How Many Pulls Can you Gain in Patch 5.4 Genshin Impact?

Shikhu's Avatar by Shikhu

Every new Genshin Impact update means new sources of Primogems and pulls for players. Twitter user, _hiragara_ provided estimations for how much gacha players can do in patch 5.4.

Total Primogem Earnings in Patch 5.4

Based on the calculations from Hiragara, players can expect the following Primogem rewards throughout Patch 5.4:

  • F2P Players: 9,250 Primogems (~57 Intertwined Fates)
  • Welkin + Moon Players: 13,030 Primogems (~81 Intertwined Fates)
  • Welkin + Battle Pass Players: 14,350 Primogems (~89 Intertwined Fates)

These values are approximations based on available content in Patch 5.4, including dailies, Spiral Abyss clears, events, and other obtainable rewards. So while there may be some variations, this is generally an accurate representation.

Is Patch 5.4 Disappointing for Pulls?

A guaranteed 5-star character pity is 90 pulls, though soft pity often allows players to get a featured 5-Star character around 75-80 pulls. Unfortunately, this means that even with buying Patch 5.4’s Primogem sources, players will likely struggle to secure a 5-star character without relying on previously saved resources or getting lucky.

Luckily, the only new character is Yumemizuki Mizuki, who will be a standard banner character starting in Patch 5.5 however Furina wanters may struggle.

Yumemizuki Mizuki Best Builds and Guide

Many players speculate the reasoning is likely as a result of Lantern Rite in the patch before which effectively “takes” pulls from the surrounding patches to appear more generous.

To make the most of the available Primogems in Patch 5.4. Players should make sure to clear Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater as well as participate in as much content as possible. Players looking to find additional sources during this dry patch should look into content they may have missed such as Hangouts, Fishing, Exploration and even the Teapot.