Mondstadt Region Overview and Guides for Genshin Impact
This is our hub page for Genshin Impacts Mondstadt Region. Here you can find information about the Region, Sub-Regions, Oculi locations, Puzzles, Chests, Time Trials and more!
Mondstadt Region Overview and Content Hub
Mondstadt is one of the seven regions of Teyvat. It is the nation of Anemo, ruled by the God of Freedom. This region is located northeast of Teyvat. It is the very first region you visit when you start the game.
Inspired by Germany, Mondstadt is a very relaxing town located on a small Island in the middle of the lake. The town is surrounded by wide-open plains, and various mountains. The wind carries the scent of Dandelions, and the gift of freedom from the Anemo God, Barbatos.
How to Unlock the Mondstadt Region?
Mondstadt unlocks when you start the game, as you will begin your journey on a beach in this zone. The Prologue of the Archon Quest takes place in Mondstadt.
When you start, you have access to Starfell Valley, Galesong Hill, and Windwail Highland. Once you complete the Prologue: Act I - The Outlander Who Caught the Wind, you can unlock the remaining sub-regions: Brightcrown Mountains and Dragonspine.
Mondstadt's Gameplay Mechanics

Anemograna are small wind particles that you can find in the open-world. When you collect three, you generate a wind current that will allow you to fly higher in the air. All three are usually not far from each other.
Anemo Blobs

Anemo blobs can be found floating in the air, for example around a tree, on top of a bridge, or hidden behind objects. If you see any Anemo blob acting weird, shoot it with an arrow. They usually unlock a mechanism or a chest.
Elemental Monuments

During your exploration, you will encounter some sort of small pillars with a specific element on them. You will have to hit the pillar with that element to Unlock what is hidden behind it. Some may require you to hit the pillars in a specific order, or under a time limit.
Bloatty Floatty

These unique flowers look like three tiny balloons attached to a single branch. If you interact with them, the three balloons will fly in the air, and you will have to shoot them down with a bow and arrows. They usually reveal a chest.
Storm Barrier

Some chests may be locked behind a storm barrier. You will have to find a way to enter the barrier by flying in from the top, or find the nearby mechanism that deactivates the barrier.

Dragonspine is a sub-region from Mondstadt that was added later on, and that has a specific Freeze mechanic. It is a huge snowy mountain, and as such, your characters will suffer from being too cold. If you stay too long in the snow without being near a source of fire or heating, you will start loosing HP and die.
Other mechanics are specific to Dragonspine, but we will detail more information about this sub-zone in the dedicated Coming Soon Dragonspine page!
Who are the Mondstadt Characters?
Characters from Mondstadt are:
- Albedo
- Amber
- Barbara
- Bennett
- Diluc
- Diona
- Eula
- Fischl
- Jean
- Kaeya
- Klee
- Lisa
- Mika
- Mona
- Noelle
- Razor
- Rosaria
- Sucrose
- Venti
Mondstadt's Specialities
Mondstadt has a wide range of Local Specialities which can be used to upgrade your characters. These are:
- Valberry
- Calla Lily
- Small Lamp Grass
- Violetgrass
- Cecilia
- Dandelion Seed
- Philanemo Mushroom
- Wolfhook
- Windwheel Aster
- Starconch
Mondstadt's Reputation System
In Mondstadt you will be able to increase your reputation with the City. Reputation is linked to each nation, and the more you do for the nation, the more your Reputation will increase
You will be able to complete various Bounties and Quests for the city of Mondstadt, and your exploration of the region will count towards your reputation as well.
Increasing your reputation with a nation will reward you with recipes, Blueprints for the forge, a Wind Glider per nation, a treasure detector, an Oculus detector, and more!
To know more about the Mondstadt reputation and the Rewards you can obtain from it, head to our dedicated page:
Mondstadt's Statue of the Seven
The Anemo Archon Statues of the Seven are monuments scattered across Mondstadt. Interact with the Statues to unlock a teleportation point and the sub-region linked to it.
There are Four Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt, and one in Dragonspine.
Once you unlocked your first Anemo statue you will be able to offer your Anemoculus in order to increase the statue's level. The statue's max level is 10.
To know more about the Anemo Statue and the Rewards you can obtain from it, head to our dedicated page:
Mondstadt's Oculus
During your exploration in Mondstadt, you will come across items called Anemoculus.
Anemoculus are Mondstadt's Oculus. You can offer them to the Statue of the Seven in the Mondstadt region.
Each sub-region has a certain number of Anemocolus you can find.
Dragonspine has no Anemoculus, but instead you can collect Crimson Agate; Red Stones that you can hand in at the Frostbearing Tree:
Mondstadt's Domains
During your exploration in Mondstadt you will encounter various different domains:
- Artifact Domains: Those will reward you with different sets of Artifacts
- Ascension Materials: Those will reward you with Weapon Ascension Materials or Character Talent level-up Materials
- One-Time completion Domains: Those will reward you with Primogems upon completing once
- Trounce Domains: Those are boss domains. You have 3 tries per week, and they reward boss materials
Artifact Domains | Rewards |
Midsummer Courtyard | Thundering Fury, Thundersoother |
Valley of Remembrance | Viridescent Venerer, Maiden Beloved |
Peak of Vindagnyr | Blizzard Strayer, Heart of Depth |
Material Domains | Rewards |
Forsaken Rift | Teachings of Freedom, Guide to Freedom, Philosophies of Freedom Teachings of Resistance, Guide to Resistance, Philosophies of Resistance Teachings of Ballad, Guide to Ballad, Philosophies of Ballad |
Cecilia Garden | Tile of Decarabian's Tower, Debris of Decarabian's City, Fragment of Decarabian's Epic, Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth, Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth, Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang, Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator, Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator, Shackles of the Dandelion Gladiator, Dream of the Dandelion Gladiator |
Trounce Domains | Rewards |
Stormterror | Dvalin's Plume, Dvalin's Claw, Dvalin's Sigh |
Lupus Boreas, Dominator of Wolves | Tail of Boreas, Ring of Boreas, Spirit Locket of Boreas |
One-Time Completion Domains | Rewards |
Temple of the Wolf | 40 Primogem, 300 Adventure EXP, 1 Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key, Mondstadt Hash Brown Recipe |
Temple of the Falcon | 40 Primogem, 200 Adventure EXP, 1 Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key |
Temple of the Lion | 40 Primogem, 400 Adventure EXP, 1 Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key |
Eagle's Gate | 40 Primogem, 500 Adventure EXP, 1 Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key, Recipe: Cold Cut Platter |
Mondstadt's Subregions
Mondstadt has 5 Sub-Regions:
Starfell Valley
This is the sub-region you start the game in. Is it also the sub-region where you can find the City of Mondstadt in the middle of the Cinder Lake.
Galesong Hill
Windwail Highland
Brightcrown Mountains
Sigil Shop
The Sigil shop is located in the city of Mondstadt.
You can exchange your Anemo Sigils against various items in this shop:
- 14 Oct. 2024: Updated.
- 14 Oct. 2024: Guide added.
Jay is a long time Hoyoverse player in both Genshin and Honkai Star Rail, enjoying the exploration, lore, challenges, and theorycrafting for his favorite characters. Next to creating guides, he is also an avid fan of editing videos, and you can watch him stream on Twitch