Kuntur And Rumi

Kuntur And Rumi Hidden Quest in Genshin Impact Natlan

The world of Genshin is sometimes home to hidden mysterious quests, zones, and rewards! Find out who Kuntur and Rumi are, how to reach their secret space, and what rewards you can get!

Last updated on Feb 12, 2025 at 10:28 by Jaymo

Kuntur and Rumi Hidden Quest

During your exploration of the Quahuacan Cliff sub-region, you will encounter a hidden quest. While this will not trigger any actual quest, we will still consider it as such, since you have to go through multiple puzzles to reach a specific destination.

We recommend that you complete the full hidden path once you start on it, otherwise you risk getting lost, or to not find your way anymore.


Who are Kuntur and Rumi?

Kuntur and Rumi are two very special Monetoo. At the end of a hidden path filled with mysteries and challenges, the hero Kuntur is painted on the walls. Help him pursui and catch the wicked Wizard Rumi!


How do you Reach the Kuntur and Rumi painting?

The painting is hidden after at the end of a secret path that you will find in the Quahuacan Cliff Sub-region in Genshin.

You can either go in there yourself, or follow the Masters of the Night-Wind Tribe quest. Act II will lead you to the entrance and to the first puzzle.

First you will need to find the hidden cave. Head to the same entrance as the one that leads to the Tenebrous Papilla world boss in Quahuacan Cliff. There is an underground waypoint at the entrance.

You will be able to see the path on the following map:

As you can see, instead of heading straight to the boss, you will directly go inside a small path on the right after the waypoint. Follow the road until you reach a common chest.

At first, it will look like this is a dead end, but it is not! Inside this path you can turn into an Iktomisaurus.

Once you are a Saurian, continue on the same path until you reach a wall. Use your Elemental Sight to highlight the wall, and use the Iktomisaurus to scan the wall until you find a symbol. Stay on the symbol with the Iktomisaurus' sight until the wall disappears, freeing the way.

Continue your way deeper in the cave and defeat the couple of enemies. You will see another wall with a painting on it. The painting is missing colours in the fruits. It is your job to complete it.

Nearby there are three coloured Seelies and fruits. Each fruit has a specific form and colour. Make the three fruits on the painting correspond to the real fruits. Use the Seelies to paint them:

  • The triangle fruit: Yellow
  • The long fruit: Blue
  • The more round fruit: Red

To add the colours, head to a Seelie and extract it's colour. Once you have it, aim at the painting, and shoot the proper colour on the proper fruit. The order from left to right on the painting is: Yellow, Blue, Red.

Once you put all three, the wall will open, allowing you to enter. Right after the wall, you will find a Pyroculus. Make sure to pick it up.

For more information about other Pyroculus, you can visit our in-depth guide:

Continue on the hidden path, and pick up the Exquisite chest on your way.

At the end of this path you can defeat a few more enemies, and turn into an Iktomisaurus again. Use the Saurian to jump and follow the arrows painted on the walls that lead the way up to the top.

When you reach the top, a small cutscene will launch, with a little animation of the wall painting: Kuntur and Rumi are entering the scene!

Complete the puzzle in the following order:

  • Stay as an Iktomisaurus
  • Scan the wall painting with the Iktomisaurus' Sight until it picks up the warriors from the painting
  • Spawn the Warriors in the middle of the two rocks and defeat them
  • Pay attention to the cutscene: the Monetoo will paint the rocks a specific colour
  • Turn around, and scan the left wall where there is a drawing of a rock, pick it up with the Iktomisaurus' sight
  • Put the Rock down right in front of the painting
  • Paint the Rock the proper colour:
    • Left Rock: Red
    • Top Middle Rock: Blue
    • Right Middle Rock: Green. In order to do Green, you need to pick up both Blue and Yellow
    • Right Bottom Rock: Yellow

Right after, a hole will form in the ground, jump down, and follow the hidden path. You can pick up another Exquisite chest on the way.

At the end of the Path, you will arrive to your last destination. Another cutscene will play, showing you the wall paintings. After the scene, walk towards the middle tombstone: the tutorial for the mini-game will appear. It is time to help Hero Kuntur pursuing the wicked wizard Rumi!

Start the mini-game and complete it in order to finish this hidden quest. You will have to press right before each trap or gap to summon Wind Currents, that will help Kuntur jump over the traps and holes until he catches Rumi!

It can be a bit tricky as the hit box of the traps is a bit large, and the wind current has a cooldown, but after a few tries you should notice the timing needed to place the current properly.

Once you complete the game, a Luxurious chest will spawn, and a wind current that will allow to leave this place.



  • 25 Nov. 2024: Updated image.
  • 22 Nov. 2024: Guide added.
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