Genshin Impact Just Dropped Huge Lore, in a Web Event of All Places?

Shikhu's Avatar by Shikhu

A new web event arrived earlier today, providing potentially significant lore information as well as a teaser for Nod Krai, the region speculated to be the focus on some of the upcomming patches. Participate in the web event here: and also gain some Primogems.

This web event will be regularly updated so make sure to keep checking in on it as well as official social media accounts for even more lore. Some players have also noticed that Live 2D assets for Raiden are already on the webpage, giving us a hint at what may be to come.

byu/GenshinLoreModBOT from discussion

While most of the information shown so far has been told using the books in-game, some new information is present while more will likely be added over time.

Videos can also be found as shorts on the official Genshin Impact youtube channel. With many users expecting more shorts over the next few days until the full moon on the 14th.

With this information being primarily from a web event, many people are also expecting a full trailer to release at the end, dropping even more lore and information about Nod Krai and starting to reveal information about 6.x.