest full of valuable items!

For nearby Seelies not shown below, please check out the other guides available on Icy Veins!


Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Locations

Screenshots of all Locations
Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Collectables: ##1 On the edge of the Mountain, behind some Hilichurls #1 On the edge of the Mountain, behind some Hilichurls Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Collectables: ##2 On top of the ruins #2 On top of the ruins Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Collectables: ##3 On top of a wall #3 On top of a wall Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Collectables: ##4 Behind the tower ruin, on top of the hill #4 Behind the tower ruin, on top of the hill Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Collectables: ##5 In between trees #5 In between trees Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Collectables: ##6 Floating in the air near a pillar #6 Floating in the air near a pillar Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Collectables: ##7 Floating on top of some ruins near the teleport #7 Floating on top of some ruins near the teleport Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Collectables: ##8 Underneath the ruin house where there are a few Hilichurls #8 Underneath the ruin house where there are a few Hilichurls Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Collectables: ##9 On top of a hill #9 On top of a hill Brightcrown Mountains Seelie Collectables: ##10 Floating near a wooden gate #10 Floating near a wooden gate


  • 01 Nov. 2024: Guide added.
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