Coatepec Moutain Puzzles and Chests Guide
The Coatepec Moutain is one of the four starting areas of Natlan. There are:
- 23 Common Chests
- 39 Exquisite Chests
- 6 Luxurious Chests
- 16 Precious Chests
- 8 Remarkable Chests
This guide accounts for a total of 94 treasure chests currently
available in Coatepec Moutain.
It is recommended to complete the Archon Quest first before going out
of your way to collect any treasure chests.
There are many treasure chests located throughout the Mountain, and as such,
each map has been filtered based on the type of treasure chest. Most chests will
be discoverable through normal exploration, such as defeating enemies, completing
puzzles, and finding them in open areas. Some treasure chests will be locked
behind side-quests.
For nearby Treasure Chests not shown below, please check out the other
guides available on Icy Veins!
Coatepec Mountain Treasure Chest Locations
Common Chest Locations
Screenshots of all Locations
#1 Underground, in a corner on the top right near the lava
#2 Underground, reached during the Ripe for Trouble Quest
#3 Near the teleport, defeat the enemies
#4 Near the Teleport, on top of the mountain, defeat the enemies
#5 In a cave underground
#6 Underground, defeat the enemies
#7 Underground, near the locked Saurien, defeat the enemies
#8 Right on the border of the water, defeat the enemies
#9 Near the ancient temple, defeat the enemies
#10 Near the teleport on top of the mountain
#11 Down next to the rock. It is locked behind a red wall, use a Saurien to get rid of it
#12 Activate the Windmill to make the chest appear. The mechanism is right next to it
#13 Undergound, hidden behind a rock you have to break
#14 On top of the mountain near the pond
#15 Underground in the top left corner
#16 On the edge of the Scions of the Canopy village
#17 Near some stairs in the Scions of the Canopy village
#18 On some wooden planks on the edge of the Scions of the Canopy village
#19 Near the Domain, defeat the enemies
#20 On top of the waterfall
#21 Near the teleport on the top Right
#22 In between the gap of the mountains
#23 Follow the Ancestral Temple Quest, once in the temple, use the Yumkasaurus to reach the chest on the top right
Exquisite Chest Locations
Screenshots of all Locations
#1 On top of the mountain, near a very small water spot
#2 Down right from the domain, defeat the enemies
#3 On the right of the teleport, on a wooden spot, defeat the enemies
#4 On top of the mountain, defeat the enemies
#5 Down the mountain, inside the skeleton, defeat the enemies
#6 On the way underground, next to the captured Saurien, defeat the enemies
#7 Underground, defeat the enemies
#8 Underground, on top of a tower in the lava
#9 Near the teleport, defeat the enemies
#10 Underground, on a plateform on top of the water
#11 Under the plateform underground
#12 On top of the enemy tower
#13 After you finish the Ripe for Trouble Quest and the lava is up, the chest will be laying on the side
#14 Underground, on top of a tree-like plateform
#15 On top of the mountain, defeat the enemies
#16 Near the teleport
#17 Underground, defeat the one enemy
#18 Underground on the edge of the lava, defeat the enemies
#19 Underground, on the grass, defeat the enemies
#20 On top of the mountain, over the teleport
#21 Near the Ancestral Temple on the left, defeat the enemies
#22 Near the Ancestral Temple on the right, defeat the enemies
#23 Right at the edge of the water
#24 Complete the Water Challenge (use Mualani or a Koholasaurus)
#25 On the Island, defeat the enemies
#26 On top of a mountain, in between two teleports
#27 In the Scions of the Canopy village, on the wood under the village
#28 On the mountain, near the teleport
#29 On top of the mountain, near the teleport, defeat the enemies
#30 On top of the mountain, defeat the enemies
#31 Complete the water challenge on top of the mountain
#32 On the edge of the mountain, defeat the enemies
#33 Near the teleport, defeat the enemies
#34 On top of the mountain, right next to the teleport, defeat the enemies
#35 Not far from the previous chest, defeat the enemies
#36 In some underground ruins, defeat the enemies
Luxurious Chest Locations
Screenshots of all Locations
#1 Underground, during the Ripe for Trouble Quest, use a Yumkasaurus to reach it
#2 On the right side of the map, inside a very small hole in the ground. There will be a kid with a quest near it, but you don't need to do the quest to reach the chest, simply drop down the hole and look behind the weird rock
#3 Underground, complete the puzzle with the blue balls and activate the middle mechanism. A Fatui will spawn, defeat him to make the chest spawn
#4 Underground, a Yumkasaurus will block your way. Turn into another Yumkasaurus and talk to the other one. He will ask for food, feed him and talk to him again. You will end up sending your own Saurien to go pick up the chest
#5 Underground, bring back multiple Monetoo to unlock it
#6 On the right side of the map, near the teleport, talk to Qispi. You will have to give him specific rocks each days for multiple days in a row, until he unlocks the wall and reveals the chest. It does not work if you change the time, you need to wait daily reset each time
Precious Chest Locations
Screenshots of all Locations
#1 Near the waterfall
#2 Complete the water challenge on top of the mountain and reach the maximum rank
#3 Underground, near the Luxurious chest where you have to bring back multiple Monetoo
#4 Bring back 3 nearby Monetoo
#5 Underground, follow the path from the teleport
#6 On the edge of the mountain, in an enemy camp
#7 On the edge of the Ancestral Temple, you need to break a rock and defeat the enemies to access it
#8 On top of the middle building in the Ancestral Temple
#9 Near Legba on the side of the middle building in the Ancestral Temple
#10 When you continue the Ancestral Temple Quest, the chest will appear inside
#11 Complete the water challenge with the highest rank on the small Island
#12 At the end of the Ancestral Temple, when you put in the stone
#13 Undergound, activate the switch on top of the stairs to unlock the gate
#14 On the right edge of the map, defeat the enemies
#15 Underground on top of the big machine
#16 Underground, inside a wooden vehicle, the key is another chest nearby
Screenshots of all Locations
#1 Right next to the statue of the seven, use a fire character or Yumkasaurus to shoot fire at the mechanisms
#2 Shoot fire with the Yumkasaurus on the second torch
#3 On the edge of the Mountain
#4 Use the Yumkasaurus to pull on the mechanism
#5 Underground, in a small corner
#6 Near the Ancestral Temple
#7 Near the teleport, defeat the enemies
#8 Underground, on the right side near the camp
Keep in mind that Remarkable Chests will reward Serenity Teapot furnishing
blueprints. The Serenity Teapot can be unlocked as part of a side-quest in
- 14 Sep. 2024: Updated.
- 29 Aug. 2024: Guide added.
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