Mika Guide and Best Builds for Genshin Impact
Mika is a 4-star Cryo Polearm character in Genshin Impact who acts as both a Healer and a Support for Physical damage characters. Read our Mika guide to learn more about Mika's kit, Mika's best Builds and also his Ascension and Talent Materials
Mika Strengths and Weaknesses
Great support for Physical DPS like Eula or Physical builds of other characters.
Provides both Party-wide healing as well as single target healing.
High Energy requirements for his Elemental Burst.
Physical CRIT DMG buffs locked behind C6 which are required for his best teams.
Mika Build Guide, Best Artifacts, Weapons and Talent Priority
Mika is best played as a support for Physical DMG teams due to the DMG buffs he provides alongside healing and ATK SPD buffs.
BiS Weapon | Favonius Lance |
Alternative Weapons |
Best Artifacts |
Main Stats |
Substat Priority |
Talent Priority |
Mika's best weapons in a support build ease his Energy Recharge requirements. Favonius Lance is amazing for that while also helping to support your team by also lowering their Energy Recharge requirements, second to that is Dialogues of the Desert Sages which is less supportive but has the benefit of scaling off of HP %, this is still an important stat for Mika's build. Other free options such as Prototype Starglitter and "The Catch" are easily available.
Build Mika with Noblesse Oblige due to its ability to increase your teams ATK. If someone in the party is already using Noblesse, then Ocean-Hued Clam is your next best build option although it is less ideal.
Mika wants a lot of HP to increase the power of his Healing as well as a Healing Bonus circlet providing a greater benefit than a HP Circlet. CRIT Rate is an important stat to build with Mika if you are using Favonius Lance so that you are able to provide Energy to the team.
Mika wants around 200-220% Energy Recharge between C1 - C3 however at C4 Mika should instead be built with 160-180% Energy Recharge instead.
Combos and How to Play Mika
Mika's supportive gameplay revolves around his ability to generate Detector stacks which come from his Ascension Passives: Suppressive Barrage and Topographical Mapping . Detector stacks increase your characters Physical DMG by 10% per stack. Mika can generate 3 stacks at C0 and gains additional stacks from his 4th Ascension Passive and his 6th Constellation, for a total of 5 stacks. These stacks can be generated in the following ways:
- Gaining the Soulwind state from using Starfrost Swirl.
- Every additional enemy hit by a Flowfrost Arrow when you Tap his Elemental Skill.
- Every additional enemy hit by a Rimestar Shard when you Hold his Elemental Skill.
- While both Soulwind and Skyfeather Song are active and you CRIT. This is only available once per Soulwind.
- With Companion's Ingress (C2) is active and you attack with Starfrost Swirl.
The Soulwind state is obtained when using Starfrost Swirl, not only is Mika's Elemental Skill incredibly important for the Detector stacks mentioned but the Soulwind state also increases ATK SPD helping to further increase DMG.
Mika's Elemental Skill Skyfeather Song is how he heals the party. After an initial party-wide burst of healing, you will be given an Eagleplume which regenerates HP when your active character deals Normal Attacks. This can occur once every 2.5s/
Mika's Best Team Comps
Mika shines in teams which are able to utilise his Physical DMG buffs or his ATK SPD bufs. He can also be a great healer for Furina, with his party-wide healing being able to help generate Fanfare stacks.
Mika Physical Teams
Main DPS | Sub DPS | Support | Support |
Eula | Raiden Shogun | Furina | Mika |
Main DPS | Sub DPS | Sub DPS | Support |
Freminet | Fischl | Xingqiu | Mika |
Listed are 2 examples of Physical teams which Mika helps support. The first using Eula as the DPS while having Raiden Shogun for Electro application as well as to create the Superconduct reaction.
Furina provides DMG buffs which more than makes up for the fact that her Hydro application will steal the occasional reaction. The second example instead using Freminet who also uses a Physical playstyle but with the increased Hydro application of Xingqiu due to his ability to benefit from the Shatter reaction.
Wriothesley Freeze Team
Main DPS | Sub DPS | Sub DPS | Support |
Wriothesley | Yelan | Furina | Mika |
This is one example of a team featuring Wriothesley which uses Mika. Mika's healing helps both to generate Fanfare stacks for Furina and also to help maintain Wriothesley's HP especially at C0. The downsides however are that he can not effectively use the ATK SPD buff which Mika provides.
Wanderer Team
Main DPS | Support | Support | Support |
Wanderer | Faruzan | Mika | Bennett |
Catalyst and Bow users are able to more greatly benefit from ATK SPD buffs such as the ones Mika provides due to not having hitlag on their attacks. In this team Wanderer is able to benefit from these buffs as well as gaining 20% CRIT Rate from Jade-Claimed Flower although it will not be consistent because Mika has infrequent Cryo application. This however means other Cryo characters such as Layla and Rosaria tend to be better in this team.
Mika's Ascensions, Talents and Constellations
Mika's Ascension Passives and Materials
Unlock | Ascension Passive | Explanation |
With Character | Demarcation | Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Mondstadt on the mini-map. |
1st Ascension | Suppressive Barrage |
Per the following circumstances, the Soulwind state caused by Starfrost Swirl will grant characters the Detector effect, increasing their Physical DMG by 10% when they are on the field.
The Soulwind state can have a maximum of 3 Detector stacks, and if Starfrost Swirl is cast again during this duration, the pre-existing Soulwind state and all its Detector stacks will be cleared. |
4th Ascension | Topographical Mapping | > When an active character affected by both Skyfeather Song's Eagleplume and Starfrost Swirl's Soulwind at once scores a CRIT Hit with their attacks, Soulwind will grant them 1 stack of Detector from Suppressive Barrage. During a single instance of Soulwind, 1 Detector stack can be gained in this manner. Additionally, the maximum number of stacks that can be gained through Soulwind alone is increased by 1. |
Mika requires a range of materials to ascend to the 6th ascension. Starting from the second ascension he gains HP as he levels, giving a total of 24% Bonus HP at the final ascension. The total cost to upgrade all ascensions is:
Source | Quantity |
Mora | 420,000 Mora |
Boss Material | 46x Pseudo-Stamens |
Ascension Material | |
Local Specialty | 168x Wolfhook |
Enhancement Material |
Mika's Talents
Listed below is each talent and a simplified explanation of how they work.
Type | Talent Name | Brief Explanation |
Normal | Normal Attack: Spear of Favonius - Arrow's Passage | Standard Normal, Charged and Plunging Attack effects. |
Elemental Skill | Starfrost Swirl |
Either tap or hold Mika's Elemental Skill to attack. Using the skill grants Soulwind which increases ATK SPD.
Elemental Burst | Skyfeather Song | A burst of partywide healing and grants Eagleplume which periodically heals the active character. |
To upgrade a single talent to level 10, it costs:
Source | Quantity |
Mora | 1,625,500 Mora |
Special Material | 1x Crown of Insight |
Boss Material | 6x Mirror of Mushin |
Domain Material |
Enhancement Material |
Mika's Constellations
Mika has some noteable and important Constellations with Companion's Counsel (C6) providing a massive 60% CRIT DMG buff for Physical DMG. Sunfrost Encomium (C4) helps to ease Energy Recharge problems but does not outright solve them.
# | Name | Explanation |
C1 | Factor Confluence | Allows Eagleplume to heal more regularly, scales based on the ATK SPD buff of Soulwind from Starfrost Swirl. |
C2 | Companion's Ingress | When the initial attacks from Starfrost Swirl hit an opponent, you will now gain 1 Detector stack. |
C3 | Reconnaissance Experience |
C4 | Sunfrost Encomium | When Eagleplume heals, restore 3 Energy to Mika up to 5 times. |
C5 | Signal Arrow |
C6 | Companion's Counsel | Increase Detector stacks by 1. Characters with Soulwind deal an additional 60% Physical CRIT DMG. |
- 12 Feb. 2025: Reviewed for 5.4.
- 30 Jan. 2025: Updated for 5.3.
- 03 Jun. 2024: Reviewed for 4.7.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Updated for 4.5's new weapon.
- 12 Feb. 2024: Guide added.
Shikhu (Discord - Shikhu) is an avid Genshin Impact player who has been exploring Teyvat since the game has launched. He has experienced all the game has to offer from building his favorite characters, exploring the world to clearing Spiral Abyss each rotation. His favorite character being his C6 Furina.